Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A suggestio... oh forget it! Invasion Discussion

Hey don't be too fast there Daxton, I have to edit my post. I could go make your day right now if I wanted to. Oh, and by the way my Mando brothers, the Reservoir is saved! But hey wait a minute.... crap the Capital is going down the drain... all right I'm on my way...
Hey, do any of my Mando'a kin need any help fighting off a Sithy? I'm going to move Kyr to help someone else's battle. Oh my god I kinda hate myself right now because i accidentally deleted my post I was making and that was a lot of work I should have saved on a doc -_-
Oh I thought it was ok to post since there was no one in my scene with me. If someone is coming, please tell me who so I know who to wait for. Thanks.

Lady Abaddon

When your done editing HK I'll post again for a formal retreat. There is just something about taking a flamethrower to the face that disengages a girl. Lol.

PS: I'm keeping the spear thing. :D

Lady Abaddon

Which one? The axe to the shoulder, the rod through the foot, the shotgun to her face, or the flamethrower that burn half the body? All I did was try to eat your head. Which, might I add. Is important that you wore a helmet. :D

Lady Abaddon

I know. I was half expecting that you'd have shoved a grenade or two into her mouth. But the flamethrower worked just a well. :D

Jorn Mair

you dont have to use just that. you can also think of smuggler ships too. (like for instance a YT-1300)

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