@[member="Coci Sinopi"]
She was his heart it seemed. The part of him that was her told him never to leave, but the part that remembered his past said he had to make amends somehow.
"You're to perfect for me, Coci." He felt blessed as of the force had interceded in his cold empty life and brought him the radient goddess that sat in front of him.
"I promise you can visit me as often as you like and I will be coming here as often as I'm able." He knew they would be together for this life and then in what ever came after they would continue on as one. "This is just the beginning of eternity, love. Wenhave a lot of days like this ahead."
He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead, hugged her and kissed her ear.
"If later you want to understand more about the force I can help you," he just wanted to give her the choice before he had to go. He starred into her eyes now savoring her eyes and then her face. A kiss now long deep and full of meaning. They would be apart in body but forever one in spirit. He could feel it.
She was his heart it seemed. The part of him that was her told him never to leave, but the part that remembered his past said he had to make amends somehow.
"You're to perfect for me, Coci." He felt blessed as of the force had interceded in his cold empty life and brought him the radient goddess that sat in front of him.
"I promise you can visit me as often as you like and I will be coming here as often as I'm able." He knew they would be together for this life and then in what ever came after they would continue on as one. "This is just the beginning of eternity, love. Wenhave a lot of days like this ahead."
He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead, hugged her and kissed her ear.
"If later you want to understand more about the force I can help you," he just wanted to give her the choice before he had to go. He starred into her eyes now savoring her eyes and then her face. A kiss now long deep and full of meaning. They would be apart in body but forever one in spirit. He could feel it.