Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Trip to Nar Shaada (Open)

"My name is Fexa Keis, also sorry [member="Xzara Vox"], you must be a lot stronger in the force than I thought, I'm not great with the force yet so I'm not good at sensing it either. Oh and whoever you are ([member="Alana Vettry"]) you seem nice but if you do try to kill my master ([member="Jakkor Kess"]) then I'll have to kill you but I'm sure that won't happen." Fexa replied to everyone.
[member="Alana Vettry"]

He got up and spoke to her with a sense of calm in his voice. "Your right. Perhaps we can be friends. After all I wouldn't want to kill you anyways I may walk on the line between the dark side and the light,but I wouldn't strike anyone unarmed down. I will become strong and I will destroy the sith but I have limit's on which I can do so."

He brushed some dirt off his robes as he looked at his student [member="Fexa Keis"]. "Calm yourself young one. She is of no threat to me."

[member="Xzara Vox"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]
Alana looked at [member="Fexa Keis"] and laugh

"Like master like apprentice, don't worry i'm not here to kill him, my name is Alana Vettry, it's a pleasure"

Then she look at [member="Jakkor Kess"] and smile

"I'm glad you understand, i didn't want to harm you, and i know you're going to be stronger and destroy the siths, i just hope you don't follow this path, don't become what you want to destroy"

She walked close to the tusken and gave him a hug

"It's Twi'lek tradition to give a gift or present to a new friend, but right now i don't have much, so i hope that just a hug it's ok...
By the way, you didn't introduce me to your new friends, and where are Orion and Xiarr?"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Jakkor Kess"] [member="Alana Vettry"] [member="Fexa Keis"] [member="Xzara Vox"]

All this talk of the force. The light and the Dark. Of masters an such. Good god it was making her dreary. Normal circumstances she would be in control, but now strung out on the glitterstim she was hyped for a little tit a tat. After all what fun was a cantina without a brawl. Her force sense were still running in the background of her mind, sustaining her and keeping the drugs from altering her reflexes.

The rest was just pure euphoria. Judging from the way their own signatures radiated they were rather new to the force. No one was anyones master here, and they were all newbies.

"All this talk of the force has me fired up ladies and gents!" Jada said with a wicked grin.

From beneath her black cloak she produced her Echani double edged sword. It whirled in the air, light flickering and dancing of the keen steel blade.

"Who's up for a little fun!"

And just then she jumped backwards, flipping through the air to land upon the bar. Plates and mugs scattered across the tops of it, crashing to ground.

"If you can knock me off of here, I'll take you along on a little adventure with me. A.... lucrative adventure."

It was a test. She had plan's, but to execute them she needed only the best warrior.
[member="Jakkor Kess"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]
[member="Xzara Vox"]
[member="Alana Vettry"]

Fexa scoffed, she was obviously on glitterstim, she knew because she used to have a neighbor who was addicted to glitterstim, to get it over with Fexa jumped up onto the bar "bring it on!" Fexa pulled out and activated her Lightsaber.
Jakkor hugged [member="Alana Vettry"] back. He felt awkward about it at first,but welcomed it nonetheless. He looked at he pulled back and explained his story after their encounter. "After we left Tatooine,we parted ways on Nal Hutta. I haven't seen Orion in months last I heard of him he became a Bounty Hunter. Xiarr was captured by the Imperial Inqusition of the One Sith. Me and [member="Xzara Vox"] encountered the one who tortured him and captured him he escaped and I haven't seen him in a while. These guys were the same ones I have seen during the great jedi purge of old. I have been traveling in the Outer Rim Territories where I encounterd my new student [member="Fexa Keis"] on Taris." He then took a step back looking over. He saw [member="Jada Raxis"] standing on top of the bar. Upon hearing her challenge he gave her hard stare. He had a bad feeling abut this so he spoke inquisitivly to her. "Why should we do that? Do you want us,or one of us to fight you?" . He looked over to his student and spoke. "Fexa lower your weapon. Let's try not to provoke her."
Alana saw how quick [member="Fexa Keis"] jump and accept the duel, then she look at [member="Jakkor Kess"] and said

"Wow... She really is your apprentice"

Alana looked at [member="Jada Raxis"] and said

"A lucrative adventure sounds good, but i need more information before accepting, plus i don't have my lightsabers here."

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