Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Song of Silver Steel (Krest)


Time. The line of everlasting existence through events and history? Or was it something more? Fact was, time was not something that could truthfully be explained by anyone. It was infinite. Just like the mysteries it held deep within its elusive roots...just like the all powerful existence known as The Force. So many thought of time as a way to recognize the present...Others believed it to be so much more. A force beyond comprehension doing its work unintentionally and perfectly all at once. The stubborn existence of organization that held the past within a seal. The bringer of the future and the giver of the present. Some believed time to be a god all itself, invisible to the naked eye and unheard through religion. And for all anyone knew it very well could have been. When phrases are shouted out like ‘we are out of time!’ or ‘Times up.’ To some they are just phrases, to others they are tribute to the all mighty god of time. Whoever it may be weather it was real or not. Or perhaps…for something to be real one must simply believe it to be real? Faith was a powerful substance in many cultures throughout history. The Jedi...the Sith. A multitude of other factions who all followed their own obscured beliefs and faiths.

The Queen had much of it. And in the time she had spent what all did she do? Because she was starting to feel as if she were wasting a considerable amount of her time...

It was its own way. Life was given to the galaxy billions and billions of eons ago and since then what has anyone done with it? Cultures and civilizations rise and fall...beings as powerful as gods live out their existence until they to wither away and die. The Force had created many gifts within the universe...and yet just as many curses. The concept of balance was obscure and almost nonexistent in today's world of madness. Factions going to war over little more than the practice of blind faith...

How simplistic.

The Ice Queen had been questioning a lot lately...about her life...the life of in the galaxy. She had become more distressed than usual. Years of baring a cold frozen heart was beginning to weigh on her...she She needed answers. A signal, a sign. Anything to help her understand the feelings that made her mind spin.

And as those icy optics scanned the inner interior of her throne room...filling her lungs to capacity. Then exhaled...her gaze wandering over those who walked back and fourth along the surface of her throne room...her royal guard standing diligently by her sides as the Xarixs looked down from their perches above...defenders of their Queen.

And as the Winter maiden watched closely, a finger tapped steadily upon her...she was waiting for someone...she had been sending invitations as of late. Invitations to a very special meeting...but that meeting was not for a few more weeks...and in the time she had she wanted to prepare. And as a result, she had extended a proposal to a young Blacksmith...and she was his first project. The Queen would see if he had what it took to be associated with them...

She would see indeed.



A ship in space. Wonderful. As the man stepped off the vessel that had picked him up from Tatooine. Wasn't very often giant four armed aliens stopped by and 'asked' one to join them. And while he was in the middle of drinking his tea. A cold ship. The wash of cold air hit the Zabrak like a wall, sending a shiver down his spine. For the past couple of years he had been living on the desert world, and with this temperature difference it would be difficult to get use to.

His clothing didn't help either.

One of the four arm beasts began to lead him down one of the longer hallways. It was quiet, so Krest kept to himself, hugging his arms in an effort to stay warm. The thick leather vest did little to help with the cold after all. Eventually he would reach the main chamber, and as the doors opened the source of the cold became clear. [member="Queen Sovereign"] . Even the Force seemed to freeze around her.


"I came as you called, might I ask who you are?"
Those cold blue eyes remained steady on the entrance as The Queen sat upon her throne leg crossed over the other lounging back with her fingers running along the fabric of the violet chair...her mind continued to plot. Scheming just how she wanted this 'thing' to play out...and as Winter exhaled the cold air around her made ghost of her breath. Patiently she waited...after all. Winter had nothing but time on her hands these days. At least until her plans began to take off and her schemes unfolded. And as the heavy metal doors opened to reveal the young blacksmith standing between the two Xarix who towered over the man by several meters...

The man was brought before her...surrounded by her loyal subjects who had pledged their existence to the service of their Queen...the mans lack of proper etiquette may of annoyed most monarchs...But frankly The Queen found herself rather amused...however, her emissary did not seem to appreciate the blacksmiths approach. The red haired woman stepped forward and stood straight, looking down upon the shorter male and growling.

"You will bow to The Queen and wait for her blessing to speak! Such insolence will not be tolorat-"

"The Queen...request council with her Emissary..." Winter would cut off, her cold eyes averting to the floor as the captain of her guard turned to face the woman...obediently coming over and leaning inward so Winter may whisper into her ear. The words would be inaudible...but the man would be able to see the blush cross the other womans face as she stood up and stammered.

"I-if that is your wish your highness." She replied nervously, glancing over to the blacksmith before placing her hands behind her back and standing quietly...

Winter sighed...bringing her eyes up to meet the mans own eyes.

"My name is Winter Sovereign...Queen of this Realm. And i have a proposal for you...assuming you're willing to commit." Winter would state blankly...coldly...emotionless. Her expression remained unchanged from the moment he walked in. She would see...if this man had the resolve to serve serve them.



A monarch? Now that would explain all the guards. Once upon a time he too was like them, loyal to a queen and serving without hesitation. Those days were long gone now of course, but at the mention of Queen his body straightened and his shoulders went back. Some training one never gets out of. A dull expression kept on his face as she spoke however, showing what he hoped would be interpreted as incompetence. It's always been better to be thought daft in these sort of situations. At least at first.

Or was that not a good idea? She did want him for his craft after all. All these sorts of situations were a bother to try and understand. So with a quick, and noticeably wary, nod the Zabrak spoke. "Tell me the details then." Or something like that. A lot of doubt went through the Zabraks mind, not because he was fearful of a terrible fate, but rather he wasn't sure what he would be making. He knew how to make a lot. While mostly keeping under the radar, his wasn't sure how much [member="Queen Sovereign"] knew of him. Naturally he hoped to keep some mystery, but part of him felt that would be a fools gamble.
Winter noticed the hesitation...the man seemed to be rather nervous, given how he straightened his shoulders and stood up straight upon the realization oh who he spoke interesting. Perhaps he was not as uncultured as her Emissary had originally thought. Still, Winter cared little for such proper use of body language and speech. Winter herself was a product of rebellion that many these days would frown upon...there was a reason she wore no crown...sat in her throne as if she were some kind of pirate...and wore cloths that were elegant yet ragged...still, her eyes slowly closed as the smith asked for the details...

As always...the devil was in the details. A devil she did not wish for her people to see or hear...

Winter stood from her throne...hands at her side as her fist clenched tightly, stepping down the stairs and along the carpet. Advancing towards [member="Krest"] as and pausing beside him...she simply gave him a glance and nodded her head, gesturing for him to follow. And with that, she moved on down the throne room towards the large metal doors.

She would explain...once they were alone. And thus, The Queen lead her to the place he would spend most of his time.


There was a deep sigh as [member="Queen Sovereign"] moved past. It was clear to Krest he would get no information before the point of no return. He either would dive in blind, or step away. Back to the desert with nothing but the sand as a friend. And tea. His eyes rolled at the thought of returning to nothing, and just as quiet as she Krest moved to follow. For the moment he was weaponless. His sword, to his disdain, was removed on the shuttle to the Queen's ship. The other weapons here and there built into his body were another story.

Never be caught disarmed after all. Not that he wanted to fight. If anything, the Zabrak hoped for peace on this ship. He was outnumbered after all. "If you know who I am, you know the cost. Are you prepared to give it?" Ominous, yes, but important none the less. What Krest makes he makes with part of the user. Be it their blood, flesh, or even their soul. The later wasn't literal of course, but with great power comes a great cost.
The Queen moved through the confines of her ship with easy grace and dominance as the red skinned male followed behind her...a fire to her ice so to speak. And as she lead him through different halls and rooms with her subjects wandering about doing what they did best, Winter remained diligent and focused during the small journey to the forge...Icy blue eyes steady ahead as the man behind her asked if she were willing to 'pay the cost' for his services...The woman did not respond and simply remained as quiet as she was when they began their walk.

Of course she was willing to pay the price...she had been alive far to long and her alignment as a Witch made it very clear that she was very familiar with the concept of equivalent exchange. One of the founding principles of Alchemy and other arts that Winter had dabbled in during her incredibly long life span...and as they finally reached the forge Winter stood in the room and waited for him to enter before letting the door slide shut and lock behind him.

"Ok blacksmith...allow me to explain why you are here. As if this moment the information that is extended to you never leaves this room...understood?" Winter began bluntly, looking over her shoulder at the man and waiting for his response...once he replied, she'd continue on. "Very soon eight others will appear. Eight individuals with talents and skills unique to them and them alone. And when we are together we will act in activities that are considered unfavorable...simply put. Your to act as our blacksmith...our forger...the creator of our greatest tools to achieve our goals. Nine sets of armor...nine weapons...each with their unique specifications and abilities. And i am your first test..." Winter explained, opening her arm and letting her look over a state of the art forge comprised of everything that could be found in a forge owned by those who designed mastercrafted weapons and armor. "The tools of your labor...i have gather enough materials to get started. Though...i do not know what steel to use for the armor i intend. Beskar is to heavy and bulky...Phrik is dense and meant for weapons. And durasteel is not durable enough for what we'll be doing...perhaps you can provide your professional opinion. Tell me blacksmith...when you look at me, what form of armor plating do you think would suit me?" She asked curiously, hands locked behind her back as she looked over the room and awaited his responses.



Another sigh. Secrets upon secrets, most likely with the threat of death. Though [member="Queen Sovereign"] did offer quite the forge. But to make this secret group their armor and weaponry? It was intriguing, but danger was still present. "You know, what happens when I complete this? Gonna kill me so I can't tell anyone about what was made?" An important question, but even as it was asked the blacksmith made his way over to the forge, running a hand over an anvil. "The type of metal you want is light and durable. Songsteel. There's some still on Tatooine in my home. I'll take you to it." Blue eyes returned to the queen, blank of emotion.
The Queen merely stared blankly at [member="Krest"] as she asked what would happen if he were to resist...apparently the younger male was mistaking the woman for some kind of dark Sith Lord with problems with rejection...Winter stared at the man for a long moment before blinking a few times and tilting her head...she honestly could not tell if he was serious or not...still, she answered truthfully. "You are a being free to make your own choices no matter what i personally want...if you decline. You will be of no use and you'll be sent home...but remain useful...or better yet, remain loyal. And you'll have someone very powerful on your side...the choice is yours." She mused, averting her gaze to the floor for a moment before walking up the the multitude of tools laying across the table to examine them.

"The type of metal you want is light and durable. Songsteel. There's some still on Tatooine in my home. I'll take you to it."

His words made Winter pause...the mention of Tatooine making the Ice Queen grimace in discomfort before looking over her shoulder at him and narrowing her icy gaze. "As much as i appreciate the gesture, i do not mix well with planets such as Tatooine...but if you'd like i can have someone pick it up for you if your willing..." Winter compromised, crossing her arms and taking a deep breath. "Might take a few hours we'd be able to talk about the details and what not until she returns."


"Feel free to send who ever you trust. There's nothing else there. I don't tend to keep a lot of other things around." The Zabrak sat down upon the anvil then, letting his eyes wander once more. [member="Queen Sovereign"] certainly had a lot of money to make all of this. But, money didn't really matter to the man. Power didn't matter. If it did, he never would have stopped being Sith. He'd still be Ferus, slaughtering planets and taking what he wanted. "Sorry, your highness, but none of that matters to me. I live alone in the middle of the dessert with nothing to my name but a couple of trinkets. I have no family, no enemies. I have no wants. I'll make your weapons and armor, but you have nothing you can offer in exchange."

Blue eyes snapped back to Sovereign, and for a moment they seemed to turn red. "However, if these weapons I make for you are used to bring ruin to this galaxy, I will not hesitate to kill you, even at the cost of my own life. I do not know who you are, and I do not care. You will use what I make wisely, or you will loose your life. Understand?"
When [member="Krest"] agreed to the proposal of sending someone to go and pick up the materials Winter gave a brief nod before closing her eyes for a moment...allowing her consciousness to wander through the force The Queen searched the ship for her Emissary...and after a few moments and their minds telepathically linked through The Force she could feel her presence back at the Throne room. Taking a breath, Winter decided to be rather deliberate with what she needed her to do.

'It seems as if our guest left some material back on Tatooine...for this to be done we are going to need it. Take a ship and travel there to gather it and bring it back...i'll give you the exact coordinates in a moment.' The Queen explained, feeling the woman protest within her own mind before accepting the terms.

' once your majesty.' She'd reply, making Winter sigh before disconnecting the link and opening her bright blue eyes. Her gaze fell upon Krest as he suddenly glared at her as if she had offended him...his eyes burning a crimson red as he threatened her life if she 'misused' his creations.

The Queen blinked. Clearly not very amused or really even interested in what he had to say...the fact that he stated he was going to kill her as if it were a guaranteed fact made her grimace...did he honestly think he could simply take her out based upon a simple whim? A completely unknown opponent he knew nothing about?

Not only was it was utterly naive. The words of a child who thought as a only reminded the woman about just how young this simple man was...and it was his youth that spared him from her wrath as she simply dismissed his arrogance.

"I am going to need the coordinates of your...residence." The Queen requested bluntly, her expression unchanged as her hands remained neatly tucked behind her back and she stared at him forbiddingly.

Perhaps he'd choose his responses more carefully in the future...for his sake. She certainly hoped so. The Queen was no simple monarch to be trifled with or disrespected...she was not spineless and she was no simple girl. She had seen and done things that this simple man could not fathom nor the idea of him threatening her made Winter almost want to laugh...

If only she knew how.


Badasses everywhere. A sigh escaped the lips of the Zabrak as he simply turned to walk away. Krest was a retired smith living in the middle of a dessert, not someone who cared about politics or... Well, this. Her arrogance leached off so much, the man almost felt his stomach flip in disgust. Asides, there are much better smiths out there right? So Krest would leave [member="Queen Sovereign"] to her plots within plots, and let the badasses do their thing.

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