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A Witch and a Sith walk into the Forest of Averlorn. (PM to join)

His eyes met Ferus after it seemed like a thousand years and two lifetimes, he was about to say something back when his eyes shot to his right while the witch left the camp. Ajihad and himself were in sync, like old times indeed, but with better training and gear, Ferus however was studying the witch, something that made Mythos smile, he would soon see what he saw. As she moved Mythos turned his body to follow and after a few seconds followed the witch into the fog through a trail. He held his rudis in one hand and walked carefully into the mist one step at a time flanked by Ajihad while surrounded in mist.

It was like taking a stroll through a dark looking forest but Mythos could feel something in the force with every step he took. If they found a way through the fog then the camp they set up could be set up as a rendezvous point as they delved deeper into the 'cursed' forest. The stories that the villagers had said was what had brought Mythos to this location, myths and legends beings what he dedicated his libraries to and through them he uncovered the secrets he had. If they were to be believed, the forest was haunted and cursed.

The further he walked the more strange the air around him felt, the thicker the fog became until he could see nothing more than his blade with his naked eyes. He smiled under the fog and tightened the grip on the hilt of the weapon. They were close...
[member="Lord Ajihad"] @Darth Ferus [member="Umai"]​


Well-Known Member
I was focusing so much that at first, I didn’t feel it.

But it soon seemed to come over me all of a sudden; the presence of someone else. When my attention began to drift towards it, the faint glowing trail seemed to soften, so I simply put it out of my mind and returned to the state I was in.

When I opened my eyes, I saw [member="Krest"], and only him. I flinched, eyes widening at suddenly having someone so close to me. My cheeks flushed, a gasp escaping my lips. As the start subsided, it gave way to a brief bout of anger as he shrugged and stepped aside. What had the point of that been? I glared at him, but the glare soon melted away and I dropped my gaze submissively. It would not be worth getting mad at a Sith lord, certainly not over something so trivial. Hells, I considered myself lucky none of them had turned on me yet. To hear my Uncle tell it, he’d have been surprised I hadn’t ended up dead or pregnant yet.

I couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. I missed him.

Considering my state in the force right now, reaching out in all directions, I sense what felt a little like scepticism from [member="Lord Ajihad"]. The moment I felt it, the doubts crept in. Was I actually doing this? Or was the trail I saw just a manifestation of some really wishful thinking? I was just a witch, among three accomplished Sith Lords… who was I to presume that my magic would actually get us through this blasted fog?

It wasn’t so much a voice that brought my attention back to myself, but, of all things, a smell. I recognised it instantly, although I don’t know how. Mother’s perfume. It was the reminder I needed. Sith Lords were powerful, but the Sith hadn’t broken through this fog in the past.

A Dathomiri witch had.

I drew in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I turned back to the fog. I could see it now, a trail, pinkish purple in nature, it was this misty trail that seemed to give off the subtle aroma of mother’s perfume, as if the woman herself was guiding me.

Turning back to the others, I spoke,

“I can see the path. We can follow it now, or make camp and pick it up in the morning.”

"Hmmm. It seems for all your training with the Witches Ajihad you still lack one vital thing to truly be a witch." The elder Sith spoke up from his spot in the background again, grinning towards [member="Lord Ajihad"] so his fangs showed. "You don't have the blood of a witch in your veins." For this sort of magic blood was everything. He had seen it first hand when the witches took his own daughter for the blood in her veins, twisting the nature of the half Zabrak half human genome she held. The unique combination is what made Dathomir Witches so formidable.

"Lead on little witch. Prove the power of your blood."

Ajihad took little offense to his former master's comment. The assassin had spent much of his life perfecting his craft, mastering the many applications of the Force the best he could. He had traveled to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy on mere rumors of some odd long-lost Force technique or obscure local "magic" in order to educate himself further. Throughout this time it had become apparent to him that hard work and dedication wasn't truly everything, some people were just born special.​
He had once met a hermit in the Outer Rim with the unique ability to change others' perceptions of himself with a mere thought. It had allowed him to become somewhat of a charlatan, swindling the unwary from town-to-town for years. In conversation with Ajihad the man claimed it was magic, but the Sith didn't believe in such things. There was only the Force, though it could sometimes be applied in ways that might seem mystical or fantastical. However, it was situations like that of the hermit that puzzled the assassin. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to alter his projected personage through the Force. It was if though the hermit was born with a single, rare ability that could not be replicated by the likes of a Sith Lord. The same applied with the Dathomiri. Ajihad could learn their spells, study their traditions and witness their rituals. However, he could never truly be one of them. He could take the title of Nightbrother, but that didn't truly make him so.​
As he said, some people were just born special.​
He conceded to Ferus's point, standing up to stretch his legs. The Demon's Fist methodically checked over his weapons. Dual lightsabers, Sith rudis, poisoned throwing knives, wrist-mounted machine gun and much more adorned his Sith assassin armor. He never went anywhere not completely armed to the teeth these days. The assassin generally carried enough weapons on him at one time to arm a medium-sized militia.​
He unstrapped the energy bow from his back, admiring the subdued shine of the handcrafted weapon in the moonlight. Pulling his hood further over his eyes, the assassin would address the witch in his signature exotic accent that nobody could ever quite seem to place. "Keep your head low and your eyes open. This place gives me a bad feeling."
[member="Krest"] [member="Umai"] [member="Mythos"]​
When Mythos began to walk behind Umai his focus shifted, as some would say he was flashed back to the earlier more numerous wars he had personally been in, all the training with the blades he had put himself through. He walked behind the witch and all sounds that he could identify he slowly began to eliminate, The Voices of the three here present, the sound of the wind, the footfalls of each of them, some more heavy than the others, the sound of woodland critters and birds, one by one Mythos began to eliminate these sounds from his mind as to focus on anything out of the ordinary.

Many warriors of the force, Sith and Jedi alike, had the custom of falling entirely to the force and letting themselves go while focusing on the eternal vastness of the power of the force. This was for feats of near miracle or battles in which there was simply too many things one needed to focus on to survive, it was a defense mechanism for many who practiced the art. Mythos did the exact opposite, he shut the force out entirely and went back to the primal hunting mentality that saved his life here in Midvinter when he was severed from the force. It was this mentality of the hunter, this mentality of primal instinct born out of muscle memory and physical training made him deadly in the wilderness.

He would have nodded to Ajihad in his comment but he shut him out, he shut everything out until all he could hear was silence. A deafening silence that pierced the shadows until suddenly a snap of a twig broke far away from them, it was broken by something much heavier than a woodland critter.

Mythos' eyes darted to the horizon as he instinctive took a knee behind a tree and propped his rifle on it's branches for support. His rapid burst of movement was silent, eerily so, as if even if foot falls were measured. His left elbow rested on his knee, his arms tensed as the rifle became perfectly balanced using the low branch. He closed one eye, the fog as they walked became more and more clear and now where he stood it was as thick as before they entered.​

Had they made it through?

As if an answer to his question to the right of his face an arrow landed, materialized out of nowhere, the fastest arrow Mythos had ever seen fly... and it missed. He knew it was a warning, it was not aimed at him. What he was aiming at, he thought a tree... Began to Move towards them with violent speed accompanied by what looked to be... The Tree Folk of legend?

Mythos did not hesitate, he did not wait to confirm what this was. He placed his rifle in full automatic and opened concentrated burst fire on it at three hundred meters.

"We've got company!"
[member="Lord Ajihad"] @Krest @Umai


Well-Known Member
The two Sith had good advice.

The first, addressed my doubts. I cringed a little. Had they been so obvious? Am I really so easy to read? That was a dumb question. I know I am. There are boasts I can make, but being able to keep my thoughts to myself is not among them. But yes, I shook my head of my own insecurities. He was right. I wasn't just operating on my own strength, I had my mother's blood in my veins, along with the Dathomiri magic at my fingertips. That was why Mythos had brought me here in the first place.

Lord Ajihad was right also. Head low, eyes open. I glanced up enough to meet his gaze and give him a solemn nod. I was not only indicating that I would do as he suggested, but also that I agreed with him... this place had invaded my very soul with a sticky, black unpleasantness. Denying such would be foolish. I drew in a breath and continued, following the path that apparently only I could see. Of course the doubts still swam around in my mind. What if I was leading the three Sith lords around in circles, or worse... a trap?

My attention drifted to Mythos, the one Sith that had apparently not weight in. His attention seemed to be... elsewhere.

I wondered why for just a split-second before he knelt down, aiming at something.

After that, it all seemed to happen at once. Something barrelled towards us. A tree? Some kind of arboreal creature? It was moving too quick to tell for sure. Mythos fired at it. I dropped to the ground. Immediately, I began reciting a spell to place a barrier around us. I had to make it large enough to cover us all, so it would likely not withstand too many hits, if any, but it was better than nothing.

"What the feth is that?!"

[member="Mythos"] | [member="Lord Ajihad"] | [member="Krest"]​
"Just a beast from a time so very long ago. Nothing to be scared of little witch." The aged Sith responded rather calmly as both [member="Umai"] and [member="Mythos"] hastily readied for battle. He had been walking a slower pace, his cane tapping along with each other step he took. Darth Ferus was in no hurry after all. As the barrier from the witch was formed he stepped out of it's range just as it was about to cover him, continuing to walk to the tree beast and the woodfolk.

A hail of arrows came to greet the Sith, pelting down around him in the blink of an eye. Yet not a one seemed to touch his body. He continued forward as again, another storm of arrows fell around his person and again, he was unharmed. The trained eye could see why clear as day. Despite his elder demeanor when the arrows came his body shifted in small, subtle movements, letting the danger pass by him with minimal effort while those too close to his vitals were knocked away with controlled blasts of the Force.

And then he was gone.

The Sith Lord disappeared from view as a third hail of thorns came down around him. Ahead, the beast which had been charging suddenly buckled over, toppling to the ground as if it had tripped on an exposed root. It's legs, however, were gone. From behind the witch Darth Ferus spoke again, hunched over his cane and gazing ahead.

"There, that should allow me to see how far Mythos and Ajihad have progressed. You're welcome to join them if you'd like, little witch. But don't get yourself killed, hmm?" He grinned at the girl. If there was ever a time to prove herself, it would be now. But there were, of course, plenty of opportunities to be had should she survive.

[member="Lord Ajihad"]
He heard the dull smack of an arrow impacting with a tree trunk not five feet from him. Instinct jolted him into action, sending him into a forward combat roll that landed him behind the thick trunk of a nearby tree. He immediately assessed the situation around him. Judging from the angle of the arrow in the tree and it's general impact velocity, he estimated that whatever had fired it was up above them. This place was messing with his Force sight, meaning he would not be able to track the aggressor like he normally would in combat. Instead, he would have to do things a little more traditionally.​
He focused the Force into his body; allowing it to flow through him in its entirety. He could feel his senses being bolstered as if he had taken some kind of drug. He heard a small insect scuttling across a leaf some thirty meters above him. He smelled the almost-overpowering scent of rotting wood around him. He could taste the moisture in the air, a feeling comparable to drinking stagnant pond water.​
The assassin blocked out what he didn't need to sense. The sound of the thousands of critters inhabiting the forest around them would become muted. The familiar sound of Mythos's heavy breathing to his right would soon join it. Even the pounding footsteps of some large approaching creature as it headed towards them vanished into silence. He blocked it all out until he had narrowed ambiance down to an individual source of noise.​
Breathing. Something was taking short, concentrated breaths maybe a hundred meters in front of them and up in the treetops. Ajihad frowned, a bowshot that accurate from one hundred meters was no joke. Whoever this was was a deadly predator.​
And there it was, the sound of a bowstring being released far away. The soft exhalation of air from whoever had fired the shot. The sound of an arrow cutting through the air at unbelievable speeds, directly on course to plant itself right in the witch's head as she weaved her barrier.​
The Demon's Fist stepped out from behind the tree, his eyes left completely closed to grant further augmentation to his hearing. The arrow's release had given him a more precise location of his target, hopefully all he would need to make his move. In a single fluid motion, he drew back his own energy bow and fired it in the direction of the incoming arrow. With a sharp hiss, the projectile about to impale the witch instead fell the ground, split cleanly in half by his own shot. The plasma arrow continued its course to the treetops where he thought the assailant was hidden. Through his augmented hearing he heard a sharp gasp. Several seconds later, he heard a softened thud that could only be the sound of a body hitting the snow. He opened his eyes, slightly groaning as his brain tried to adjust to the sudden influx of visual stimuli. The assassin's eyes focused on the distant form of his deceased target. Whatever it was looked human, but his gut told him otherwise. A mere human wouldn't have been to fire an arrow at such a range with any semblance of accuracy. He was about to make a comment to Mythos when another arrow came flying straight at his head. The Demon's Fist was barely able to jerk his head out of the way before the projectile would have surely killed him. He again took cover behind the nearby tree, cursing under his breath.​
"There are more in the trees, take cover!"
[member="Mythos"] | [member="Umai"] | [member="Krest"]​
[member="Lord Ajihad"] @Krest @Umai

Ferus was the father of the Assassins, his power had not missed a beat, as his rounds landed on the face of the monster Ferus took him down and issued his challenge. His teachings had not gone in vain. Ajihad moved with a quickness that was akin to slowing time, his senses making him aware of everything around him, this was a skill all assassins shared and made operations like this possible. Propping up from his prone firing position Mythos lifted his rifle and threw it to his left, the durasteel and hard weapon snapping against several arrows that came from the trees. He positioned his legs open to dodge one more arrow, the force detailed the shooters in the trees, he had to jump over and roll to avoid several more. The rain of arrows was so precise and numerous it was akin to being fired on by blaster rifles. Mythos took cover behind the tree he used to support his rifle and drew his Rudis, now was the time to engage the enemy in the open field of battle.

He fell fully into the darkside of the force and stepped off cover with his eyes on the trees. His rudis was firmly on waist level and his focus was entirely on only what he could see. He made sure that none of his allies were in sight as the arrows fell upon him, these were not warning shots he could tell, as the arrows came close enough to admire, their lethal tips aiming at his face his eyes began to shine a yellow blaze.

The projectiles began to disintegrate one by one starting with the closest. His power of deadly sight had increased incredibly since taught to him by the holocron of rage and now was one of the few times he could demonstrate it. Only ashes fell on the battlefield, the screams of a few of the creatures in the trees were evidence of his power. Mythos had drawn first blood, or at least that is how he would tell it because trees could not bleed.

Now he could smell something familiar from the trees... fear. The exertion of power had taxed him and his eyes burned, smoke coming from his pupils like the very fog that surrounded him. His body was drained but his survival instincts and reflexes were still very much functional, this was evidence when with his he kept deflecting and destroying incoming arrows. Their numbers dwindled, now their forces were down two soldiers and the trees they were perched in no longer had most of it's branches, even the fog was gone there like a radioactive residue of his might.

A blaster pistol appeared on his left hand as if on cue from his battle pack, he stood his ground and his enemies took a pause. Mythos knew where their power lied as soon as he saw it, The Sith Empire knew how to deal with tree-folk...Burn it down, Burn it all down like Thyferra. When they realized arrows would not suffice they sent the soldiers to come in close quarters, once they were a certain distance Mythos knew that the force was with them... so much more made sense now.

Before they could close the distance he fired his blaster pistol into the the trees several times, they were upon him them. Tall
slender folk armored with light weaponry moving incredibly fast. He had never seen such speed here in Midvinter, he did not know what he was fighting but he was more than capable of fighting it.

Everything made sense now to Mythos now, the fog, the trees, the weapons and the secrecy.. the lake. The sound of alchemized steel rang out as he took on two of these warriors alone, the power of the dark side of the force gripping the air around them as he let loose his will upon his enemy. As they clashed none connected, their speed equal for their movements, but once the trio met Mythos' first swing let his power be known. His rudis connected with the blade of one of the warriors, his delicate features changing entirely when the shock-wave of the dark side of the force beat on him like a freighter. When his ally at his flank came in for the killing blow seeking the exposed frame of Mythos as he took his enemy down, Mythos extended his hand at a terrifying speed and using his mastery of Juyo threw his foe off balance and sent him tumbling landing close to where he had sent his ally.

Mythos smiled and opened himself up in stance, a challenge in swordsmanship across the galaxy, a boast and finally a warning, chuckling below his breath as the fog and smoke of burning in his eyes now dwindled... he had been fighting blind.

Their expressions flashed in shock but quickly turned onto ones of resolve as they once again squared their ground. Their armor was nothing flashy but it was clearly hand crafted and made by hand, none of their gear seemed produced out of a need for war.

His extensive research of the legends of these people lead him to gather what he thought was the language they spoke. Only a few words were brought before him before he came here, a total of less than fifty dozen possible words. Mythos memorized the only one he would need, so he spoke one word in their own language with an accent that could only be described as distorted.


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