Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A trip back home: The Prince of Sand

It was just easier to call you guys that. If you would prefere....

Tusken Raiders:
Verz Horak
Kiyala Demont

People who want to kill me:
Mia Monroe
Selena Halcyon

Random People/Victims:
Barrett Haskins
Axton Milfred


Okay stop! That's a good number :) It's all even and junk :p Should I start it up now or later?

Axton Milfred

Wait! Take Onyx off the list and put me in his place. Seems more appropriate that a mercenary is on there. (This is Onyx)

And yea, you should start it.
Given that Clockwork did not require people to write bios for clockwork characters, I would say that in the case of this campaign Tuskens made specifically for this thread would not need a bio unless they want to make one, or you Kyr since you're taking point. Just throwing that out there as a way to speed this up should people want to.
If I inferred too much just tell much and I'll edit.

I get the impression that you've taken leadership of some tuskens and have been on a warpath. Leaving you the option to give me the lowdown through the Bartender if you want.

And for reference, the face of me as a Ley'ela Hoshek: link
Mmmk. So I did a bit of conversationing as a Bartender, should I continue as to where the bugger is now, so that Tuskens know where to Start?

The other alternative for you guys is that your just working in camp, and then I pop out and I'm all like,

"Let's raid!" Then we hop on our pimped out bantha's and head to town.

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