Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Taste of Together


Loomi Loomi
Braze nodded and lead Loomi back to the temple. it seemed Braze was somewhat familiar with wandering the streets and barely had to check names here or there on the way back. One might get the distinct idea that he wandered away from the temple rather often.

"Thank you again for coming out with me today. I had a lot of fun with you Loomi. "
Braze just about purred in a pleasant tone as they reached the front of the temple. He moved to offer her his hand.


Velvet Vineyard
Tags: Braze Braze


Loomi took his hand and simply gave a warm smile. He didn't have to thank her for joining him. She would either way for any of her friends. After all, she had never had fun like this before. It seemed wrong to deny herself such an experience. Even with how awkward her walking usually was given her prosthetics, the Godoan had a skip in her step now. She'd wordlessly let Braze walk her back to the temple, though there was an undeniable air of cheerfulness in her disposition.



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