Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A soul seperated

"Someone... inside my head?" Xardus grimaced, trying to remember. Pushing the woman away gently, he sat up against the tree, holding his head. He began to remember a small piece of knowledge then, and grabbed her by her shoulder. "If you're referring to a spirit, you have to use some kind of force artifact to contain him. Did you...?" He trailed off as he realized he must have been talking to a force user of some power. She would know what she was doing. "N-nevermind. I should have a few vials in my ship. Of bacta, I mean." He tried to stand up, but immediately became dizzy and sat back down.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"I said within a week you moron, sit down and rest, i did a number on your body just a minute ago and if that wasn't enough you were just enough to tire me out... Thanks by the way for making my day fun." She smiled at the guy and patted him on the head again, why. Simply because she could. "So, what are you doing here if i might ask, or was that thing in control the whole time... i can still sense him, wonder how mad he is that i just ruined his day."
"I don't know, okay?" Xardus shook his head, still jittery from the event only minutes earlier. "The last thing I remember..." He shuddered. "Weird.. creatures. On Dagobah. Black ooze.." He winced as he remembered being sucked into the ooze, a somehow sentient-like being that made men into monsters. The even stranger red ooze bathed in a crude metal. Magnus. Opening his eyes again, he looked down at his armor, cast from that very metal. Though he wasn't sure how he knew that. He certainly didn't remember making it...

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"You look liek you are pretty burned up, so what ever happened i can tell you that you are not on Dagobah anymore. Welcome to the shadowlands of Kashyyk.... so ya, you have some lost time to account for my friend, tell me what the last major galaxy wide thing to happen was... were you around for the whole Akala thing that i am still convinced was all just a mass delusion but what ever, not like that really matters if it was."
"That would be... exactly what I just said." He began recounting the events. "It started on Dagobah. And we barely escaped. But from what I heard, it spread out to other planets. Korriban. Tatooine. The ooze... It took control of people. Made lifeless bodies attack the living. They ate their prey. Not even Coruscant was safe."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

"The dark harvest was what it was called, no? Or am i thinking of something else that i completely missed..." She turned her ehad, thinking of the the events, trying to focus on what it was that was in the past. "Its good you are remembering though, that means the memories are slowly coming back, but be prepared as this spirit probably did things you are not proud of."
Xardus nodded softly. "Dark Harvest. I was one of the idiots who took down the thing behind it all." He shuddered again, reliving the moments. Xardus Folidaar was a brave man, not one to be shaken so easily. But without his memories, without his experience, he was half of the man himself. He could barely think straight.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Xardus Folidaar"]

"Good to know the saviors of the known galaxy are what you would call, idiots, my dear friend ghost head." She leaned back against the tree and went back to messing with the amulet as she taunted the spirit, enraging it which only made her seal on its ability to escape that much harder. "You know, when this guy isn't cursing my family to the... tenth generation, hes kind of cute to listen to." She laughed as she could sense the rage coming from the small thing was white hot now. "What did you say your name was again?" She then and only then did she look at Xardus with the clear silver grey eyes she had.
"Xardus. Xardus Folidaar. Did... did you just call me cute?" Finally finding the strength in his legs, he clumsily stood up, leaning against the tree for support. Clutching his head softly, he felt as the last of the headache vanished. "I must have selective amnesia I'm guessing", he said, surprised he even knew that. "Some thigs I can remember clearly, like the swamp. Others, they're all fuzzy. Hopefully in an regain them but... What if I remember what I did with that thing in me? I don think I could handle it."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Xardus Folidaar"]

"You are going to have to deal with what you did Xardus. Yes it wasn't you in control but people won't care about it if you had slaughtered thousands or destroyed worlds, even if you murdered one person no one will forgive you for saying that the voice in your head made you do it... i apologize if i sound harsh but that is the truth." Her words were full of experience, and while harsh were completely honest in how she herself had recovered the memories of what she had done... all those on Alderaan that she had killed because of Hel.
Xardus silently nodded, understanding completely. As if on cue, an image came into his head. A young kaminoan wielding a blue lightsaber, aimed at him... He cringed at the thought. Had he killed her? Maybe even worse than that... Sighing, he shook his head to get the image out. "This is gonna take some getting used to." Spotting a cylinder in the grass, he picked it up, immediately feeling the dark side wash over him. He thought he'd go sick from it. Igniting the weapon's yellow blade, he stared at it. "This is the weapon I... he... used?"

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

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