Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Shadow King and a Grey Historian, Plus that AI thing.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Eve smiled and walked over to him before poking him in the chest and speaking. "Well, even if you do do such, i would accept anyways, i thought it over and i need a life of my own and away from Miss Feanor... uh no offense." Alex just waved her hand and remained silent, curious how Sin would reply to such a thing, and finding the situation a bit amusing. Though she had a feeling Vulpesen would never be allowed in the same room as Sin.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Romeo's lit up like a firework, a really big firework. "Great! I can see a great partnership happening here!" The Vahla's gaze turned to Alex, and spoke in his native tongue, if any of them could speak Vahla, which was almost highly unlikely, except maybe because Alex had picked it up from Isolda the witch, anyways they would have know he had said this, "Come, let us eat, and drink....non-alcoholic beverages." His smile grew, and he wrapped an arm around Eve. "I bet none of ya'll know what I just said." He grinned pleased with himself.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Except i spend my weekends around sith cults and Eve there is an AI... whos database holds the equal amount of languages as a protocol droid." She smiled and while she only caught some of the sentence she knew Eve would have heard it all clear as day. "Oh come on, we can't let Alex spoil the fun with being too over protective over her health, like you said it was never proven to cause harm." Eve would smile at the man as she easily deciphered what he had said like it had been simple basic.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Again Romeo spoke in his native tongue, something they most likely had got on he didnt do often. It would be translated as, "By the way Eve, I do sleep with my hired help, I just actually havent done it yet." He motioned with his hand. "Come, let us get some food, and see if I pull out something a little stronger than tea." Romeo would then turn on his heels, and lead the way through a few dark corridors, lit by fire lanterns, and a overhead electric light kept on low.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Eve for some reason found the game, or what she assumed was a game at this point, quite fun and continued on as she spoke to him in the same language now. "Alex can't really understnad that much, she knows a few words but only those for formality. I retain all the knowledge of your language mister." She smiled and nudged against him as they walked, Alexandra trailing behind.

"What are you two saying, if its something i need to be worried about i will reprimand the both of you, King and AI or not." She looked at their backs, sighing as she held her fingers to her nose and shook her head at the thoughts.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

"Oh joy." Romeo chuckled in his native tongue, and took a peek at Alex. "You know me Alex of the Grey, I am at times over flirtatious.." He winked at her. With his attention turned back to Eve, he asked, "What information can you pull up for me on Vahla, Vahl, and the Ember of Vahl? Past, and present stuff....We maybe going on an adventure after this." He finished, and took a left at a fork. This left took them straight into the kitchen, where he would again wow Alex with his cooking.
[member="Romeo Sin"] (MAin POV is Eve now, so her profile)

Eve would smiled as she followed the man and nodded. "All of it i can tell you, maybe not from the top of my head but im sure the file is some where on this system and i just have to find it under everything." She was obviously talking about all the files that fit into the AI's droid brain, of course she could call it up in a moment, but it was Sin's turn to wait for her to feel like telling him and a simple meal would be a good way to pay for the info.

With that, Romeo nodded, and stopped at the stove, which had a frig next to it, and a sink, all made of black marble. "Very well." He said in basic, his very much so Vahla accent coming out now. "So...we all eat meat here right?" The kitchen was also a dining room, with a large white wood table at the middle of it. Within the table was a soft blue glow, giving it light, but also making it the ultimate planning table as it was a computer. The top of the table was glass, and the machinery was inside the wood from the bottom. The walls had red drapes with the Sin family symbol stitched into them.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Alex nodded and spoke. "Yes we both eat meat, i was hoping for something well cooked by the master chef himself." She smiled as Eve walked over and stood beside Romeo, watching him as if she were studying his every action and trying to fully understand the process in which she was largely unfamiliar with and even spoke up. "Hey Sin, mind showing me how to cook what you are cooking." Eve smiled as she stood there.

"BY THE FORCE ALEX!! HAVE YOU TAUGHT HER NOTHING!?" He said in a high pitched voice, goofing around, "Of course Eve, let us begin with vegis, well more so fruit." He said opening the frig, and pulling out a fruit from a Delvas plant. "This is a very sweet fruit, and we're going to cook it with bantha meat." He winked at Eve. Pulling a small knife, he handed it to Eve, and came behind her, wrapping an arm around each of her arms, and held them gently. "We want slin slices, so we want to take it slow, and make sure we dont cut ourselves." He gently pressed her hand down with the knife against the fruit, firmly holding the fruit with the other. "Already you can smell just how sweet it is."
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Funny part about AI is when you were giving them new information, or ever worse on Eve was when she was shown exactly how something is done is that they put their entire focus into it, not even realizing the fact that he was doing something that would make most others focus more on him than the actual lesson itself. Meanwhile over at the table, Alex and Daeda, her small pure white ashlan with the black stripe down its back were silently conversing as Alex kept a careful eye on Sin.

Something ranged in his backpocket, which was odd, he kept everything on vibrate, for just in case. When he removed the device from said location, his mini datapad revealed a message had been sent to him. "Eve, cut each slice like that. Use only that ONE piece of fruit, when its all cut, take the bantha mear out, ill do the rest." His face turned a grey color as he turned his attention to Alex. "Please excuse me. I must take this."
With that said, he stepped into the hallway, and called the person who had messaged him.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Got it, do hurry back Raven." Eve grinned, giving him the nickname suddenly and without really thinking about it. Alex herself was interested in the call though held off investigating, now closing her eyes and arguing with Daeda, the white ashlan partner of hers, and Hel, the darker half that thrived in her mind now. After a few minutes though Eve would look over her shoulder to see if Romeo was back after she finished cutting the fruits and stuck her head out into the hall that Romeo had disappeared to. "Everything ok?"

What Eve would see is a Romeo about to chunk a phone further down the hallway, with eyes that were brighter then the small flames that lit the hallway themselves. "No.." Was all he said as his breathing stopped, and he held his breath for a few seconds, trying to relax. It would appear that someone ha broken into the keep, and was no hiding out. Someone from the Vahl cult.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Eve blinked and glanced at Alex for a quick moment, speaking. "Hey, im going to go talk to Romeo for a bit, ill be back." With that the AI came out into the hall with romeo sin, smiling as her hands came behind her and she grinned a bit wider at him with a slight smile. "Well Mister Sin, how about you tell me what is going on, i think i know though by judging such a reaction." She smiled and waited for him to tell her or not too, she wasn't all that worried but she would see what it was that she could help with.

"It would seem that...someone has invited themselves into my home..without my permission.." He said opening himself to force, reaching out through the keep, searching for a aura that did not belong there. "A member of the Vahla cult is.."
[member="Romeo Sin"]

"Well, what do you suggest we do with them then, im sure Alex wouldn't want to be disturbed during her visit here so i assume we aare going to see if this intruder has something interesting to say or if hes/she is has any real purpose for being here at all." Eve stretched and smiled as she grabbed something out of her clothing, a rod that expanded into a staff as she smiled. "Ready for the hunt, Raven?"

Romeo took in a deep breath, "Yes let us go find this person before they cause too much problems than what they are probably worth." He pulled out his saber, and waved at Alex. "I'll be back with Eve, we have Ember of Vahl hunting, and burning to do." He yelled out. He pressed a button on his comlink, and it synced to a intercom system.
"OOOOH unwanted guessst. I know you are here...and you will not leave this place alive. I can promise you that." His eyes seemed almost on fire.
[member="Romeo Sin"]

Eve glanced at him and pulled out of the sheath the dauntless blade that Alexandra had given her, smiling as she swung it in her hand once and readjusted her grip before following after Romeo Sin. "You know, screaming like that will just tell the intruder where you are and wont exactly strike that much fear into him or her, right?" She raised a brow at the man, running with him as a smile of her own formed. "But it does seem like fun."

(Never got the notification! IM SO SORRY!)

Romeo looked at the AI with a smile, "Oh I dont want to scare them, I want them to underestimate me." He turned his attention to the comlink. "Where was the intruder last spotted?" He asked his guard captain. "Sir, near the library." His grip tightened on the comlink, shattering the tech to pieces. "Come Eve, let us butcher the Vahl worshipper."

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