Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A solution to Map Overcrowding!

There's always going to be instances where threads are ignored. It can and does happen to just about everyone, even the RPers who are assumed to be "popular."

If your threads are getting ignored, perhaps it's a good time to take a step back and talk to people OOC. See why the threads are being ignored, discuss alternatives, explore ideas, create stories that are interesting to both parties. That's what this site is all about.


Disney's Princess
[member="Spectre"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

Respectfully guys. This forum was created as a way to talk and recieve feedback from the Staff. As a way to submit new ideas in the public view. And, I say 'view' specifically. Because I don't think RC needs my feedback to successfully submit an idea to Staff. Heck, I probably shouldn't even be posting here. It's RC's suggestion. Not mine. What does my opinion matter?

However, when I do comment in somebody elses suggestion thread, it's for a very strong, very personal reason. Something I do, knowing full well that it could come back to bite me in the butt very soon. So yeah. Moving forward? Let's all keep a little respect for RC and his thread in mind as we interact with him. Haha. I mean, not much more? Lol. But yeah. The Feedback Forum was created for more than just playing devil's advocate.

Luv and cheers! Carry on. :D :p
I rather like this idea but a few notes:

  • Objectives: I can see the benefit of giving the defender the right o create the objectives set out for the attacker but that can become very limited and break character.
  • Invasions: Define an invasion for me: Just do it. And I'll give you ten examples of invasions that are wildly different from one another. There's no necessary formula for a successful invasion. You can successful take over an enemy's planet by siding with an active rebellion, bribing officials, hacking into automated defenses, holding their trade hostage and so on.

    Per that second bulletin I'm going to state something from experience as a community Admin in roleplay before. It becomes absolutely tedious to try and manage in-character development and out-of-character rule sets. There needs to be OOC rules or OOC fairness and sometimes if one faction ICly has the rationale to do something, that doesn't mean it should be allowed. The idea of a community is that everyone is part of it. It's not just about rationale, it's not just about votes, it's about keeping things free of drama as best as you can and in roleplay communities that is easier said than done. If Chaos intends to grow it needs to make sure that there's plenty of room for new factions but also plenty of space for the large ones to breath. No one wants to enter a world uninhabited, and thus rules need to be made to assure that a faction that will likely be targeted many time over has the opportunity to defend themselves. Otherwise no one will be happy.

    Again, I do like a lot of this. I think there needs to be less discussion involved and I do see how it spoils roleplay to have OOC strangle the IC now and again but one thing remains. Communities are made up of people of all ages and interests. People have jobs, school, and commitments. No one is going to join or stick around when there's too much pressure for them to handle.
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

That's why there was a 120 hour mark, so people have adequate time to respond accordingly. Taking in to account RL. That's almost a weeks worth of time.
[member="Colap Ticon"]

Let me rephrase: I work 60 hours a week (including meals since I work from home and schedule them as breaks), on top of that I have another 20 hours of class each week. That's 47% of my week, gone. Add in 8 hours of sleep and that's 80% of my week. So that leaves me with 20-ish hours a week to myself each week, and luckily I get the opportunity to browse this forum whilst I work. It's a lengthy job but not always high stress. Putting that out there , there's lots of people in similar situations who spend a good portion of their free time roleplaying. When they're part of a large faction who gets attacked time-after-time again, no one's going to want to be part of that faction since it kills their fun if it's almost always spent planning or attacking.

I do agree with your idea, but an idea should focus on cutting back time needed without reducing fun or making things too easy.

Keanu Shan

Call Sign: "Chatter"
@Darth Vitum, [member="Colap Ticon"]
There are some good points here but, I am actually in favor of the very idea that Vitium brings up with some concerns. I like the idea that one faction can be eliminated. Im a member of the Republic but if the republic was curb stomped by a combination of factions, well that would be tragic in the IC sense but thats how the galaxy works. Starwars is a dynamic universe. So what if the Republic is destroyed and we lose all; then we wage guerilla warfare, bring rebels to our sides, regain strength, and overthrow evil. How do you think the Republic controlled the galaxy for so long in the old republic days. They didnt stand around and let the sith run there little section of the galaxy as long as nobody got hurt.
Keanu Shan said:
How do you think the Republic controlled the galaxy for so long in the old republic days. They didnt stand around and let the sith run there little section of the galaxy as long as nobody got hurt.
That is actually exactly what they did.

That tidbit aside, if the wars are what cause it in a fair and respectable manner in OOC, then I am fine with it. I am not fine with conspiring with people in skype then hopping into a thread and starting an invasion without OOC warning and discussion.

There needs to be an OOC notice, some form of communication, before an invasion can begin. I don't know how I can be expected to be polite about this when the subject being discussed is literally a crude method of seizing land, even if the original poster did not intend for it to be that way. It is not [member="Colap Ticon"] that I worry about, it is not the people who support this idea and are respectable people; I worry about, and I'm going to stick my own neck out here, people like myself who go out of their way to manipulate others into doing what they want to get what they want. Just as war isn't all about ponies and roses, neither are many people you will meet and role-play with. The report button, for example, exists for the express reason of making sure someone isn't taken advantage of and I do not want to see invasions start popping up to dogpile factions as one or two select allies start to spread root across the entirety of the map.

As was explained earlier there is almost nothing a faction can do to stop an invasion from occurring except slowing the process down, and if you feel this is done wrongfully, then you can consult an RPJ and make sure it happens. Discussion comes before the invasion, not after.

Not everyone is a nice person, I'm not a nice person, and I'm not going to trust myself and people like me to play nice.

Sorry if I come off as a an expletive, but I'd rather make the point clear as day, even if I have to lay myself out for it. I cannot support this.

Edit: I've intentionally censored what I concluded with. Feel free to take it as you would.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
I don't have much to contribute here, other than two things:

1) Surprise attacks on an OOC level are a pain. At the end of the day, we're all writers, and having something you've worked for randomly ganked away from you because it's a holiday (I've seen it happen many times before) and your people are away doing real life is lame. There are ways to break and abuse a system.

2) [member="Darth Vitium"] - huge props to you for being honest enough to lay your argument out the way you did. That takes a lot of courage. Mad respect.
I cannot understand why some folks get so bent out of shape here. I offered an idea and even edited it to reflect the concerns of each indivdual and to make it almost abuse proof in many cases. Suddenly I feel as if the community has gone hostile over a simple proposal for which I have presented logical arguments for.

I have also been extremely polite and this

Darth Vitium said:
Edit: I've intentionally censored what I concluded with. Feel free to take it as you would.
Does not make me feel like I am being respected at all. How can a simple proposal lead to so much verbal violence.

I feel as if now I will be judged with a negative bias by staff just for bringing up a simple idea and asking for feedback.
[member="Colap Ticon"]
I am calling myself out on this, not you, not various other people, I do not want to see myself and people like myself take advantage of people, such as the Republic or Mandalorians or the Protectorate, or anyone else, because of this sort of supreme leniency. I am portraying myself in the most negative light I can possibly shine on myself so that you and others understand that by giving myself and others this sort of freedom to pop up threads that it will be taken advantage of.

Sorry if you've taken it the wrong way, it hurt just as much to write it.

Edit: Do not consider me as staff, I judge factory submissions. I don't have a sway with things any more than any other member. I'm sorry if this has made you feel less capable of sharing ideas, but my message was directed primarily at the person I was quoting above about people such as myself to re-iterate my warning.
Well-Known Member
I was going to try and stay out of this, but I can say that perhaps further commentary from those who are not staff should be from now on discouraged. The feedback on a suggestion is useful, but if the feedback is making the OP feel as if though he is in a hostile environment, perhaps one should simply back away and let it be before things get out of hand.

I quite enjoy Ordo's suggestion to your suggestion, in that surprise skirmish/raids/whatever can be initiated to remove a factions ownership of a region, without the one doing the raiding actually occupying the area.

My tidbit there.

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