Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Season for Everything [Rebel Alliance]

So this was where she got off. Her time with the Rebellion was done.

This legacy of hers had become something more than most had ever believed it would be. They had said it was nothing but a spark that would be smothered upon its ignition. But they had pressed on--she and Kazen and Melec had. And now swooped in the leaders she needed, as if by magic.

They seemed as ragtag as ever, but how had that ever stopped them? Necessity is the mother of invention and all that. Gen had looked worse for wear in her time.

So here they were, by the bay on the south side of Little Mon Cal. Quite a change in scenery from the parched world of Praesitlyn the Alliance had come to know and love after so much time. It was time for a new age of Rebellion. Geneviève would not be part of it.

"I'm not sure if everything necessary has been said already or not," she began, speaking low to the small assembly of Alliance leaders. Lasedri altered her gaze specifically between Temi and Brightsky. One became two. They were what she was until this moment. Benefactor and Commander, now each role distributed to its own individual. As it should be. The Alliance had grown. Gen could not have held it together alone much longer, even without her current obligations to the Republic.

She smirked and took a deep breath, preparing them for a bit of her grim humor. "I'll personally kill you all if you make a fool out of me."

[member="Armand Temi"], [member="DasGeneral"], [member="Corruck Kazen"], [member="Juwiela Melec"]
Assembled in a small fishermen enclave on Little Mon Cal, Armand listened to their leader break the news to them. The Rebel Alliance leader Geneviève Lasedri was retiring, at least from the Alliance, and the Hapan doctor felt apprehension. What were they going to do without her? He glanced over at Admiral Brightsky. Did she finally trust him after the incident on the salvaging mission with the Sith virus? He could only hope so.

Armand chuckled when Gen said that she would personally kill them. He knew she was joking but didn't doubt that she could still deal with any traitors among them. He had witnessed her strength and unwavering leadership during his short time with the Alliance. He hoped she would still play a part in their lives somehow.

The Hapan doctor looked around at the group. There was Wan Min, a seasoned Admiral able to lead a defensive fleet of ships or take them into battle should the need arise. There was Juwiela, sightless but expert pilot nonetheless and leader of The Rogue Squadron. They would certainly need her skills in order to carry out small air operations where stealth and speed were of primary importance. He didn't know her well but looked forward to spending time with her.

And then there was Corruck Kazen. Armand probably felt the most connected to the human since he had replaced his arm with a cybernetic limb. Corruck didn't have the cleanest record but none of them were saintly in that respect. The Hapan doctor had done things recently that he wasn't proud of. But he hoped that the Alliance would give them all a clean slate on which to write their life stories.

"I know this is an important time for you," said Armand. "What can we do to help you with the transition?"

[member="DasGeneral"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
"I was hoping you'd trust us more than that." Her comment was made in just as much jest, and she smiled slowly. The time had come for the Alliance to grow from what had once been nothing more than three individuals holding down the fort to the flame that had eventually caught hold and left its mark on the galaxy for better or worse. With the departure of the one known by them all as the Benefactor and a new one taking her place, this was a leap of faith no one was ever quite ready for. But sometimes the greatest accomplishments were made in light of that same uncertainty.

Being without a doubt the youngest of those that were at the head of the Rebellion, Juwiela had been there since what felt like the very beginning. What started out as a chance for her to fight for the greater good had turned into something bigger and better than any of them had likely ever imagined. It was a good feeling, knowing that all of this would be carried on despite the recent changes in leadership. If any of them were one thing, it was adaptable. With their position in the galaxy, it was a necessity.

It was strange to think about, losing the membership of the one that had made all of this possible in the first place. These people, these men and women that she'd fought alongside, had all become a family of sorts. And now their figurehead was departing. Not without warning, but leaving nonetheless. The expansion of their horizons was looming just around the corner, and it was up to them to see the opportunity and take it.

There really wasn't much to say, when you got right down to it. All of them had more or less known something like this was coming, it had just been a matter of time. Now they would press on to further ingrain the name of the Rebel Alliance on the face of the galaxy. This was the start of a lifetime of fighting for freedom, and she had never felt more ready.

"You know we're here for you."

[member="Armand Temi"], [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="DasGeneral"], [member="Corruck Kazen"]
Corruck listened to [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], leader of the Rebels. At least, she had been the leader, now she was moving on to the Republic. In his mind she would always be the true leader. She would never truly leave the Rebels, not to him anyways. He didn't always agree with her methods, but he did understand her intentions and was glad that he was able to assist with the Alliance.

As usual, she made a joke at the end of the serious stuff. He smiled, it was good to see that she hadn't become to somber to make fun. He hoped that he would be able to continue to help the Alliance towards the freedom of all individuals. His own plan was the same. He would not stand down while there were leaderships that stood against pure freedom.

He responded, "Well better begin planning my escape." It was a joke, one that he hoped Gen would take as such.

[member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Armand Temi"]

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