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A Seed of Information

Duros Sector

The Duros Sector of Nar Shaddaa was known for many things.

First, it was home to one of the largest loan services on the Smuggler's Moon, per Duros lending traditions. Then there were the pazaak dens that actively fed this enterprise. The two went hand-in-hand, forming a synergistic alliance that meant one thing: The house always wins.

Nar Shaddaa--a massive place with billions of souls walking its dark streets. Even when big things go down here, they are relatively small in the eyes of those who are doing bigger things elsewhere. Yet those of enterprise often kept their attentive gaze fixed on even the scurry of rats. Seeing where the pipes lead, how they shape the turfs and cause the gangs to twitch. When the slightest sense of exploitable weakness emerged they reacted. Taking control of what profits they could scour.

An anonymous request went out to the representatives of the Helix Syndicate, along with a generous gift of credits to ensure they meant business. No strings attached.

Janeth the agent, a woman who had now spent some time on the industrial moon, and began to familiarize herself with the dynamics of rule in a place that seemed subversive to it.

She waited at one of the Pazaak Dens, sat amongst a dealer and players with four cards in her hand.

For now it was not her move.
And if she had a sense of urgency about it, her move would never arrive. As it happened, [member="Janeth Farr"] had other places to be.

A minute ticked by. Suddenly, there was a Jawa. The minuscule creature gave a short jump and managed to land itself on the stood next to Janeth. It did not have any chips to bet with, nor did it look like it intended to play. Instead it scrambled among the folds of its robes. Eventually he found what he was looking for - a small, crudely wrapped brown package. It put this on the table rather obnoxiously and slid it towards Janeth. "This your money back. Boss says don't need it."

The Jawa searched among his robes again, this time procuring a datachip. He placed it gingerly on top of the package, then patted it lightly. "This coordinates. Boss says, uh. Meet him there. They expecting you."

These were the exact coordinates to Fort Aurbis, a stronghold and training center operated by the Helix Syndicate. It was assumed by many that the location was their headquarters. If Tytos Ardik had an office, it would be there. His business concluded, the Jawa hopped off the stool, bid Janeth a farewell "Utini" and waddled back into the crowd.
Janeth was rather surprised to see a Jawa of all creatures in a pazaak den. Quite frankly they weren't the most respected of sorts, especially when it came to credits. That is when she was further surprised to see the credits her employers--not her--offered the Helix Syndicate as an opening act; foreplay as one might have put it.

Dantooine? She wasn't looking forward to finding herself offworld. She finished her game of pazaak, pulling in only a modest winning, and made her way to where she had left her ship. An orbital departure and several hyperspace jumps later, Janeth finally arrived on Dantooine. Making her way towards Fort Aurbis. Once in range of the stronghold's communications she sent out a signal.

"I was told I'm expected. Sending confirmation now." She sent the code contained within the datachip that came along with coordinates.

Her freighter flew in towards the imposing fortress, and she wondered how things would go inside.

[member="Helix Syndicate"]
There was a burst of static, followed by some garbled droid binary. Then silence. Finally, a gruff voice announced that [member="Janeth Farr"] was clear to land. She would be directed towards a special landing pad closest to the communications tower. There was a small escort waiting. Two Syndicate Shock Troopers and a Chiss woman. She seemed pretty enough - lithe and fit, obvious even through the formal business attire she wore. Stood like a military officer too. What was more attention-grabbing was the buzz cut. Shaved nearly bald. Not a look adopted by most Chiss, but then again most Chiss did not come to Dantooine either. This was Miss Doresh.

She smiled at Janeth as she exited down the ramp. "Good morning," she said. "If you have any passengers aboard, please declare them now. If you have weapons, you'll be asked to hand them over."

Judging from the Shock Troopers, asked and ordered were likely synonymous.
"I fly alone." She declared.

With a swift hand she drew her blaster pistol nonthreateningly, handing it over to one of the guard's grip first. She's been in this ship before and although it was always somewhat unnerving she didn't make a habit of shooting guards in the face. She looked up and around at her surroundings. Taking in the details of what appeared to be more of a military base than a corporate stronghold. Then again, she wasn't dealing with your traditional company by any means. Even if the man behind the name was much of the same.

Janeth on the other hand was only covered in a simple chest piece, enough to stop a few blaster impacts and blade strikes. Though it didn't appear deployable for heavy military action and the rest of her uniform was modestly defended. She also wore a helmet with an airtight rebreather attached to it. A personal habit of hers from delving into toxic atmospheres on more than a few occasions.

Presumably the guards led her to where she needed to be after securing her weapon.

[member="Helix Syndicate"]
Miss Doresh smiled pleasantly once again. "Wonderful."

[member="Janeth Farr"] would then be escorted into the communications tower. The Shock Troopers remained outside, but Miss Doresh remained with her. She indicated a set of elevator doors to the left of the wall across from them. Very likely if she had taken the ones in the center or the middle, she might have ended up somewhere she wasn't supposed to. The rest of the room was decorated like a lobby. Definitely strange as far as military bases went, but as pointed out, this was hardly a typical military installation. "That elevator goes straight to his office. I'll be waiting for you down here."
The interior of Tytos Ardik's office was only dimly lit. Tytos found it to be easier on his eyes. The office was richly decorated, though not nearly as much as the one on Fort Amaranth. Fancy bookshelves, fancy furniture, fancy desk. That sort of thin,And of course, no natural lighting. Tytos could see just fine, however, and was apparently quite busy applying his signature to a multi-page flimsiplast document. He looked up only briefly to see who had entered. No standing reception from this Umbaran. He did not look overtly pleased or disgusted to see her. After scarcely a moment, his attention was back on the document.

"You can be seated if you like," he said, tone even. There were two equally ornate chairs in front of the desk. One could guess that either would do.
She followed Miss Doresh all the way to where the two would finally depart, and found the interior of the lobby alone out of place given the intense security she faced outside. Then she took the proper elevator and found herself in an office that further exceeded her expectations for the stronghold. Janeth wasn't sure how this reflected the man behind the desk. Though his even tone and seemingly half-attentive ethic made him out to be a workaholic. One to not set aside his duties, as time was money.

Janeth took a seat despite having somewhat of a hard time navigating the dark room. Dark for her, anyway, as her human eyes were yet to adjust to the change in lighting. The bright day of Dantooine turn to the interior of a 'Shaddaa cantina.

Finally, she spoke. "I represent an interest group with a presence on Nar Shaddaa. Specifically, they deal in information." She explained herself though she had expected he knew enough from the brief information sent his way with the credits he so hastily returned to them. A pair of dilating pupils attempted to make wind of his document. A subtle glance at the top of it to make out any titles or large words.

[member="Tytos Ardik"]
It was an acquisition contract. Apparently there was a piece of property the Syndicate was acquiring. Nothing too mundane. Tytos leafed through the document, turning over one page and finding another slot for his signature. He scribbled it in in neat, decisive strokes. For every page, there appeared to be another empty slot next to his. Whoever was giving up the property had not signed it yet. "I'm quite aware," Tytos replied matter-of-factly, glancing up briefly as he reviewed another section of the document. "You're from the group that appears to have taken control of Nar Shaddaa's Network Access."

Everything appeared to be in order. Oh, wait, there it was. One more. He scribbled it in much the same way, then folded the document closed. He slid it out of the way, to a corner of the desk. Then clicked his pen shut. "The leading Hutt Clans have expressed to me their displeasure with that development." With a small clatter, he deposited it back into the relevant holder.

Tytos folded his hands on the desk. and looked straight at [member="Janeth Farr"] - severe, cold eyes failing to betray anything. "What can I do for you?"
"We are also in the business of cooperation." She began with.

Janeth wasn't familiar with the politics of Nar Shaddaa like her employers were, but she knew enough from experience to at least give herself a running start. "Your reputation is that of a logistics genius, and we require that aid. Our organization has no interest to expand deep outside of its own territory on Nar Shaddaa. What we do desire, however, are additional resources to expand elsewhere." She wasn't talking just money. Acquisitions of raw materials, which were quite troublesome when you weren't an official organization.

"If we can use your expertise to acquire what we need, you will be granted exclusive access to our information network indefinitely, even as it grows and expands. Free to do with it as you please. Of course we scrub sensitive data relevant to our organization beforehand." She added to say that it didn't include information on the Collective. "If your Hutt friends so desire, we could make similar arrangements if they offer their cooperation as well."

"My employer will maintain operational control of the network of course both in its physical and digital sense. That is non-negotiable." She looked again to the documents. Wondering how prudent the man assumed himself to be, but perhaps she had him wrong.

[member="Tytos Ardik"]
Tytos leaned back slowly into his chair as Janeth spoke, paying close attention. A hand came up to scratch his chin idly as he considered all she had to say. Ultimately it left something to be desired. She had, after all, just admitted to him that her organization lacked the capacity to acquire the resources necessary for expansion. But then again, he had already suspected as much. "A novel offer, Ms. Farr, but one I am ultimately forced to decline. I am in the business of trust. I have earned the trust of the Hutts. Several Hutts have earned the trust of me. You have not earned the trust of the Syndicate. Or the trust of the Hutts. You might understand why. They are fickle beings, not likely to listen to those without something to offer."

The Umbaran sighed and leaned forward once again. Again, his hands folded themselves on the desk. A man of repetitive gestures, if there ever was one. "The Hutts lack the technical expertise and resources to operate Network Access at full capacity. As, I suspect, you lack as well. That is why they have informed me it would be much to their delight that the Helix Syndicate be in control of Network Access."

Yes, the company that made a living off of the streamlining of internal communications and eavesdropping on those of others. Hutts such as Gorba liked spies, but the realms of cyberspace were beyond their domain. That was the home of the Syndicate. And so long as they made their standardized monthly payments, the Syndicate would pull the strings of the holonet to their favor. They would inform on the conversations of their lesser, off-world rivals. Peace and trade in their time. It was what the Syndicate did on Muunilinist. It would soon be repeated for the Hutts of Nar Shaddaa.

Of course, there were obstacles.

"Trade is the gateway to trust, you understand. And so I have been authorized to propose one," Tytos continued. It was a matter-of-fact tone, one which implied the deal was already done and signed. "The Helix Syndicate will pay you seven point five million credits. You will withdraw from Network Access completely."

"You will be happy to know that, at great expense on my part, I have managed to convince the Hutts that your acceptance of such an arrangement would prove you and you Collective a trustworthy party indeed. From here, we may work on further arrangements to both placate the Hutts in regards to your existence and acquire you the necessary materials to expand."

Well, let it never be said Tytos was not a generous man.
"I said it was non-negotiable. Though I'm just the messenger. I will, as an act of courtesy, relay this information back to my employers. Though I am in no position of allowance to accept your offer on their behalf." It is unfortunate that they could not come to an arrangement in this regard. However, she had hoped to at least salvage something from what seemed treated as an unscrupulous affair.

"If you want to build trust then we should start small. Somewhere else and off world. Your business with the Hutt ends where your interests align, yes? What if there is an opportunity for us to work together that is far from either your reaches or theirs?" She of course was talking about a recent development within the organization. They had developed significant interest in a remote mining facility, based out of an asteroid. It was once used as a top secret laboratory to research artificial intelligence and experimental droids. Using the mine as a resource point and guise.

Though after some time the original researchers moved elsewhere, leaving the infrastructure vacant. It would require significant resources to repair. Something Helix could do, in exchange the Collective would lend their own technical expertise in shared development of new technology.

Janeth stood up. "I only ask that you keep your mind open to the possibilities. If I may, I will return to my employers and they will be in touch with an offer."

[member="Tytos Ardik"]
Tytos arched an eyebrow. "Perhaps you are interested in trust, Ms. Farr, but if your employer has dispatched someone unable to make executive decisions to negotiate with another executive..." He did not bother to finish the sentence. It seemed obvious enough. Still, perhaps that had been more wise on her employer's part, considering what happens next.

"The Hutts will not take lightly if I begin to work with their purported enemies before their interests are met. In either event, their patience is limited. As is mine."

The office doors opened behind [member="Janeth Farr"] automatically. Suddenly the hall outside of Tytos' office seemed a bit more crowded. There were at least five battle droids, tough looking ones. Three stun batons, two blaster pistols. There were three Syndicate Rangers as well. Nasty fellows, but they were holding stun batons rather than their traditional rifles. And behind the lot of them stood Rahgot, arms folded. A Mandallian Giant needed no introductions, save for the screams of his enemies as he squashed them.

That was not hyperbole.

Tytos continued, "If you leave here without an agreement being made, the Hutts will take that as a declination. I admire your organization's tenacity, so I have elected to act in your best interests. You will remain here for a short while longer. I find it rather difficult to believe that an organization capable of maintaining the Network Access district would not be capable of having access to HoloNet communications. We are in a communications tower, Ms. Farr. If your ship lacks such capabilities - an embarrassing thing to admit, I understand - then you only need ask me. These gentlemen will escort you to the top floor. There's equipment there for you to use."

Now it was Tytos turn to stand. He did so delicately, smoothing out the jacket of his suit, then flashed Farr a stilted smile. "Much faster than flying back and forth, wouldn't you agree?"
Janeth had a feeling something like this might happen. It is why she didn't want to go to the lion's den to begin with.

"And if an agreement cannot be made?" She had to ask.

Quite frankly there would be no point in bluffing, but she didn't want to be a piecemeal in the growing tensions between Hutt parties on Nar Shaddaa and the Collective. Nonetheless, she wouldn't give them reason to come to her. Janeth turned on foot and moved towards the way she once came. Only now there were armed personnel to deal with, something admittedly was nervous about. Not like she had much choice in the matter, though, and she knew it very well.

Thankfully she wouldn't be forced to communicate with her people directly. They had a remote communications hub set up for this eventually. An additional agent to act as a senior representative. Untied to the Collective's core, but on Nar Shaddaa. A common tactic used in special operations branches of governments, now adapted by their shadow organization. never centralize if you don't have to.

[member="Helix Syndicate"]
Tytos waved his hand dismissively as he walked around the desk, heading for the exit. "I will not distress you with the details."

In all likelihood he would freeze her in carbonite, chuck her in some remote locale, and then issue a ransom demand. This was some sort of mouthpiece for the Collective. Time to see how much they thought she was worth. Rahgot remained in the hallway. Tytos went up first with the battle droids, then [member="Janeth Farr"] could follow with the Rangers. Once the gang was all there, Tytos had her brought over to the central control console. There were a few technicians in the room waiting at their respective stations. Once she had dialed in the correct number they would do their best to ensure a clear, concise, and quick communication experience for all.

Faster than light HoloNet transmissions were fickle beasts.

"Whenever you're ready," Tytos said, albeit in the sort of tone that suggested "now" was the only acceptable time for her to be ready.
Janeth connected with the remote asset.

"This is blue." He answered.

"Blue, you know who I am and I'll make it short. These find gentlemen want control over the Network Access, and they've offered to pay handsomely if we vacate the Access and transfer control. They insist we take their generous offer." said Janeth. She didn't want to think about what might happen if they said no.

There was a momentary delay, several seconds at the least. "You were told that is non-negotiable. This exchange is over."

Communications were cut just like that.

The Mandalorian exhaled, turning her attention to the--most likely--very unhappy Umbaran. "Am I to die then?" If she were anyone else her heart would be founding furiously in her chest. Though her training, meant to hide her emotional presence from Jedi, allowed her some semblance of cool. Though her eyes were almost sorrowful.

[member="Tytos Ardik"]
Tytos gave a short, derisive snort. "That depends entirely on how useful you make yourself in the next few moments."

He walked over to the console, regarding Janeth with the same cold indifference he had subjected her to previously. Only now there was something more palpable in his features... Contempt.

"I am to assume Network Access is extensively fortified. You can divulge what you know of the defenses now or we can send you to interrogation."
"I've actually never been there, personally." She was telling the truth.

Janeth was one of the few in the Collective who lacked extensive technical knowledge. A fact apparent in her criminal record, should one access it. She knew enough to jack a car or use a computer. Beyond that she was never a necessary asset within the Access. She knew of its existence, but beyond that she tended to work remotely. Communicating with the Board remotely as many agents do.

That meant she was less useful than she hoped to be. Nonetheless her bit of honesty was still an attempt to avoid interrogation. If he had reason to believe her. "I am just another person in a sea of bodies. I work with my employer because I get paid well." That was true, but not the whole truth. She also was promised a chance to finally bring her war to the Jedi.

That was of little consequence here, however.
Tytos frowned. "Then I suppose you aren't worth ransoming, either?"

She might be good fodder for the gladiator pits. Possibly. Too risky for a chance to escape, though. It would be easier to kill her, certainly, but there was a totally different amount of effort required in that matter. And it was an effort that would only be worth it about four hundred and forty eight [member="Janeth Farr"] posts from now. Tytos did not intend to wait that long. "You were sent here to negotiate on behalf of your employer. You must know something. How many people are in your organization? Who among the Hutts are under its influence? How well equipped are your soldiers?"

She'd have to be transferred to another facility in order to be frozen. Another colossal effort, and apparently one wasted on some low-level runt. No wonder there were soon to be hostilities! Sending this miserable, know-nothing flunky to negotiate with him. Disgusting at best, insulting at worst.
"I'm a Mandalorian." She said bluntly. "I know to many that means I'm not much more than meat capable of flapping some gums, but honestly my situation doesn't look good. I'm karked either way, no? Interrogate me if you will."

Truthfully, she wasn't even sure why she was saying that or how. It was her own body and mind reacting to the situation. The idea that her life was hanging in the balance. Reliant on the motivations of a mysterious Umbaran, and somehow she believed her own audacity as well.

Was it a gambit? Insanity? She didn't process anything that went on like a proper thought. It was utterly fear driven.
The Umbaran's lips thinned considerably, then twisted into an annoyed scowl. Insolence, insolence, insolence. But he'd killed people only for greater offenses. She had to have been sent for some reason. There must have been some perverse sentimentality for her among her compatriots and employer. That terse little ruse would not fool him. "Shoot her."

To her relief, it was a stun round that wound be shot into [member="Janeth Farr"] from directly behind her. If that on its own wasn't enough to floor her, the droids with stun batons would fill in the gaps, wailing on her mercilessly. If the stun bolt was enough on its own, then the droids would fall on her with crackling weapons all the same. "Break her legs," Tytos urged them on. You could never be too sure. Lessons learned from Lord Osano himself in his dealings with some Pureblood or another. Already the Umbaran was leaving, as if he had just given instructions to clean the floor rather than shatter someone's kneecaps.

"Take her down to the freezing chamber once you've finished. We'll figure out where to send her later," he continued as the elevator doors opened.

Tytos would later order the ship's nav-computer records be downloaded and anything of interest removed from the vessel. It would then be melted down and sold for scrap. Had to be thorough about these things. There were quite a few preparations that needed to be made.

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