Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Tangled Web

Connor Harrison

As [member="Mantic Dorn"] spoke the unravelling information, Fixx stayed silent and watched both, reading their body language. Safe to say, [member="Lady Kay"] was in a tight spot. However, on the natural discussion of the Force – HER Force ability – Fixx shot his eyes to the Senator and just looked at her.

He had been played, doing everything he had alongside someone who could have read his thoughts, manipulated his senses and genuinely been a threat if he had taken action. With this, Fixx stood up and un-zipped his jacket and angled his body to the Senator, now apparently a Jedi. Or Sith.

He looked to the Jedi after being asked to help, and then back to Kay.

"You were right about not trusting anyone, Senator. And so was I.”

Fixx turned his head but didn’t take his eyes off Kay, his voice cold and firm.

"Mantic, you do what your religion says you must. She is one of yours. Tell me Senator, does [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] know of your secret?”

He was angry, and concerned how easy it had been for one as powerful as a Force user to hide amongst him. This was when a blaster and a keen eye didn’t always help in the field.
Mantic did hear her words. She only wanted to avoid bloodshed. He swallowed. The arguements had been said before, by full blown siths or fallen jedi. They did not mean it, but in the end force users are dangerous, and the jedi are no exception. That is why Mantic trusted the Galactic Republic and the Jedi order within it. Force users were not allowed to rule and if Mantic stepped over that line the jedi order would according to republic law put him out. He was aware of this but agreed with the sentiment. If allowed to rule the lure and tempations of the dark side would eventually be too powerful to resist, even for the most strong jedi's to resist.

He nodded at [member="Fixx Kearney"] and took a step forward.

''It is with great regret that I must ask you to come with me senator. Even if you belive that you are doing the right thing we can not be sure that the one named [member="Darth Ferus"] has not influenced your mind. Even so, you are a wielder of the force and has broken Republic law by posing as a senator without those powers.'' Mantic had no cuffs with him. In fact he was very unprepared for this course of action. He was going over his options and was not sure if he could trust the local security not to side with [member="Lady Kay"] should he summon their attention.

''Agent Kearney, this is a matter fo the Republic senate to decide upon. The Jedi Order will assist them if they ask for it. Maybe even take her in our custody should it come to that. But the jedi hold no jurisdiction over her fate unless the senate decides so. So in the service of the republic I ask for help, do you have reasources to summon a ship to escort the senator to the proper instance.''

Mantic was very focused. This [member="Darth Ferus"] sent a chill down his spine even if he was not here anylonger. What if the senator in fact was a secret apprentice. Then she could be very dangerous to them both. They needed to proceed with caution.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
This was not going how she had hoped. She was asking for their help and advice, but instead they decided to follow protocol. Well. She couldn't blame them for doing their jobs properly and to the letter which is much better than what she could do.

Slowly Kay moved behind her desk and even slower still, brought out her datapad so that she could see that it wasn't a weapon. After placing it on top of her desk she looked up to both [member="Mantic Dorn"] and [member="Fixx Kearney"]. "No, I haven't told the Minister. No one else knows that is currently in the Republic. A couple of Jedi know, but they are in different Orders. A couple of Sith know, as well as a couple of others in the Hutt Cartel. I never, ever used my gifts on anyone. My focus was always on healing and a little bit on defence."

She looked down to the datapad. "If I had really wanted to influence the Senate and take charge, don't you think that I would've tried to rise up in the ranks? Don't you think that I would've been in the Senate Hall far more than the little that I have been? I was elected Senator for a world that isn't very important other than adding to the overall economy." She sighed as she paused for a moment. "Taking a position as Senator was just a way to get income. I walked away from a high paying COO job because they were going down the wrong path and I didn't want innocent blood on my hands. Most of my income went towards my efforts to free slaves. I don't even have an apartment or staff as I can't afford it. I sleep here in my office whenever I am on the planet." She looked up at them. "Just....let me resign. The Senate and the Republic shouldn't have to go through another scandal. I can use the excuse that I wasn't doing enough to keep my position. That should save the Republic's image......I know that I only have myself to blame and you both are incredible members for the Republic. I just hope that in time I could be forgiven for my mistakes."

Connor Harrison

As Fixx nodded, he brought up his wrist, peeling back the jacket with the popper-button cuff and activated his com.

"No,” he said quickly at [member="Lady Kay"] as he waited for the signal to reach [member="Faith Balor-Organa"], "you don't resign that easily. This may yet all be sorted. We just need to take the right steps. The decent steps. Play your part and I'm sure it will be fine.”

As the signal came through, Fixx turned to concentrate on relaying a brief overview of the situation - he basically needed transport for himself, the Senator and the Jedi [member="Mantic Dorn"] with a guardship. He would divulge more later, but him calling for those two things was enough to know the heat had been turned up a little under them.

Signing off, he turned back to the two.

"While a blaster is no match for your Jedi powers, I'm a good shot, and I'm fast. So please don't force my hand to use it.”

This situation had certainly take a strange turn Fixx himself hadn't expected.

[member="Darth Ferus"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay slumped down in her chair and grabbed her satchel, hugging it in her arms. She felt like a child that was about to go to the Principle's office to get ordered into detention. Only this wasn't playful schooltime. This was adult wartime, and she had done wrong by it.

She couldn't stop [member="Fixx Kearney"] from contacting [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] and him asking for an armed escort. This whole thing was spiralling further and further out of her control.

Kay looked to [member="Mantic Dorn"], her eyes full of worry. "I'm sorry for this. I only stayed hidden because of the stigma against Force users, the mistrust, the fear. I didn't want anyone to look at me that way or judge me only on those lines....I asked you here for your help and advice, I gave you an opportunity to get the upper hand in this war and your only solution is go bring me in." She looked to Fixx. "I won't run. That would just add to my list of wrongs and put another bounty on my head."

One by one her list of allies were shrinking. There was a reason why she never let anyone close, never sought a deep friendship or companionship after her husband died. Her decisions would just put those people at risk. And if [member="Darth Ferus"] found out that she ratted him out, well, the corners if the Galaxy where she could hide was shrinking.
The air was tense and not without regret.
Mantic truly felt sadness... disappointment and doubt.
Was this really happening? Not [member="Lady Kay"]

Biting his lip he refrained from lashing out with reprimands.
It was in fact very much the same technique he used in the battle field. He had to let go of his emotions and ignore his personal feelings on the matter at hand.
Looking up at [member="Lady Kay"] he spoke

"I am afraid that we can not allow that. The force is not something to dismiss as a took to be used on special occasions, it tuns through our lives and makes impact wether we want it or not. That your intentions are hood now does not justify how you broke the law. Further more your actions in the senate now will cause ripples that may even affect future generations. It is not right."

Mantic took position next to her and let [member="Fixx Kearney"] handle this transport. He would be at the agents service and make sure no surprises jumped out at him from their prisoner.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay lowered her head and nodded to [member="Mantic Dorn"]. "Yes sir....I'm sorry." She reached out for her tea, still hugging her satchel to herself with her other arm while they waited, eyeing the liquid in the half filled cup as she shook a little. The tea would help calm her nerves. She sipped it, savoured it. Who knows how long it would be before she had another?

This was such a huge mess and it wasn't fair. Everything was falling apart. Is that was how this was going to be? Was she now going to rot in some cell for the rest of her life or at worse, be executed?

"Would I be allowed to try and contact my lawyer?...Or at least someone to be on my side. I don't want to go onto this alone."

[member="Fixx Kearney"]
Faith looked down her arms crossed against her chest. "Feth" Just as Ana came in hearing the Minister swear "Minister?" Faith looked up, "Ana send a transport to Lady Kay's Office Building, its just across the way.

Faith got up and walked to the window looking across, this was snowballing into other things. By the Goddess how many more things were going to fall out about her. When would it stop.

Faith almost cursed herself for this entire investigation, but it couldn't be helped couldn't be dismissed. And now...her shoulders dropped.

[member="Fixx Kearney"]
Mantic Dorn said:
That your intentions are hood now

The Page Master had walked casually past the guards while invisible. Once inside the main complex, he turned visible and walked around; following [member="Lady Kay"]'s trace. He was dressed in a grey business suit, a black tie, black dress shoes, and a white dress shirt. He was mighty spiffy, today...if it wasn't for the blue, starry, pointed wizard's hat that looked like it had been taken out of a Mickey Mouse cartoon. He wore dark shades, had a fluffy, white, full beard and mustache that reached down to his stomach. He had a blind man's cane in his right hand and he was lazily sweeping it from side to side. He had no use for the cane, but the Page Master thought it to be humorous.

There soon became a hitch, though. An assistant, who would have normally bustled on by noticed the strange, old man, stopped and confronted him.

"You...I've never seen you around here before, sir. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"My, you have a lot of questions. You see, my boy, I'm the Page Master. But that's all the time I have to answer your questions. I'm very busy, you know? Pip pip, mate." And, with that, he kept walking onwards. However, this only served to disconcert the assistant evermore. He quickly stepped around and in front of the Page Master.

"Wh---what??...Sir, I don't think you're supposed to be here! You really should let me guide you back to the lobby where we can get all of this straightened ou---" The Page Master cut him off.

"I do, in fact, believe I know what I'm doing, young buck! Now, you're holding an adorable puppy and you can't stop cooing over it." He flicked his hands out towards the assistant and, sure enough, a puppy appeared in his hands and the assistant stared dumbfound at the adorable creature in his hands.

With the assistant distracted by the puppy, the Page Master continued on his way, unhampered by further incidents. He finally came to the door to the room in which he could sense Lady Kay. He knocked politely on the door three times. If he wasn't met with a response within 15 seconds, he would knock five more times and then wait.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Fixx Kearney"]

Connor Harrison

Fix stretched his arms under the jacket and linked them before his body, a small smile crossing him as a well-mannered gentleman.

"We will get a call when they are here, shouldn't be too long. I assure you Senator, regardless of Jedi and Sith values, my duty is with the Republic and I am sure this will be over soon and we will be back where we should be doing what we do best.”

And, after glancing to [member="Mantic Dorn"], a well timed knock cam to the door. Fix turned his head, a slight crease forming in his eye. Still, nothing too major for a Senators office welcoming an officer and a Jedi. He turned back to [member="Lady Kay"].

"Expecting someone, Senator?”

If she had any tricks up her sleeve, it wouldn't be wise for her to try reveal them now.

[member="The Page Master"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
She nodded her head to [member="Fixx Kearney"] when he spoke of his duty to the Republic. Despite their arguing he was a good man. Both him and [member="Mantic Dorn"] were. The Republic was lucky to have them.

Kay raised a brow at the knocking and then shook her head. "I'm not expecting anyone, no. Except for the transport. If security asks, I'll just tell them that there's an important Senate meeting and that you are all escorting me so that I will arrive there safely. Is that alright?" She wanted to make this as easy as possible.

[member="The Page Master"]
Mantic stood still and tried to focus. He could not help but suspect that this [member="Darth Ferus"] somehow would keep tabs on the senator. He had gotten to her and now Mantic even sensed that [member="Lady Kay"] indeed was a formidable force user. Her powers could very well match that of his own. the question if she in fact was a trained sith or not was still unclear though.

He raised an eybrow at [member="Fixx Kearney"] s remark about the republic but let it pass.

"Agent, let me know how I can assist, I am a jedi and thus a servant of the republic, nothing more, nothing less." he offered to in some way have it official that he considered [member="Fixx Kearney"] to be the one in charge.

As the knock came he looked up and made sure that the senator was not trying any move. As she seemingly was still he instead turned inwards. Sensing the web of the force having been spun across the room and beyond. Each string caused ripples to the entire web, some larger, and some so small that it required the hardest of concentrations to sense them.
As for now, he was doing his best to learn if the web had changed in such a way that a string signaled that darkness was approaching.

[member="The Page Master"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
As the Page Master patiently waited in front of the door, he noticed a stirring in the Force...He literally felt it. If felt like there was a vibrating string attached to his chest. He reached towards it and the intangible, ethereal string of Force became like a physical spider web coming straight from the door to his chest. He plucked the end from his chest with one hand and pulled a red SOLO cup out of his suit with the other. He then attached the cup to the string and put the cup up to his mouth. He then spoke into the cup.

"Llamas are larger than frogs. When the time comes, you will understand. Hmm hmm hmm!" He ended his wise statement with coy, purse-lipped laughter, similar to that of Yoda of an ancient time ago. The message would be sent directly back to [member="Mantic Dorn"], laced with warm camaraderie and well intentioned humor.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Fixx Kearney"]
Faith had a duty to perform she kept reminding herself that her conscience could bother her later. She made looked at the message she had been drafting.

To the Prime Minister of the Republic:

Official Report

A situation has arisen that requires I inform you one of my Agents has taken Lady Kay into custody. Please see the following reports

Minister of Intelligence, Faith Organa

[member="The Page Master"] [member="Mantic Dorn"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Fixx Kearney"] @Genevieve Lasedri


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay wanted to answer the door. But if she had gotten up to open it, [member="Mantic Dorn"] and [member="Fixx Kearney"] would just assume that she was trying to escape, so she remained still and seated. "Come in, door's open!"

She hoped that it would be her lawyer [member="Matthew Mar'Tin"]. Though he was blind, his hearing should be top notch. Anyone in the office could have called him. Or maybe it was [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] that was waiting on the other side? Kay wasn't looking forward to confronting her again. She feared that she'd never be trusted again after this. Hiding one's Force ability was huge and though she never considered herself really strong in it, there was a few skills that she was quite well practiced on.

As the door would open, she secretly hoped that it wasn't [member="Darth Ferus"]. But who knows? She wasn't one for being able to see into her future and if she did have the ability, then she'd of foreseen how her hopes would shatter. She'd of made different choices. Maybe that'll be something that she could work on, if she was allowed.

Connor Harrison

A quick glance to his com; nothing yet. What was taking so long?

After the words from [member="Mantic Dorn"] and as [member="Lady Kay"] kept her cool, Fixx walked past the Jedi to the door.

"First feeling you get this is wrong, say the word – we act together to get Kay out of danger.”

The Jedi would be someone Fixx could never be, but together they would be a worthy duo to get Kay out. It wasn’t so much getting out of the building that was the issue, it was getting to the transport, staying alive inside said transport and reaching [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] in one piece.

Fixx completed his walk with a turn behind the door, which would obtrude him when opened which he did gently. His pistol was under his jacket. Just in case.

[member="The Page Master"] | [member="Darth Ferus"]
Mantic inclined his head at [member="Fixx Kearney"] in approval.

"Our guest is force sensitive. Impossible to say if he is aligned to dark or light though. He might be trying to hide it."

Mantic held back. He would do whatever he could to assist the agent on this but he would be careful to assume anything on his own. Those thoughts were dangerous.
He took the cup off the Force string, attached the quivering string back to his chest, and let the string turn incorporeal once more.

The door opened and a smile appeared on his face. He took in the countenance of [member="Fixx Kearney"] and tipped his ridiculous wizard hat to him like a gentleman.

"Why, hello there, son! My name is the Page Master. (*Attempts to shake Fixx's hand*) Who might you be?" However, like a child with ADD spotting video games, the Page Master spotted [member="Lady Kay"] inside the room. His smile grew even larger and he said, "Lady Kay! How wonderful it is to see you!" He said all of this while staying still at the doorway. No need to barge in and be considered rude.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Connor Harrison

Fixx peered around to see one dressed like some fantastical wizard. It was enough for him to stop and collect his bearings on reality, turning his head to the others - [member="Mantic Dorn"] and [member="Lady Kay"] – away from the hand of [member="The Page Master"].

"Is this some sort of joke?” he asked nonchalantly.

Going back to this wizard, Fixx took his hand with a shake not exactly full of warmth.

"Can we help you, wizard?”

Granted, Fixx was losing patience in this charade and time was running out.
The Page Master frowned. He had been going for the lawyer look today. He looked down at his clothing once more. He'd gotten the shades, the cane, the grey business suit, the white dress shirt, and even the black shoes that had an insignia that made them more expensive than similar non-marked shoes. What had gone wrong? Why did he look like a wiz---Oh, barnacles. The hat, doofus, the hat!

His smile faded for a couple of seconds as he said, "Oh, bother", took the hat off and chucked it as far down the hallway as it could flop. One couldn't look silly when death was on the line! serious events were afoot. "I apologize," he apologized. "When you're my age, you tend to forget some things."

[member="Fixx Kearney"]
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
[member="Lady Kay"]

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