Derron Daks

"All due respect Horizon, your troops transports will be needed to evac your people on the ground. As Nightshift found these pods, I would find it more agreeable that they retain the pod, should they succeed in excavating it. Consider our transports at the ready,."
Simmerlin frowned. He wasn't as heavily implanted as the Chief, and retained enough of his human personality to be irked at the Mother's Bane and their assumptions about Horizon's capabilities. The Horizon's transports were specifically designed to lift objects to and from orbit, above and beyond their formidable internal capacity.
But he knew the Chief wanted cooperation, so he resisted the urge to argue. To his mind, this wasn't about transports. It was about Mother's Bane making sure she and Nightshift got their fair share of the pie.
Well... none of them were likely to be in this business out of a sense of charity.
The Chief might... but even he understood that credits made the worlds turn.

Led by her instincts and The Force, Lina ably touched the correct keys, and a mechanism within the vault door shifted. As it did so, the red light of the locking mechanism turned blue. The color shift was more than superficial. The Dark Side that previously emanated from the mechanism was replaced by a powerful Light Side emanation.
It was a sickly, sweet emanation to anyone attuned to the Dark Side of the Force. It repelled Dark Siders, creating a desire to recoil from its emanations. The more powerful one's attunement to the Dark Side, the more repulsive the emanation would become.
It was only now that the true purpose of the mechanism became clear.
It wasn't just a lock. It was a trap. Meant to create a threshold where no Dark Siders could pass.
"Impressive," Derron declared. He could have spent all day working on that lock without solving it, even with his enhanced cognitive abilities. She'd done it in a single try. Clearly, she'd been keen and clever enough to discern some pattern he'd missed. Some clue as to how the mechanism operated.
While the portal had become repulsive to anyone attuned to the Dark Side, those who were not Force Sensitive had no such impediment. Derron reached over and pulled the door open, incidentally relieving Lina of the repulsive energies. As the door swung open, its emanations were redirected in a safe direction.
Behind the portal was a strange alien control center. Deteriorated over time, its alien occupants still sat at their chairs. They were long dead, decayed where they sat. Their original forms were difficult to discern. Had there been flesh, at one time? Part of what was visible seemed like an exoskeleton. Vaguely insectoid. Part of it seemed like an endoskeleton. Perhaps this species had evolved some hybrid skeletal structure?
Connections flowed from machinery into their decrepit, decayed forms. Some kind of cybernetic interface? If so, it didn't seem compatible with Derron's own implants and ports. Like so much else about this facility, it was utterly alien.
"I have never seen this species before," Derron declared, his suit's scanners whirring incessantly to soak up every bit of data about the chamber, "I think they are completely unknown to modern science."

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