Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Sturdy Foundation


Appearance: Casual clothing
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

Even though Alicio called it an uphill battle, she immediately knew they came to the right person. He was realistic about the challenges ahead of them, but also very committed to making it work anyway. It gave her real hope that the Epicanthix people could make their case and find a new future again.

"I really appreciate this, Alicio," she said, as her hand shifted over her husband's knee. Of course, most of her joy was for the people of Epicanthix, but she was also glad that something Kahlil really cared about was being taken very seriously and handled like this.

"I'm sure the Epicanthix people will work hard to make this work. If at any point you need our help, we'll also be more than willing to assist again." She paused and let out a soft sigh of relief. "Maybe a good start would be meeting with their current leader? To discuss the steps ahead and figure out a plan of approach."


Right. Rein it in, Organa.

Alicio nodded as Kahlil spoke, the corner of his mouth pulling with tension as he thought about the Jedi's words. There was no need for him to swoop in and try to fix everything himself. He was a servant, not a savior.

Valery's thanks was met by a small nod of recognition, though the gesture was entirely unnecessary. While he'd told her before that he would do anything for her, if complete strangers had brought the plight of the Epicanthix to him, he would fight just as hard. This was why he dove into politics in the first place. To help.

He first addressed Kahlil, a growing smirk on his face. "You won't get away from this fight that easily. If a senate vote is necessary, having the endorsement of two Jedi Masters would be invaluable." Valery was especially influential; votes could be earned just by those attempting to gain her favor.

"Securing a meeting with their representative is an excellent first step. Whenever they are ready, I'll make room in my schedule." Forget political meetings and networking; this took precedence. "Have you met this person?"

- Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -


"That's.. Fair." He hadn't thought about it like that. As a Jedi Master and an Epicanthix, his voice probably would carry weight in the Senate. Though part of him still did doubt that his family name would be overlooked and not used as some kind of weapon for those who would stand against them. And he highly doubted there wouldn't be someone to stand against them. He frowned in thought, glancing towards Valery. Nodded.

"The Elder is there to talk to. He is waiting to speak with someone once we found someone who could help, so I'm sure he'd love the chance to talk with you."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Valery Noble Valery Noble


Appearance: Casual clothing
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

"Should our support in the senate be needed, you can count on it," Valery said with a lot of determination. She knew that some would argue against Kahlil because of his last name, but there is a reason that he goes by Kahlil Noble now. The past should be left alone, and the focus should be on the future of the Epicanthix people.

A better future they'd help secure.

Valery then nodded when Kahlil answered his question about the representative, "Mhmm, we met him when we visited their camp with Vera. He's a strong and proud man, and his desire to help his people is unbreakable. Vera saw a vision about him leading his people in their new home."

She smiled a little at the thought and briefly glanced at Kahlil. "We'll make sure that meeting is arranged, and maybe we can already look at potential planets? I'm just not sure if they'd want something uninhabited for themselves, or if they'd also be fine living on an already populated world."


Alicio uncrossed and crossed his legs again, having accidentally trapped the Nobles into a possible Senate appearance. He smirked- that was perhaps the only battlefield he could lead them into. Though, knowing how Val was, and by association, how Kahlil likely was, they wouldn't run from this fight.

"In that case, I'll happily speak with this Elder. As soon as possible." The Count nodded affirmatively. If the man had received Vera's clairvoyant seal of approval, then Alicio had high hopes for the future. At Valery's suggestion of gathering options, Alicio nodded, already a step ahead.

"So, this datapad contains a few potential planets. None of them are unconditional yesses, but I believe I could convince each of these places to consider hosting a sanctuary city for the Epicanthix." Alicio picked up the device, and gave it to the Nobles to peruse, explaining all the while.

"Alderaan would be... difficult, but not impossible. I've already strained my relationship with the nobility, due to... complications... with Maranatha." The city was facing more crime and assassination attempts on his life than he had expected. "But the mountainous sections have similar topography to Panatha, and the Epicanthix couldn't find a stronger support structure... If that's what they need. Delaya is in the Alderaan system, almost a carbon copy to her sister planet, except it is a bit smaller, and less populated. Besides that, it would have similar upsides and downsides."

"Um... I wanted to give options, with Balmorra. A city planet, though... personally, I wouldn't reccomend it. I have a good relationship with local leaders, but... Unless the Epicanthix would enjoy a massive city, probably not for them."

"Lujo. Senator Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix is a good friend, and we've worked on a refugee city before, so working with her to have Lujo host a population seems like a realistic option. Mild weather, wide open oceans, excellent to create a port town to stimulate an economy."

"I haven't included any uninhabited worlds, but considering the Epicanthix's independence, it doesn't seem like a bad idea to have that option available. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share."
Alicio sighed, finally having finished his spiel.

- Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -


"Those that are left aren't many in number, so they could fit in most worlds without struggling for space. Provided there was indeed space." Of the list of worlds, the uninhabited seemed more like what he'd guess they'd want. They were still a prideful people, rich in their ways and their own strength. It would be a struggle to rebuild, but Kahlil had no doubt it was a struggle they wanted. No.

"I would look into the uninhabited worlds first. After everything they lost, having a challenge they can face together is something they need more than anything. Something to help them refined their strength and their belief in themselves. Any amount of support, no matter how needed, would only undermine their faith further. Beaten, not broken. Or such, anyway."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa


Appearance: Casual clothing
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

The list of options was... impressive, and showed just how much influence Alicio had in the Galaxy. It was enough to make Valery smile for a moment, but she did agree with Kahlil — the Epicanthix would most definitely prefer a place of their own. A planet they could shape to become their new home, with every challenge involved.

Together, they would overcome.

"I don't know many uninhabited worlds off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are plenty out there. It might be a good idea to review options with the Elder there and involve him in that part of the process. He can then make a decision with his people that they believe will work best for them." She looked at Kahlil for a moment to see if he agreed with her or not, before extending a very appreciative smile in Alicio's direction.

"We'll arrange that meeting for you. Thank you so much for helping." She almost felt a little bad for thanking him again, but this really meant a lot to her. She just couldn't help herself.


"I can prepare a list of worlds when I go to meet this Elder," Alicio offered, collecting his datapads again, and giving his most optimistic look he could. "I agree... I don't know the people of Panatha as well as I'd like, but from what I've studied, I think they would appreciate their individuality."

Alicio nodded to the Nobles, an appreciative smile of his own on his face. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. My time in the Senate... I sometimes wonder if I help at all." A doubtful shadow loomed on his face. "At least I know I can make a difference for the Epicanthix. Or, at the very least, I can try."

The Count rose from his seat, banishing whatever thought had crossed his mind. He stepped over to Kahlil, holding out a hand to shake the tall figure's. "It was good to meet you, Master Noble. I'll do everything I can to give these people a home."

"I swear it."

- Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble - Valery Noble Valery Noble -

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