Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Will and A Blade

Timestamp: Early Morning
Location: CIS Training Room
Armour: Armour Set
Weapons: Throwing Daggers, Wrist Blade, Obsidian lightsaber, Katana
Tags: [member="Brayden Antares"]


Shalita had decided to block out some time to do some swordplay, to practice. As she realised that while she was an agile kind of person and that simply cutting one’s throat was simple enough, it didn’t really mean that she could simply expect to wield a blade of any kind. The recent Knight Obsidian’s mission was a very real indicator that her sword work could do with some practice. The Shi’ido just had some serious luck when it came to that field mission, as creatures like those worms didn’t have the agility that she did, but against someone who did? That would be a problem, especially if one of the targets actually knew how to fight back using a lightsaber and with her line of work, she couldn’t afford to not know this sort of thing.

Upon approach to the room, the female pushed through the doors into what seemed like a gym with some training dummies set to the side and her fingers grazed the hilt of her sheathed katana that was tied to her leather belt. It was a katana that held sentimental value rather than anything else and would be perfect for practice, as it was heavier than a normal lightsaber and would hopefully help her build the muscle to wield a blade that wouldn’t be a lightsaber. In a pinch of course. A last resort as you will, anyone who had a lightsaber would use that over anything else. Mostly, Shalita figured that it was because of its weight rather than anything else, which made a lightsaber desirable to wield. Booted feet paused for a moment to take in the room before she grasped the blade and unsheathed it. Ice blue eyes took in the silver blade as she traveled down memory lane. The last time that she had used it on someone was the first time that she had killed.

Granted, it had been a still, defenseless and sleeping target, but it had awoken her thirst for the kill, to see the blood run free of its prison. The female rose the weapon up in front of her as she faced off one of the mummies. Swinging the weapon across in a cut attack, she stopped the blade just before it touched the mummy. While she hadn’t exactly used the weapon ever since that fateful night, the Shi’ido still kept it maintained. Part of keeping a weapon; was making sure that it was maintained so then it would be reliable when she needed it the most. As an agent, it was all part and parcel, as one’s life relies upon the tools that they carried and Shalita very much relied upon the tools that she carried. However, if one of them failed or she’d lost them, she wouldn’t cry, but the katana, on the other hand, it was valuable. Although; returning back to the matter at hand, had the blade touched the training mannequin, it would have either destroyed the mannequin or damaged the blade. Shalita wasn’t going to guess as to what that mannequin was made of.

A pause had her hesitating, something hadn’t felt right with the swing and she took a step back, only to make the same cut attack. Except… Something felt off balanced. Slowly she slid her right foot back and made the same attack, pausing right before the blade touched the mannequin. Now that felt much better, Shalita surmised to herself as she took a few steps back and away from the mannequin. Except for this time, the raven-haired woman followed this through with a sequence, adding in a block with her blade, which had her bringing the blade up and in front of her body in a block and then she stepped forward as she used a cut attack. The issue with one blade was that she would have to be quick with her blocks, or have another blade and seeing as carrying two lightsabers was more of an inconvenience, she would need to have something which could suit her nefarious means. Something which would give her the upper hand, in a one on one attack.

It was a shame that the blade on the bracer was force activated only, she thought to herself, otherwise, it would have made to be a deadly weapon to sneak up on her enemies with.

Brayden Antares

Dressed in a simply black and silver tunic over black pants, Brayden was in a distinctly different appearance than he was when conducting operations away from Geonosis in the name of the Confederacy. Within the halls of the Obsidian Citadel, the tall Sith's silver-green eyes gave off an eery glow in the dim light of the corridors. There was very little natural light that filtered into the corridors, a reality when security and reinforcement was placed at a premium over decor. It was the right way to do things, certainly.

Strapped to Brayden's back was the crimson-bladed sword of his father, leather-wrapped hilt extending just above the Sith Lord's head. Having already completely his typical early-morning physical training regimen, the Sith Lord had managed to find time to clean himself up and get something to eat just as the rest of the Knights began to rise to their daily tasks. It would be a complete fabrication to insinuate that Brayden was the only one up at odd hours training and studying. Knights of all ability levels seemed constantly devoted to improving their craft or expanding upon their own skills. It was a refreshing reality to discover after his relatively recent return to the greater galaxy. It seemed as though there was indeed a small microcosm of usefulness among a sea of pathetic beings.

However, no society was perfect. He had certainly noted more than a small amount of useless people littering the Confederacy. Perhaps it was the fate of any society that merged itself with the greater galaxy? He'd spent little time on Endelaan, but he certainly had never noted any amount uselessness on the planet. There was a very set purpose to life and the purpose of all those living on the surface of Endelaan. Tradition was a very powerful entity.

As Brayden continued through the corridors, he caught something out the corner of his eye. With an interest towards getting to better know other members of the Knights Obsidian, the Sith Lord paused in the doorway. Silently, he watched as [member="Shalita Vi'dreya"] continued in her sparring contest with the training mannequins. It was a training aid with which he was not familiar. He'd only known living, breathing, conniving sentient opponents. These...drones seemed somehow sub-par to him, but that simply could have been because he knew nothing about them.
With another swing, she paused a slight millimeter before her blade touched the mannequin. Her focus had almost been broken as it had taken her a split second to work out that the female had company. When had she ever had company at this time in the morning? Mornings had usually been quiet and normally, she was used to doing many things if not everything, in the shadows, or at least with no one around. Someone had been awake and it had taken her off guard slightly, if not almost immediately. If she hadn’t stopped the blade, she didn’t exactly want to think of what would have happened, had she not. Slowly, her right hand, which held the blade, moved the blade away from the mannequin and down to her side as she pondered for a moment if she should engage in conversation with the man. If she hadn’t of caught him out of the corner of her eye, then she had let her guard down way too much.

Continuing with her slow movements she lifted the blade only to slide it home into the sheath that was strapped to her side and she turned to face the male who seemed content on hovering at the door. Was there something that she should be doing? A task? Had she been summoned before today? Shalita did remember checking her datapad as soon as she had woken up and there had been no messages left for her. Ice blue eyes slid over the male’s form which seemed relaxed for some reason. Perhaps there was nothing that she was supposed to be doing and he had just happened upon her while doing some training of her own. A loner at best, doing some training before going out to see what kind of information she could dig up. Perhaps she should change her schedule to a late night training session when there were unlikely anyone to be about in these corridors.

Noting the man’s appearance and paying some attention to the blade, the woman paused long enough to brush pale fingers through shoulder-length raven locks. “Morning.” The shi’ido finally said after a moment of pause and quiet appraisal of the man before her. Unlikely as she was to be able to take him on face to face, but she figured that if he wasn’t Confederacy then he wouldn’t be here just simply standing there. Besides nothing about his stance suggested that there was to be any conflict just yet. The female was used to killing in the shadows, but sometimes even a spy who worked from the shadows had to be prepared for the unknown. Finally, after a moments pause to wait for the male to speak of any kind, a brow raised in question.

“I don’t normally do shows for people,” No, in fact, she didn’t normally interact with people. The woman didn’t usually play well with others either, which was why she preferred to work alone. A pause had her thinking it over for a moment, a sparring partner would be more preferable, but while she had been more or less refining things, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to start something that would have her competitive streak running free. It was dangerous on it own and usually had things flying through the air if something went wrong and sparked her anger. An issue that she had yet to button down, which was exactly the reason why she worked alone. There were fewer chances that she would run into that slight issue. A kill in the dead of night? That she could do. A poisoning? no problems, but working with other meant more variables that she couldn’t control.

After another appraisal of [member="Brayden Antares"], she added, “The room is yours, I should be going off to do some work in any case.” An excuse if any, but not entirely untrue. The best lies had an inkling of truth about them. Even if it didn't exactly pertain to the current situation at hand. Every spy worth their salt knew this. Besides, the woman rarely did anything that didn't pertain to work, it was after all, basically her entire life. It kept her busy and not focused on her lack of companionship.


Brayden Antares

Brayden was content to watch casually and silently. Obviously, it was not his intention to interrupt, and the woman had been training in a room that had a completely open entrance. Her casual greeting did receive a shallow nod of the head from the Endelaan native, but that was about the extent of his reply. It was the woman's second comment that actually forced Brayden to smirk ever so slightly. Was she getting...agitated by his lack of vocal response?

It was her final declaration that forced Brayden to roll his eyes. Clasping his hands behind his back, he offered a statement followed by a question. "If I was looking for a room, I could have simply kept walking until I found one unoccupied." Pausing, Brayden maintained his position, allowing only his bright eyes to track the woman's movement. "You dilute any benefit of training by utilizing such false sparring opponents. Is your goal to prevail in combat against a mindless drone?"

[member="Shalita Vi'dreya"]
Of course, this man was one of those kinds. The kind that she wished was one of her targets so then she could figure out how to kill them, but this was a Confederacy member, so perhaps someone who she could figure out, get the better of, only to then throw them onto their back just for undermining her? As petty as that sounded, revenge was far sweeter and she had already tasted that. Ice blue eyes watched the male for a moment as a brow perked at his last comment. “I don’t exactly play well with others, besides my profession is a one-woman show, so I can be gone for months at a time and that doesn’t exactly form a lasting bond of friendship.” Indeed, even if she did bother she just didn’t have the time to really bond with others on a personal level. Mostly because she kept the details of her life to herself, not that it really bothered her. Only one person who was still alive knew her from her past slavery days and he continued to elude her even to this very day.

One day she hoped to find him and return the blade that he had given to her. At that thought, a hand lifted to lightly rest upon the hilt of the katana. “So in other words, finding someone to spar with at this hour who knows me, it’s something that is unlikely to happen. Not unless Metus ever finds the time, which is highly unlikely on its own. Regardless, most of my targets don’t even know that I’m there.” The woman said as fingers slowly traced the hilt of her blade. Whomever this man was, she was intrigued enough to stay. Why bother with questioning someone's choice of practice unless they had an ulterior motive? Or, perhaps he was just being an individual that wanted to irritate someone? Whatever it was for, Shalita couldn’t bring herself to be too bothered by it.

Why? Well beyond the man, work called to her. The very obsession that had her itching to dig and to uncover people and their secrets. The Shi’ido was also keen to find the man with ice blue eyes, but that was for another day. This man was today and she wondered if she could spin this to her advantage somehow. Maybe attempt to get inside that mind somehow and use whatever she could find? Unless there was something else that he could be of use to her. After a moment of silence, the female cantered her head to the right, her eyes watched the male closely as if he was her prey. Whether he was or not the female hadn’t decided, but playing nice was surely an option. For now anyway. She could play nice, couldn’t she? Playing nice meant that she could gain something from it. An ally within her own faction? Someone to call upon if she was ever deep inside something that she needed help to get out of?

“Practising on a dummy helps an individual to find out where they may be failing in certain circumstance. I’m agile and quick, however, during a quest, I noticed that my footing had been slightly off. While I may be quick and can compensate for my lack of appropriate footing against a creature, I need to work on the appropriate footing so then if I ever come up against someone who actually knows what they are doing, I won’t be undone by the error.” A shrug of her shoulders was given then, “But the only downside to that is that the dummies don’t move, so the training can only go so far. I’d have to get caught in the field for any other kind of confrontation to happen. As you can see, I don’t have a sparring partner, so each to their own and besides, the likelihood of me ever being caught in the field isn’t very high.” Shalita said with a slight hint of ego. Oh, she was very proud of how well her undercover work went. More often than not, it was easy. Almost like shedding a skin and all the worries that went with it, only to obtain a new skin with a different set of worries. It was something the woman excelled at.

[member="Brayden Antares"]


Brayden Antares

Brayden's expression was flat as he listened to the woman's retort. It pretty had...absolutely nothing to do with what he'd said. Did she need to be friends with someone she trained with? Was this a new reality in the galaxy that he was missing? It wouldn't really have surprised him much. It seemed those away from the Unknown Regions of space had very interesting values in general. From the need to defend the moronic to a penchant for loquacious speech, Brayden found himself lacking for want of a reason to remain in this area of space outside of perhaps two individuals.

As Shalita continued her verbose response, Brayden's mind worked to connect the pieces of her statements, attempting to discern personality and inclination from her words. The name Metus...he was aware of though it was a recent discovery, to be sure. Once he perceived the woman to have run the course of her statements, the Sith Lord inhaled steadily and offered a definitively more succinct response. "Stealth."

Making his way further into the training room, Brayden allowed his gaze to roam the available training aids and weapons. There was certainly a decent selection, but it spoke to him of...excess. There were so many things to help in one's training, when you needed only your blade, your mind, and an opponent to learn both your strengths and weaknesses. "I am here to tell you that no amount of stealth ever makes up for combat prowess."

Casually, Brayden turned to face the woman once more. "You learn nothing perfecting techniques and footing learned from some book or text. Combat does not follow rules or patterns learned in a fighting form. A true warrior improvises, adapts, and reacts upon what they see, hear, and feel. You place too much of your conscious mind into the equation. Allow the Force to flow through you and feed your movements, and you will never again need to practice your footing against a static, lifeless opponent."

Reaching behind his back, Brayden grasped the leather-wrapped hilt of his large Sith Sword. After pulling the weapon free, an orange flame cascaded down the crimson blade before dissipating completely. It wasn't a purposeful effect. When his father had created the weapon, that had been part of the alchemical process...for whatever reason. With his free hand, he motioned the woman forward. "I will show you."

[member="Shalita Vi'dreya"]
While the man began to speak, a frown descended upon her brow as he mentioned that stealth wasn’t the same as combat. Well, of course, she knew that, but again, the issue was the same. With her nomadic lifestyle, things were just never really still enough for her to practice combat. Although, not that it truly mattered as her opponents never usually knew that she was there to even begin with. It was pure skill in her eyes but apparently, it wasn't enough. She knew it, because to be the best, one needed to be an all-rounder. “A sharp mind really helps, especially when it comes to… What I do.” Which wasn’t something he needed to know but he was already pulling free the sword upon his back and a roll of her eyes was given at the showmanship.

It was almost as if the maker wanted the wielder to be spotted, it wasn’t at all something that she would carry. Too showy and above all else, too big. The very size of it meant that it would take too long for any kind of strike and the female would be able to dodge each one successfully if the wielder didn’t know anything about it. However, as she appraised the man before her, she noted the confidence, so she figured that he would be very confident in his weapon of choice. Still, the female felt confident enough that she would be able to dodge him. Perhaps. If she was smart enough about it.

Turning around fully, the female chuckled. “The Force? You obviously don’t know me, but myself and I are not attuned to the Force. Otherwise, I’d be able to control it. Sadly, the control over the Force is rather lacking and in certain circumstances is rather inconvenient.” Say for instance whenever she got frustrated and things went flying across the room. Daily meditation had that little inconvenience mostly under wraps, but in rare circumstances, control was lost and objects would go flying. Not that she would tell that to this man whom she did not know except in passing. A sigh finally had the woman slowly unsheathing the katana once more and she took her place in front of the male.

Whatever it was that he was trying to show her, the female wasn’t sure that it was going to be helpful unless of course, he was game enough to do a great deal of combat training with her before and after her long-term assignments. Hell, the woman wasn’t sure that most of Vi’dreya even remembered her. Not that it mattered, she was about to go out on another mission soon enough and she wasn’t close enough to the family to even matter to them. With this thought in mind, the tip of the katana angled downwards towards the floor underneath them, there was no need to go pointing weapons at someone who was trying to prove some kind of point that she probably already knew and have probably already said, just in words that he probably didn't understand.

Still opponents were not really true opponents, but as she said, there was no sparring partner that she could call upon to spar with. She was a loner by nature. As for her mind, it was her greatest weapon. Knowing someone’s strengths and weaknesses was a deadly tool, no one wanted their weakness to be used against them and blackmail had a way of speeding up a process for information. Tactics were not something to be taken lightly. Or to be brushed off, which needed the intelligence of one like herself to analyze. The woman angled her head then as she wanted for the male's first strike.

[member="Brayden Antares"]


Brayden Antares

Brayden really was not one for circuitous rhetoric. "You are still far too deep inside your own head. It's preventing you from listening. I said nothing about you having to manipulate or control the Force. You merely need to open yourself to it, hear it, and let it work through your body. However, if your ability to control the Force is a concern, then you should seek to mitigate that weakness."

Silver-green eyes watched the woman with mild interest in the moments that followed. She oddity to him. Brayden was no Sorcerer, but he understood enough about being alone to have much greater insight into the woman before him than she likely realized. The problem with being a loner was that you never learned anything from anyone. That in and of itself was a weakness in his mind.

Allowing the tip of his weapon to rest in the ground, Brayden placed his hands on top of the hilt, right over left. The weapon in front of him wasn't designed to be discrete. That was not its purpose. That was not Brayden's purpose. It mattered very little whether or not he was seen in any type of battle. If he was drawing the sword, the engagement had already initiated. Calmly, he made a simple statement. "You may make the first strike."

A brief pause.

"Master assassin that you allegedly are." Though Brayden was and appeared exceedingly calm and collected, the reality was that the power of the Force was already building around him. It supplemented his natural senses and the cells in his muscles strengthened. Hopefully Shalita would not merely discount everything that Brayden had just told her. If she stepped into this engagement armed with little more than her brain, she would ultimately fail. Painfully.

[member="Shalita Vi'dreya"]
Control. He almost baited her into a retort, but she bit it just in time. He was baiting her, she knew it, but the woman couldn’t help it except rise to the occasion. Shalita knew what the Force felt like, recognized it because of the few outbursts that had happened and her eyes fluttered closed for a moment as she listened to the man before her. Oh yes, he was just another man who wanted her to prove herself to them. Well, she would prove herself, but whether it was to her standards, she couldn’t be sure. She just knew that she wasn't about to prove herself to this man, only herself. However, this kind of combat wasn’t her type of coffee, although, maybe just maybe, she might surprise herself and blend in a mental capability as well. The blade that the man wielded was large and bulky, quick feet could just undermine him if only she could just…

A slow intake of breath was the beginning was she slowly drew down the walls that usually blocked the flow of the Force. As unpredictable as it was, the woman wanted to use it against this man, surprise him. She just had to… Figure it out on the fly. The effect of the Force was felt quickly as she felt its ebb and flow, the pull and as it flowed through her, she felt something else too. Power, but the power was useless if one couldn’t control it properly and her right hand gripped the hilt of the katana lightly. She hoped that whatever gods that were present when the man who gifted the blade to her that day, was present now and ice blue eyes opened to view the man in front of her.

This man, wanted her to make the first strike, which she assumed he would automatically block, as it was, so she would have to be prepared for a strike that would need their opponent in close quarters or a shove and then a strike. Whatever it was, she was going to have to strike and move away before he had any chance to enlist any kind of maneuver that could potentially throw her off balance. She’d need a surge of some kind, a burst of speed to bounce out of the range of any more attacks. The Shi’ido felt the Force build around her and if she wasn’t careful enough, if she didn’t have the control that she needed, then things really would go flying.

After another breath to steal her nerves, the woman darted forwards, bring the weapon up to make a cut attack towards the male at a diagonal angle from right to left. Should this attack be blocked in any kind of way or met with resistance, the female would quickly jump back before feigning to the left only to shift to the right. All the while ice blue eyes would keep an eye upon the male. Testing, she was testing him, but also herself. Her left hand fisted but released as a slow smirk sat upon her lips. She was calculating odds, noting what kind of tools that were at her disposal and whether she could use deception of any kind with the male. Use any kind of dirty tricks up her sleeve. All she needed was just one pull of the Force, one direct pull that basically did the same thing if she lost control of the Force. Shalita just needed to do it in a controlled environment.

However, it all banked on the man in front of her and what he was up to. Everyone had their own agenda, she just had to adjust her mentions to meld around his. He, on the other hand, was a mystery. A mystery that she would be more than happy to unravel, once he began to display something other than words and she felt that he definitely was intending on using the Force along with that blade of his.

[member="Brayden Antares"]


Brayden Antares

Brayden's gaze never left [member="Shalita Vi'dreya"]'s form. He did not bother himself attempting to discern what she was thinking. Similarly, he didn't really care what her personal opinion was of him. The Sith Lord was in this room, standing patiently, for the purpose of working to improve upon his skills as well as those of another. From what he'd seen earlier, Brayden could tell that Shalita needed no real combat training. Like most skilled practitioners of any combat style, she merely needed the opportunity to expose herself to different types of opponents and situations.

If she truly was a master assassin, then Brayden commended her. However, what happened when the inevitable day came that she was spotted and then had to fight or avoid large masses of armed combatants? What happened when she was presented with her equal in her chosen trade? One need not be on some designated battlefield to find themselves in the fight for their lives. Whether a person preferred stealth or a more direct approach, there would always be a need for a level of awareness in all discipline areas.

Before Shalita even fully launched into action, the Force did indeed whisper to the Endelaan native. There was an image, one that would have been faint had he not spent the better part of the last two decades honing his combat ability and latent use of the Force throughout. Brayden was certainly no Sorcerer, able to conjure poisons, detoxify blood, or create massive Force Wraiths. What he could do, however, was employ a weapon, nearly any weapon with a brutal efficiency. The large sword presently in his hands was indeed something inherited from his father...and the last real link that Brayden had to the man other than blood. However, it was also a representation, a representation of his preference for the visceral feel the sword provided when cutting through enemies. He didn't have any desire for the wounds he inflicted to automatically become cauterized and therefore less of a long-term threat.

Physical size and prowess made wielding the weapon easier. Time and training, however, had made Brayden practically as efficient with the heavier weapon as he was with the lightsaber that he'd left on Endelaan. A lightsaber that, technically, would not belong to him until the day he replaced his father on the long-abandoned throne.

As Shalita rushed forward, Brayden allowed a smirk to slowly creep into his expression. Just as the muscle fibers in her arms twitched to initiate the movement to bring the katana up, Brayden adjusted his grip on the hilt of his sword. Deftly and aided by the speed of the Force he closed what little distanced remained between them, placing him inside of the woman's guard and ducked low beneath where the Force had projected the arc of her swing would occur. Pivoting his right side back and away from Shalita, he ultimately ended up on her right side. The jump to her left that she'd already planned was assisted by Brayden unleashing a powerful, telekinetic wave of force energy directly at her right side.
To say that Shalita had been surprised as she felt the push to her right side was an understatement, but that was only reflected on the inside. Her face did not give away anything as she adjusted her footing slightly so then to balance herself once more after that brief stumble. The woman had expected the hit, but she wasn’t quite sure where the hit would come from. With Force? She guessed she could see that, he had after all basically advocated it. However, as she took this brief pause to adjust her footing, she backtracked over his words. The man had mentioned something that she had dismissed almost completely and had thought that it was in relation to something that didn’t seem even possible.

He had told her to hear the Force, let it flow through her body. It was something that the Shi’ido had totally palmed off as not possible. Question was? Was it? As ice blue eyes peered at Brayden and watched him for a brief moment, she focused inwards. To the feel of the Force as it shifted slightly and instead of buffing against it, the woman released her choke hold grip and simply let the force flow through her. To feel it move underneath her skin was always unnerving, it unnerved her when she first felt it many years ago and had thought that maybe she was shifting, but she hadn’t been and the differences were insurmountable to her now. The fingers of her left hand stretched out as if she was reaching out to the Force and a shiver travelled down along her spine.

It was a power that she had mostly ignored. Why? She just didn’t have a reason to acknowledge it, but now? Facing an opponent that was aware of her presence and now that she was facing a combat situation, it seemed like a good situation to harness the Force. Use it as a tool. Slowly, her spread out hand, closed as if she was grabbing onto something invisible to the naked eye as she leaned forwards slightly. However, Shalita still wasn’t sure that it was ever really possible to ‘hear’ the Force, but maybe one day, she’d get it. For now, the issue was the man in front of her. His massive bulk meant that she probably wouldn’t be able to defeat him head on and with her own physical strength. If only invisibility was an option.

Or could she defeat him head on? Just be faster while doing it? With that thought in mind, she pushed forwards and drew upon the Force to help her sprint towards the man at an effortless pace that she had not used before. This in turn would appear as she were to blink out of existence and suddenly appear in front of the man with her katana sliding up along Brayden’s weapon. The blink itself was draining upon her physical form, it was as if she had taken the force and with the intent on being faster, everything had slowed down so then she would be directly in front of her target. However, the action itself had basically sapped the energy right out of her and beads of sweat dotted along her forehead. Although the woman wasn’t going to give up, not yet.

Mentally gritting her teeth, she raised her left arm to sit it just under the male’s blade, with her hand resting in a tiger’s claw. Then with a small amount of the Force, she used a pull action so then the blade that was hidden within the bracer attached to her left wrist, would slide out to rest near an exposed area that was not guarded by the man's sword. The use of this action was down right painful in a sense that she may as well have drained herself without meaning to. The speed was unintentional, but the pull had been. Being able to send things flying had been something that came effortless to the woman… When she was angry enough. But the pull action was different and she had done it on purpose.

Gritting her teeth, ice blue eyes watched for the male’s next move as her body screamed at her to stop with the demands that she was making of it. However pushing herself was exactly what she was good at, there was no stopping until she was either dead or down right out for the count. Tiny black spots floated across her vision, but she paid them no mind, it was a mere inconvenience.

[member="Brayden Antares"]


Brayden Antares

There as little surprise to be had at [member="Shalita Vi'dreya"] attempting at least something in retaliation. However, as the woman gazed at him, there was already warning, a hint in the Force. While Brayden could not see the exact end result, the Force reacted to everything that she willed and felt. Were it not for the reality that the Sith Lord had spent the better part of more than the last decade constantly having to be quicker or smarter than all amount of creatures, sentient enemies, and his own instructors, he likely would have been in a much more disadvantageous position.

Despite all of his training and experience, however, he was no sorcerer. Where he was pretty adept and interpreting the subtle whispers and motions of the Force, they provided merely short-term snapshots...for the most part. The only exception were instances and events that involved people whom were very close to him or locations containing significant impact on his life.

As a result, Shalita's sudden, aggressive movement towards him happened earlier and much faster than he'd anticipated. The katana came against the alchemical steel of Brayden's sith sword. If Shalita's weapon was without further enhancement, it would run the risk of being outright shattered in aggressive contact with his own weapon.

With their newfound proximity, it was much easier for Brayden to sense when the Force was reacting to something Shalita was doing or attempting to do. The down-side - there was less time, distance, and opportunity to prevent her action. Fortunately, it created the perfect environment and time for the next lesson. Suddenly and without any actual prompting, Brayden unleashed a strong, repulsive blast of force energy in a three hundred and sixty degree arc from the core of his being.

Silver-green eyes burned brightly at the action and the blade of the weapon in his hand began to glow red-hot as the strength of his family's presence within the Force channeled through his body like a conduit. Still...the Prince remained still, avoiding unleashing any amount of energy as a follow-up to the Force Repulse.

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