Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Trip to Nar Shaada (Open)

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
Nar Shaada. It was the seat of dreams and broken hopes to many. Jada sniffed another line of glitterstim, and growled. She hated civilian transport liners. Being stuffed in between to fat slobs was enough to make anyone go crazy, and thankfully the trip had just ended.

And it was about time too....

"This is the captain speaking, we have arrived safely! Please standbye for landing then you may move about the cabin."

"I want to move now.." she muttered, fidgeting with the straps.


The light came on and she was up. With a smooth movement she unsnapped her straps and jumped up, running over the legs of the hapless passengers. some of them groaned and others threw their arms up surprised. Jada chuckled, dropping in a catlike crouch.

She was the first one to the door.

And as it opened she stepped off, moving quickly to exit the port. There was much to see and much to do. What she really wanted was a ship, and the best place to find a private sale was usually a cantina. Smugglers and the like ran rampant here, so the cantina was of course the spot.

And low and behold there was one, right down the street.

Ignoring everything else the young woman moved through the door and found her seat at the bar. One hand flipped back her cowl whilst the other one slapped three credit chips to the wooden bar with a clinking sound.

"Greetings lass, what brings you here?"

"Fortune and fame, is that what you want to hear?"

The bartender smiled, wrinkling his ugly eyes at her.

"Hmm that's what I usually hear. I'm guessing something else for you. Spy? Maybe running from the law?"

"Or maybe it's none of your business. Drink please."

"Aye ok, here ya go."

Xzara Vox

Xzara strode into the bar and smiled. This was the environment she strived in. In a place like this people didn't care where you are from or what your business is, people here just liked a good time.

She walked over to the bar and took a seat.

"Xzara!" The bartender exclaimed, "We haven't seen the likes of yous in a long time, where you been girl?"

"I have been busy my friend, why don't you get me my usual and put it on my tab?"

"Nah, the first ones on the house!"

She took the drink and smiled, "cheers friend."

Xzara swiveled around on her bar stool and surveyed the area. "Lets see what kind of fun I can have tonight."

[member="Jada Raxis"]
Fexa was sitting down in the Nar Shaada bar looking around frantically, trying to find her wallet, someone stole it, she checked to see if she had it before she went in the bar so that means someone stole it. Fexa used the force to see who stole it, she didn't know how she would she just tried... And she found it, sitting at Table 12, our little bandit, Fexa jumped up and ran over to Table 12 "My wallet give it back!" She turned on her Lightsaber, it was double sided and purple, "or I'll have to execute you where you stand!" The unsuspecting foe threw the wallet up and ran out of the bar. Fexa turned her Lightsaber back off picked her wallet back up and said "let that be a warning to you all!" She then sat back down.

"S-so mam what would you like to order."
"No need to stutter Mr. Waiter, that message was only to the robbers, but I'll take the spiciest wings you got, with some water as a drink."
"Will t-that be all?"
"Yes sir"

[member="Xzara Vox"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]

Xzara Vox

Xzara chuckled as the fox-looking women threatened the pickpocketer. Most thieves here were harmless, annoying, but harmless. Xzara called out to the women, "I have learned from experience not to leave your possessions where a cut-purse could snatch it."

[member="Fexa Keis"]
"Thanks!" Fexa couldn't tell if that saying was sarcastic or not but just in case she took it as a compliment, she knew which annoyed her but she didn't want to create a problem. Suddenly she sensed the force in her. "Excuse me mam, will you come with me for a second?" She didn't want to announce it to the whole bar for the fact that some people hate force sensitives

[member="Xzara Vox"]

Xzara Vox

Xzara looked at the woman beckoning her quizzically. Did she know this person from somewhere? She didn't seem familiar, Xzara had a hard rule to not convene with strangers. Against her better judgement though, she followed the woman.

[member="Fexa Keis"]

Xzara Vox

Xzara laughed, "Did I know that I have the force? Yes I am very aware of that fact, why is it your concern?"

[member="Fexa Keis"]

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Fexa Keis"] [member="Xzara Vox"]

As surely as the alchohol made ones daft the force did connect all living things. Jada had come looking for a ship, which was still her primary mission, but there was something else occurring here. There was a stillness in the air not normal for n environment such as this. With silvery eyes she scanned the confines of the room, letting her mind go quiet.

A mind that was ladden down with the first sips of booze as her hand met her cup, which met her lips.

Then she dialed in on it. Two women, one peculiar one and another whom looked every bit to be a ships captain. With a grunt she pinched another huff of glitterstim and snorted violently. The drug slammed through her veins spiking her heart-rate. Jada smiled at the familiar rush, dumping the cup and snatching a deathstick from a nearby patrons hands.

"Hey, thats mine!"

Half of her wanted to tell him to get lost.

The other half of her brain quoted the code.

"Garrggh, alright, here."

A single credit flipped into his cup and she grinned. Now they were even.

And now she was here, right beside them and listening in with a lit deathstick between her lips.

"The force? Oh my, isn't that just hokey superstition?" she joked, clapping both of them on the back.
Jakkor had been on Nar Shadda for quite sometime now. The Tusken was just walking the streets bored out of his mind. Everywhere he went he received stares through the alley ways of the slum filled streets. He hated how people were so curious never seeing a Tusken Raider off his homeplanet. Nevertheless seeing one clad in desert style jedi robes,a black cloak,and a lightsaber dangling from his belt. As he kept walking he swears he spot's his two friends in an alley way speaking. [member="Fexa Keis"] and [member="Xzara Vox"]
People he encountered on his adventures in the Outer Rim Territories. He stop's as he thinks outloud.

"Chuba...It's a very small Galaxy these days."

He just kept standing their curious of what they were speaking of when he saw a woman with a Deathstick in her mouth and clearly a little Drunk.

[member="Jada Raxis"]

Xzara Vox

Xzara narrowed her eyes as the seemingly drunk woman clapped her on the back. She took a deep breath and turned around, "To the daft, yes I suppose it would be easier to assume the force is but a superstition, a myth even." She looked the woman up and down, she could sense, about her. Not to mention the deathstick between her lips. "You might not be able to understand the force. Especially not in your current state of mind. Why don't you go sober up and then come find me." She was about to continue her previous conversation when she sensed something familiar. Xzara scanned the area and spotted her old friend, Jakkor. "Jakkor!" she exclaimed, "How the bloody hell are you?"

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]
[member="Fexa Keis"]
He smiled underneath his mask as he approached [member="Xzara Vox"] he embraced her in a friendly bear hug as he spoke very excited. "Xzara Pateesa it's been a long time since our last meeting. What brings you here to the Smugglar's moon?"

[member="Fexa Keis"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]

Xzara Vox

Xzara laughed, "Fun, what else? What of you old friend, how have you been?"

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Alana waited to receive orders from Mistress Ariealla, in the meantime she went to "The little Coruscant" trying to find something about the men working for Tijure The Hutt cartel, being so close to the planet of the Hutt make her sick, but Nar Shaddaa was the best place for information, but not the place for a Force Sensitive, she knew it would be a problem if someone saw her with her lightsabers, so she left them in her A-Wing.
She enter the bar and ask the bartender if he know something of Tijure the Hutt cartel

"Sorry miss, but i know nothing"

Alana knew that the Bartender was lying, but she couldn't use the force and treat him to get the information she wanted, she ask for a glass of water and sit on a table near the entrance, she use the Force and tried scan the area, she felt some force users... One of them was familiar... Could it be [member="Jakkor Kess"], Alana wasn't sure but she remember the words of the Tusken.

"If the force wills,we will meet again with sabers in hand. I will either redeem you from the dark side,or release you."

If the force wanted that she would have to fight, but without her lightsabers she knew wouldn't do much, Alana try to hide her presence hoping that the Tusken didn't find her

Xzara Vox

"Your student? well she is very inquisitive." She turned to the woman, "I suppose I should introduce myself, I'm Xzara Vox. What is your name?"

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Fexa Keis"]
Jakkor looked away for a moment into a bar not far behind. He spoke aloud. "I sense a Precense I haven't felt since..." 'Tatooine...' He recognized it now as the Twi'lek [member="Alana Vettry"] he faced on Tatooine so many months ago. She did a poor job at hiding herself if he could sense her. He pondered weather he should go after her. Never forgetting the promise he made. It would seem a good oppurtunity since she was alone here and without her master. He decided to wait till the time was right after all he was still catching up to with his old friends. He sends a Telepathic message to her through the force. "You made a grave error coming here girl.. I did not forget the words I said to you so long ago,and your Master won't be here to save you this time..I will find you." He was hoping she would receive it as he smiled beneath the wrappings.

[member="Alana Vettry"]
[member="Xzara Vox"]
[member="Fexa Keis"]
Alana received the message of [member="Jakkor Kess"] she sighed and left the bar, Alana focus and use the force to find Jakkor. she found the Tusken in an alley talking with two girls

"Long time no see old pal" she said with a smile as the Tusken turn back and look at her

"Listen, i'm not here to fight, i just came looking for information, i don't have my lightsabers and if i recall correctly jedis can't attack unarmed people... Anyway even if i have my sabers i don't want to fight, i just want to talk."

"Why is your revenge different than mine?" she ask

"Why you can embrace the dark side and i don't?"

"Some months ago you asked me if my master would be proud of the path that i'm choosing, i ask you the same, your master would be proud of you?
Revenge is not the way of the jedis..."

"Answer those questions and then strike me down if you wish, i will not defend myself"
He looked at her as he clutched the hilt of his lightsaber. He pondered her questions. After a moment of thinking he sighed. "You are correct Twi'lek. I am not the same man I once was. Jakkor of old died along with his Master during Order 66 centuries ago. I am not the same jedi I once was. I hate the sith with every fiber of my being. If I must become that of which I hate I will do so. Light or Dark it does not matter. I know what my destiny is and your death is not a part of it. I found a new master one very powerful in the dark side like yours. All that I will say is that these sith are monsters they deserve my vengance a thousand times over. The force will shape me as a scourge for the One Sith." It would be pointless to kill you and I wouldn't gain any satisfaction from it." He said as he dropped to his knees.

[member="Alana Vettry"]
Alana remain silent while [member="Jakkor Kess"] spoke, when the tusken dropped to his knee she walked slowly and slapped him

"Sorry... But i had to do it" she remain calm while talking, but inside she was furious

"When i first met you on Tatooine i saw a proud knight who love the battlefield, and although you couldn't control your emotions i thought that you would be a great jedi someday... Now you're telling me that you join to the dark side?

What happened to the proud warrior?
I didn't accept you as my master because i knew that both of us would end in the dark side, just because i can't control my emotions like you, and i didn't wanted to ruin the path you walked for so long..."
Alana felt a bit of remorse and sadness

"I know i'm no one to judge, yes, i choose the dark side, but i'm different, i was never attach to the Jedi Order i just spent two years and my master was killed and i experience the dark side at young age, but you?
You're not a sith, i know you still have the chance to walk to the light again, remember all siths betray each other, don't be a pawn in this game...

Once the dark side is inside you there will be no turning back, the sith mind tricks are far worse than jedi, what would happen if your new master use this tricks and erased your thirst for revenge?

"As for me... I never saw you as an enemy, i thought that if we talked, we could be good friends regardless of the paths that we choose..." A little tear dropped from Alana's face

"Sorry if i'm being too harsh but i wanted to say it... Come on stand up i know you can do better" Alana smiled and extended her hand to help him to stand up

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