Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A wild Orphen has Appeared.


Honestly? I'd recommend the LS then. They're not conventional, not even really classed as Jedi anymore, but many of them still follow the same pattern - they're a Major Faction but they don't govern the planets in their borders, instead they protect them. If they're anything like they were when we first made them it'd be your best shot!
[member="Kobe Seren"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]

Thanks alot for the insight :) I just didn't wanna hit that wall of 'a Jedi wouldn't act like that.'

And I can take any sith <3 give me some time, let me build my character up, and they won't stand a ghost of a chance ;P

You're more than welcome! Seek out [member='Thurion Heavenshield'] or [member='Jaxton Ravos'] if you're wanting more info. on the Levantine Sanctum :) I'd offer further insight but I haven't been with the LS since they were a minor faction. Those were the days <3

Remember the Code - Conquer Defeatism but also be wary of Overconfidence :)

So, what's the deal with Tython right now? I see that it is surrounded by the sith, but it is not sith territory? How did the deep core fall?

like, wow, the deep core has never fallen, must have been something huge, and epic.
When factions are created, they're given a chance to choose where they'll start out. The Sith chose to show up on the Republic's door, and eventually sacked Coruscant. When the event hit, everyone's territory was reduced to 1/3, centered on their capital. Since the Sith capital was Coruscant, they were right next to Tython.

More than just that, though, the Sith have been consistently active and successful in their wars. They not only took but held Coruscant. So I'd say they've got every right to Tython.

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