Mara sighed in relief as she met Eiarra's eyes. "Go ahead, Kolatta." The sniper from Zahat'n'ira was the only person still in the temple, and by far the closest to the enemy. Encrypted comlinks meant they could speak freely, though the Mandalorians would detect low-level comms traffic.
"Found a vantage point in one of the upper galleries. Visibility isn't ideal. I'm counting at least six formerly stealthed dropships of a type I don't recognize. Dozens or hundreds of Mandalorians. I can't be sure, but it looks like some want to charge right in and some others want to talk. There's an ongoing discussion between some Mandos and a young guy in a robe."
"The Lightsider that Germaine and I sensed, perhaps," Eiarra murmured. "Why delay for debate, if not over values?"
That struck Mara as a bit of a leap, but then again, her people had sensed both the Dark and the Light present within the attacking force. Internal debate was only to be expected.
"So far it doesn't look like anyone's found the Bullet Time. Still sitting there under the sensor stealth net and the snowdrift. Can't imagine it'll be long until someone stumbles over it. Ah, feth. Captain, there's another ship coming in. I don't recognize it, but it looks nasty. Someone else just jumped out alone -- armored, but not Mando armored. I'm seeing hostility between the new arrival and the Mandos."
"So we've got internal conflict out there, and they're still trying to figure out how to deal with us. Kolatta, get some shots for me to look at and get back down into the tunnels, all right? I don't want you being the only one in the temple if and when they blow the door."
"Not wild about that prospect myself. Coming back."
"If they're deciding when or how or if to get this door open," said Eiarra to Mara, huddling around a lump of warming hearthrock, "then we might consider talking them out of it."
"At range? From down here?"
The Theran Listener mustered a smile. "Of course, but they don't need to know that for certain. The temple stone ought to obstruct sensors. For all they know, we're waiting just inside the doors."
[member="Arrbi Betna"] [member="Gray Raxis"]
@whomever happens to be with the main party outside the temple doors
A woman's voice echoed on the wind, though no speaker was detectable.
"Warriors of Mandalore, my name is Eiarra Denirel, a Chalactan Adept. I speak for the Jedi who live in this temple, and for the Jedi that you've just killed. Know that this place will become a curse to you if you do not leave in peace -- and you will forfeit the greater portion of its treasures if you press your advantage through force. You have done enough murder today."