Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Slicer on Wheels


Who needs legs when you have brains.
Hey there. Name's Valeria, but my codemane is Veil. And to be honset I prefer that name. Seems more mysterious, you know? Anyways I'm a being time slicer, trying to do some good in the world with my gifts. Would've gone for something like super secret agent or soldier, something cool like that. But when you've been stuck in a chair your whole life there may be a problem or two. That won't stop me from taking money from those who don't deserve it and giving it to those who need it. I deal with other hacking too which means I'm always open for a little job or two of anyone needs one.

So anyone out there need a few files looked into or an account with one too many zeros in it needed to be shortened? I'm always interested in joining a team. Just don't make me wear any silly uniforms or something like that.

Connor Harrison

Welcome to the galaxy @[member="Veil"] - I would hope if we cross paths one day it will be for the right reasons and for all things legal!

I'll keep my eye on your slicing... :p


Who needs legs when you have brains.
@[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Whoa, easy there Jedi Jesus. He's not exaclty my type. Besides I'm only 18, the walking Austrian Accent is old enough to be my dad. :D
"Walking Austrian Accent..." Ha, laughed at that one. Welcome to the Universe of Chaos if this is your first character here, busy replying to stuff so havent checked your character list. Hope you have a good time here and make sure to cause some trouble on Coruscant. Always fun to hunt after criminals. @[member="Veil"]


Who needs legs when you have brains.
@[member="Solan Charr"] Not my firts character. And I know to look out for stuff from my others. And I'm not a criminal, at least not the usual type. ;)


Who needs legs when you have brains.
Thanks, man who doesn't belive in shirt but wears banna-hammock lol. @[member="Drake Garon"]

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