Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion A Swoop For A Kingdom | Grayson Imperium Dominion of Vulpter |

Cataline Holt

Cataline had assumed she had already earned the ire of the President. And she had to agree with Cedric - the disgusting little thing seemed to have a fancy for Alyson Halle Alyson Halle . These creatures wouldn't catch the desire to escape in her eyes, but Cataline could tell. The plus had to be that there attention span seemed limited and he had finally moved to watchin the race.

Which the race had began, hadn't it? Cat's eyes watched the racers, focusing in on Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt - she hadn't met the woman, but she had heard about her. Cat had heard something about a Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , too, but not enough to really be gambling on him. Not that she put any money on anything to begin with - the dress was most of her spare credits.

Her heart sank as she watched the President come over towards her, starting the conversation like the creep he was. Her eyes initially glanced towards P Placeholder 0128 before she looked at the remote with a button. The whirlies? What was a whirlie? Not to mention the more worrisome thing being that it was a rather big red button. And she couldn't really say nothing, so she glanced back to him as she used one finger to gently press the button.

Ugh, she hoped a whirlie wasn't as bad as she expected it to be...
Leon stared in shock as three of the pods devastated the swoop bike racers ahead of him. It was unnecessarily brutal and he burned the picture into his mind. was such a thing normal in races? The move hadn't gained them any ground on the other racers, except the ones who crashed. He breathed again, letting it go. He would push himself to win, if only to spite those three.

As the racers approached the first sharp curve in the races, Leon slowed himself a bit more, allowing most of the competition to pass him before entering the curve. He sped up out of the curve, narrowly avoiding another pod when the canyon walls rushed up on either side of him. Passing anyone would be difficult in here, but it was still wide enough for his smaller pod to do it.

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
Sitting against the wall, he would give a soft groan on how badly that claw to the face felt. The nails had pierced a little as he focused on healing his face, slowly feeling his skin bond back together as it was a slow process, painful but at least the bleeding would stop. Hearing his comn link beep several times, he would answer it to hear Daks voice...that crazy droid. He wants a confirmation so he would give it to him, speaking into it clearly.

"This is Sesara. Workshop 4B, look for a huddle of work chests I moved around, be behind it with two Vulptereens."

Ending his comn link call, he would notice one of the Vulptereens waking up as he aimed the stun rod and activated it as it would give a spark, the eyes of the Vulptereen going wide on hearing it. The Vulptereen would not move an inch, now awake yet his friend who attacked him from behind earlier was slowly rousing. Grabbing his old scout pistol with his left hand out of his boot, he would aim it at the blue jumpsuit Vulptereen as it would whine with power being charged back up. Only a simple glance back could tell that a blaster pistol was now aimed for his back as it was a stand off...the Sullustan could not move without giving one the advantage.

"Well boys...seems to me you are covered quite well. Any of you attempt to get away, I will shoot or shock the person to death."

At that moment, he was starting to get a bit desperate. Back then, if this was to occur, all he had to do was use all of the power of the Dark Side to knock them out, use his authority of the Galactic Empire and drag them away. Now it was not the case, he had to be silent and Jedi like...and it started to feel impossible. Silently, he was praying for Dak Dak to show himself soon as he was starting to get impatient and the more time passes by...the more likely one of the two would try to drop him.
The pig creature finally let off her. The urge to leap off the ledge to escape the inevitable fate was strong, but finally receding. Cedrics comment didn't help, she didn't appreciate the implication that had on her honor but she did have to agree with him. She would just have to suffer.

She didn't know whwat a "whirlie" was, but the aura the pig man gave off was one of chaotic anticipation, like a sociopath before he blew up an orphanage. He knew this was going to be something horrible, and Alyson was terrified. Swoop racing was already dangerous, this only took it one step further. Whatever this was people would be put in immeasurable danger.

If this was Merides this pig man would have been executed on the spot, sadly she couldn't just execute a foreign leader like that. Not today. She would just have to wait and see what happened.

P Placeholder 0128 Cataline Holt
Cedric could only guess as to what the whirlies were. He took a moment when Grumb was busy talking to another observer to key his comm to Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt . "President unleashed something. Be on guard," was all he could manage before Grumb whirled toward him, practically shouting with excitement. "Whirlie time Imperator!" He thrust his arms up into the sky, and roared with uncomfortable laughter. Many of the other Vulptereens started to join in.

The Jedi Master exchanged a worried look with Alyson Halle Alyson Halle and Cataline Holt.

And then the whirlies were unleashed.

From atop the canyon overlooking the sharp turn around the track came a buzzing. It was quiet at first, but quickly picked up to be heard throughout the crowds of observers. Seven archaic flying machines rose just above the canyon side. They were each as big as a speeder, armed with what looked to be rotary canyons, and had what Cedric could only assume to be small sublight engines on their back end.

"You're going to shoot the racers?" Cedric asked, requiring all the restraint of a Jedi Master not to shout that at Grumb.

The Vulptereen shook his head. "No, no, they just fly over 'em and drop pies, buckets of dung, nothing dangerous."

The crowd cheered for the Whirlies.

The Whirlies closed in on the racers. Most were expecting the traditional dropping of the pies, but that would not come to pass. Instead, the Whirlies formed a line in the air, pointed their cannons at the race, and opened fire, spitting hot lead at the racers below with all the accuracy of a drunken ugnaught.

Cedric felt a vein on his forehead pop with outrage. "It looks like they're shooting at the racers, Grumb," he turned on the Vulpteeren, "What the hell are you trying to pull here?"

Grumb held up his hands in surrender. "I dunno, I dunno! They're not s'posed to shoot. Those ain't our guys, they gotta be..." Grumb poked at his lower lip as realization passed over his piggish face. "Uh, we might have a problem here Master Jedi."

Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Leon Gallo Leon Gallo Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Dak Dak Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara Cataline Holt
Residential Archfey
Objective IV
Atlas Kane

The Collector watched this new fellow walk in with a curious gaze. Owner of this shifting box office or not, he never quite knew who exactly would be drawn in by its call. Which was fine, it made things interesting. The Collector knew a lot of things. Of those being that knowing too much would simply take the fun out of everything.

"It is, indeed." With the gesturing of two lavender fingers, the teapot rose from its resting place, levitating as a cup was summoned by another gesture, pouring a steaming cup for the company before both pot and cup returned to the coffee table. "Though personally, I find it even better when it's spiked with a few other ingredients." He took a sip from his own cup at that, eyes never leaving his guest.

"So tell me," he started once he finished that sip, leaning forward slightly with the shimmer of mischief in those red eyes. "Because I am so terribly curious. What do they call you who would share this drink with me." His free hand shifted to rest on one of his legs, palm up as if it were idly waiting to be handed something. "Won't you give me your name?"

With thing picking up on the track most of the pit crews have left their posts, gathering around small viewscreens to watch, curse and cheer on their racer. Those a bit more keen to their jobs remain hard at work, invested in prepping their stations for emergency post-race repairs. These distractions make things a lot easier for Dak as he begins to navigate his way to Workshop 4B, moving quickly and as quietly as possible between the cover of parts, containers and the massive support beams holding up and overhanging section of the stands above.

A final short dash between a tool bench and an open garage door brings Dak into a filthy, but fortunately unoccupied workshop. A quick glance locates its number on the wall: 4D.

He was close.

Continuing to move through the open pit stop would be risky. Even with the staff engrossed in the event, all it would take is one person to catch a glimpse of him for the whole thing to spiral out of control. If the locals caught agents of the Imperium mucking about behind-the-scenes without sufficient evidence of a threat, it could serve to sour the developing relationship between the Imperium and the Vulptereen officials.

The internal halls would be a safer bet, Dak concludes, shifting his attention to the one door at the far end of the room. At least in enclosed halls he had a better chance of disposing of hostiles undetected. The droid lifts himself to peer over the repulsor-toolbench he had taken cover behind, making sure no prying eyes had caught onto him. Satisfied that his presence was still a secret, he moves cautiously to the exit and keys the unlocked panel.

A gentle swish accompanies the sliding of the door, opening up to a narrow, rounded low-ceilinged corridor. There would be no sneaking by anyone here.

Dak tugs at his BR-212's sling, pulling the rifle from his back and around his hip, out of the concealment of his simple black mantle. He glances down and thumbs the toggle to stun setting. The deaths of innocent locals would win them no love, but if he had to stun a few bystanders for the greater good, so be it.
Sensors readings showed nothing of concern, but the thickness of the duracrete walls made it difficult to read too far ahead. Audio-visual sensory data would have to be his primary source of warning for approaching targets.

Holding his rifle at a low-ready position with the stock pressed tightly to his shoulder, Dak sweeps through the door and scans the barrel from right to left. Empty in the immediate, visible area. The directional sign on the wall across from the door is easily translated via the DAC's integrated protocol functions, guiding Dak to continue left to reach the rendezvous.

His steps are quick, purposeful and surprisingly muted for metal against stone.

Right turn; empty. Continue.
Left turn; open doorway. Right side. Lounge. Multiple voices. Innocent conversation. Disregarded. Continue. T-Junction; empty. Directional sign; Workshop 4B, left hall. Continue. Left turn; emp-

A door hisses open as Dak rounds the corner and two seemingly normal Vulptereen technicians step out mid-conversation. With little time for them to react, Dak's superior artificial reflexes kick in, prompting him to squeeze the trigger. A blue ring fires from the barrel, encompassing both of them before they're able to produce an audible response to his presence. Instead, the two let out a strained grunt and tumble back through the doorway, tripping over eachother and collapsing to the ground.

"Druk!" a throaty voice exclaims from the other side of the doorway.

"D'ose karking gits are on ta us!" another squeals.

Clumsy and panicked shuffling can be heard inside the room along with many muttered curses. Dak plants himself next to the open door and transfers his BR-212 to a high-ready position. He could see the entrance to Workshop 4B at the end of the corridor, but it seemed he had unexpectedly interrupted a meeting.

Cataline Holt

Her heart sank as she lifted her finger back. Whatever it was, she knew it was going to be bad or disgusting and most likely a combination of the two. Cataline was nervous, although she did her best to hide that - mostly for the sake of not messing up the diplomacy like she almost had earlier.

But that didn't stop her from glancing between P Placeholder 0128 and Alyson Halle Alyson Halle , meeting both with her own worried look. Had they read the fine print before they got their people involved in this race?

Cataline's eyes stared out the window towards the 7 flying machines flew towards the racers. Did they really even need something like that? The racers were pretty much taking themselves out as it was. Her hands found themselves twisting together nervously as she stared towards the approaching machines.

"Oh no," she muttered as she watched the cannons open what was definitely not pies and buckets of dung. Her eyes glared towards the President, not really caring that she called him Grump not that long ago. Grayson had already spoken and it seemed that the President didn't quite know what was happening. "Can we stop the race?" She asked, unsure about the ability to do so midway through it.

What if they started opening fire on the crowds, though? Or even towards them?
Objective: II - Moozic
Racing with: Leon Gallo Leon Gallo
In the stands: P Placeholder 0128 / Cataline Holt / Alyson Halle Alyson Halle
Below the race: Dak Dak / Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara

Tea party: Collector Collector / Atlas Kane

With a satisfactory click, Frank established a two-way connect to the local security.
Hello. He greeted plainly. One of my crew members has rendered themselves unconscious, trouble with the fuel atomizers. Please bring a transport and cot to that level.

He waited long enough for there to be a confirmation. The message was pretty run of the mill; these sorts of accidents happened all the time. Anyone working with the medic team on race day could guarantee a paycheque by the end of the day, and often overtime.

The confirmation said they’d be down to that level within twelve galactic measures of a minute.

Taking the first turn, Loske haled back on the thrusters to give herself space to maneuver. Invisible suggestion made her reactions sharp, and tuned her into a rise of debris that had been concealed by the bend of the turn. Discarded swoops and rocket engines from the less fortunate. She went between them, swerving to the right and left with a responsiveness she hadn’t expected the fickle vehicle to have. Swerving to the right and left, Loske responded to them as if they were still, and she easily careened past them and other drivers -- pulling into the secondary row of racers.

Meanwhile up ahead, the troublesome trio were still creating a mess of smoke and metal. The crowds roared their approval at the elimination of racers. Medics on standby activated once the final pod passed over the discarded bodies of the swoop racers, with the mandate to salvage who they could.

Cedric’s incoming transmission interrupted her focus only momentarily. The choice to comm rather than any sort of telepathic connect was puzzling for a heart beat, and seemed to be to excess, when she could clearly feel him through the whispering of their Force Bond.

From his and the other’s vantage point, they were privy to the decision-making of the president who controlled this world. Suggesting that the race was subject to additional dangers, other than the malicious drivers was worrisome. They were still a mile or so from the track itself - given the dangerous nature of pod racing. The crowds were the closest, and the elite were more elevated. Away from the runaway zones of unfortunate malfunctions and the splash zone of would-be whirlies.

Her worry soon manifested, and she stole a glance from the stretching track upward and around to the rising threat. The back of her neck itched, and she felt a jolt of apprehension like electricity through her veins. The ships looked like they’d been glued together with the random carnage that littered the planet, misshapen, discoloured and generally mechanic atrocities. They became more of an eyesore when the weapons system was realized. In a shared instance, a mutual alarm bounced between those ethereal threads.

The turrets unleaded on the racers. Blossoms of fire erupted the volatile combustion chambers, there were some bursts of crimson when arms were entangled with the onslaught. The drivers panicked, swerving to the right and left to avoid the trajectory of damage. Woefully, with seven in the skies, it was tricky to get out of the way. Nigh impossible. It was like monkeys in a barrel.

This was a total clusterheck.

She physically wrenched herself to the left of her pod, slamming against the sides of the drum while a stream of metal tore through the right side of her central container. Plumes of smoke rolled back toward her, invading through her filter system and making her cough. The display within the pod blinked red irreversible damage to the core fuel tank and main compressor.

Loske had a mission here: Win the race for the Imperium’s establishment of the planet. Or at least, win the race and earn some merit in the negotiations. There was quite a bit banking on maneuverability and talent. Her training, and gut, suggested another mission: Preservation.
There was a bit of relief that former objective would be maintained with Leon Gallo Leon Gallo under phoenix emblem -- but only if either of them survived. Which wasn’t looking too likely at this juncture.

She couldn’t drive this janky pod and try to use The Force at the same time. Her focus would be far too split to have any sort of success, she was far from having that sort of intimacy with the metaphysical. Options raced through her mind -- Push through, focus on the race: Then those turrets would still be a risk and could turn on the crowds. Where were they from? Were they from the president? That was the only clue she had from Cedric’s communication.
Try to pull them with the force: Too much concentration. She’d crash and die or something. Start blastin’ back: Too puny a blaster versus the raggamuffin ships. Wait it out, let someone else take care of it: Unlikely. Now that they were around the bend and cliffside, the president’s chamber with the more qualified individuals was several hundred leaps-and-bounds away. Unless there was some miracle in the stands, the racers were sitting ducks.

The theatrical option would win. Her pod was too irrevocably damaged to do much use with her primary objective anyhow.

With a split second to make her decision, Loske gave a powerful juke to her air scoop lever -- the metal projections that kept her aerodynamic quickly sealing. This sent a violent shudder through the turbines, with all that excess energy and velocity. At the same time, her thrust stabilizers rejected the notion, roaring to life so forcefully that the two actions countered each other and the front of her turbines ended up digging their noses aggressively into the dirt. She gurhk’d a grunt at the interaction, but the force of impact ricocheted up through the steelon control tables, links and finally her pod. What had previously been horizontal and parallel to the ground was now acutely dug into it, and with the stiffness of the cables, it was basically a slingshot. At the same time the nose of the vehicle impacted the ground, she triggered the ejection seat for an additional boost and focused as hard as she could on willing her ethereal asset to augment her catapulting route from pod to bad guy ship with some extra zest.

The salvo of lead didn’t stop, but she was fortunately en route between two steady streams. Her landing was less than graceful. She only managed to cling onto a random extension of one of the ships, which creaked with her latching onto it. The metal dug into her gloved hands and tore up the leather while she grunted to hoist herself up on the ship, her legs kicking frantically. With some focused effort, and aid from an invisible source, she managed to right on top of the ship. Quickly, her golden blade activated and with a fell swoop disembodied the ship’s solo canon. The ship buoyed, and she had to crouch so as not to be tossed off. This was the...fourth one? Fifth one? Why were there seven?

A blast of energy can be heard from his position, making Jegy stand straight up as the one who had a stun rod near him tried to charge forward. The Sullustan would notice barely as he stabbed forward with full stun, shocking the Vulptereen till he was out of action. Other one however was prepared, grabbing onto the Sullustans scout blaster as they struggled between themselves. However the Vulptereen did not know much about pressure triggers on the scout blasters as he tugged to hard, firing onto himself in the chest as his eyes went wide. The scout blaster was quite loud as he looked up at the Sullustan then fell over, killed by a single blaster bolt.

Sullustan would pant as he noticed the bad situation starting to unfold before him, one of them being a dead Vulptereen. Then there was the screech of blaster bolts from outside the hanger bay, causing the Sullustan to run forward near the entrance to notice these..."Whirles" firing upon the racers. The crowd was cheering but he could see the expressions...this was not part of the show. Suddenly, he almost had a panic attack, his eyes going wide as he could see what could go wrong. All those racers were defenseless, the crowd could be shot at any time. The time for action was now and it must be done now. Looking to the side, he saw his answer.

Running fast as he could, he would clamber on top of a rather new looking vehicle. Muttering to himself on how time seems to fly, he would get himself strapped in and flip several switches as that familiar SWISH WHINNEEEEE sound would be heard. A person would be trying to yell at him from below but he only pointed his scout blaster at the engineer and fired at his feet, causing him to scurry with yelling screams. Turning on the comn link, he would replace his scout blaster with his S-3 Mangler Sonic Pistol, fiddling with the configuration to a precise beam setting as he spoke quickly.

"This is Sesara, commandeered and moving out."

Then, he pushed both of the sticks forward and hoped for the Force to guide him.


Almost on cue, the Sullustan with this unusual pod racer would come out of the garage area faster than one was supposed to. Widely turning, the side of the left engine would scrape against the wall but he forced the sticks forward hard, shooting out quickly towards the racers across the track. The Sullustan had not drove one of these in almost eight hundred years, save for a few simulators but even then, he would wreck them regardless. It even showed now, every time he made a turn, he would scrap the engines, sometimes going to low and hitting one of the low hanging barriers. Jegy Sesara was quite nicely put, one of the worst pod racers possibly ever seen though he was starting to catch up as he flicked one of the switches.

"Booster Override Engaged. Warning, heavy use will result in engine implosion."

Pushing the smaller throttles on the side in, he would thrust forward as the boosters would engage with a loud whine and shot him forward. He would actually pass one of the racers that was behind by a considerable amount, shooting past him and towards the Whirlies before him. The control screen would start whining on overload warnings though he had them muted. Tailing very close behind one of the Whirlies, he would hold out his Mangler Pistol, breathing in as he fired several sonic blasts towards the flying machines though it was not doing any noticeable damage other than shaking it.

Swearing, he would look forward as he would scream, pulling back his booster throttle and pulling on another lever down below as his pod racer went sideways, preventing him from slamming head first into a wall. Instead, he was now riding on the wall, driving straight on its trajectory as the right engine started to take a beating, the fins smacking every time into the barriers up top as they were being destroyed. The Sullustan looked to the side, noticing he could see the one of the cockpits from here and took the chance as he aimed with his left hand, breathing in and closing his eyes.

Trust the Force. Then he pulled the trigger as the sonic beam shot forward, shattering before it the cockpits glass. The Vulptereens inside screamed, impaled on glass from all side as he shoved the flight stick to the left on accident, smashing straight into another Whirlie as they start going down. The Seventh to Sixth one would soon slowly start crashing into the track below, the Sullustan barely noticing at the time a person jumping onto the one in the middle, seeing her swoop crash in the process as he swore. One of theirs was now out of the race but it was about to get worse.

The two that was about to crash were coming straight towards the end of the wall towards an old junk pile. With another scream, this time sounding like a scared woman, he would pull another lever as he would scrape very harshly against the ground, turning off the repulsorlift. The Seventh Whirly would pass over his pod racer barely, smashing straight into the junk pile as the Sixth Whirly would hit the ground, tumbling into a roll towards the Sullustan. Reactivating the repulsorlifts in a hurry, he would thrust forward with the boosters again as he shot forward underneath the other Whirly as it stopped in front of an old large tower, getting impaled onto it and stuck. Two down, five to go...or is it four now due to the lightsaber wielding person from afar?

Regardless, the Sullustans pod racer was in bad condition. The entire right engine had no armor plating yet and was exposed, part of the turbine in the back was missing its blades but it was better than the one on the left. The left engine had half of its armor plating but scraping against the ground that hard tore out some wiring and cables, something broke on the inside as it was spouting spoke on the left side of the left engine, the entire console trying to give a warning but it was muted and with the Sullustan to focused, he kept pushing the Pod Racer hard to get behind the other Whirlies. Regardless though...Sullustan was on his way to wrecking his second pod racer in a hurry if he was not careful though hitting another rock on the right engine where a large wire went undone and vanished...that seemed to be an impossibility even with the Force.
This was insane. Seven ships had taken positions above the canyon of junk, which Leon assumed were there for a better view. Instead, heavy blaster fire rained down upon him and his fellow racers. He screamed as a bolt narrowly missed his head, and other pods began to crash. He watched as the other Imperium racer, Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , crashed hard. Two other pods crashed ahead of him.

Leon pulled his Pod to as close to the canyon wall as he could, trying to let the guns fire at the center of the track. He pushed his pod forward, passing another crash. One of the three massive pods in the lead took a shot to one engine, and began to fall apart. The burning wreck of its left engine took another racer down with it, and the debris shot past the surviving racers.

Eleven racers were left, and only one of them was racing for the Imperium. Leon steeled himself, and accepted that he had to win now. The first part of winning was surviving, and he needed to make it past the ships firing at him.
Alyson was prepared, as she often was. She pressed a button on her respirator and servants almost immediately came in with a brief case.

"Apologize for the intrusion but I have a gift for our uninvited guests." Alyson said, popping the case open.

Inside the large cello case was a stripped down sniper rifle, 14.5mm caliber. It was designed to take out armored vehicles, Alyson was going to use it to pick off fascists from long distance. She took the large pieces out and began to assemble the extremely large rifle bit by bit. First slotting the barrel into the receiver, then extending and setting all the various scopes and other mounts.

Finally, she stuck in the huge magazine operating the bolt to load the firearm. She placed the rifle on the edge of the balcony, kneeling down to get level. The force allowed her to see her targets, those with violent intent in the crowds. Not those wishing to protect, those wishing to kill.

"I apologize for bringing a weapon into your domain but a lady must always come prepared for any situation. Even if such situations involve exploding hostile forces from a balcony 500 meters away." Alyson aimed down her shot. "Might want to plug your ears."

The shot reverberated throughout the room, shooting large amounts of smoke off the edge of the balcony. It thundered through your chest and would put a ringing through your ears.

"Cedric, I would recommend you go check the lower floors for uninvited guests. I think that the race might not be their only target. Ms. Holt, would you please attend to our lovely Mr. President. This is a dangerous situation." She said looking to the pig president for a moment.

P Placeholder 0128 Cataline Holt
Things were not going as planned, and Cedric was far from anywhere that might be helpful. His lips pressed into a thin line as he watched the proceedings from his place in the balcony. There was a pull on the ethereal ties that bound him to Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt - a foreign adrenaline that reminded him of the sensations that came with combat, but they were not his own.

That sensation was expounded upon when Loske pointfully crashed her racer into the dirt, which caused no small amount of panic in the Jedi Master, before launching herself up toward the Whirlies. That worry faded to silent confidence as his padawan carved her blade through the weapons of the Whirlies.

And then that confidence faded as one of the remaining Whirlies turned upon its constituent, the one that Loske was clinging onto, and opened fire. Either the nationalists didn't care about the lives of their own, or they simply had enough Vulptereen stupidity not to consider their actions. Either way the result was the same - the offending Whirlie chewed up its constituent in seconds, and Cedric could only hope that Loske removed herself in time.

This was accentuated by Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara stealing a pod racer, which caused a roar in the viewing crowd, and taking it upon himself to remove two more of the flying contraptions. Some of the worry in Cedric's heart lessened.

"Y'ain't gonna have much luck if ya try," Grumb explained to Cataline Holt. "Gonna piss off a lot of folks if the race stops. Might not be good for relations."

Cedric turned from the proceedings. "Do what you need to do Alyson Halle Alyson Halle . Just try not to crash any of those flying machines into the stands after you take out the pilots, eh?" He asked as he placed a hand on Grumb's shoulder.

"Mister president, Miss Holt and I will escort you to a safer locale."

"Got a bunker below the track."

"Then that's where we're going. Alyson, you have command." Cedric gestured toward Cataline. Grumb liked her - she could probably get him to follow the Jedi Master's orders. "Keep close."

Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Dak Dak

Cataline Holt

Cataline was not one that angered easily. There were few times in her, while short, life that she found herself truly angry. The event that was unfolding before her would really top it all off. She bit on her nail as she watched the scene unfold in front of her - although two of the 'whirlies' ended up going down.

Cat watched as a servant came in - and then as Alyson Halle Alyson Halle get to work on assembling the weapon while apologizing. Cataline stared at it for a moment, she'd never really seen a gun outside of a blaster.

She plugged her ears with her fingers, although the gun still left her ears ringing and her heart pounding.

The President, Grumb, replied to her question. His own people were out there too. And better yet, not good for relations? For all they know, he had set this up! She gritted her teeth in silence, knowing full well she didn't have anything diplomatic to say.

A bunker below the track? That was good, she guessed. "Good plan," she said with a weak smile as she looked one last look outside. "Let's hope the passage to the bunker is safe, after you, Mr. President," she said with another forced smile to the President. She'd follow behind the two and she hoped nothing would come up behind them.

P Placeholder 0128 | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Dak Dak | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara
The entire pod racer was shaking at this point, it had taken a lot of damage as he started to go around another loop. The lightsaber was still shining in his eye as he kept aiming upwards at the first one, moving to the far left and firing several times his Mangler Sonic Pistol. Each hit would shake it though it refused to go down, just like the last time he tried it. Getting aggravated, he would focus on driving past one of the pod racers up ahead as a burst fire of blaster from behind, apparently not paying to close attention how far he moved up. Getting hit in the already damaged left pod engine, it would burst into flames as it whined loudly on the screen, overriding the mute option. Swearing, he looked to the side and saw a rock cropping up ahead towards one of the bends, sloped just like the one he hit so long ago.

Taking a chance, he would turn as he activated the turbo one last time, the loud whine and shunt noise as he rocketed forward off the track, smashing into various debris as the right engine would start smoking with the left engine finally making an explosive noise. It would have shut off if not for the turbo having launched them forward, keeping the engine still functioning but at a reduced rate. Pulling the sticks up hard, he finally would launch the entire pod racer into the air, the left engine finally exploding into pieces of shrapnel all around. Standing up from the cockpit as he started to fall, he would pull the release levers onto the cables before him as the engines rocketed off towards the air, untethered now as the left one merely fell into pieces, the right one acting like a rocket going a bit further upwards.

Taking a leap forward with the aid of the Force, he would jump towards the closest Whirlie he was shooting at earlier and land on top of it with ease, apparently with some horror to others, having done this before. Steeling his feet down onto the bulkhead, he would stretch his right hand out in the Force, the right engine that was starting to fall stopped and started to move towards the second Whirlie as they started to pass by the stands, almost hitting one of the nearby awnings as the right engine slammed directly into the second Whirlie beside him with a thunderous crash, launching it towards the nearby wall away from the stands as it exploded with a large fireball. Jegy stopped using the Force as he started to pant, it taking a bit of energy out of him as he turned to see a Vulptereen having gotten on top of the Whirlie with a vibroblade.

The Sullustan stood straight up, looking towards the enemy Vulptereen with the Vibroblade as its dog like face grinned, starting to spin it from side to side of his body. It was showing off how skilled he was, moving forward to the Sullustan with each flourish to be unpredictable. If this was eight hundred years ago, there would been a long fight with a lightsaber to prove who was best...but eight hundred years later, the Sullustan had a different attitude towards people like them now. Giving a long groan, he would lift with his left hand the Mangler Sonic Pistol with his thumb turning the setting to wave and fired once as his arm rocketed upward due to the recoil. The Vulptereen was hit by the sonic wave blast and was blasted off the Whirlie as he screamed to his doom a few hundred feet down as Jegy looked around, changing the settings to be more precise on the Mangler Sonic Blaster as he moved towards the cockpits window.

"Eight hundred years and they still show off. What a pit-AHHHHH!!!"

Then the Whirlie tried to turn hard, trying to throw off the Sullustan as he slammed body first into one of the nearby rotars, almost having a very close shave to his head. Holding onto it, he would try to mess with his Mangler Sonic Pistols settings again with one thumb, trying to get it into wide spread wave mode as he comically was hanging on for dear life on the right side, right in Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt view.
On whirlies with: Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara
Trying to protect: The crowds, but also #1 Racer Leon Gallo Leon Gallo
Was in the stands, on the move: P Placeholder 0128 / Cataline Holt
Sniping: Alyson Halle Alyson Halle
Interrupting meetings: Dak Dak

First we gonna rock, then we gonna roll.
Eleven racers.

Those that were fortunate enough to continue tearing up the track after the initial strike were focused on getting as far away from the whirlie-ships as possible. It was tricky, though, they were manned and had a mission. They stayed overhead, and although Loske had damaged the one, she'd had to brace herself while it throttled backward with its brethren. She didn't mind if it stayed airborne as long as its weapon system was disabled - they'd need to preserve one anyway, for questioning and what not.

Oh wait - never mind. No preservation for this ship.

That warning tickle at the back of her neck flared up, and she leapt to the right as a partner opened fire on her ship. Lead tore through the metal, and left a wake of smoke and fire, spiralling down to the race track below. She'd made it to the roof of another whirlie before the attack.

Two whirlies down. One by her, one by themselves. At the same time, two more went down by way of an attack from below. Loske couldn't see who it was that was credited with the success - but she was grateful for some help.

Four whirlies down.

The canon atop her new whirlie swivelled, angling to the tear up the ground below. But she'd learned a new trick now - having witnessed how her last ride had been torn to shreds. With no small amount of effort, Loske stretched out her hand toward the canon. Great will and focus caused it to turn on the whirlie to the right of it, the gears groaning in protest to the unnatural adjustment of trajectory. pingpingpingpingpingpingpingping! Several metal jackets pierced through the metal of the ship next to them, and it followed a similar fate as the one she'd previously been atop of. Sparks turned to flames that licked through the metal, tearing it apart as the pilots inside did their best to right the ship to a crash below. Her gaze followed the spiralling, smoking ship long enough to see the pilots inside eject and take some comfort that she hadn't torn them apart with that move. They'd survive, and be either apprehended as necessary for interrogation, be over run by the second lap of the race, or picked off by Alyson's sharp shooting. She hoped for the former.

Five whirlies down.

Out of her peripheral, the good doctor had also catapulted from the track below - points for style - and was contending with some opposition which he aptly dealt with. The pilots within didn't favour this new aerial visitor, and made sharp movements to be rid of him. She replicated her strike to the cannons attached to the top of her current ride, searing through the metal base of the cannon before quickly re-clipping her disengaged blade and taking a running jump from her one whirlie to the other. She scraped along the top of it, not making a very elegant landing. The ship rocked in objection to her volatile movements, while still trying to shake Jegy. Gripping to one of the vertical frames of the rotars, she steadied herself before leaning down to grip the Sullustan's wrist and give him a hoist.

Five whirlies down, one with no cannon, and one with an active weapon.
This is fine. I just need to get through this canyon and I'll be fine. Leon's mind raced as the ships above him continued to fire. He heard two crash earlier, and their steady stream of fire was being reduced. He could get through this.

Suprisingly, most of the curves in the canyon had been gentle, allowing for almost no loss of speed. The racers' primary concern had been getting shot or hit by debris. Those who had been lucky so far continued hurtling down the track, passing when given the chance. The two podracers with massive engine remained in front, not letting anyone past.

From his position Dak can only assume the worst from the team's radio chatter. He wasn't entirely sure what was going on outside, but he knew it wasn't good and absolutely wasn't according to plan. Not only that, but with Jegy on the move again he was suddenly without his anticipated reinforcements.

The commotion in the room falls into a suspenseful silence, with both sides knowing something was waiting for them on the opposite side. In the still air their breathing came through clear as day for Dak's audio sensors. There were four of them, each one with unsteady breath. They were clearly nervous, and judging from their less-than-graceful reaction, inexperienced with such things.

"You's boys wud send a killbot, eh?" the gravelly voice of the first man who had shouted speaks up, hollering out to Dak "Vulpta don' bend ta no one!"

It was becoming clear to the droid that their information was not exactly accurate. The Imperium had no intentions of taking anything or anyone. The offer to join their banner had been extended to the Vulptereen government for their mutual benefit. However, before Dak can attempt negotiations a small object flies through the door and dings off the wall, landing and rolling toward him.

"Freedom fer Vulpta!"

Dak throws himself backward, just barely making it behind the corner before the grenade launches shrapnel through the hall.

Unfazed by any sort of concussive haze, Dak pulls himself to a knee and pokes the barrel of his rifle out from around the corner. He lines it up with doorway, preparing to open fire should any attempt to storm him. Others had surely heard the explosion, and he knew it wouldn't be long until either hostile reinforcements or Vulptereen security forces arrived.

I am programmed for negotiations," he responds, deciding to play into their notion that he is an assassin droid of some kind "lay down your weapons an surrender yourselves peacefully."

"Ain't gon' trick us taday, bucket'ead!" a third, previously unheard voice responds "tadays tha day Vulpta sees change, ya bet! But not da one you's boys hopin for."
(Phone post. Excuse the bad tags/formatting)

Cedric was more than happy to get away from having to entertain the president and simply protect the Vulptereen’s life. That took a lot less effort.

The Jedi Master caught the failing of the whirlies as he led the president toward a hidden stairwell that ran down from the alien’s viewing room. It seemed his people had a handle on thing, something for which Cedric was more than a bit grateful.

“Who’s flying the ‘whirlies’?” Cedric asked as they made their way down the stairs. “Ofradeen I think,” Grumb replies. “They don’t like offworlders. They want a ‘free and pure’ Vulptereens, like that makes any sense,” Grumb waves a hand dismissively to emphasis his apathy.

Cedric turned to Catalina as the travelled further. “Remind me to look into these Ofradeen when we have a moment to breath.” He requested, just as the sound of boots clapping against concrete reverberated up the corridor.

The lightsaber came to life just as the assailants fired their rifles. There were two of them, and each found his volley of rounds forcd back into the ground. The Jedi Master reaches out a hand, ethereal tendrils reaching out to suspend the duo in the air for a moment, before hurling them at a nearby wall. Each hit with a thump, and each fell to the ground insert, but still breathing.

“Whoa! That there’s some fancy magic emperor man,” Grumb hollered as Cedric was stepped over the inert assassins on his way to the door. Grumb turned to Cataline. “Can yew do that to girly? Some imperial magic?”
Being rocked back and forth as if made of jello was not something he was fond of. Hearing a distant explosion of another Whirlie, he could only wiggle his legs as he tried to hold on for dear life. While he could technically land without much harm, it would still hurt a lot. He would then feel someone grab onto his wrist, pulling him straight up with a lot of strength as he felt like a rag doll. Getting on top, he would look over at Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , giving a nod while still wearing those ridiculous racing goggles, that goofy hat and his racing scarf.

"Thank you Miss Matson! Now let me repay it now."

He would look down as it tried to twirl again, extending his right hand out in the Force and concentrated greatly. As the Whirlie would try to spin again, the entire Whirlie would stop moving in place, slowly straightening up to be level. The engines of the Whirlie would spin greatly and try to go faster though it would be strained as it was prevented from moving in place as it was very slowly, lowered to the ground outside the track. There left engine would stop working as a SNAP would be heard, the engine turning off as it would take nearly a full minute but it would be grounded before them with a THUD as the other engine would soon break, overloading as it sparked to which the Sullustan would finally let go of the Force with the Vulptereens trying to scramble out but the doors to get out being jammed by debris from below. Giving a quick smirk, he would turn to Loske and give a small shrug.

"Sometimes it is just the easy thing to do."

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