Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Trip To Coruscant.

It had been a very long time since the Zabrak had been on Coruscant. It had truly changed under the surface at least. And that's where Krest was, wandering about. He shrunk down his signature as small as possible to hide, and down where he was he shouldn't get too bothered by any Sith. He held a saber on his waist however, and the gauntlet on his hand. The gauntlet at least gave off a darkside signature, but he could, if needed, pass off that he was just a lucky merc.

Of course, his whole reason on being here was to hopefully find someone who he could get off the dastardly planet. He wanted to free at least one soul from the overwhelming corruption, but it was looking less and less likely. With a sigh he'd wander down an alleyway, alone as he tried to gather his thoughts.

[member="Jhoren Drenall"]

Sorvae Sunfell


Thump. The man fell down on his knees. The bar didn't just want him to be there anymore. Had he really been inside for so long? He'd taken only a few drinks, not more. Or had he really spent the whole day there?

He couldn't tell. He may have drank too much. "Let me in, you motherkarkers!" he yelled to the bar, but nobody listened to him. Kneeling right next to the door, he, the Son of Mars, looked like a hobo, nothing more than a drunkard. But he was a noble Sith, one of the Drenall dynasty. He shouldn't have lowered her honour like that.

After a few more yells to the inside, he finally decided to get up and leave. There was so much else to do on the planet. Maybe he should have headed to the closest park to take a small walk there, and when needed, get some rest on a bench.

No, he couldn't just fall down to such a state. He'd go home. Or at least get some relief somehow.

Thump. He couldn't. He had fallen down on the ground again after having taken a few steps.

The Zabrak looked over to see a man, [member="Jhoren Drenall"] , fall. Blinking slowly, Krest would move over to the body, only to nudge the form with a foot. After, he'd crouch down, poking the guys cheek with a slight frown.

"Oi oi. Don't fall asleep here. Terrible idea, with all the Sith about and what not right?" Ironic. He could very much feel the darkside emanating off of Drenall, so he had naturally assumed the man was a Sith. Without another word he'd go to lift the boy up to lean on his own shoulder. "Let's go get you cleaned up.."

Sorvae Sunfell


"Who the bantha poodoo are you?" Jhoren yelled to the man who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "And where do you take me?" His mouth probably released a lot of the terrible smell of alcohol. "Leave me alone!" he yelled. After that, he seemed to calm down for a few moments because he couldn't just understand what was going on. Yeah, he was not good at drinking alcohol.

"I'll kill ya!" he shouted, getting noticed by most of the people around.
Blue eyes narrowed for a moment, before the Zabrak spoke up, his voice lighthearted and cheerful. "Come on man! We've been buddies sense.." Bzzzt. A small zap of emerald lighting would shoot from his hand to the mans back. Thankfully, his hand was already on the mans back, and the most it would do is knock out [member="Jhoren Drenall"] . Should it do so, he'd let out a mock gasp as his apparent friend was too drunk to stay awake.

"Ah! We must get you home good friend!" If not, well. This certainly will be awkward.

Sorvae Sunfell


The pain which made a way into the man's body from his back was unbelievably strong. Yes, probably it wouldn't have been like that would he have been completely sober. But his senses didn't act the way they typically did, so it felt like torture to him. "Ugh..." he managed to mutter before losing his consciousness. Only darkness around him. He only subconsciously hoped the strange man he had just met wouldn't get him into trouble. The Zabrak shouldn't have wanted that.

But Jhoren's eyes opened only a few minutes after being knocked out. He didn't know what to do about it, so he just stood silent for some time, even trying to breath in a slow pace so that the other man wouldn't know he was awake.
[member="Jhoren Drenall"] would wake to Krest mumbling about how much of a pain it was to deal with Sith, and how annoying it was to drag him around in the first place. The Zabrak wasn't exactly sure why he was even bothering with this, but he would attempt to take the boy someplace secluded before putting him down. It would end up being a small empty home, the owners probably left after the Sith had taken over.

With the boy now resting beside a wall, Krest would move to the opposite, waiting for Drenall to awake. He didn't know the boy was already up.

Sorvae Sunfell


The Sith Acolyte would have wanted to stand up against the "saviour" who had started to mutter - talk to himself - but he decided not to. Yes, he may have been a pain to carry around, but there was no reason the Zabrak should have actually started with "saving" him. It was a mystery why he started to do that despite not wanting to do it. Now the Son of Mars only waited until they would reach a certain location. Somewhere they would either be safe or where he'd be put directly on a table, about to lose his organs or something.

But it wasn't like that. The Zabrak put him down against a wall in a house probably left behind and the man himself sat against him at the opposite wall. For a minute or a few, no words left the man's mouth, but as soon as he though it would not be as life-losing dangerous to talk, he opened his eyes and said, "And what do yo think you'll do with me now?"
It had been a long time since Selene had been to Coruscant, in fact when she left with her sister she vowed not to come back. But here she was, somewhere in what felt like an area of homes. Whether they were actually homes she didn't know, she couldn't even tell if anyone was around. She could hear voices around her from time to time, it wasn't cold out but it wasn't warm either. It felt dead in the air which wasn't odd for her anymore. She almost liked the feeling of nothing around, she could be one with herself. She needed to find somewhere to stay fast though.

[member="Jhoren Drenall"]

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