The Golden Rule
In a surprising gesture, Queen Organa of Alderaan would contact Arisa requesting an audience. Up to that point, there hadn't been much of any contact between Alderaan/FWC and the Silver Order. Arisa's last interactions with Alderaan had been while they were still associated with the now defunct United Clans. After a string of negative experiences with the Mandalorians, both as part of the Republic and Silver Order, she hadn't exactly been seeking their attention.
However, the Jedi Master had been learning to forgive her former enemies, beginning with Baelors of the Iron Empire. So, in the spirit of cooperation, Arisa would allow a small Coalition delegation to grace the shores of the Silver Campus on Voss.
On the morning of their expected arrival, she would be there waiting at the spaceport for them to arrive, dressed up for the occasion, a small box in hand. Present with her were members of the Assembly (Silver Council) and some senior Ranger officers. The Silver delegation was small, as neither Arisa or the rest of her Jedi cohorts didn't belive in large ostentatious displays, but rather small intimate events where they could truly make their guests feel at welcome.
Over above the skies of Voss, the Coalition delegation would need to check in with the system traffic controllers before being allowed to descend into the restricted airspace of the Silver Campus and Voss-Ka.
((Feel free to bring a buddy or two, but I just wanted to keep this small to keep up the flow of posting.))
[member="Faith Organa"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Valkren Calderon"]