The Heir
He would leave today... at some point. He had gotten his emotions out last night... in a night he could not exactly remember. Too drunk, and he nursed the consequences of that as he held his head low on the cafe table. You didn't see many cafes on Jutrand, in a city world like this, space was at a premium, and in such a world whenever you ran out of space to build horizontally, you built up vertically, to the highest of heights that were architecturally sound. In such an urban world, many delighted in such fragments of the past, when cities were far more open, not filled with smoke and smog. The cafe was not exactly part of the building, more a stand set up every day, the owner was certainly passionate about his blend, as his two waiters sprang about doing their service with a smile. He enjoyed the beverage, it was evident that the kindly man was passionate about his work. He had long heard of how art could only be expressed in so many ways, art in itself, writing in all its forms, music, but really, food was too an art, one which though he was never master, was one he had grown to appreciate more and more since he had left the Marr home.
He would need to return to the Intergalactic Banking Tower soon to retrieve the Lochris and leave, but as he felt the wind billow on his face, the sweet hum of sugar and honey in his coffee, he continued to find reasons to put it off. He wondered where Jaidha had gone and wondered if idly something had occurred between them. It was likely a very bad sign that their conversation was a blur, and indeed less like static, it seemed the memory of the night's events just did not exist within his brain. It was worrying, but after waking with the sun shining upon his face, and a killer headache that no amount of water or pain pills seemed to slow, he had put it away from his mind. At this moment, he just hoped that the scion of the Yndrel's was safe. Moreover, he hoped that he had offered his family's lodgings, if she went there, she would certainly be safe.
He wished her luck regardless, and hope he would see her again. That was the will of the Force, however.
He looked towards the landing bays aways away from him, many a trading vessel, police, or civilian craft made their way there. He was glad he was spared that, not only was it expensive to rent the space, but with a city planet, in particular, landing pads had to be squeezed together as much as humanly possible, maximising space, maximising space, so long had passed since the city bureaucrats cared for safety. Though considering the planet was a cesspool of crime, perhaps the failure of the bureaucrats went further than merely this relatively small failing.
To think this was what was the capital of the former Sith Empire, Jutrand was a long fall from the heights of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Bastion. A show of the decline of the Sith Order perhaps. He had rumours of a new rising, of new rumoured attacks across the Outer Rim. He would likely participate in them, as demanded of by his Mistress, or volunteer himself to earn his spurs. But was it not so telling that they were only an Outer Rim threat? It would be a long road to battle toward the old Sith heartland... would he ever see it?
His depressing thoughts left him, as a new ship caught his eye.
A very particular kind of ship.
It seemed others agreed, as he could see out of his peripherals very pointed reactions.
Most ships seemed to have a very general design, that was fundamentally triangular in shape. You had some different ones, of course, the Confederacy was well known for their Lucrehulk-class battleship, unfortunately, donut-shaped, but this? A pure sphere? Even with a galaxy that had witnessed Death Stars, it was an odd enough sight.
It was enough for Malum, willing to take any excuse to not leave yet, to leave a few credits by the table, finish his coffee in a quick gulp, and start walking to where the ship was moving to land. Thankfully, it seemed for almost all, the sight of it was enough to take their query, that was good, even if he was curious about who would fly such a vessel, he very much did not want to crowd the man. There was no telling who he was, and most importantly, how dangerous he was.
Trayze would likely be proud of how outgoing he was becoming... or was it still the latter influences of alcohol playing tricks on his mind? Oh well. He would probably soon find out.
Arcturus Dinn
He would need to return to the Intergalactic Banking Tower soon to retrieve the Lochris and leave, but as he felt the wind billow on his face, the sweet hum of sugar and honey in his coffee, he continued to find reasons to put it off. He wondered where Jaidha had gone and wondered if idly something had occurred between them. It was likely a very bad sign that their conversation was a blur, and indeed less like static, it seemed the memory of the night's events just did not exist within his brain. It was worrying, but after waking with the sun shining upon his face, and a killer headache that no amount of water or pain pills seemed to slow, he had put it away from his mind. At this moment, he just hoped that the scion of the Yndrel's was safe. Moreover, he hoped that he had offered his family's lodgings, if she went there, she would certainly be safe.
He wished her luck regardless, and hope he would see her again. That was the will of the Force, however.
He looked towards the landing bays aways away from him, many a trading vessel, police, or civilian craft made their way there. He was glad he was spared that, not only was it expensive to rent the space, but with a city planet, in particular, landing pads had to be squeezed together as much as humanly possible, maximising space, maximising space, so long had passed since the city bureaucrats cared for safety. Though considering the planet was a cesspool of crime, perhaps the failure of the bureaucrats went further than merely this relatively small failing.
To think this was what was the capital of the former Sith Empire, Jutrand was a long fall from the heights of Korriban, Dromund Kaas, and Bastion. A show of the decline of the Sith Order perhaps. He had rumours of a new rising, of new rumoured attacks across the Outer Rim. He would likely participate in them, as demanded of by his Mistress, or volunteer himself to earn his spurs. But was it not so telling that they were only an Outer Rim threat? It would be a long road to battle toward the old Sith heartland... would he ever see it?
His depressing thoughts left him, as a new ship caught his eye.
A very particular kind of ship.
It seemed others agreed, as he could see out of his peripherals very pointed reactions.
Most ships seemed to have a very general design, that was fundamentally triangular in shape. You had some different ones, of course, the Confederacy was well known for their Lucrehulk-class battleship, unfortunately, donut-shaped, but this? A pure sphere? Even with a galaxy that had witnessed Death Stars, it was an odd enough sight.
It was enough for Malum, willing to take any excuse to not leave yet, to leave a few credits by the table, finish his coffee in a quick gulp, and start walking to where the ship was moving to land. Thankfully, it seemed for almost all, the sight of it was enough to take their query, that was good, even if he was curious about who would fly such a vessel, he very much did not want to crowd the man. There was no telling who he was, and most importantly, how dangerous he was.
Trayze would likely be proud of how outgoing he was becoming... or was it still the latter influences of alcohol playing tricks on his mind? Oh well. He would probably soon find out.