Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Test, Nothing More


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Natro-Terra was one planet in the Unknown Regions that Kay hadn't come across before. However they were a hub of trade in their sector. Perhaps they'd be a new market for her teas and baked goods that offered plenty of fantastic side effects. Although some could be considered illegal in some jurisdictions. Kay was sure to provide warnings for such products.

And then there was another couple of products that she wanted to test out. Such a vastly populated planet would be a wonderful testing ground. Such an experiment needed to be done secretly, however.

But how to get there? Kay no longer had a ship of her own, having lost everything after her capture by the Eternal Emperor. Most people figured her for dead, which was something that she preferred. And now that she had divorced her husband in order to save him from her shame and actions, Kay now reverted back to her maiden name, so if people went to look for Kay Arenais, they wouldn't find her.

But she still had access to some of her old records and in them she came across [member="Myles Davorak"] . As far as she knew he had a ship. And perhaps he had no knowledge over anything that had transpired over the past few years or more. That'd be all the better.

So she sent him a message:

Myles Davorak,

If you are near Altiria/Anarris and have a ship available, I'd love to hire your services to ship some products to Natro-Terra.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kay Larr
[member="Tobias Dracks"]
The interior of The Tempest had warm lighting which greeted Myles as he was reviewing the star charts, plotting a route to find another job. He was finishing up business in the Outer Rim and just got fueled up for another excursion. Sitting in the lounge room he toyed with various decisions while taking a bite from his rations that he stashed on-board. He could go back to Tatooine and pick up some jobs there--

His datapad went off, sending him a job posting.
Myles Davorak,

If you are near Altiria/Anarris and have a ship available, I'd love to hire your services to ship some products to Natro-Terra.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kay Larr

The source came from a familiar contact that he had not seen in a while...Lady Kay. Only this time, it seems that she had changed part of her name--that mattered little to him. Discretion and privacy was always important for him to keep safe for clients. He knew what he had to do, he got his datapad ready for a quick reply and sent the following message to [member="Kay Larr"]

Kay Larr,

I always have a ship available, plotting route now. ETA two hours. Have cargo ready and I'll load it aboard.

Good to hear from you, see you soon.

As he sent the message, he closed his star charts and went to his navcomputer located in the cockpit and plotted a course for Lady Kay's location. Sitting down in his chair and strapping himself in, he sped through the atmosphere in his AIAT/i, eager to catch up on old times and do a job for someone he considered a friend.
Location: Natro Terra, Elizabeth Station
Mission: Consolidation of Company Facilities

These times had been rather difficult over the last few years. In reality, after the fall of the New Republic nothing was the same again. He was no longer a trusting man, and clung to the ideals of conflict and war. For the past year now he had fought warlords and Imperial Loyalist within the Fringe Territories, and now he was a High Lord of the Grayson Imperium. Oh how the mighty had fallen.

Natro Terra was one of the last stronghold for the United Trade Conglomerate within the Unknown Region. It carried the industrial capacity to be a dockyard for many transport ships in their repairs and retrofitting. Though there were hundreds of trade outposts and stations in the Unknown Region, this planet was the only safe harbor for the companies millions of ships to repair themselves. Its close location to Anthemoessa was also a key for the gas giant was the center of secrete trade in the Unknown Region. Its location where the Jaster Trade Spine and The Blood Trail intersected was a great back door to many of the strong nations in the known galaxy.

However, the reason for Tobias being there was to secure a massive transit of ship components for his fleet within the Grayson Imperium. The Imperials that surrendered were in need of repairs and the UTC was the only company that could provide on short notice. Thus Natro-Terra was the place to go. Remote, strong, and a population to spare, the people of the planet had been aware of the greater galaxy for over 10 years now. They were some of the best places to get ship hands and mechanics on short notice while being in the Unknown Region.

As such the High Lord of the Grayson Imperium was here on a recruitment run as well as a supply run. Really just whatever the Imperator wanted this time around.

[member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Kay Larr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
So [member="Myles Davorak"] did remember her. No doubt he'd have some of his own opinions of her current situation. But she'd do her best to stay away from such topics.

His response was quicker than she had anticipated, but with help from [member="Doyle"] , she was sure to get everything ready.


I'll see you then. And I hope you don't mind, but I plan on going along. Any bunk you can spare will be fine.

She didn't need to be treated any different than some regular passenger booking passage. Kay wasn't anyone of note anymore. She was just an owner of a tea shoppe, and that was more than she figured she deserved to be.

Within the two hours, both Kay and Doyle got everything prepared. There were pallets carrying a whole variety of teas and baked goods. She also carried a satchel and small suitcase. All were outside waiting for Myles to arrive, minus Doyle whom later returned inside to mind the shoppe while she was gone.

Hopefully this trip would go alright.

[member="Tobias Dracks"]
Myles entered the atmosphere in a timely fashion as his AIAT/i flew sluggishly to the target destination. Using one hand, he flipped toggles and switches to begin immediate landing protocols and he did this without looking. He knew his ship like the back of his hand and he knew all her ups and downs. They both had ups and downs it seemed. Reflecting on the last transmission he got from his "client" he amused at the upcoming journey.

She plans to come along? Fair enough. Always up for some company.

The landing gear emerged from the hidden recesses on his ship and The Tempest slowed to a crawl as it approached the landing pad. There he saw a familiar-looking figure await him with cargo in tow. The Tempest bucked as it landed softly on the landing pad, giving a few affirming hisses before coming to a complete stop. The engines disengages and the rear door opened, revealing a grizzled old man walking down the length of the door.

"Well well well, it's been a while stranger. I hope you have been doing well for yourself. Here....I'll give you a hand with the cargo. I'll show you to your bunk when we depart"

Myles didn't mind the company one bit. He did have three bunks aboard his ship, usually meant for Raven Squad but there were on instructed leave for the time being. It was just Myles and [member="Kay Larr"] that would be aboard the ship on this excursion.

Escorting a hover-sled down to the landing pad, Myles was quick to start loading crates and cargo aboard the ship and promptly strapping it down for transport.

[member="Tobias Dracks"]
-- The Preperations of the transportation of goods was nearly ready. He was only awaiting the transport ships from Lord [member="Maracel Yorkell II"] another of the Noble Houses of the Grayson Imperium. Tobias had promised to assist the Imperial Faction with rebuilding their losses and Lord Yorkell was the only other that had access to transports. The UTC was still moving good from their secrete bases across the galaxy, so transports were in short supply. Building a nation was not an easy job, but this was the companies fourth time completing such a task, though that country continued survival was for the government.

-- Tobias stood on the bridge of his flagship, the Chancellors Remnant, the ship of his Masters and a relic of a long forgotten war. The planet was ripe with military candidates, and as they were still children in the eyes of the Galactic Stage they carried no allegiances. The Imperial Forces would gain a lot from the recruitment of the planet.

-- He looked at one of his Deck Officers, "Inform me when Lord Yorkell arrives, I will speak with the governor about the transfer of Ships Supplies and resources."

-- The High Lord walked off to start his conversation about the moving of goods between the planet and the arriving Imperial Transports.

[member="Myles Davorak"] | [member="Kay Larr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay gave [member="Myles Davorak"] an uncomfortable laugh as he remarked on her well being. If only he knew just how bad things were. "Good to see you Myles. I'm alive...that's about all that we can hope for. My tea company is doing well though." The Sphaera Tea Company was doing well enough to not have her peddle her wares on a full time basis. Still, this trip had a bit of an alternate purpose.

She left her suitcase where it stood while she helped Myles load up the cargo. Sure Kay was his boss for this venture, but it didn't mean that she couldn't help out. "How've you been these days?" Once all the cargo was loaded, she picked up her suitcase and brought it inside with her, taking off the satchel as well. "Where would you like these?"

[member="Tobias Dracks"]
Escorting the hover-sled up the rear ramp his wishes of well being were met with a considerable laugh. Perhaps it had been too long since he last saw her, perhaps things were not as well as they once were. It was none of his business so he dropped the subject and prompted a reply to her.

"Glad to hear your business is doing well. Sign of a decent paycheck and an enjoyable life. I have been alright, I have put my men on leave for the time being to allow me to get back on my feet before taking Triad to newer horizons. Other than that, I cannot complain. Jobs have been steady and worthwhile."

Kay offered to assist him with the loading of the cargo, to which he did not refuse. Taking the containers to the cargo hold, he positioned the hover-sled in a nearby corner and locked it's position. The items would not be moving anywhere unless someone activated sled itself. They were almost done loading the cargo when Kay asked him once more where her stuff should be kept.

Motioning her to follow him, he grabbed her bags and led her to the bunk hall. There were four identical rooms that had a bunk, some storage space and a bedside light.
"Here ya are. This is where you will be staying during our flight. Feel free to make yourself at home. These beds may not be top of the line but I can assure you that you can rest here. Now....with everything loaded. Any questions or comments before we take off? If not, I'll go ahead and start take-off procedures."

He wasn't trying to rush her by any means. This contract made him feel relaxed and not so pushed for time. Only meaning that he knew his employer at least and felt comfortable with the job. This didn't mean that he was off guard or easily surprised by anything. He simply felt at ease mentally, for the most part. Myles would look at [member="Kay Larr"] for further answers on how she would like to proceed and if she needed anything before The Tempest made its journey.

[member="Tobias Dracks"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Enjoyable life? That couldn't be further from the truth. Kay's life was downright awful and she merely blamed herself for it all. It didn't matter about the number of times that she was captured and tortured, or at least thought that she was. For her; all of that was rightly deserved. Even divorcing her husband wasn't done out of falling out of love. It was merely to release him from her shame, her troubles and his need of worrying about her. Veiere said that she was allowing fear to guide her, yet fear was all that she had left. Everything else was gone. She had more or less given up.

"I'm glad to hear that business is good. My daughter has her own ship and crew now, shipping cargo, I believe. Maybe you'll run across eachother some time." Kay followed [member="Myles Davorak"] inside The Tempest. "Her ship is called Jaster's Sparrow. Have you heard of it?"

Once in the bunkroom, she took a quick look around. "Oh this is more than enough, thank you." She'd of slept on the floor if she had to. It wasn't as though she could afford luxury anymore.

At his question of whether or not she had anything else for him, Kay shook her head. "No, I think we're all set. Once we're enroute I'll prepare us some tea." She was hardly without tea. Owning a tea company only gave more reason to her addiction.

[member="Tobias Dracks"]
Myles had no idea what was going on in her life and it wasn't any of his business unless she felt the need to bring it up or if it involved their contract. He simply listened to what she had to say as he made his way to the cockpit to begin take-off.

"Jaster's Sparrow? Hm....haven't heard of it to be frank. I have been out of the game for a year so I have to catch up on certain things. Sounds like your daughter is making a name for herself and that's a wonderful thing in itself. "

Upon hearing her remark on the bunk situation, she would have complete privacy in her own bunkroom. He wouldn't intrude and the refresher was just at the end of the hall so she could live comfortably during transit. Leaving her to unpack and settle things in for the ride, Myles departed.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to it and I'll take us away to Natro-Terra. Can't say I have been there before so I'll have to consult my star charts. We'll get there soon, I can assure you."

Myles was in very casual like attire, sporting a gray top that had quilted patterns that would assist in recoil absorption. He was wearing sand colored pants that had various pockets and loops for storing bits of gear. Davorak was a utilitarian type of guy, one to have the right tools for the job. He liked to be prepared. Finding Natro-Terra? It wasn't a planet he was familiar with but he did get the scoop on the planet while engaging take-off procedures.

Flipping various toggle switches and levers, The Tempest came to life and bucked off the landing pad, sure to give a brief startle to passengers aboard. She was an old ship so she needed a lot of love, and Myles was sure to give her that. The landing gear retracted into the recesses of the ships hull and soon, the AIAT/i was in orbit. Consulting his star charts, Myles plotted a course for the target destination and made his way through the galaxy. Auto-pilot would soon be engaged so Myles could catch up on other tasks such as taking inventory of rations, repairing weapons/gear, drinking some tea etc.

Myles loved to live comfortably on his ship, and that's exactly what he did. If Kay were to go to the kitchen/lounge area, she would see pictures of various locales marking exotic places that Myles has been to. There are even photos of a younger him with his squad in the Naboo Royal Forces. However, if she paid no mind she would see that the ship had basic amenities/equipment to get any job done. Especially brewing tea or fixing food. Myles didn't have a permanent home so he lived aboard his ship in the meantime. An old man, flying an old vessel. A sailor of the stars in his own right.

[member="Kay Larr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay tucked her pack and luggage under the bed. She didn't really feel like unpacking. Outside of her tea satchel, there wasn't much else that she needed out of it. The amount of belongings that she had was very little, including her clothing. She had one business suit, two pairs of slacks and shirts, a nightgown and an apron for cooking. Gone were the days of having a fancy wardrobe full of dresses and gowns.

After [member="Myles Davorak"] got the ship in the air, Kay took her tea satchel and headed off to the kitchen to make herself some tea. While the water was boiling, she studied the pictures, recognizing some of the locales, but not all of them. Myles sure travelled a lot. It made her wonder where he called home. Perhaps it was Naboo? There seemed to be evidence of that.

Once the tea was prepared, she carried it with her up to the cockpit. "I take it that you found Natro-Terra on your charts? I'm not certain if many have been there. Maybe it's pretty, and you could add another picture to your collection in the kitchen."

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