Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Test of My Skill

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Micah"] [member="Krest"] [member="Rayf Vigil"]

Iridonia was a place claimed by the former Sith Lord known as Krest, once Darth Ferus. Vanessa Vantai had desired to send a simple but effective message to Krest - that his disloyalty to the Empire would not be tolerated. She had chosen to use this as an opportunity to provide another Sith - a smaller, more adorable Sith - with the opportunity to learn how to manage a small-sized fleet. The Sith known as Micah would be leading a fleet to attack an Iridonian supply depot, with the intent to destroy whatever it could get its hands on.

Outside the immediate combat area, a Cyracuse-class drone carrier, carrying squadrons of elite fighters, prowled through the system. Vanessa was on-board, in direct link with Micah. She would be providing him with tactical guidance during this engagement. The fighters were not for use in assisting the Sith - no, they would only come into play if any unexpected arrivals entered. Vanessa had other fleet assets on reserve in the event that happened.

(Alright, so this is the training thread - Rayf and I will be getting a squadron vs squadron dogfight going while you two engage one another. I'm going to preemptively cap the fleet size for both of you at 5km in overall capship length. Be sure to message me on Discord if either of you need any guidance or advice)

Sor-Jan Xantha

Wearing: Sith-Imperial Naval Cadet Attire | Sword of Omens | Wristlink
Primary Objective: Destroy/Disrupt Supply Depot
Secondary Objective: Honor and glory for the Sith Empire!
Tertiary Objective: See if Iridonian McYoda's has the EndorMon Let's Go Happy Meal toys


No one expects the kitten inquisition!

...well, actually, if this [member="Krest"] brah was really a Dark Lord of the Sith and not actually a brand of toothpaste, then he was probably expected a Sith inquisition of some kind. Loyalty to the Empire was rewarded. Disloyalty to the Empire was also rewarded, just the bad reward. Not the good one.

Seriously, wasn't Krest a toothpaste? The boy swore that it was a toothpaste.

The fleet had just jumped into the Iridonia System. The distinctive triangular shape of the star destroyer and its escort craft making clear their allegiance. Like a rain of arrows, the ships flowed forward through the expanse of space, pointed like daggers on their course toward the Zabrak homeworld.

The parameters of the assignment that he had been given concerned a supply depot of some kind. Moving what, the youngling didn't know. His information didn't include such specifics, so the Cathar assumed the material to be inconsequential. All that mattered was Emperor Carnifex's statement, the message delivered by turbolaster. He need merely be its messenger.

The tabby-colored kitten stood at the forward part of the star destroyer's bridge. A short cape, trimmed in gold, draped across one side of the Sith Armada cadet uniform that he wore. Three gold stripes on the sleeves denoted the brevet rank of commander, not unlike the military command authorities that the Jedi had fostered on their padawans in times of war. Whether one served the light or the dark, the end result was the same. The maintenance of war, no matter how paltry the claims that one fought to 'protect' rather than for conquest, necessitated the training of each generation in the arts of combat.

"Have the Reliant prepare to engage its interdiction field," the boy remarked, turning to look back at the Sith-Imperial officers behind him. "We should discourage any sudden departures," the kitten mused aloud.

Operation LITTERBOX Assault Fleet
1x Xo'Xaan II Star Destroyer (Flagship)
1 squadron TIE Interceptors
1 squadron TIE Heavy Fighter/Bomber
2x Eradicator-class Heavy Cruisers
2 squadrons TIE Fighters
1x Incapacitator-class Cruiser (Interdictor)
1 squadron TIE Fighters
3x Shard-class Assault Frigates
5x Exterminator-class Heavy Corvettes
Total Fleet Length: 4,775m

[member="Vanessa Vantai"] | [member="Rayf Vigil"]

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