Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A sale at Jawamart! [Open to all]

(Sorry for the late reply!)

Makkik nodded several times at the Twi'lek [member="stardust"], before heading out back to the back of the store, to begin work on her X-Wing.

Meanwhile, Uncle Alkikk, the Jawa at the weapons counter, began to try to sell [member="Jake Sorin"] just about everything he had. There was a catch however; he only spoke in jawaeese.

<<"You'll want a big knife, since you're so huge!">>

The Jawa snatched a machete as long as he was off the display, and placed it on the counter. He stared at it for a moment, before chattering in Jawaese again, and grabbing another thing.

<<"You'll need a better knife, vibroblade!">>

He slammed a slightly chipped vibroblade down on the counter, glancing up to Jake.

<<"Or... maybe...">>

The Jawa dropped off his chair, and began to rummage in some boxes that were behind the counter.
A large, angry Dug strides inside the shop, smacking down his hand on a bell onn the counter, with his foot. "What'ya got for me, Jawa?" he asked, quite politely for a Dug, in his native language. "You got droids?" he enquired again, inspecting a Protocol Droid, but discarding it.

With a sharp huff of annoyance, Seduca held up a handle of a lighsaber pike. Sliding a toe over the button to ignite the blade, he found himself with a fully functioning, Yellow Lightsaber-Pike. He let out a grin. "Jawa? How much for this?" he laughed, not believing his luck. This would take his Bounty-Hunting to a whole new level...

Jake Sorin

Jake looked at the Jawa.

"No, just a standard combat knife and any blaster pistol." Jake said.

He looked over to his side, there was a wookie.

"Furball" he said before looking at the Jawa and waiting for the price.
The Dug slid his toe over the button to ignite the weapon, and swung at the Human. "Who you calling furball, I ain't got no fur on me, you gonna be banther poodoo!" he snapped in Dug, pulling out a blaster pistol.

Jake Sorin

"Why would you kill someone who is dammed to live? It would give me peace if you did, and me knowing you hateful types would love to see me suffer." He said blankly.

"So I suggest you go back about your business, and if you need your ship repaired see me." He said while shading his eyes from the sun.

(Sorry for the late replies, no one tagged me!)

Makkik returned from the back where he was installing the new parts in [member="stardust"]'s X-Wing (my excuse for being so late), just in time to see [member="Seduca"] the Dug run off with the lightsaber pike. Makkik blinked at the fleeing dug, then glanced up at the credits on the counter, which he quickly tossed in the cash register. "He leftbeforeIcouldgivehimhiscookiee...." He glanced up at the screaming shirtless man and blinked several times as he looked at the protein powder section. "Humansareloud...."

Meanwhile, Uncle Alkikk pulled an overly large combat knife with some odd red stains on it out from under the counter, and placed it in front of [member="Jake Sorin"] with a wide smile. <<"This will work for you!">> The Jawa glanced down at the knife, and frowned, before looking up to Jake. <<"That's... err... rust. Yep. Rust.">> He quickly turned around to the display of wepaonry behind him after that, and snatched a little blaster pistol- something Alkikk made himself- that looked like it was shoved together with spare parts. <<"And this... will be the best weapon you've ever shot! Just look at it!">> The Jawa smiled, holding up the odd looking, but ultimately ordinary, pistol.
After landing at Mos Eisley and knowing I needed to install some new armor plating and a new shield generator. I hopped on my swoop bike I had and headed to Jawa-mart. I walked through the doors in my suit of Black Mando'a armor the twin suns glinted of the crimson and gold trimmings. It looked like they had quite a few droids for sale. They also seemed to have parts for swoops, a section of weapons and other assorted things. I looked around and finally after making a mental note of what I needed rang the bell.

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