Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A threat revealed

Hours earlier​

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar"
Time: 1400 Galactic Standard

Aiden had stepped off the stolen vessel some time ago, already making his way through the many denizens of Lucky's Bazaar. A veritable hive of many smugglers, illicit traders and fences, alongside pirates, mercenaries, bounty hunters and a long list of other types throughout here. It was the place he'd been "given" by the man he'd watched John beat within an inch of his life for. A place where one went to buy all sorts of commodities, goods, and whatever the heart desired, from drugs, weapons, technologies, or as he'd just seen, even slaves. Which meant a particular type of criminal was here as well, one that Aiden absolutely hated with every fiber of his being.


Aiden looked at the pens these people were chained up in, noting how they were kept like veritable livestock. Little more than nerfs. Many were afraid, a few having looked like they were recently taken, a few looked angry, and several of them looked just defeated. Like they'd only known this life for some time, just being bought and sold between masters like there was no chance at freedom. Every time the CIS and CAF cracked down on slavers, more seemed to pop up. Aiden looked between them, noting the guards next to the pens and their location. His original objective here had been to acquire the firepower he'd need to bring down a Sith, or at least fight on more equal footing. This however had changed that. This, changed everything. Aiden would feel the shade behind him once more, smiling and chuckling to him darkly as he approached the guard. He would speak directly to the guard two words, his droid behind him realizing what the kid was about to do.

"Release them,"


"Release them, now,"

"Or wha-"

The guard wouldn't get to finish the words as Aiden grabbed him by the throat, using his cybernetic strength as his artificial eye began flickering. He was losing himself, and he could feel the dark clutches of the animal begin to take hold over him. It began flashing red under his helmet as he hissed at the guard with barely contained rage.

"Or I will strangle your friends with your intestinal tract, fashion your bones into cutlery which I will then use to precisely cut their throats open. And then defecate down their esophagus,"

The guard began struggling, reaching for his belt to try and grab something as his friends immediately pulled weapons, John raising his in return as he finally spoke.

"You just really know how to pick your battles don't you kid?"

Aiden would simply reach down to the man's belt as he was struggling with his free hand, pulling a card free and sliding it into his own belt before simply crushing the man's throat with a wet crunch. His next words would be followed by a mad chuckle as he gave an order to John.

"They all die," A blur would be seen in the camera feeds as Aiden drew his sword faster than human eyes could follow, and started hacking through people. There were screams, yells of panic and anger, blaster fire.

A monster had been unleashed.

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, approaching Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar" in the "Mangy Kath Hound"
Time: 1700 Galactic Standard
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK

Frank was sitting in the pilot's seat of his ship as they were coming up on their new location. The Mangy Kath Hound was a bit of a mess, various pieces of trash, bottles, parts, and exposed wires covered the ship as she seemed to be held together with cheap adhesive, spit, and prayers. That being said she had it where it counted, with the engines and hyperdrive holding together better than most of the ship. It's inertial dampeners would fluctuate across the vessel, with certain areas of the ship not having gravity at all and others having a little too much, and some places groaning under the strain of the ship's maneuvers. Lights in most of the bulkheads worked, mostly. The beds were in one piece, and the cargo hold was pretty sparse meaning the ship could at least attempt to support a normal crew. The refresher was clogged, and when any attempts were made to dispense water would result in groaning raspy noises that did next to nothing. To put it bluntly, the ship was a dump.

But hey, if this job paid out as good as they were promising, he might be able to fix her up.

Frank would call back into the ship proper as they prepared to drop out of hyperspace.

"Hey G3M! We're about to drop out! Might wanna hold onto something,"

He would pull back on a lever bringing the ship out of hyperspace with a shaking shudder, the ship once more not exploding on a long distance trip through hyperspace. Frank sent up a small thankful prayer as he looked about and then his sensors started squawking. Asteroids were playing havoc with the guidance system, which was to be expected but that wasn't what caught its and his attention. It was detecting weapons fire along with actual fires and explosions happening at the station. There was a ship that had been flying around shooting all of the landed vessels before they had a chance to take off, and now was just circling the station. His radar would flash as the ship was scanned by the other vessel, but would stop almost seconds later. He was still running ID tags that he'd used in his days as a Marshal but most people wouldn't have that on file. But the enemy ship didn't make any aggressive moves, so Frank figured it'd be better to not piss it off and hold to his course, keeping his weapons powered down. He would holler back again to G3M as he brought the ship into view of the pirate cove, which they would be able to properly see as being on fire.

"Hey kid! You're gonna want to get up here!"

As the ship got closer to the station they'd see the remains of multiple vessels' hulks burning on landing pads as their remains were absolutely scorched. Blaster fire could be seen coming from the hangar as several armed men in rag tag clothing hid behind a few crates while one of them held out a blaster and fired wildly. He would grab his helmet as he set the autopilot, the vessel lazily lurching over to the clearest space on the landing pad for them to get out onto. He spoke quickly as he grabbed a bandolier with some ammo and a couple grenades on it.

"Well I dunno what exactly he did but he kicked a bloody hornet's nest. We gotta go!"

He would sprint to the offloading ramp as the ship roughly landed, one of its gears managing to extend out of a jam just in time for it to hit the ground with a heavy thud. Frank wouldn't really seem to notice though as he grabbed his shotgun, racked a shell and stormed outside of the ship raising it to clear the immediate area before drawing out his pistol which had a little more range. There were a couple of pirates on the far end of the hangar who would immediately throw down their weapons at the sight of the ship. Frank would immediately yell at the lot of.


Tags: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


- This
G3 was panicking! This ship had no right calling itself a ship, yet alone mechanics. The moment G3 had seen the ship the alerts for warning had gone off, and since then they hadn't stopped. The Ship was a lot like Frank, in that the more that G3 was allowed to scan it the more and more violently panicked the system would become to the point of bombarding Gem's senses with internal warnings of such a violent nature that Gem was running on low sleep. However, there was a way to positively use this kind of energy! Giving G3 some permission to do so, Gem had begun to ponder their next mission within the internal data-space G3's scanners created for her in virtual reality while she began to consider the weapons and equipment which she had at her disposal. She had managed to acquire a particularly nice handgun from her recent appointment with the Dire Wolves... she had been spending some of the ship tinkering with it as well as making some custom bullets which could prove useful in a mission like this.
In between her own tasks, she had allowed G3 to run rampant on the ship performing what repairs the AI was willing or able to do, all the while within the Digital space of her mind she was able to reach out to another digital entity that seemed to be within the scope of Franks' ship, another AI. Gem had spent some time talking back and forward with it, about their travels and about Frank mostly while G3 secured their Hyperspace engine, narrowly avoiding the potential antimatter implosion that would wipe them all off the face of the earth, as well as some love being given to the ship's stabilizers, Gem hoped that with G3 working on her and giving her some free love and attention, their relationship would become a little better in the mean time.
However, it wasn't long until coming out of hyperspace was on the cards. G3 would secure itself behind Frank as the ship jarred out of faster than light travel. Looking around at the area before them as fires, blaster bolts and more could be seen lighting up in the distance. It seemed that there was some kind of altercation occurring. Which meant that in all likelihood they had caught up to Aiden. Gem would order G3 to stand, zooming in on the conflict and relaying it with a zoomed hologram so that Frank was able to perceive the events that were unfolding better while they moved in for a radically risky landing. Peeling away some of the ships armour plating with the rough half slide as G3 would move out to cover Rank, aiming out from a porthole at the top of the ship, UV lasers would sit at the chests of some of the bandits that had been causing the mess.
One of them, after Franks warning would draw his heavy blaster, slinging it up for Frank as Gem would rotate her upper body and pulling off a shot with the heavy metal round which would hurl through the air at almost double the speed of a standard blaster weapon before slamming into the duraplast armour of the cretin. The Beskar tipped bullet tearing through the substance as though it were little more than glass, shattering its protective plates and cascading the attempted gunman across the ground as blood would explode from the wound. Some people would scream at the echoing pulse of the Verpine Shatter Gun which would seek to reinforce the words of Frank as he attempted to keep these people under control.
"Insistance: The man said to relinquish your weapons. Question: Where is the origin point of the distress?"
If they could get some info, just a little G3 would be able to pick up on the trail, her forensic scanners would allow her to track Aiden in rapid time, as she already was attempting to cross reference the echos from the sounds of blaster fire in the distance, hoping to be able to pinpoint a location. However, it seemed that blaster-fire was coming from multiple areas, scum were using this as a chance to get even. It was an all out brawl out there now with no law, no rules and more than a thousand men with experimental and illegal fire-arms between them and their destination.
"Anxious Question: How do we intend to move through the base?"

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, approaching Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar" in the "Mangy Kath Hound"
Time: 1700 Galactic Standard
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

Frank would immediately see the man try to pull a fast one while his smarter comrades threw their guns down, but before even he could react an eruption of shattered plates and gore spouted from his chest. Frank would turn slightly to see G3M holding onto a hefty pistol and do a double take between her and the dude who had a hole in his torso. Not bad. Not bad at all Frank thought to himself. He however turned back to the rest of the people around him and noted there were distinct differences in the groups present.

One of them with more proper gear and armor, alongside with weapons were of the pirate guard variety and while they certainly looked more menacing, they seemed to know than to deal with two heavily armed and obviously well trained individuals such as Frank and G3. The fact that most of them threw down their weapons made Frank understand that these goons were more interested in surviving and saving their own skins, not proving they were some kind of tough guy. G3 would also notice that almost all of them had bounties on their heads, with the one she'd killed having a couple hundred credits for a dead or alive bounty.

The other group however took Frank a second to recognize as to who they were as their clothing was all rags and mismatched items. At least that was until he saw the tell tale marks of where manacles used to be. These people were slaves. Well, former being the operative and more correct definition of the group. Former slaves. One of them would immediately cry out in what seemed to be barely contained joy at the sight of them.

"Oh thank god! You came to rescue us?! Please, please tell us you have come to save us! They," he immediately pointed to the pirates who were now in a submissive position, on their knees with hands placed firmly on their helmets "They've held us here for months, most of us lost hope but I never did! Thank you thank you thank you!"

Frank just kinda sat there for a minute, looking at the former slave as he ran up and hugged him, then looked to G3, and back to the former slave. This was awkward. They were gonna want to call in the cavalry on this one yet again.

"Uh... yeah, we're here to rescue you guys," He would accent the specific phrase to let G3 know to try and get a distress call out to get more ships here fast, as this was getting ugly.

"So, I need you to let go of me first," Frank said as he gingerly removed the frail man, before continuing "But first I need to know how you managed to get out. Who sprung you, what happened?"

"There was this thing that attacked them, told the guards to release us. When they laughed at the notion it slaughtered them. I've never seen anything like it, it tore these men limb from limb while laughing like a lunatic,"

"It..... it was laughing? Don't you mean who, or him, or her?"

"You don't understand mister, that thing. It wasn't.... well pardoning the phrase, it wasn't human. I watched it rip a man's head off and then proceeded to use the helmet to cave in another man's skull. It tore through these thugs like they were chaff, and the droid that was with it was more precise and less savage, but not less dangerous. They said that they were going to release us, and give us a chance,"

Frank took a second to stop and think about what he'd just heard. He'd seen the raw power of Aiden up close and in person, and G3M no doubt had seen the same thing. But what he saw before, what they'd both seen was markedly different from what was being shown now. Before he'd been restrained, he'd acted with restraint and tried to leave as many alive as possible. Now, now he was acting with the pure amount of strength and skill he had at his disposal. Something happened. Frank was sure Aiden was here, but he had no idea what pushed this kid over the edge so hard. He looked to G3 as she voiced her final concern as he approached started cuffing the surrendered thugs.

"We're gonna have to play this safe, this place is full of kark holes who would rather die than be put behind bars again, and also those who'd rather survive to live another day than to die in a crap house like this. Stick together, I think I know where he's going, but if we don't keep our own heads on we'll be pretty useless,"

He would finish cuffing the last of the thugs as he then started talking to the former slave.

"You, come here," he gestured to the slave to approach


"Take this," he passed the slave a blaster rifle before giving a quick demonstration "Hold it like this, jam the stock into your shoulder and collar bone, point this end at the bad guys, and if they move or otherwise try to escape, blow their heads off. Otherwise, help anyone we send back your way," He then patted the more frail man on the back as he motioned for G3 to follow him.

As the two would enter the main hall of the station, they would find a firefight ensuing with the smell of carbon, smoke, and seared flesh quite pungent in the air. Frank would level his shotgun up as he started moving at a brisk walk pace through the area. He was clearing a path through the junk as he saw that not only were the slaves fighting where possible to get free, but rival gangs were fighting each other. Frank would fire his shotgun twice at a humanoid in front of him, causing the male to hit the ground screaming as he made his way through the chaos to another group of huddled figures who were absolutely terrified. He would usher them his way and direct them back the safe-ish path to the hangar, telling them to run and not look back. Immediately after doing this he would stand up and fire his shotgun two more times at the enemies across the way, making sure they didn't stop shooting at each other to try and stop the slaves. He would speak to G3 through comms in all of this mess as he knew they needed to get a better idea as to what hadn't been destroyed and was still working.

"Hey G3M, see if you can't find a working terminal! We need to know if the turbos are still working and if Aiden's made it to security yet! That's where he's going, as there's a lot of the main controls for the station there. If we can cut him off from the major systems somehow, we can probably head him off and get this under control,"

A part of Frank was rooting for the kid to make it, and start doing what he and the Marshals had been unable to do because they had laws to follow. A part of him wanted to let the kid just waste all of these lowlifes and take care of a lot of rubbish in the galaxy along the way. But he knew that he couldn't let that happen. They had to stop him, and if anything they had to somehow get the kid to snap out of whatever had done him like this. He was slaughtering these pirates, mercs and slavers like nerfs. That wasn't his MO. Something was wrong. And Frank knew that they had to get him under control before he became something worse than a bounty hunter. A vigilante.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


- This
G3 would watch with Gem within her as those in rags would become emotional, keeping a weapon trained on the slavers on the ground, several of them with bounties as she would check the registry for all of them. Immediately her gun would move to another of the slavers who had a dead or alive bounty, only to stall the moment her finger went to pull tightly on the trigger. Gem halting the action catching it just in time as she would almost scream at G3 "What the hell G3?! we Don't just execute people who have surrendered! What the Kark are you thinking!? No, denied, admin lock on being unable to kill unarmed opponents who do not pose an immediate threat to ourselves or others." G3 would not be happy with an admin lock, for the first time... ever, a facial expression of annoyance which, although muted, would cross her face for a flicker of an instant. She would speak, out loud without a care to those who would overhear.
"There is a high possibility they wrestle control from those they had enslaved before, submissiveness is not something that vanishes with the turn of power. It's beaten into them. Even with weapons, there is an above average chance that these criminals will be able to intimidate these hostiles out of their control."
"I don't care G3! We do not execute captives. Look, see, Frank is giving one of them a weapon, they will be empowered to deal with the prisoners themselves. Inform them with a warning that should they be dead when they return that they will be investigated while I get in contact with the Ships AI. We should be close enough to do so..." Gem would go quiet for a moment as G3 would do as she asked, moving forward, looking at the wrap sheet for each of them before deciding to slam one of them in the head with the butt of her weapon, as a shriek was let out among the prisoners, G3 informing them that, that man was a leader, and of the enemies here the highest likely to attempt to stage a revolt against the prisoners here. Meanwhile Gem would be sending a message back to the AI of the ship, "Hope, Hunny. We're going to need you to use the long range beacon to get a message to CIS CAF, Message reads: From Gemini, ID no. 283-11-99, Requesting immediate evacuation and containment teams for a large scale operation at Hanoon. We've engaged multiple hostile slavers, this beacon is located at a secure LZ and we will be sending civilians to you imminently. Be advised hostile agents are still wild."
G3 would simply nod in the direction of frank to affirm that the request had been done, picking up on the social que as they would move further into the area, leaving the slaves with command over the slavers. G3 could see it, the vindication in their eyes, the apprehension as their adrenaline was beginning to kick in. There was a chance that they could do unspeakable things to the criminals here if they were left alone for too long. Anything from torture to execution. So, she would confirm with them one last time before they went. "Help is on the way, we're going to secure the facility and send more people back this way. We're going to need you all to help them, and keep people like this under wraps until they get here. They shouldn't be long. If people are too scared, hurt, or angry, send them back to that ship back there and wait where its safe. We'll be back soon." Gem would smile, congratulating G3 on the better choice, but G3 would simply correct her inwardly that this option had a much lower chance of success... it was not the optimal decision by far, even if Gem believed it was the right thing to do.
Diamondback at the ready, G3 would begin to stalk the hallway as blaster fire would begin to open up. These men and women however, were pressing threats. In a moment she would access the bounty database revealing information on them to her with active bounties. Taking aim soon after, Frank would fire the first round and Gem would begin to open up on the crowd immediately afterwards. G3, with the mechanical precision of a laser, nor making any unnecessary movement. She turned at the hip, and shot, slamming a humanoid in the chest with one of the beskar tipped bullets before swinging and firing again for another. It was like watching the inner workings of a printer, or factory line machine. Except instead of intricate writings or mechanical goods, she was distributing bullets to precise locations within the bodies of these scumbags.
Dead or alives were shot fatally, while alive only bounties and other hostiles Gem would shoot in the shoulder, collar, hip and other locations to cause an extreme sum of pain in order to disable them. Seven people were shot in the gunfight as Frank would usher the slaves out of the room. turning to G3 and ordering her to find a terminal. "On it..." the AI assist would say in no uncertain terms as it found one room over. G3 would move quickly to the door, digging her fingers between the gap, and with a pulse in either direction from her repulsarlift generators combined with her own strength tore the door open from the middle, steel bending under her hands as she did so all while slamming either side of the double door into the generators which spawned them, shattering the mechanics and moving into the next room to access the terminal .
G3 would attempt to integrate with the machine... Sadly however, G3 wasn't loaded with a slicer's kit. So, instead she would act as a extension router, plugged into the system as Gem would reach out to Hope again. "Hello again hope, I'm currently plugged into a terminal we need access to, do you have slicing or electrinic warfare software installed that could aid in unlocking this for us? You can piggyback off of my connection, it's open to you." G3 would stand, waiting, unsure of how she thought about Gem talking with another machine that was being allowed to enter their bodies, at least with its digital fingerprint... If hope helped, G3 would begin to download the information, displaying it to Frank on digital display.
"Got it."

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, approaching Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar" in the "Mangy Kath Hound"
Time: 1700 Galactic Standard
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

Frank would make sure the last of the local slaves had just cleared G3M as he turned and started shooting again. His shotgun would boom loudly as he fired once, twice, three times as he kept sending rounds into the melee before them. Thankfully they were pretty focused on killing each other, however G3's lethal and not gunfire into multiple enemies would draw the attention of more of the gang members.


Uh-oh, Frank thought to himself as he slung his shotgun over his shoulder. This just got more complicated as more of them decided to start shooting their way. The new common enemy was certainly something that they decided they would deal with first, before going back to either settling their differences or killing each other. This was a little less than ideal, but Frank shrugged to himself as he drew out both of his L-7s and levelled them at the bad guys now focusing their fire on them. Twin fire breathing massive hand cannons would belch fire, steel, and a roar as they answered the pirates challenge. Boomboomboomboomboom, Frank fired the guns until they clicked empty, simply dropping the empty magazines out before reaching down and slamming two fresh magazines home. Massive rounds would smack into crates, walls, men and women in the pirates alike with the force of a strongman wielding a sledgehammer as they knocked them around. As he stood and started shooting again Frank would yell at them through his helmet.

"I guess it's too late to ask if you'd kindly settle your issues among each other first?!"

Meanwhile the AI aboard Frank's ship would start communicating with G3 as it linked into their comm system. It's response was curt and to the point, however G3 and G3M would be able to tell it was more than appreciative.

Normally I would be unable to assist in such a manner, what with my upkeep, however seeing as much of my processing power and RAM have been restored or otherwise freed up I'd be more than happy to assist with this endeavor. Please tell me you aren't leaving anytime soon?

It would begin accessing the terminal G3 had hooked into, it's various systems slicing into the terminal's own counterparts as it first located the first objective. Which was the turbolifts for the level were indeed working. The second objective to be located however, was a bit more of an issue.

I have located the target, however there is a problem.

It would display a video feed deciding that it was better to show than explain.


Two figures were sprinting down a hallway towards a control room, one of them clearly a large droid wielding an assault rifle as it raised the weapon and opened fire on targets further down the hallway. The pirates were calling out to each other, one attempting to order the security room sealed while the other screamed at them to stop while raising his blaster.

Aiden would smile under his helmet as he simply drew out his M18 mid sprint, leveled the weapon at the pirate without breaking stride, and pulled the trigger with zero hesitation. The Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot dart would rocket out of the pistol at speeds too fast for the camera or eyes to track, its plasteel sabot visible as the Phrik-A jacketed tungsten cored round would slam into and through the offending pirates head in a splatter of blood, gore and more screaming. His lenses blazed red as laughter could be heard, his sword being drawn and a slight blur around it showing the vibration function being activated as it cut through the air like a scalpel.

If a scalpel were wielded by a psychopath.

First arms would severed, then a few of them lost their legs, and while the droid would finish a few off Aiden would grab one of the wounded men as the doors finally slammed shut. He would laugh savagely as he took his sword and slowly stabbed into the man like one would a sheath. The man would start screaming.

"So, how's it feel? To know that whatever happens you're a dead man. To know that regardless of what you and your friends do, I'll take great pleasure in making your death as painful as possible?" His chuckle would turn into maniacal laughter as he continued, finally reaching the hilt and the sword now vibrating at a different frequency at a higher power level allowing it to slowly cut into the wall. He would then let go of the pirate and let gravity do the work of pulling him down the blade, slowly slicing him in two as he simply held it to keep it activated. The man's death was, in short quite gruesome but at least he stopped screaming.

With that taken care of monster would turn to the door and begin working on getting it open, and G3 along with Frank who was now getting the transmission would hear the screams of the pirates trapped inside.


Frank would cut the feed to his helmet, having seen enough. Aiden had to be stopped. He called through the comms for them to be pointed to the nearest turbolift, and once identified he'd yell at G3.

"Get moving! I'll cover you!"

He'd then stand up and start firing both pistols at the congregating pirates again, the twin guns spewing forth a fiery load like a dragon from a fairy tale. Blaster shots would hit his armor and bounce off, smacking into the composite plating as he returned with gunfire of his own. He reloaded after emptying the magazines again, and once G3M was at the turbolifts and got them open he'd sprint to her location. Stepping inside he'd smash the button to send the lift up after making sure G3 was inside and clear of the doors. He was breathing a little heavy after that, as it had been a minute since he'd been in a firefight like that. Elevator music would start playing as the lift brought them up towards the security center of the station.

"So uh, this certainly went to shite faster than I had hoped,"
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


- This
After the initial burst, G3 would take several steps forward into the room as guns would turn on them, she needed to get closer as she would pull into the cover of a pillar that stood in the large room, releasing a section of the wheel from the diamondback as she would reload it with a replacement, fully stocked with several whole bullets. Speed reloading and switching off the single shot mod as the bullet chambers would be ready to auto-rotate, the trigger disconnected from the firing mechanim allowing the gun to be fan-fired. Stepping back from the pillar she would set a bullet for a two second detonation and firing it into the duracrete structure. Sure enough in a moment a two foot section of the stone was blown apart and G3 was able to fire through the dust pluming gap she had created, flooring several more of the men in the room either down or dead with shots to the pelvis or chest as she made a bee-line for the elevator.
Gem on the other hand was beginning to analyze the data that had been given to them via the AI on the ships computer, "Thanks darling! And sure, we'll be around as long as we're working together. I'll come help give you a nice fix up when we're back. Once we touch up the electrical alternators that should free up a lot of processing power when you don't have to do things manually anymore." But as Gem spoke, she would watch almost aghast as Aiden would tear through the criminal ranks as a biomechanical typhoon, wielding high powered weapons that should be on a warzone yet alone in a space station. He was lucky he wasn't sucking everyone into space.
G3 would dive into the elevator as frank would hit the level for security, it was time to stop this rampage, "Musing: The fact the shootout wasn't caused by you is a statistical anomaly. One that I did not anticipate." G3 would state, in a tone that could almost be perceived as humor, if one weren't to know that it was incapable of such a thing. But after some moments listening to a reply half interestedly the machine would begin to ponder their next actions... "We're going to need a plan for Aiden, I don't have schematics, but we can assume arm and leg strength have been heavily augmented. As much as I would appreciate the meat shield, you should remain back, if we meet Aiden I plan to engage with full force to disable him. You should perhaps attempt to handle his droid and keep it off me... If you could do that, we could probably bring him down."
Gem approved of the plan, she wanted to bring an end to this massacre, but the droid looked like a serious customer, she wasn't sure if frank had the weapons to deal with the kind of juggernaut that droid seemed to be. It was large, it seemed like it was well armed and well armoured. It was also keeping up with Aiden in the hallways, meaning it wasn't especially slow either. If they could help Frank with damaging it on their pass somehow she would feel better about the attack. The AI however denied the approach, to split their focus on the two opponents would be a disaster waiting to happen, based on the Data they had, Aiden would be able to happily present his droid as a target to open them up, take them out, and then they would have ample time to deal with frank on his own...
Gem didn't like the thought of that, so she agreed, if they were to attack Aiden head on, Frank would have to take the droid that was with them...
Soon enough the group of them would reach their level, G3 waiting for the doors to open would reload her Diamondback again, stowing it into her thigh holster, summoning her energy shield as her buckler at her left arm while she drew the Scorpio in her other hand. She was going to need to get close to Aiden in order to bring him down, the force pike would begin to coarse white at the tip, glowing with the electro plasma cutting power of the vibro spear.
"Statement: Good luck Frank. We're going to need it."

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, approaching Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar" in the "Mangy Kath Hound"
Time: 1700 Galactic Standard
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

As the Turbolift would finally get to the top and the doors opened, Frank wouldn't hesitate as he stepped out ahead of G3, using his heavy armor as a shield for any potential threats that might have greeted them. Except there were none alive on the floor with them. As they stepped out they would see the absolute blood bath that had preceded their arrival. Pirates, smugglers, mercs, all sorts of scum torn to pieces or shot dead with almost mechanical precision around them. One of the windows looking outside had apparently been unsealed as the emergency shutters had been closed, with other windows cracked but otherwise holding. Frank would gasp under his breath as he looked around him, saying a small prayer for the lost souls that might not have been the worst kinds of people. Because that's what they were, people. They deserved to be taken in, tried, and judged for their crimes by their peers. To have the law and rightful justice served, not to be slaughtered like animals. He would snap himself out of the small daze he lost himself in as he pressed forward, trying to run as fast as he could towards the indicated security room. They would get another fifty meters down the hallway before they would turn another corner and see that the situation was already beyond their control.

The doors had been opened in the time it had taken them to get to here, and while G3 might have been able to physically cover the distance to them, there was no way Frank could have. What's worse was the droid was sitting behind a control console and had stopped as it raised a single arm with its rifle, while its fingers typed. Aiden meanwhile was clutching a pirate by the throat who was weakly struggling in his grip, clearly on the edge of consciousness. His gloved hands were bloody, and Frank could tell the man had already been beaten and stabbed multiple times. The sword had also been retrieved from the ferrocrete wall, and now sat in its sheath on his back. Aiden would turn to look at the oncoming uninvited guests as Frank came to a stop as he drew out his pistol. He would regard them shortly before speaking.

"You.... I recognize you, at the bar. Aiden was stupid to leave you alive. Hehehehe," he chuckled darkly as he gestured to G3 "I see you got yourself a friend to try and up your chances,"

"Aiden Wolf, on the authority of The Dire Wolves, authorized by John Locke, I'm asking you to give yourself up," Frank said as he pulled out his shotgun.

Aiden would pause as he looked at him for a moment, before letting the pirate drop to the floor. The man started wheezing as he gasped for air, struggling on the ground. A curt warning from the droid would let him know that he was being watched closely, as Aiden took a few steps to center himself between Frank and G3, and the entrance to the security room.

"Do you know why I'm here, why he's brought us here? Do you even know why your job was commissioned?" Aiden spoke coldly, almost hissing with his disdain for the pair of bounty hunters.

"Your father is worried about you kid, he just wants you home safe,"


Frank would lower his weapon as he looked at Aiden, at first not catching the almost Freudian slip as he'd spoke. He was talking like he wasn't the kid. But, how would...

Oh. Frank thought to himself. It all makes sense now. This is just like the poor sod they'd had to inter on Algara II. This just got even more complicated.

"Kid, I know that you're in a bad spot. I know you might feel like this is the only way. Just talk to us, we can help you,"

"We don't need any help. We're going to find the creator of the creature that slew his father. We will take the information from him necessary to kill the creature. And then we will kill it for taking what we had left,"

"Kid I can't let you keep going," Frank spoke as he took a step forward but was received about as well as he thought it might. Aiden drew out his M18 and levelled it at Frank, apparently being fast enough to do so in the time between blinks as to Frank it suddenly just appeared. And apparently he was watching their every move.

"G3, don't piss him off. We're on thin ice here," Frank would mutter in G3's direction.

"If you're so caught up in playing the hero then I'll give you a choice, hunters," Aiden began as suddenly the droid stopped typing "I was going to try and figure a way to get this problem solved myself, but seeing as you're here I'll let you deal with it. I'm sure you've seen the slaves on the station. I'm sure you've even met a few that ran when the shooting started. The rest have been trapped in their cargo containers while the pirates decided to make the most of our arrival. If we do nothing, the pirates will take what they can and kill the rest of them as they see them as livestock. That console however has the access and codes to jettison the containers to the station. I'm sure you can figure where this is going,"

"Kid you'll throw them into the asteroid field if they aren't tethered right away!"

"And that's no longer my problem. I gave them a chance at freedom. I am the only reason they are about to have a second chance at life because you people are either too weak or unmotivated to do what is right. You have no idea nor right to object to this because if I wasn't here, their miserable lives would have continued being miserable. So," He slowly holstered his pistol and snapped his fingers as the droid pressed a single button signaling alarm klaxons to start blaring as multiple cargo containers were jettisoned from the station, slowly starting to float free as their magnetic locks were disengaged.

"What's it going to be hunters? Are you going to follow your checks like every other stupid meat head I've had the displeasure of watching Aiden deal with? Or will you actually do the right thing and save as many, maybe even all of their lives if you act swiftly enough? I know what I'm betting on, since you aren't the first I've watched him deal with. Let's see if you surprise me,"

Aiden was watching them intently, especially G3M as she was the only one that could have possibly crossed the distance at any point during their conversation. He was silently preparing for her to make the first offensive move as she was the unknown quantity. He hadn't seen her in action before which made her dangerous to him. He was simulating a variety of scenarios and possible attacks she could possibly have sent his way, having already scanned her surface level and getting the preliminary data on her weapons and what those suggested her skillset was. He knew under no circumstances to underestimate her abilities, but he also knew that based on her coming with Frank that fighting him alone was not something she looked forward to. The choices however had been given. Frank looked to G3M as he had an idea of a plan either way she chose to go, but he would say one thing to her in his opinion on the matter.

"G3, we don't have a choice. We have to save these people. I have a plan, but I'll need your help,"
Last edited:
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


- This
The lift reached its destination as the shoals of blood and viscera lapped into the gaping maw of the turbo lifts shaft. Stepping into the abyss G3 scanned the area for any signs of life, biorhythms fading in the occasional few but far too weak to be salvageable. Moments would pass as the azothic spark of their life's light would snuff unto the void one by one, candles in the wind. G3, gripping her spear in one hand would follow frank as he in his heavy armour prepared to take potential impacts even though none would come. The two would stalk the hall a short while, G3's scanners picking up the heat of a single humanoid hanging in the air gripping at their neck, male, adult. Her grip on her spear would tighten with her right hand as the purple in her eyes would flare a little brighter, a sign that she was using even more of her processing power.
Gem however, was mortified, as the group of them moved through the corridor digital tears would stream across her cheeks, reaching out to touch one of the bodies in her replicated world, tilting a woman's head to a side which had been caved in with brutal force, likely against the nearby wall, splattered as though her skull were little more than an eggshell. Anger, fury, and despair combined forming a reckless combination the like she could not remember feeling before as she would speak to the machine that had kept her together thus far. "G3..." She would begin with little more than a shaky mutter. G3 would respond through text, inquiring to her health and ensuring that she was well. "I don't care what you have to do, apprehend this... monster with maximum prejudice. I'm temporarily lifting all restrictions. You have 20 minutes, full control, your only sub mission is to ensure he doesn't harm anyone else."
G3 would stop in the hallway for a moment, as all subroutines, control of all systems was handed to the cybernetic organism whom craved little more than total optimization of everything it attempted. The whirring of the machine's cooling systems would shift gears to support the expert micromanagement of power as it would run freely without the need for human reaction, amplified by the Atlanta Implant within her chassis. After the time it would take for a person to take a deep breath, G3 would begin moving with purpose, ensuring that all systems were armed and ready to engage.
Entering the room however would reveal the volatility of the situation, another hostage, Aiden holding them tightly within his grip as the droid held the flank to the left hand side. G3 would begin scanning the room, the weapons it could see and more. Now that G3 was in the same room with them, it was able to use its scanner to identify the quality of the armour through its molecular density through UV imaging. It would seem however, that she wasn't the only one performing a scan. Aiden would be able to pick up the Pisces in her hand, the Scorpio Charric within the same arm which held her spear and the Diamondback as well as Vibroblade that was stored within the compartments in the side of her thighs. However, not only was her Taurus shielded from scanning, its components were aligned to feign the construction of another repulsar.
Distance from target, fifteen meters...
But as Aiden drew his weapon on frank, raising it faster than the human eye could see mechanical arms eliminating the need of micro-expressions making the draw inhumanly fast. Gem would simply raise her arm holding the spear. The compartment with the Pisces within it flaring with energy which could penetrate through an LAAT. The eyes of a violet devil staring wordlessly towards the creature, daring it to test it. It would seem by the pitch of the creatures' voice that it was manic, manic creatures made mistakes, were less efficient, they liked to talk. But as it seemed that he had set up a series of hostages that were in imminent danger. G3's scanner moved to pick up any wireless connection or radio wave short range signal that stemmed from Aiden into the ship that could possibly trigger their release. But finding none on his person her attention moved to the droid at the console. All as he would mention them figuring where they knew where this was going.
"Snide Statement: You intend to jettison the slaves of these people, potentially ending their lives in a desperate bid to evade a combat you would undoubtedly lose. Unfortunately we cannot allow you to do that. you're quick, but I can assure you this unit is faster."
G3 on a dime would raise its other arm with the intent of firing the Tauros at the droid behind the console. The hydraulic spring-loaded disruptor would leap to life firing on a hair trigger with the intention of erasing that section of the room from existence. The blinding light in the area would flash as the ion charged blaster gas would cause the matter within its radius to chain react, disintegrating on impact with the wave projected field. The angle of the shot would move to eradicate the console almost entirely. The edges of the bench would be red hot where it made contact with the disruptor while the super heated excess plasma would linger in the air for a few moments. If she happened to eradicate the droid in the midst of the wave, it would prove all the more efficient.
Repulsarlift bursts from her limbs would see G3 rocket towards Aiden's left flank as the empty shell from the Tauros would auto-eject, scuttling to the ground smoking from the heat of its payload. Spear wielded in her right hand as she would bring it to clothesline him at diaphragm height. Understanding that while it was likely the most armoured part of his body, she moved like lightning, the glowing lines that traced her body with the core drain she was undergoing making her streak as she moved like a twin tailed comet as she would intend to make initial contact. Should the plan alter, she would likely adapt... her eyes and scanners had already formed a digital map of aiden and the weapon he commanded, keeping out of the path of its barrel would be difficult, but she only had to ensure that she would out of its alignment as he pulled the trigger.

Gem on the other hand would watch on worried about if she had done the right thing, she hadn't allowed G3 full control except in rehabilitation sessions, and even then it was only to control her motor functions. This was everything, for all intents and purposes, She was a droid now, a droid with a seemingly infinite willpower with full intention of showing the world what it was capable of in the twenty minutes it had to do so with combat effectiveness at 100%.

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, approaching Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar" in the "Mangy Kath Hound"
Time: 1700 Galactic Standard
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

Frank would listen to G3 as she made her comment towards Aiden, and immediately saw where this was going.

Oh you've got to be bloody-

The blast would interrupt his thoughts as he was about to tell G3 to stand down, but it was too late. The disruptor wave was sent out towards the droid, which it proceeded to dodge as instead of waiting for Aiden's command it now pressed the command entry key into the computer just before it was vaporized. The droid proceeded to raise its rifle towards G3, but upon seeing Aiden's reaction to the move it instead focused on Frank as it turned its rifle on him.

Aiden meanwhile didn't sit idly as G3 made her move, knowing full well that she was more than likely a full droid, whereas he was mostly a cyborg. As G3 made her attack she'd probably here him start to laugh under his helmet. His response to her strike against him was to take a few quick steps forward and turn causing the spear to hit his back where the larger blade was sheathed currently. His left hand held the hilt of the weapon in place as his back would absorb the blow, but the real threat was concealed in front of him where he'd dropped his hand and the pistol to. Which was the moment G3 made contact with her spear, his own cybernetic augmentations calculated the position she would be in based on her first attack. And his pistol would snap to where her thigh would be at the point of contact, the monster smiling and cackling as he would fire two APFSDS shots where that was in an attempt to sever the leg at the hip. He was able to see all around him thanks to the helmet, and now that G3 had egged the being that controlled Aiden on there was nothing he could do to try and steer it away from them. It wanted to fight, absolutely loved to kill, maim, and slaughter like it used to when they were a slave. And unlike G3's more droid like nature, this being, this absolute demonic monstrosity had a decade of battle and slaughter for experience, and would also be unpredictable.

"So deliciously predictable. It's been so long since I've been able to kill like I used to. He kept me so hidden, locked away, terrified of what I might do if I was let loose. He didn't even let me deal with the last three hunters that tried to take us down. Make this interesting for me droid, I haven't had a good kill in a while, as these pirates are so easy,"

The droid would advance quickly on Frank as it kept the hunter in its sights, Frank decided that he wasn't going to let the thing take him down without a fight. He raised the shotgun and fired twice, cursing out loud as he thought to get to cover. The droid responded with a six round burst, hitting Frank in the chest where thankfully the Phrik-A plates caught the rounds, causing them to bounce off and hit the wall. It didn't change however that he felt each impact as he staggered backwards, but the droid stopped its advance as it looked at Frank's armor. Realization would cause it to lower its weapon.

"That armor, that armor is from The Dire Wolves,"

Frank had been knocked a few steps back as he looked the droid in the face while keeping his shotgun leveled at it. He noted that his rounds had essentially bounced off its own armor plating, but unlike him had not really affected the droid's advance.

"What of it?"

"How did you get it?" It pressed insistently as it almost seemed to take another step forward with its weapon leveled at Frank's face now.

Frank would do a double take as the droid was simply asking questions now. How did he get it? What the bloody hell was up with this droid? He thought to himself to lower his weapon as de-escalation would probably what got him out of this bind. Somehow, for some reason this droid was willing to talk this out. Which was a far sight better than him getting the snot beat out of him by something his shotgun had done almost nothing to.

"I uh, got it as a gift from a couple of guys years back," He started.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


While frank was exchanging pleasantries with a mass murdering droid who had, only mere moments ago had been an unstoppable weapon of carnage that had aided a madman rampage through the halls of this station as a bloodied typhoon. G3 was knee deep in a fight for her life. It didn't have time to chastise the actions of Frank, or, frankly the spare processing power. Everything she had at her disposal needed to be focused on dealing with the enemy before it as it would make harsh contact with his weapon, the osculating force pike would clash with the weapon on his back with an echoing boom from the force of the impact, electricity sparking wildly cascading down upon them as a shower of glimmering energy on impact as G3 would assert her next move.
However, her opponent's reaction speeds were fast, faster than she would have expected due to his armoured frame, G3 had no time to alter the mode of her weapon immediately as she would alter her initial course of action. Another burst of antigravity from her repulsarlift engine in her right angle would shatter forward, while simultaneously the paired unit one in her left would reverse its polarity, holding her fixed on the ground at that point. The two shots would meet little more than air slamming into the earth at their feet as G3 would spin, allowing the spear to roll off of Aiden's armour. The spear would alter, igniting in a spark of flame that would see the weapon erupt with heat in a wave that would see to encompass G3 as well as her opponent. Anything lose and not heat resistant on their persons would begin to be consumed by the azothic pyre as G3 would use her momentum to pivot, stepping closer and swinging with the butt of her spear to knock his fire-arm in his extended arm aside as she would close the gap between them with her next step.
After hopefully opening him up, planting her rocketing foot G3 could feel the momentum surge, wanting to force her upwards after chanelling it into the ground. She would twist, altering the velocity of the force that flowed through her body as a raging river before attempting to throw a harrowing spinning kick into the side of his ribs, yet another repulsarlift boost as G3 would aim with its knee accelerating the blow to insane speeds. The blow would have the force to bisect a wookie, at least internally. There wasn't a shock absorber in the verse that could take the spinning round-house kick without dealing some serious damage to the underlying structure, short of it being an armoured vehicle. Should it misfire, Gem would follow through, stepping away from her opponent as she would florish her spear in ending her rotation with the last of her momentum, bringing the oscillating weapon for Aiden's chest should he attempt to duck the kick, an attempt to piercing that suit of armour with the super-heated blade strong enough to weaken the integrity of hard metals before the vibrating blade came into contact with them, utilizing the same armour piercing method of a uranium tipped round to hopefully cleave through the can aiden wore and cook the insides.
Gem would watch on in awe at the crazed machine the fought, Aiden had already managed to take a boosted hit, it was to his back, allowing the force to be spread out across its surface area. But the boy would have had to feel it underneath it all. G3 was no slouch when it came to power, and when she was micromanaging the repulsars that were scattered across her body this way, it was assured that her explosive movements were going to be tough to top with servos alone. But she was able to see, in short some of the actions that G3 was preparing ahead of time. The spear was a useful weapon, but it was largely there to fight others who had melee weapons. G3 was, first and foremost an unarmed fighter, a classical martial artist, grappler and master of CQC, Aiden was within that scope now... but that didn't mean that the Pisces didn't have a place.
Power ratings in the first of the Gemini cores were beginning to plummet, having lost 15% of its total power since the combat had begun meant that her chassis would only burn out faster if the battle was not decided quickly...
Following the combo, G3 would assume a neutral pose, wielding the double ended blade at its center, leaving some space to either side. Lowering her stance with the weapons point aimed towards Aiden's knee. The bizarre roar of the Scorpios' humming while the white hot flame that burned at its edge would bathe the room in vibrant illumination. Aiden had taken a couple of aimed shots, but had yet to become fully embroiled in the combat... hopefully this infinite blood-lust was something that would blind him to non-lethal strikes, perhaps G3 would be able to chip away at him in order to land something... definitive.
The fire from the spear had burned away some of the clothing at G3's disposal, though it was heat resistant for this very reason, its resistance was being slowly consumed by the constant barrage of the field which surrounded the pike. Frank and his droid companion mentioned the Direwolves, G3 had, had the pleasure of working with the ghost company some time ago, and worked a couple missions for their organizations since that fateful meeting... yet nothing too extreme. Yet, perhaps some psychological warfare could be employed here, they obviously knew of the mercenary company, so she would wonder just how much they knew.
"Even I had the pleasure of recieving commendation from the Captain of the Direwolves' Ghost Company. Do not think this combat to be simple"

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar"
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

Who the blazes is the Ghost-

Frank was now in the process of trying to see if he could find a way to help G3 out when his gaze was rudely interrupted by the droid punching him in the helmet. He flew back into the wall, and before he could get his weapon up or even regain his posture the droid now had him in a choke hold. It's cold voice was all he heard over the din going on behind them.

"Unsatisfactory response. The Dire Wolves do not 'give' out anything as a gift,"

"Hey- Woah- Easy-"

"You have ten seconds to provide a satisfactory response or I will crush your windpipe and tear your skull from your torso,"

"I was in an Op! An op! Flew a bunch of them out of some hell hole. Nearly got my ass shot off in the process but we saved a lot of lives!"


"I don't know where dammit, some backwater on the fringe of a planet," he was coughing as he fought for air as the droid cranked up the pressure "Yurb, or something,"

The droid paused as it eyed Frank suspiciously, looking back at Aiden to make sure he was doing fine against his own combatant and quite satisfied the young master could handle himself.

"Look -gasp- I know -gasp- what y'all are all about -gasp- so let me go -gasp- we need to save these people -gasp-,"

"You had your chance hunter,"

"Please," he was fighting for each gasp, before cocking his L-7 pistol in a gap below the droid's head piece "I won't ask nicely again,"

The droid would pause as it looked down at the noise, recognizing the pistol and releasing its grip. There had been reports of pilots making extractions on Yurb to assist with the defense of the planet against the Bryn. Sergei's contingent had been focused at the generator, but there were other forces deployed to protect the civilian population as well. The bulk of TDW had been focused on breaking off the nose of the assault, but other forces had flexed over to help when necessary. It paused as it began to consider its next course of action, giving Frank time to suck in a huge breath of air and start coughing as he tried to clear up his throat.

Meanwhile, Aiden was loving every second of this fight with the droid before him. He didn't know if it recognized that he was able to see in all directions, or even if it bothered trying to tell. The thing that was in control however honestly didn't care as it whipped around to continue its attack, deciding to leave the blade at its back sheathed. As his weapon was knocked out of his hand he saw the kick coming and rather than try to dodge it, he too decided to close the gap in the inferno. The hotter the flames burned would proceed to burn away the holster for his weapon, along with a few straps that he'd used to keep the more baggy outer suit from hanging freely, but he cared no more for such trivial matters. This was a fight. A true battle with someone on his level. He'd rushed forward for the kick with the intent to reduce the leverage of the blow, reducing its overall power as it raised its left arm in a block. The blow still hurt, and even Aiden could feel a few of his ribs crack under the blow, but his reinforced skeleton and metal arms were able to absorb the impact better than any human, or any organic his size for that matter. Even as he was launched into the wall and slammed into it, his laughter would ring out clear for G3 to hear. His demented mind would drink in all the pain she was offering it, he would leap from the wall to close the gap with her with laughs of glee. His intent being to negate the spear as a weapon because he'd be too close, and reduce the effectiveness of a fighter's strongest attack, which is those based with kicks.

Despite all she'd said and done thus far, he didn't consider a threat worthy of his sword.


It's first attack to counter was a right directed haymaker intended for G3's face, his other arm outstretched to try and deflect the spear should she make a move to skewer him with it. However as he leaped he made a note to subtly charge his own ace in the hole as small tears began to form in his outer garb from the intense heat and damage he'd just taken. He'd save it though, as he wanted this to be interesting. His next attack was to be almost immediately after the punch, as instead of returning the hand it was going to try and grab G3 by the throat and slam her into the ground. It wanted her to stimulate its existence, to feed it pain so that it could fuel the rage, hatred, and absolute savagery it had been born to unleash. Her comment about The Dire Wolves and their Ghost Company would make the thing stop laughing for a moment as it decided to retort with something that would be far more grave.

"A commendation huh? Well I guess that's pretty good, but then again I've only lost to the man that trained that entire unit, that entire mercenary company, once. And now since he's dead, we can't have a tie breaker to see who's better, which is a shame," He would smile underneath his helmet as he looked G3 dead in the face "Aiden is the son of that man, Sergei, 'Jack', Jachovich. The Dire Wolf. Founder of The Ghost Company. And Aiden isn't half the monster I am sweetie. We grew up with death, with pain, with violence that I embraced. That you think yourself even close droid shows how arrogant you are. That your friend is even alive is because of how weak he is. That I even let the slaves here have a chance at living is because despite his weakness he won't shut up in our head. I can't wait to put him back in his little box though, permanently silence that weak little runt of a kath hound. Because until he realizes the truth about us, and about people like you, he will always be weak!,"

The Shade of Aiden's mind had totally shut him out by now, which was why it didn't care that only several of the containers with slaves had started to drift free, while a few had locked down but never jettisoned from the station proper. It was totally focused on G3. How it wanted to kill her. How it wanted to break that little façade of bravery and determination to feast on her fear. How it was absolutely loving each ounce of pain delivered and drank it like a delectable honey.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


- Frank Hamish Frank Hamish
- S-66 Scorpio // L 86 - Pisces x3 // T 91 - Taurus x3 // Rotary Blaster // Diamondback
- G3M1N1 Chassis
- This

'How... impractical.'
G3 would connect with her knee with crushing force delivering the kick upward into her opponent's guard with earth-shattering force, although not a direct hit, the strike was still powerful enough a blow forcing the enigmatic advanced mechanics which had replaced the faux man's innards would bend, warp and crack, buckling under the weight of the herculean blow which would detonate with a resounding boom from the force. The windows of the station would shudder briefly, trembling as they recoiled from the visceral attack as Aiden was thrown, crashing unceremoniously into one of the facilities' steel walls with enough lingering over powering momentum to dent the alusteel panel Aiden's shoulders collided with. G3m followed through with her kick, rounding off as it seemed she had the upper hand in combat finesse, this creature seemed little more to her sensors and logic engines than a berserker; all fury, speed, and brawn with little tact behind the relentless albeit advanced exterior shell. In the short pause between the hit and the counterattack, the AI would prepare for the next attack, a direct assault obviously the far more common approach for a creature like this... This Aiden was doomed... 'If only it had replaced that weak flesh with something more... efficient...'
Sure enough, the inevitable lunge came. With its momentum G3 would twist her body side-on her knee pulling tight to her chest cocking like a pile driver primed to fire before thrusting out quickly enough that the strike would come as little more than a lightning crack of colour. The repulsar-lift generators from her knee would rocket the leg towards his sternum in a deadly straight line longer than his arms could answer offensively hoping to impale him on the end of her leg as his body would crash around it with combined psi measured in the high thousands. G3 angled her blow upwards in order to generate just enough lift with the strike in nullifying his momentum in such a manner that he would hang airborne for a precious moment, rising just that that essential inch which would allow G3 to capitalize on his ability to route herself, however, Aiden was prepared... Deflecting the kick with one of his arms, the thick air around her kick hot enough to burn skin to the touch from the friction alone. Gem's knee instinctively loaded itself back into her chest as fast as it had thrust, whipping with the speed of a deep sea shrimp and readying another as his hay maker came for the side of her head.
G3's scanners picked up some manner of energy surge rising rapidly within Aiden, while she would file the warning away, there was little means to decipher what was the cause. Her scanners could attempt to discern the machinery by its configuration, energy levels, and readings to cross reference its specs with other weapons in her CIS database to hopefully get an answer, but such was an arduous process. In response to his wide open attack G3 would burst, ducking seamlessly with the momentum of the return of her knee allowing her to spin outwards and crouch under the powerful arching blow, reversing their positions in a quarter heartbeat turning inward to her opponent as she would attempt to run the blade of her burning spear between her opponents' knees from behind, intending to use the momentum of her movement as well as his as he would turn naturally to face her to trip or bar his movement for her own attack. However, he was quick, whirling like a cyclone as G3 had intended to use his blind-spot to get an advantage, having not yet had the time to put her leg down to stomp through with the momentum of the trip or its following strike, instead, she'd run directly into waiting path of his hand as Aiden would move to slam her into the ground with his counter-turn.
G3 was certain that at the angle they had been, there was no way he could have seen her assault from that position. Unless he was able to scan the room in the 3D space much in the same way she had. Advanced optics, it made sense considering his one augmented eye. The fall forced G3 to drop her spear in order to have her hands, locking onto Aiden's shoulders which immediately ceased her energy-flow through the advanced weapon, causing it to smoulder against the drab steel ground while the entwined pair fell backwards. G3, curling herself into a ball forced herself to roll with the momentum of the drop using the curvature of her spine, all while the repulsar-lift generators on her legs would explode with a single blast. The increasing the momentum of the two would cube in response on the way down G3 she would roll, much, much faster than Aiden had likely expected before intending to thrust her still cocked leg hard against Aiden's chest with the intent of hurling him headfirst in a suicide dive towards the Droid doing battle with frank.
Following through with the momentum, G3 would place a hand behind her head, lifting up as her legs would roll above her, twisting at the hips and vaulting to her feet to face the Direction of Aiden with mechanically precise grace and perfection. Clenching her fists as eight darts, one for each of her knuckles would eject from the Vajra units integrated with her chassis and firing them for Aiden as the small electrified units would aim for fleshy locations on his body, stomach, chest, under his arms, neck, his human eye and another thigh as well as other assorted locations across his body, all with a dose of electricity with the intent of overloading the mechanics and shutting him down forcefully. Hopefully a good shock to the brain would cause a reboot in that skull of his, ending whatever psychotic break he was undergoing.

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar"
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

The counter attack Aiden had seen coming. It was why he'd prepared his other hand for her to send something his way. He'd finally identified the source of her speed and strength, which was something that he'd been trying to figure out for a minute now. She was using repulsorlift technology to accelerate her movements, and while it was certainly quite effective, it was also hugely power consuming. Aiden's synthetic musculature and altered bones were much more efficient, physically stronger, able to take much more punishment. She'd been built as something to be extremely fast, and without a major power core behind it, it couldn't last forever. The beast smiled as it finally realized the way to win against this foe while making it interesting. Without ever drawing a sword. It had used the pistol before because it knew the droid would be clearly able to respond. And now that it knew how the droid was accelerating so quickly, it knew exactly how to defeat G3.

It had to keep her from engaging the repulsors, get even closer, and force her to rely on her build's physical strength rather than the repulsors backing her strikes.

As his glove vaporized from his deflection of the leg, he would quietly sigh in disappointment as G3 had avoided the haymaker, but hadn't anticipated him going for the throat. It adapted quickly though, going through a roll, planting its foot on him and launching him at John and Frank. His claws now quite clearly exposed from the deflection earlier would shoot down as they sank into the floor, yanking on the arm as clawed through the metal with a shriek as he forcibly stopped himself short of G3's possibly intended target. Now that his hand was exposed, G3's sensor suite would be able to pick up on the components of some kind of cannon, the custom built repulsor cannon however had many similar parts to the disruptor cannon that Aiden had used from time to time which might throw off her conclusions. The shade was grinning from ear to ear now as it watched almost in slow motion as G3 decided to employ a hand mounted launchers. His processors and sensors would calculate various trajectories, possible targets and intercept points to avoid the necessary ones to continue pressing his attack. As he yanked himself forward with the arm that was clutching the floor, he knew that he wouldn't have the chance to reach G3 before it fired.

So as he rushed forward, he would wait until the last possible second before planting his left foot into the floor with a solid kick that would dent the floor. And as he flew towards the wall, he would reach out with his left arm letting the fingertips just graze the wall before he fired his little trick he'd been saving. A massive repulsor blast would rock the wall, launching Aiden forward as he would take two steps to maintain his footing before engaging his own muscle system's overdrive. Underneath his suit the muscles would arc electricity as he decided to send a front kick at G3's torso. But as much power he'd put behind the blow, causing his own capacitors to start draining, he was waiting for the response. He was waiting for G3 to once more try to counter. His only tell for G3 would be that his arms were completely relaxed.

Meanwhile behind him Frank and John were having a small standoff thanks to Frank being able to sneak his pistol out from the chokehold. The L-7 was a meaty pistol, and while it was technically smaller, the smaller more energetic round hit a lot harder and could actually punch through armor plating. Something that he probably should have lead with on this particular series of droid but beggars can't be choosers. This stalemate was broken however when G3's darts came shooting past, and a couple of them hit the droid in question. The first two bounced off the armor plating of its back, however the other two that managed to hit caught it in the arm, sending a shock through the droid's musculature and into its wiring systems. This caused the droid to start seizing and drop its own guard. Frank decided that it was either now or never and rushed the droid, firing twice into its chest before swinging the big hand cannon to hit the droid in the head and try to disable it. The rounds bounced off the chest piece, the Phrik-A metal plating tanking the blows before the droid finally managed to recover and caught Frank's wrist mid-swing.

What caught both of their attentions next however was a low rumble as one of the containers that had been jettisoned bounced off the hull of the station, shaking the area they were in. Frank and John immediately looked toward view port and saw that while John's attempt to follow through on the order hadn't been as successful as they had originally planned, several of the containers were still loose and floating about. Thankfully the many explosions that had rocked the facility from exploding ships, various bay fires, and other mishaps going on from the fire fights around the station hadn't caused them to immediately get pushed out into the asteroid field which would have doomed the passengers aboard them. But there was another thing, several of the crates also appeared to different, having all sorts of shapes and sizes. What Frank and G3 probably didn't know but could tell upon a cursory glance was that several of the crates in the area surrounding the station were containing weapons, various speeders and vehicles, spice, an assortment of legal and illegal drugs, and other black market items found in the station. And while John hadn't been able to jettison all of them, he'd gotten enough loose that it still posed a massive problem for Frank and G3. Since whatever was controlling Aiden had no interest in recovering the people anymore since the "good guys" were here now to save the day.

"Bloody hell,"

"You two don't have much time,"

"G! What's the time table on those reinforcements!?!?!"

As much as Frank may have wanted to continue this dance party, there were more pressing issues. If those CAF reinforcements didn't get here in time they'd be cleaning up what was left of those people.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


- Frank Hamish Frank Hamish
- S-66 Scorpio // L 86 - Pisces x3 // T 91 - Taurus x3 // Rotary Blaster // Diamondback
- G3M1N1 Chassis
- This

G3 moved as charged quicksilver to strike at her foe, her ion power-core teetering with half its capacity emphatically drained due to fighting as voraciously as this. The reserved fleeting from the mortal coil as the forty nine percent mark lingered, the system not quite willing to cross the threshold which entailed that over half of the battle had already come to a close for the sake of her power core. However, the ephemeral AI had been dealing damage. Though her electrified shocks launched through the air had not meet their intended target, they had managed to find some placement in the droid engaged with Frank, delivering their payload galvanizing Frank into action allowing the wayward sheriff to fire off precious few shots into the torso of the creature. G3 could not help but grimace at the inefficiency of the entity named Frank, attacking the target's legs would have been a far more tactically sound option, lighter armour, more mobility... yet here he was firing directly into the most armoured point of an opponent hoping to break through. It left G3 Morose at the doltishness of the organic, it was inexcusable.
Though her opponent had been slammed unceremoniously into the cold steel floor, raking claw marks marred where he had managed to grab hold staying his trajectory from being thrown into his stalwart ally. With little hesitation he raced for the side of the wall, narrowly avoiding the flurry charged barbs as G3 followed his motion, the staccato missing by a hairs breadth. Sensing Aiden's trajectory as the repulsar cannon fired against the wall, G3 would witness Aiden would plant a palm, launching himself at incredible speeds stepping twice towards her with thundering precision propelling a thrusting front kick with enough force per square inch that it may have actually been capable of damaging her torso on impact enough to deactivate her power-core entirely. Sadly the shock absorption of her torso was one of the few weaker points of the unit due to the shock absorbing traits it required for her stunts.
Once the Attack was launched there was little to do but avoid it, pivoting swiftly with a step to the outside of the blow, G3 using little more than the absolute minimum space required to avoid the kick to her solar plexus as she would spin outwards to her left. Rotating as a living cyclone away from the leg, planting her left foot as it would lock to the ground with the repulsar-lift generator, magnetically sealing her body to the ground for a moment, giving her an amount of follow through potential that would be unheard of for a person as her upper body and other leg would whirl, several boosters from her knee, heel and elbow engaging to ensure the speed of her swing was nothing short of a meteoric crushing force completing the enhanced tornado kick for Aiden's upper torso riding up inches above his own waist, trailing his thrusting leg like a guide, all completed in the time before his striking leg would be able to touch back to the ground in order for him to alter his momentum.
In sheer force alone employed by G3 this kick had enough force to End the service life of a Brynadul, tearing through natura armour and obliterating internal organ structures. The fact that she was intercepting an already moving force on a collision path against her, would functionally double the impact force of the kick which would flood both his body and her leg like tidal waves. Her only saving grace? G3's body, especially her limbs were made to be able to resist direct impacts at almost any amount of force she could manage with her blows, while the rest of the Galaxy, was not. It was a fact in any creature, the leg needed to be stronger in order to carry the entire body, while spinning strikes from the hip especially used the culmative motion, power and momentum of the entire body in order to operate channeling their force into the blow. In this, G3 was certain that while her strike would shoot for the chest of her enemy, if he were to guard he would under-estimate just how much more powerful her kick would be because of his forward motion, intending to shatter at least one of his arms beyond repair at the sockets and joints of every junction from the point she made contact, sending the rest of his body to collide with her leg and sprawling him up in a forced back flip which would see him face down in the durasteel once again.
Should he manage to catch the torrential kick however, G3 wasn't out of actions. Her other leg having slipped its surly bonds, unclasping from its hold on the earth. The fact her opponent helf her leg enough to put her weight on him for even a fraction of a moment would give her the surface tension to pull herself up to his level and throw a second kick directly for the side of his head. Rotating her hips and using his grip on her leg as a guide to follow she would crunch her body tight and follow through with the second blow scissoring with her other leg. Although it would not be nearly powerful as the initial blow, it would certainly give her the power to free herself from his grasp, deal some damage and safely disengage. All the while moderate to severe damage dealt to the plating of her limb would mean that such powerful kicks from that leg were now impossible should he manage to catch, Aiden's grip strength alone was impressive enough to tear open steel plated doors, even being in his hands for a moment at those speeds and impacts was enough to do serious damage to G3's systems..., but then came the call from across the room.
G3 would compute the response from her SOS, the nearest CIS ship capable of providing meaningful aid would be coming into the sector in about ten minutes. When the container slammed into the side of the station rocking it to the core the limitation on G3 activated... 'ensure he doesn't harm anyone else...'
With a snap hiss the Scorpio was activated in her right hand as the world eating serpent, the powerful armour piercing charric could penetrate through almost any armour should it be given a full concentrated blast. If she had managed to deal enough damage to Aiden's arms, she doubted he would be harming anyone else on this station due to his need for repairs... but... Just to be certain, G3 needed a safe method to disengage. Her own power ratings were beginning to get dangerously low... using full anti-gravity repulsar-blast combat, using the Tauros, and now her ace in the hole... G3 was lingering on thirty three percent by the end of this stage of the combat. Her aim however, was not set upon Aiden. rather through him, She'd aim low firing a blast at the floor of the station behind him, burrowing deep like a mining laser until it ebbed with a hole that breached the hull of the station creating a vacuum mere meters behind Aiden with the intention of throwing him backward and distracting him, least he be torn through into the void of space.
G3's Repulsar-lift generators were already primed to reverse the force of the pull as best as they could, mag locking to the ground as she would make her move to frank. If Aiden's droid had any sense of the preservation of its master, it would begin to deal with the rapid alteration of pressure and temperature considering the breaches in Aiden's clothing. While G3 would move to grab frank, exchanging hostages in a sense as the Android would move to drag him out of the room.
"Statement: We need to get to this ships tractor beams... where are they." The Android would demand, hoping to pry Frank from the mindset of the fight, albeit abruptly before making their way towards them. G3 moving with a notable limp, the hydraulic systems in her leg notably warped and not working properly, symptomatic of the biological equivalent of a broken leg. There was other damage too, stress damage across a lot of her systems from fighting that hard, seventeen cracks across her systems, small, but one large impact could see her arms, legs and hips shatter painfully from now. Even G3 recognized that it would need to be cautious.
They'd have to fight again another day...
Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar"
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

Aiden would smile as G3 made a terrible mistake. Or at least, what G3 probably didn't understand was a terrible mistake. In the demented mind of the other half, Aiden's darker self was grinning ear to ear as he saw her first take a small almost side step/bunny hop to what was outside of his current direction of attack. The smaller movement was a tactically smart move as she was realizing that Aiden was trying to close the gap and stay on the attack, so using a small movement to set up a counter was the right call.

What wasn't was the telegraphed strike of doing a tornado kick, or as Aiden was taught a back leg flying round house.

This was because the attack required the opponent to be committed, it required a comparatively long wind up time, and it required that the opponent not be able to do something to also counter or be expecting it.

Which meant that while it was going to hit before Aiden could get his leg down, he would also see it coming from a kilometer away because he was ready for it.

The first move that would happen was his right arm dropping just slightly as Aiden's circuitry and mind started analyzing the trajectory, possible targets and intercept point for the attack. And right when he was ready he would activate the magnetic sole of his remaining foot just enough that he wouldn't loose contact with the floor, but his traction would be light. Then without warning his right arm would cut through the air in a knife hand attack set to intersect the leg right in the center of G3's shin. And as G3's repulsor fields would contact his arm, his outer garment was again shredded, this time however revealing a Phrik-A plated vambrace which he smacked into G3's shin. But as G3's kick would follow through, instead of trying to stop the hit, Aiden would use the force to act as a base, adjusting his left foot and giving himself enough time to slam his other foot back into the ground to transfer the energy of the blow through his body into the floor below him. And immediately following that, Aiden's hand would slip down and latch onto G3's leg as his other hand raised forming a knife hand.

"My turn," The monster uttered as he sent the strike directly for G3's knee cap, intending to spear it with his knife hand strike while holding her leg in place so she couldn't get away. The same kind of strength that would punch through durasteel, his arm arcing with electricity as he overcharged his artificial musculature and intended to shatter the knee rendering the leg itself useless.

And just as the blow was coming to land, the second kick would catch Aiden in the back of the head. His helmet would crack from the blow as he was flung into the floor and slid away. His head was spinning, he was seeing stars in his biological eye as several warnings let him know that he just suffered a severe concussion. The only reason he was able to stay conscious was the implants in his brain and nervous system, and the only reason his skull hadn't been crushed was that his head had been upgraded with a newer Phrik-A cranium reinforcement. And even then, his brain hurt like hell from the hit. He slowly would pick himself up as he suppressed the urge to vomit.

"What.... what happened?"

John would immediately turn away from Frank and rush towards Aiden.

"Authorities are on the way, we must exfiltrate,"

"Where.... John.... what's going on?"

"No time," The droid would simply respond as it pressed a button on its forearm, sending out a signal to the orbiting vessel

"Hold on,"


John would raise its rifle to the window of the station, and go cyclic with it emptying the magazine as the window would crack, bulge and then shatter as the window finally gave from the overpressure from repeated hits from the heavy rifle. With a crash the glass would shatter as the air was getting sucked out of the room, pulling a confused Aiden and the droid leaping through after him. Moments later, the gunship that had brought them here would arrive parking itself directly in their path as it opened an airlock to catch them. Frank was clinging to a nearby pipe as he watched it all happen and was cussing under his breath.

"What the hell kinda plan is this?!?!"

He then looked at G3 and yelled into his comms.

"I think the emergency shutter is broken! Any bright ideas?!?!"

He was trying to figure how much time it would take to catch the few containers that clearly had sentient cargo. The rest he didn't care about at all, but those people in the crates needed to get pulled in. The ship had a winch on her, but that would be a bit of a risky job, while there was probably tractor beams in the hangars. Blast it all, he started pushing buttons on his comlink to try and raise the ship. They were running out of time.
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


Everything happened, so fast, the body of her opponent acted as a shock absorber as her intercepting blow connected directly with her opponent's defending arm, his lagging pace allowing her to connect with the furthest point from the axis of her blow, but it seemed that he was made of harder stuff. His technique was flawless, he looped her arm, but G3's speed was vastly underestimated, as her enziguri kick raced against the clock for the side of her enemies' head all while he would bring his other hand for the side of her knee.
Precious moments as the thrust on the repulsarlift generators in her leg, hip and arms would fire rocketing the kick for the side of his cranium with all hopes of making contact before his impact. But while she was unable to defeat him in this race against harm. The blows connected in concert, simultaneous impacts as he almost crushed the side of her leg through her cracked armour, though a little less so due to his force absorbing her impact, making it lesser in turn on her.
The sound of smashing and cracking steel resonated as the two of them were launched in other directions, Repulsars fired in order to stabalize G3s fall, but still she was left spiraling onto the floor as its leg collapsed under her own weight. Standing, it seemed that the blow to the cranium had knocked the man to his senses, his voice patterns were different his threat level from the fear that seemed to permeate the air around him would be reconsidered. He was inert now and there were people to save as the droid blew out a section of the wall, escaping with his mark.
G3 would haul and throw Frank through the hole against the power of the vacuum, using the wall as support, reversing the polarity of her antigrav boosters on a low hum to be able to distribute her force between them as she would hop across to where they needed to be. As they reached the door G3 would grab the side of it, a single burst of energy would have her cracking its latch and forcing the door closed and clipping into its mag lock, sealing the room until it would be pried open by heavy equipment.
"A winch will do, get us back to the ship, get it primed and I'll meet you... eta 4 minutes. until others arrive."
G3 would begin to move with purpose, though Frank would be considerably faster. However, G3 would take a turn, beginning to move in the direction to a port where she could gain access to the crates. Frank could bring the ship around, and G3 would be better off moving in Zero G's. By the time Frank was able to bring the ship around G3 would be waiting outside where the crates floated, cables having been grabbed from the hanger, tying them around the first of the Crates she had landed on and was ready to leap between them with the Winch if need be...

Location: Hanoon Asteroid Field, Pirate Station "Lucky's Bazaar"
Equipment: TDW Gen 3 Armor, 2 L-7 Pistols, 1 M-8 Shotgun, 2 Concussion grenades, 2 Frag Grenades, EBFAK
Tag: G 3 M 1 N 1 G 3 M 1 N 1

Frank would watch the situation finally unfold before him, seeing the two clash it out, finishing with a climax of the two hitting each other simultaneously and the droid deciding that he was no longer a threat. It would happen so fast that he was barely realizing what the droid's intention was as it raised the weapon towards the window and decided to empty the magazine of its weapon into it. He would turn around and try to run away before the window shattered, and he fell to the floor gripping onto a loose piece of metal as the air rushed past him. Good gods this was absolutely insane.

And it was only getting crazier as he watched G3 essentially rocket over to him, plant and then toss him like a sack of rocks further up the hallway.

"Hey, what are you- hey Hey HEY HEEEEEEEEEYYYYY!!!"

He would fly through the newly created wind tunnel with the aerodynamics of a brick in a hurricane, smacking off the floor, the wall, and then the ceiling because of the tumble before finally catching onto another piece of wall.


As G3 would follow up behind him she would almost casually break the seal on an emergency door, manually engaging the airlock from their end and causing the blast doors to seal them off from the breach in space. With that emergency fixed, Frank would breath a sigh of relief as he subconsciously spoke aloud thinking to himself.

"Now, we just gotta get to the ship and get the winch on her," he started prodding the comlink repeatedly before smacking it a couple of times before it established a connection "Okay I can run down and go get the ship! Ship! Fire up the engines and get ready to fly!"

He would reach over to press a button for the turbolift, thinking to go down the mezzanine where they came from but got a wicked idea, instead pushing another button. The turbolift would shoot down and they would approach one of the outer walk ways of the station normally inhabited by stands of smugglers and other people but was now vacant. Frank would run down the hall way looking right, then left, then right again before coming across what he was looking for. An airlock, an actual proper airlock meant for maintenance workers and other types normally meant to go for space walks. He would crack open the door of the airlock and look inside, finding exactly what he'd hoped he would, a space suit and more importantly a jet pack since his suit was already rated for space. He would cackle as he put on the jetpack, strapping it onto his kit as he turned around and waved G3M into the airlock. As soon as she stepped inside he'd pull the door shut and seal it with a crank on the handle. With that in place he'd walk over to the console, noting that the power had been knocked out to it for a while now, and deciding to throw caution to the wind. He pulled out his pistol and placed it against the glass of the airlock and pulled the trigger as the single hand cannon round would smash the glass and cause a sudden though quick decompression to their small room. His pistol however was stuck in the porthole as he'd lost the grip on it before the room finished decompressing. Then with a twist of the handle on the door, the door was unlocked and Frank would push the door outward. And as he stepped out, his magnetic boots would engage, allowing him to take a few steps as he sort of spoke to G3 through his commlink.

"Okay G3, I guess go after the containers, I'll try to get the ship in position, just wait for my SIIIIIIIIIIIGNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL-" He started as he pulled out the small controller for the jetpack, and pressed a few buttons before the pack would suddenly activate and send Frank hurtling through space out of control but in the general direction of the ship. A stream of curses would erupt from the former marshal as he sped through space trying to figure out the older style jetpack's controls as it spun him every which way but straight. He would bounce off of girders, smash off pieces of rock, smaller crates, before slamming into the floor of the outer hangar and skidding as sparks flew off his armor plates scraping against the Durasteel hull. This would lead to him skidding to all of the way to just short of The Mangy Kath Hound before coming to a stop and the jetpack just died like it ran out of fuel. He'd groan a little bit as he picked himself off of the ground and dusted himself off.

"All..... part.... of... the.... plan.... phew," He would walk over to the ship and press on a small plate as he got the ship ready to deploy its winch, which would jam for a second before he hit it again with a bit more force causing the plate to slide out and a cable to drop with a hook on the end. He would pull out a length for a starter line, but the rest would be on G3 as he let it sit on the ground while he clambered into the ship. He would notice that the ship had actually listened this time, getting the engines fired up and most of pre-flight taken care meaning he could do a last few things and take off quickly, moving towards G3 and the first crate as he radioed her.

"Okay kid, the winch is currently loose, if you pull on it you'll get all the slack you need and when you're ready just tell me and I'll crank the motor,"
Do I Dream of Electric Sheep?


Frank Hamish Frank Hamish

The man was insane, a menace, but his method for taking an airlock instead of dealing with the winding corridors of the complex was for once... efficient. G3 would find itself agreeing with his terms, for once, wordless. Simply going along with the plan and taking of the the jet-packs for itself in order to be able to better direct itself in space lacking the ability to use its repulsarlift generators as effectively. She was able to counter her gravity in respect to the station as well as nearby planetoids, but it wouldn't be enough in this situation, and it would be power draining.

She would make her way to the first container, ensuring that it had not been breached, marked or damaged in the mean time, landing upon it as she would make contact, knocking on the container twice from the outside, rapping with her knuckles in order to make a tune. A signal for the occupants inside that they were being rescued and to remain calm. Frank had left for the ship, and G3 remained at watch.

All the while Gem was ecstatic at the turn of eventds, G3 and Frank were getting along, Frank was proving himself to not be a total washout of a person who has good ideas... sometimes. And together they'd made more money than they could ever dream of, almost everyone they had scored within the confines of this facility had a bounty on their heads. She was scrolling through a list of the bastards and the credits kept on rolling up... Frank might actually be able to pay off one of his tabs with this amount of doe.

As the Winch arrives G3 would hook it up, leaving it to Frank to be able to haul the freighter back into position as she would fly to the next one, bursting with her Jetpack and repeating the process. In turn with the third until all of the containers were safe for the backup that would be arriving any minute now. By the time they had winched the third of the crates, the first of the cruiser class ships would arrive, landing at the station and beginning to relieve their efforts with an armed contingent of soldiers looking to secure the area.

The place had been taken.

G3 would be in contact with some of them, beginning to send recorded and compiled reports of the on-goings to commanding officers that were here on the scene so that they could better have an understanding of the events and when as well as how they occurred. Even slipping in that Frank was an 'assistance' Something that didn't go unnoticed by Gem who veritably squealed at the revelation. The death of many of the leadership of the area put a pin in their operations here for the near future, they'd need to find another station if they wanted to have another slaving operation. Places like these were becoming rarer and rarer within the scope of the CIS, work that they had a right to feel proud of for the most part.

Finally, G3's eyes would dim, and her posture would alter, shoulders lowering as well as microexpressions returning to the much more human Gem's face, control being ceded as she would begin to groan in pain at her leg, reaching down and clutching it as paramedics would flock her, before realizing that she was not organic and moving on... to the ire of Gem.

"HEY! get back here! didn't you bring a mechanic!?" She would shout in no small amount of outrage, sitting on one of the nearby boxes that seemed to scatter the area for the most part. "You know, we make a pretty great team Frank, though I still didn't get the information on Crymorah that I was looking for. . . Starting to think im helping you a lot more than you're helping me. haha" She'd laugh, but she was happy about what they had managed to do as the kidnapping victims would begin to filer on past them. and into another ship.

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