Allies: Alars Keto | Tu'teggacha
Enemies: Viribus | Kirk Korrado | Kingsley | "Whisper" | Maijan Paisea
Patiently waiting for a reply from Kryll, a dark grin across his face, Zachariel leaned in as the man spoke. A single condition? It'd be something difficult no doubt, but for a man of Kryll's talent, no doubt worth it. Already he could invision what the man would do as a Bloodsworn, the glory he'd reap for the warband. His thoughts were brought to a crashing halt as the shi'ido attacked, tearing into the camp to steal supplies. Snarling at their sudden intrusion, Zachariel turned from Kryll and towards this threat, blaster already raising and firing upon the attackers.
The shi'ido's fire was swift and furious, cutting down numerous marauders not quick enough to take cover. At the same time, those fast enough to counter attack managed to cut down a handful of the rebels. Those most successful soon had fire being directed at them, even as more of the rebels grabbed whatever they could and readied to leave with more supplies. Part of that return fire was directed towards Zachariel, and in turn Kryll and Tu'teggacha. This was due to the swift nature of his retaliation, and the clear fact that they were the leaders here. Because of that directed fire, Zachariel took a step forward and in front of the two, absorbing the incoming fire with ease. Then he called out to the nearby marauders, roaring an order that they would obey.
"Stop them, kill or capture them all!"
With another burst of fire, a further two shi'ido died, even as more continued to engage the Brotherhood. Sneering at these freedom fighters, these weaklings, Zachariel drew his sword and activated it with a crackle. Maintaining his fire, Zachariel called over his shoulder to his two allies.
"I'll cut them off from behind. Ensure they either die or are captured. These fools will not flee this time."
Then he focused forward fully once more. With a thought, Zachariel activated his jetpack and launched himself forward and upward. Mere seconds later he came crashing down with a dark laugh. He landed at the end of the freedom fighters, crushing one of them underfoot. Laughing, Zachariel set to the slaughter, cutting into them and allowing their screams to rise. Their cries of defiance were mixed with cries of fear, for they knew what would come should they be captured. And they fought all the harder for it, either engaging him more, or rushing to grab their supplies and escaping. And Zachariel merely cut them down like cattle, laughing at their fear, drinking deep of their hate, and simply returning it.
"Kill, maim, burn!"