Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Tender Heart for Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

Kurenai contemplated the offer. "Yes. That would be suitable, A small abode nearby. But I am aware there is no such charity among the worlds, but economy. I would exchange whatever service I can offer to stay on this world awhile. Perhaps I can aid in keeping the peace? I can walk among the thoughts of ordinary minds, ferret out those who would do the people of this world wrong. Out there, beyond the walls are the slums... there is much suffering there yet your security forces cannot deal with them all."

She made the counter-offer to Solan, basically asking for a job as an investigator at this point.

[member="Solan Charr"]

He raised a brow at the change in the woman to the point of wanting to look out for those people his people could not. He had to admit that his system was not perfect, just as no system was but he did take a bit of pride in his the reach he had. None the less, he would benefit from every eye possible and for a few moments he thought on it before nodding. "This would work pretty well. I see some other points to discuss but for now lets just saw that i agree with your idea. Very well. You shall be a eye for me in that area but make sure that you don't do anything rash. An eye is no good if its got a million people watching it."

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