Frank Hamish
Hours earlier
Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar"
Time: 1400 Galactic Standard
Aiden had stepped off the stolen vessel some time ago, already making his way through the many denizens of Lucky's Bazaar. A veritable hive of many smugglers, illicit traders and fences, alongside pirates, mercenaries, bounty hunters and a long list of other types throughout here. It was the place he'd been "given" by the man he'd watched John beat within an inch of his life for. A place where one went to buy all sorts of commodities, goods, and whatever the heart desired, from drugs, weapons, technologies, or as he'd just seen, even slaves. Which meant a particular type of criminal was here as well, one that Aiden absolutely hated with every fiber of his being.
Aiden looked at the pens these people were chained up in, noting how they were kept like veritable livestock. Little more than nerfs. Many were afraid, a few having looked like they were recently taken, a few looked angry, and several of them looked just defeated. Like they'd only known this life for some time, just being bought and sold between masters like there was no chance at freedom. Every time the CIS and CAF cracked down on slavers, more seemed to pop up. Aiden looked between them, noting the guards next to the pens and their location. His original objective here had been to acquire the firepower he'd need to bring down a Sith, or at least fight on more equal footing. This however had changed that. This, changed everything. Aiden would feel the shade behind him once more, smiling and chuckling to him darkly as he approached the guard. He would speak directly to the guard two words, his droid behind him realizing what the kid was about to do.
"Release them,"
"Release them, now,"
"Or wha-"
The guard wouldn't get to finish the words as Aiden grabbed him by the throat, using his cybernetic strength as his artificial eye began flickering. He was losing himself, and he could feel the dark clutches of the animal begin to take hold over him. It began flashing red under his helmet as he hissed at the guard with barely contained rage.
"Or I will strangle your friends with your intestinal tract, fashion your bones into cutlery which I will then use to precisely cut their throats open. And then defecate down their esophagus,"
The guard began struggling, reaching for his belt to try and grab something as his friends immediately pulled weapons, John raising his in return as he finally spoke.
"You just really know how to pick your battles don't you kid?"
Aiden would simply reach down to the man's belt as he was struggling with his free hand, pulling a card free and sliding it into his own belt before simply crushing the man's throat with a wet crunch. His next words would be followed by a mad chuckle as he gave an order to John.
"They all die," A blur would be seen in the camera feeds as Aiden drew his sword faster than human eyes could follow, and started hacking through people. There were screams, yells of panic and anger, blaster fire.
A monster had been unleashed.
Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, approaching Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar" in the "Mangy Kath Hound"
Time: 1700 Galactic Standard
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Frank was sitting in the pilot's seat of his ship as they were coming up on their new location. The Mangy Kath Hound was a bit of a mess, various pieces of trash, bottles, parts, and exposed wires covered the ship as she seemed to be held together with cheap adhesive, spit, and prayers. That being said she had it where it counted, with the engines and hyperdrive holding together better than most of the ship. It's inertial dampeners would fluctuate across the vessel, with certain areas of the ship not having gravity at all and others having a little too much, and some places groaning under the strain of the ship's maneuvers. Lights in most of the bulkheads worked, mostly. The beds were in one piece, and the cargo hold was pretty sparse meaning the ship could at least attempt to support a normal crew. The refresher was clogged, and when any attempts were made to dispense water would result in groaning raspy noises that did next to nothing. To put it bluntly, the ship was a dump.
But hey, if this job paid out as good as they were promising, he might be able to fix her up.
Frank would call back into the ship proper as they prepared to drop out of hyperspace.
"Hey G3M! We're about to drop out! Might wanna hold onto something,"
He would pull back on a lever bringing the ship out of hyperspace with a shaking shudder, the ship once more not exploding on a long distance trip through hyperspace. Frank sent up a small thankful prayer as he looked about and then his sensors started squawking. Asteroids were playing havoc with the guidance system, which was to be expected but that wasn't what caught its and his attention. It was detecting weapons fire along with actual fires and explosions happening at the station. There was a ship that had been flying around shooting all of the landed vessels before they had a chance to take off, and now was just circling the station. His radar would flash as the ship was scanned by the other vessel, but would stop almost seconds later. He was still running ID tags that he'd used in his days as a Marshal but most people wouldn't have that on file. But the enemy ship didn't make any aggressive moves, so Frank figured it'd be better to not piss it off and hold to his course, keeping his weapons powered down. He would holler back again to G3M as he brought the ship into view of the pirate cove, which they would be able to properly see as being on fire.
"Hey kid! You're gonna want to get up here!"
As the ship got closer to the station they'd see the remains of multiple vessels' hulks burning on landing pads as their remains were absolutely scorched. Blaster fire could be seen coming from the hangar as several armed men in rag tag clothing hid behind a few crates while one of them held out a blaster and fired wildly. He would grab his helmet as he set the autopilot, the vessel lazily lurching over to the clearest space on the landing pad for them to get out onto. He spoke quickly as he grabbed a bandolier with some ammo and a couple grenades on it.
"Well I dunno what exactly he did but he kicked a bloody hornet's nest. We gotta go!"
He would sprint to the offloading ramp as the ship roughly landed, one of its gears managing to extend out of a jam just in time for it to hit the ground with a heavy thud. Frank wouldn't really seem to notice though as he grabbed his shotgun, racked a shell and stormed outside of the ship raising it to clear the immediate area before drawing out his pistol which had a little more range. There were a couple of pirates on the far end of the hangar who would immediately throw down their weapons at the sight of the ship. Frank would immediately yell at the lot of.