Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A sale at Jawamart! [Open to all]

Jawamart, Mos Eisly, Tatooine

Makkik stood at one side of the large open doorway to his large junk and pawn shop, stretching on the tip of his toes on a large stepladder, with his brother Merikk at the other side, hanging a huge banner over the doorway for all of the natives of Mos eisly, and those that had traveled to the spaceport for whatever reasons, to see.


After hanging the large banner, Makkik quickly climbed down the stepladder, running inside the low sandstone building. All around the interior of the shop where high shelves filled with everything and anything you can imagine; datapads, comlinks, clothes, toys, and anything else anyone could need. Off to the right side of the shop, Uncle Alkikk stood at the weapons counter, with a large rack of used weapons behind him, ranging form basic blaster rifles, to repeating slugthrowers. On the other side of the store, Grandma Jalakikk sat in her tiny rocking chair, snoring loudly. Makkik raced over to the main counter, which sat inbetween a small pod racer hand-built by Makkik, and a very large scary looking droid- also made by makkik and his family. He smiled beneath his hood as he stepped on to the step stool next to his chair, and leaped in to the swiveling armchair. He quickly pressed the button on the arm, causing it to push up in to the air so that the Jawa could see over the counter. This was going to be a great day!
syardust was looking around for parts for her trusty astromech r8,most places kept offering her new droids or theparts were to much until she came to a place called jawamart, smiling she walked in and loojed around:not a bad place:she thpught and webt up to the counter her droid behund her"hello im looking for new parts for my droid here
Makkik smiled behind his dark veil, glancing at the Twi'lek, and then to the droid. He quickly leaped off his chair, and ran to the droid, running around it like a cartoon character, and inspecting it from all angles. After figuring out what model it was, he looked up and smiled again, speaking in a high-pitched fast voice, but nontheless galactic standard.

"R8parts? Whatpartsyouneed? I'vegotlotsofparts!"

The Jawa nodded rapidly, and ran over to a nearby rack of small pieces of technology and machinery, snatching a few small parts from various shelves, leaping up a few times to grab things off the highest shelves. After a moment, he ran back over with his arms filled with goods.

"Lotsofparts,lotsofparts! I'vegotopticalsensors, tractorprojectors, shocksticks, memorybanks, anythingyouneed!"

stardust smiled, unlike the busy busy seeming unfriendly shop owners this one she liked"yes i do need new optical sensors trajector projector amd if you do servos plz "she looked around at the store with a smike
The Jawa nodded virgulously, and ran to the shelves. A moemnt later, he'd pulled down several small devices, and ran back, dropping them in the pile he'd placed on the packed sand ground.

"Yesyesyesyes, I'lldoservomotors!

The Jawa circled the droid again, causing it to beep nervously, and smiled.

"Itakehimoutback! Ifixhimuprealgood! Newsensors, newtractorprojectors, newservomotors! Itakehimoutback! Tenminutes, he'llbedone!"

He nodded vigurously again, smiling wide under his hood.

she cpuldnt help but smile at [member="Makkik"] "no no ill fix but if i may use the shop as a place to take him apart and fix him ill add more for allowing me to"se said amd smiled as r8 let a long low veep as if soghing in relief "he's never been tooken apart by anyone except me though the offer is nice
Makkik frowned, and glanced at the droid.

"Alriiiiiight... butIcould'vefixedhimupreeeeealgood!"

The jawa ran back around the corner, and leaped up in to his char, placing the parts on the counter. A servo engine, an optical sensor, and a tractor beam generator.

"That'lllbeeeee.... 210 credits!"

He reached a furry hand below the counter, and pulled out a huge chocolate chip cookie as well.


Makkik smiled again below his cowl, and nodded profuiously.

"Yesyesyes, lotsofshipparts! Whatkindyouneed? Nubian? Snoweagle? YT5? Whatkiiiind? I'vegotallsortsoutback!"

"Whichkind, whichkind? Newmodel? Classic? LotsofdifferntX-wings!"
The Jawa spread his arms to emphisize. There were many re-makes of the classic x-wing model, and each one required differnt parts. Parts for an original X-WING wouldbe hard to come by...

"Hmmmm! Oldmodel, classimodel, goingtobehardtofindparts! No-oneinthecitywillhavethem!"

The Jawa paced back and forth rapidly for a second, before putting a furry finger in the air with a smile.

"Iputnewpartsinit! Greatnavcomputer! Top-of-the-linelandinggear! Willgiveyoutheparts, andfixit, just3000 credits! Deal,deal,deal?"

He smiled eagerly. Fixing an X-wing would be great fun!


Jake Sorin

Tatooine, what a horrible planet and to top it off, there were Jawas everywhere.

Jake walked around in all black like he normally did, even with the heat of Tatooine.

He walked to a shop with a woman and a Jawa.

"What a junk heap" he said softly while looking at all the various parts and scrap. These Jawas could go to hell for all I care.

He leaned against a wall that was close to [member="Makkik"] and @stardust.
Makkik vigurously shook [member="stardust"]'s hands, and spun around, yapping at two jawas who were stadning nearby, one of which drinking a cup of cofee. After a short exchange of yappy Jawaese, the two Jawas ran out to take Stardust's X-Wing out back. After that, Makkik turned to [member="Jake Sorin"] with a wide smile under his cowl, and spoke in extremely fast paced, high pitched, basic.

"Youneedsomethin'tobuy? Hmm? Wegotsallsortsofstuff! Droids! Podracers! Ships! Sporks! Whatyouneed,whatyouneed? Hmm?"

Jake Sorin

"Youneedsomethin'tobuy? Hmm? Wegotsallsortsofstuff! Droids! Podracers! Ships! Sporks! Whatyouneed,whatyouneed? Hmm?" The Jawa said.

"Yeah I do actually, how bout a knife?" The boy said with a frown, "oh and maybe a blaster pistol." He said while looking at the Jawa's friends.

He looked around at the Jawa and his merchandise, wow no fruit. He was glad he got off his home planet.

Makkik beamed a smile at @stardust. He'd had crime lords in his shop, he'd had bounty hunters, assasins. Once he even had a belly dancing hutt. He wasn't very scared of the Twi'lek's threats, but he nodded nontheless.

"Nonononono, wefixitupreeeaalgood!"

As Merikk and Fred moved the X-Wing around back, the Jawa spun around to [member="Jake Sorin"] with anotther wide smile.

"Y'wantweapons,weapons,weapons? Ooooh,wegotweapons! Overthere,overthere!"

The Jawa waved over towards the weapons counter on the far side of the building, where another jawa- Uncle Alkikk- was sitting behind a counter, with a display of blaster weapons behind him.

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