Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Witch's Greetings

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

"Hmmm. Got some interesting instructional holocrons here. Gives me some ideas for what to install for Dathomir." Dreidi mused as she let her fingers touch over the records and thought about what she needed to have at her own enclave.

Grisial was sitting near her and watching Dreidi pour herself deep into thought. He was making sure that Dreidi had someone bounce ideas off on but also that she was not allowing herself to slip away into thought too deeply and lose track of time. Grisial knew that Dreidi had a meeting with a potential new Padawan that she needed to be on time for and letting herself get distracted and become late would be a very poor first impression indeed.

When he noted the time, Grisial let out a low growl in warning to Dreidi who perked up and looked to him, then to the clock ticking over. Blinking, her brain didn't initially commute the time or register the significance but by the time she was ready to tell Grisial off for distracting her, it clicked in her head. "Oh, shoot! Chit! Right! Well, we better get a move on!" Dreidi mentioned as she gathered her notes and workings, collecting them into a bag and made sure she had all her equipment on her person as she left the archives. Heading to the agreed upon meeting point for them.

Dreidi moved through the temple swiftly with Grisial gracefully following her along the way. Arriving at the meeting point, she checked the time and they had minutes to spare, she blew it off and started to place her bag to one side. "Plenty of time, told you that you didn't need to worry Grisial." Dreidi giggled, knowing full well that without her companion's warning, she would have been in a lot more trouble. She adjusted her attire, making sure she looked the part of a teacher and responsible mentor, knowing how important first impressions were when it came to meeting a new teacher. "Well, curious to find out how this Padawan will be." Dreidi mused, thinking on Voli Cholrass Voli Cholrass who was a Padawan she had taken under her wing, she wondered how this boy would be and what his expectations were.

She also hoped that she would not come across poorly either. As Dreidi stood waiting in the training room, thinking on what to expect for a first meeting.


TAG: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

The notion of getting a master made him nervous. The only time he'd ever had anyone teach him about the Force, other than Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal teaching him about Ashla and Bogan, was when his mother had given him light instruction as a means of trying to get him to be able to control his abilities. That had been informal, and she'd almost made a game of it. From what he understood of Jedi training, it could be quite formal and there were a lot of expectations involved in it. Seemed more like his royal training. Or, at least, that's what he was expecting.

He walked slowly, picking at the sleeve on his right arm as he wondered what this teacher would think of him. Most of all, he was curious if they might know a way to remove the darkness from the wound on his face. Maybe then it would heal into a normal scar rather than the festering thing that lingered there.

When he stepped into the training room, he found a woman that appeared not to be much older than his big sister. That intrigued him, as did her appearance. More intriguing was the creature that was in the room with her. He hadn't seen anything like it before. It did seem quite relaxed, though, so he assumed it was a companion. Looking back to the woman, he waited for her to notice him and then bowed his head to her in deference to her status within the order.

"Hello," he said, lifting his eyes to her. "I am Caelan Valoren. I was instructed to meet you here."

Moving closer to the pair, he offered his hand to her in greeting.

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

As the young Padawan entered the room there were some things that Dreidi noted right away. The scar on his cheek, while many had scars, herself included. It was the Dark Side nature of the injury that drew her attention to it, the mark was also not healing correctly due to this and that intrigued Dreidi more since she would work on helping him with that as soon as she could. While she was not a healer by nature, Dreidi had some skills with the power and could do some things. Removing curses seemed like something that would be within her wheelhouse as a witch.

The other thing she noted was his age, he seemed young, something that should not be surprising to her since she was only going to get older and older as the time went on and the Padawans were going to seem so much younger than her. For now, she was not horrendously older than him, little under a decade between them. Which as she thought about, sounded a lot more than she had initially thought. Grisial chuckled as he was attuned to her thoughts and could tell that she was suffering from sudden oldness.

Swallowing, Dreidi suppressed her feelings on aging and simply smiled to the Padawan. "Greetings. I am Dreidi Xeriac, Jedi Knight and Witch of Dathomir. Call me Dreidi." She shook his hand as she introduced herself. "Any idea on what this meeting is going to be about?" She asked, curious to see what Caelan believed the meeting to be about as well as what he thought she could provide. Gave her an idea of what to prepare herself for.


TAG: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

He approached the two, though his attention was mostly focused on Grisial. The creature was marvelous and he wasn't used to the concept of having such a companion. Could he, one day, have a companion such as that? He wondered about it. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone that could watch over him and be there to help him, someone he could cherish as a friend that would always be there. Perhaps that was something he could learn about in due time, but for the moment he nodded his head in respect to the creature and then looked up to his master.

"I was told in my assessment that you would be my master," he said, the index finger of his right hand beginning to tap his thigh. "From what I understand of Jedi history and culture, that means you will teach me and I will travel with you on mission. My mother said she did that when she was a padawan."

Reaching to his neckline, he pulled a chord from within. This was something he hadn't even shown his sister, Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , yet. Something that was so precious to him he had kept it hidden from everyone for fear it would be taken. It was a blue ilum crystal encased in a clear transparisteel container only just bigger than the crystal itself.

"She gave me this when I was younger. It was her lightsaber crystal."

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

She nodded her head, it seemed she would be taking on her second Padawan fully. It was a fairly daunting but exciting experience, being able to teach and help advance the next generation of Jedi. Especially since she was someone who would be offering a very different view on what it meant to be a Jedi. And what it was that a Jedi could do. Since there was a lot that she was doing that was outside the norm for a Jedi.

"There will be chances for you to do things on your own, and you will learn more than simply just what it means to be a Jedi and how to use the Force." Dreidi didn't just aim to teach the simple stuff, she was here to guide people to be better than she had been in her training, to be Jedi who would survive anything the galaxy threw at them and could handle the worst that was out there. While also being smart enough to know when compassion and understanding was needed. Not everything was black and white.

Especially when it came to Force Users.

"When the time comes, you can use that for the construction of your own Lightsaber or travel with me and find the kyber crystal that calls to you." Dreidi used her own crystal, her fathers had been kept with him on Kashyyyk and Dreidi knew that was the best. "And it is good that you have some of the basics understood. Having control over your powers is crucial since outbursts can be dangerous to yourself and those around you." Dreidi continued as she looked to Grisial who moved back into a corner to give them space on the training mats.

Stepping over to wall, she selected two training wooden swords, holding them in her hands, she twirled them around before offering the handle of one of the swords to Caelan. "Let us see how your basic weapon training is." Dreidi stated, figuring it would be a good starting spot. See where his skills were to build them up, and sparring could lend some understanding of what fighting style he would later favour in training.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

So this would be more like what he understood of training than what he'd figured of Jedi training. His whole life had been learning to lead, to look after others, to understand politics, to problem solve. His mother had taught him some of the Force, utilizing her own training to teach him enough to be able to control himself so he didn't hurt anyone. He hadn't done that in a long time now. But if she was going to teach him more than just the Force and sabers, it was likely something he could benefit from. He found some assurance in that.

She mentioned using the crystal in his own saber and he nodded. That was a possibility, but he wasn't sure that was what he wanted to do with it. The crystal was too special to him to just use it in such a manner. Plus, he was certain in how he wanted to obtain his own crystal for his blade.

"My mother taught me to control my abilities," he assured her as he companion moved away. "There were times when I was younger that I would use it on accident. More than once I caused my father some grief."

Speaking of his family in such a way did bring him some pain, but he had chosen to remember them fondly and not shy away from the fact that they were gone. He loved them still, and they had always loved him. They would have wanted this for him if they had been alive to see what had happened. Becoming strong enough to help his people was now essential. He couldn't ignore the Jedi side of who he was.

She drew two wooden training swords and offered him the hilt of one. He reached out and took it, feeling the weight of it in his hands. It was different, made from a denser wood than the ones he'd used before. Royalty were expected to know swordsmanship. He knew some. Was he a skilled fighter? Probably nowhere near as skilled as he would like to be, or as she was, but he at least knew how to hold it. Both hands clasped the hilt and he turned slightly sidways, lifting the blade to his waist, and pointed straight up, as his eyes rested on her.

"I know a little, but I don't know that I'll be able to keep up with you."

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

"We all cause parents grief, especially those of us with the Force and mischievous natures. My parents were convinced that I would be a complete troublemaker as a Jedi." Dreidi offered a smile, to reassure Caelan that nothing he had stated currently was of concern to her. It was good to hear that he had some experience in the Force and she was sure that it would definitely meet her standards.

Now, it was time to see where the baseline for Caelan was herself.

She shook her head, "do what you can, show me everything you have. Do not worry about my thoughts and feelings." Dreidi knew she would be open and frank with him, believing that an honest evaluation of his skills was more required from a mentor than coddling. Adopting Makashi stance, she held the sword in a more traditional manner than Dreidi would normally.

Her Lightsaber was a reverse grip, but for now, Dreidi decided to keep it simple and adjust when necessary. Moving forward, she struck sharp and swiftly with her strikes, light tests of his defensive skills. It was also her declaration of the spar between them commencing. Curious to see if Caelan would be more defensive in his fighting or aggressive, since that could help guide his preferred fighting style.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"Were they wrong?" he asked, wondering if she was a troublemaker or not.

There was that slight air about her that she might be. Not that it was a bad thing if she was. Troublemaking came in a wide variety or methods. For him, it had been harmless pranks played against his sister or father. Nothing that would leave anyone hurt, but that would get a laugh out of them or someone that might have been watching. He was a fourteen year old boy. Pranks were to be expected. He'd never escalated beyond that, and he had no desire to. Though, perhaps, there were times he would get into trouble without intent.

When she instructed him to focus on the fight and not on her thoughts or feelings of it, he nodded. "Yes, Master."

Then she came at him, which he hadn't quite expected, and caused him to back away from her strikes momentarily. Once he settled himself mentally, he advanced on her, pushing her strike away and coming in with an attack aimed at her left shoulder that would quickly pull back and away as he drew the blade away from her, only to jab it towards her midsection instead. Caelan was an offensive fighter, not a defensive one, and feints were one of the ultimate weapons for someone like him.

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

Dreidi shrugged her shoulders, "I would argue I grew out of the worst of my mischievous ways but I don't always play by the Jedi rules. I like to think a little more independently." It wasn't for her to say whether or not she was a troublemaker, from her viewpoint, she was doing good and rarely caused trouble. Unless it came to family, but that was always different and harmless. Some might not always have the same viewpoint as she did and it was for Caelan to come to his conclusion independently she figured.

When he had adapted the surprise swiftly, she was impressed, it caused him to back up and lose some ground but after that, he moved into fighting back. Demonstrating his confidence and ability to feint and strike. Dreidi used her skills in Makashi, honed to be most skilled in duels like this, to predict the feint and strike away the attack.

"Offensive fighter. Good to know. There are several forms that lean into that. While I will teach the basics of each form, you will likely only be skilled in a couple. Depends on how dedicated of a fighter you will be or if you find yourself pulled towards learning more on the Force. Either path is fine." Dreidi was started out a mix of fighting and the Force, but she was sure many believed her more Force based due to her strong ties to foreign Force Cultures and Magick. "When you find a style that suits your skills most, that will be the one our training will focus on most."

Dreidi flicked her wrist and sliced towards Caelan's legs before sharply thrusting up to his chin to tap it firmly. Feinting in return for his attempt.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Sensible. She was a bit older than him, probably close to ten years older or so, so he would expect her to be more focused on her role as a Jedi, rather than causing problems. Though what she said about thinking more independently made him curious as to what she meant, and he resolved to ask her about that when he had a moment to do so.

It did catch him off guard, again, when she managed to parry away his strike. It shouldn't have, and he knew it shouldn't have, because she was clearly more experienced than he was, but it had. He was a bit put off with himself that he hadn't realized she would catch on to what he was doing. If he had, perhaps he could have used that against her, and maybe that was just something that would come in time. More practice, and more utilization of the Force to help guide him would make it easier for him to fight.

He was about to speak, his mouth half-open, when she flicked her wrist to guide her blade towards his leg. He moved to block, blade coming down in effort to sweep hers to the side, but then she reversed and lifted her blade to tap against his chin.

"I concede the hit," he said, echoing the way he learned, in that conceding hits was expected. "And I find myself pulled towards sword combat more than utilizing a depth of the Force. I suspect there will be some level of use of both skills and swordsmanship, but to what level I don't know. I also don't know anything of the styles other than that my mother used Soresu before leaving the Jedi."

Since her stroke would have been a kill stroke with real sabers, he didn't bother to strike at her again for the moment.

"What are the offensive styles?"

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

She accepted he conceded the hit and withdrew her weapon, giving him a polite bow. It was good to respect an opponent in victory or in defeat. That was what she wished to share. Twirling the training weapon in her hand, she listened to his words. It seemed he found himself initially feeling drawn to the path of a Jedi Guardian, more than a Sentinel or Consular. Respected and it was something many Jedi found themselves heading towards. "I do not expect or need answers of where you wish to go yet. We are still very early in your training and you are still young so time can and will change a lot of ideals for you."

Dreidi herself was not the same person she had seen herself as at the age of 14.

"Offensive styles. Well, there is seven main Lightsaber techniques taught so best I just explain them, plenty of others surrounding the core seven that one can learn. However, they start with Shii Cho, a form focused on disarming and dealing with single opponents mostly. Makashi, which is one of the forms I am mastering, is duellist style of combat. Good for dealing with a single opponent using a blade," Dreidi explained as she shift back to her starting position. "Soresu is the third form and it is mostly defensive, waiting for your opponent to reveal a weapon and exploit it. Ataru is one for those who use the Force and use acrobatic abilities to disorient and outmanoeuvre the opponent. Djem So and Shien are the fifth forms, Shien is another I favour in a reverse stance and it is best against blasters. Djem So is one of the more aggressive forms, meant to wear down the enemy with constant attacks. Common form for the Sith to use."

Dreidi shifted into a reverse Shien, holding her grip on the training weapon in a reverse manner. "Niman is seen as a form adopting traits from the others to be adaptive in combat and shift when needed. Vaapad and Juyo are the seventh form and take a certain mindset in a Jedi to use since they are dangerous tactics. I would not be the one to teach you those if you demonstrate the ability to use them without endangering yourself then there will be another Master who can teach you that form."

She was not sure how well she could use Vaapad and Juyo herself since she knew the risks it held for slipping to the Dark Side if taken on by someone unprepared and not in control of their emotions.

"Shall we go again?"


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

He bowed to her in return. It was nice to see someone who understood the honor associated with a duel outside of his home world. Though, he should have expected no less from a Jedi. They lived their lives based on honor and doing what was right. And she was right that he was too young and it was too early for him to know exactly how he would turn out in terms of styles and leanings, but he did want to fight, and he was not afraid to make the first move if it was necessary. Hence why he'd shoved his sister out of a window without even telling her he was going to when he was trying to protect her.

She explained the forms to him in a way that was simple enough to understand, and he felt drawn primarily to Ataru. Though Niman wouldn't be bad either because it utilized principles of the others to allow for versatility. The potential downside to that style was it was a jack of all trades, master of none concept. Though he didn't know what Vaapad and Juyo were, they sounded dangerous, which made him want to look into them. He decided next time he was in the archives he would look them up.

"My mother often told me I was more flexible than most, not just in the way I handled things," he said after she asked if they should go again.

Once more he brought his blade up, right hand above left, blade pointed upwards directly to his right side and left foot slightly forward.

"Perhaps I should focus on using that to my advantage."

He darted towards her, lowering the wooden blade as if he meant to stab her, but dropped into a slide just as he was almost too close. It might have looked as if he was going to slide between her legs, but at the last second, and at the same time as he brought his weapon towards her stomach, he spread his legs wider, intending to crash into hers in an effort to take her to the ground. At least he didn't do something really stupid like try and jump over her.

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

"Being flexible is good, adapting to one's opponent is crucial in survival and it is something I am going to hopefully foster inside you." Dreidi mentioned as she watched him prepare mentally for their next round. She allowed him to take the start and he moved in quick, going in for an aggressive frame of attack. It was a display that she watched in intrigue and assessed what she was going to do next. An amused smirk played on her lips as she knew exactly what he could learn in this moment.

Perhaps she was more mischievous than she had initally indicated.

As soon as Caelan was meant to collide with her, he would feel nothing. His blade would strike at the green mist where she had been. Completely disappeared from his sight, until he was looking around for her and would find that Dreidi teleported directly behind him. "Let me see how well you can adapt then." She did not attempt to surprise him with a strike, it was a mere indication of a power she possessed and would use. To see how he would change the way he fought, now knowing his strikes could hit nothing but miss if she wished for it.

Using the power of her lean, fairly strong frame, Dreidi began an onslaught of attacks. Strong blows meant to push Caelan back. Directing him into a corner where she could trap him. It was aggressive, relentless and showing what quick, hard blows could do in a fight. That there was a time and a place for even a Jedi to use attacks like these. It was to overwhelm, to break the spirit and demonstrate the fury of the innocent.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

And she was gone. Nothing but green mist left in her place, which left him to slide until he stopped, twisting his head and body in such a way that one hand could come underneath of him and he ended up balanced on it and his feet. He was completely flabbergasted by what she had just done. One second there, next second gone. How was that even possible?

"How did you do that?" he asked as he stood.

Rather than answer, she launched a flurry of blows, and he was quickly back peddling towards the corner behind him, his blade knocking away what he couldn't avoid, though barely. He was quickly getting out of breath, and he knew that if he didn't attack again, if he didn't push back against her, he was done for in this round as well. But it was hard, she was so quick and precise that he couldn't get an edge against her, and he was backed away until his foot hit the wall.

In that split second he did something crazy, and simply ignored her strike, pushing off the wall, and slicing at her. But as he continued forward, he utilized his momentum, and spun his blade backwards to stab behind him, hoping that, perhaps, she would use that same trick again, and he would catch her off guard. It was a gambit, to be sure, but worth a shot, and he did feel as if something told him it was the right move. Maybe?

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

His surprised look when she had caught him off guard with the teleportation, it was amusing and demonstrated where she could bring some knowledge and perhaps guide him better than others might. Dreidi knew how much she doubted her skills as a Jedi Knight and the knowledge she held was limited but there was far more than she realised. And only when she started teaching, did she realise how much she could offer. Things that could not be achieved with others. There weren't exactly a lot of Jedi who were also a Witch of Dathomir, or just a witch in general.

However, this attempt had demonstrated Caelan's ability to fight, his defences were strong and Dreidi was impressed. He was definitely someone suited for combat and he was going to do well in the Lightsaber combat. When he sliced at her, he committed to his next move which was to strike where he assumed she would teleport to. However, there was no need for Dreidi to do so, at least she had not figured there would be a need. She had pressured him back and was in control of the fight, his single attempt to fight back had not been enough pressure to make her back pedal.

So when she saw him turn around full, she tapped the middle of his back with a gentle but firm push.

"Good attempt, but your folly was jumping the gun. You need to force your opponent into feeling that there is no option but to do the manoeuvre that you want them to do. I was still in control of your placement, I had no need to teleport." Dreidi commented, her tone was neutral, there was no heavy praise but she was not scolding him either for not succeeding. Simply instructing him on how to be better.

How to survive against a fighter like her. "What I did is Magick. It is tapping into a power that comes from the world Dathomir." Dreidi mentioned as she decided to answer his question now the match had concluded. "It is not a power that you will see often, there are not a large number of witches. However, Sith like to use some form of magic based in the Dark Side, so learning how I use mine could help when fighting a Sith."

"This time, show me what you can do with the Force." Dreidi instructed, she wanted to see what he could with everything he had.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

This time, no disappearing act, just a tap on his back, and stab to his pride once again. He stood, and turned to face her again, bowing his concession towards her, knowing that once again he had failed, but accepting that it was part of what it meant to be a student. Failure was inevitable. Failure was how one grew. It was necessary to fail to learn.

He breathed deeply, listening to what she said. He hadn't put her in a position to need to use that magick against him. He hadn't been in control of the battle, and because of that, she didn't react as he had expected her to. Control the battle.

"Good, Caelan, push the attack, don't back down," his father said.

"Yes, Father."

"Control your blade, control the fight, and you can win. Lose control, and loss is inevitable."

His eyes focused on Dreidi once more, that interaction within his mind, a pained memory, but one that gave him instruction, helped him to focus. Fight like your life depends on it, take the initiative, strike first lest their first strike be your last. Don't be the defender, the one who back peddles finds the edge of the embankment and falls to their death just as easily as being run through by a sword. So he brought his blade up and assumed an offensive stance once more.

"Yes, Master."

But he didn't move, drawing on the Force as his mother had shown him, he reached out with it, trying to do something he'd practiced before in case he was ever in a position where he'd lost control of his weapon and needed it quickly. He attempted to grab onto Dreidi herself and pull her towards him. And as he did, he lunged forward in a flurry of unrelenting strikes, his body moving like a snake on the attack, slithering about with blade whipping, aiming more for cutting strike than definitive death blow type strikes.

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

Feeling the Force tugging her towards Caelan, she was pulled forward and moved her weapon in time with Caelan's blocking and parrying his strikes. Moving nimbly as she demonstrated her speed and agility that she had honed for many years now. Sticking with the duelling style of Makashi, she guided his weapon around and with her free hand, she aimed to blast him backwards with a Force Push.

Which would cause his momentum of the flurry of attacks to slow down and disrupt his plan of attack. "Interesting strategy, lets see what else you have. Show me why you are here to train." She was curious about the reason he had for training, outside of it being something his mother did, what was deep within Caelan on why he wished to be a Jedi.

To force him to answer without thinking on the reasoning, Dreidi launched her on assault. Sharp attacks that moved fast and targeted his limbs to disable them. She wanted him to answer with the first thing that came to mind, the initial belief and not an answer that was well thought out and considered a politically correct answer.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

She was good. Far more experienced than he was. It hadn't thrown her off to be pulled towards his flurry of strikes, and she'd managed to deflect all of them. He had expected it, to be honest. He knew he wasn't good enough, yet, to land a blow on her, but he would still try because that was what he was instructed to do. It wasn't as if he desired to hurt her. She was nice and she was teaching him. But she hit him with a blast of the Force that flung him back into the wall.

A whoosh of air escaped him, but he saw her coming at him. Instead of going on the defensive, he counter-attacked, driving his blade straight in at her, and parrying her strikes from within her attack zone, keeping her blade always to the outside, which would, hopefully, allow him to move in closer to her, where he could strike with, say, an elbow to the midsection, instead of his blade.

"I want to properly lead and protect my people, and I must defend Arhiaa," he said, utilizing that as fuel for his movements.

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

When he forced her blade on the outside of his strikes, she was reminded why she enjoyed using her sword in conjunction with a Lightsaber. However, she adapted to the situation, using her body to dodge and avoid the strikes he launched at her. Pivoting and only using her sword to parry the strikes that were getting too close for comfort. Listening to his answer, she nodded, there were a great number of people who wanted to protect others, especially their own kind when they sought out the Jedi. But Dreidi wanted to go further, there was more to it.

"You don't need the Jedi to be a good, strong leader. Seeking to defend someone is good. What keeps you up at night? What thoughts linger in your mind that only the Jedi can help with?" It was a tough question and not everyone knew the answer to it. When she was his age, she didn't know what was the true reason for being a Jedi. But she hadn't been challenged in this manner to think of her reasoning to be one. Other than it was simply what her parents were, her older sister and mentor was and she wanted to be great like them.

Now she knew her purpose. And she displayed that as she moved around gracefully, before spinning low and attempting to stick her leg out to sweep him.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"Darkness," he said.

It sounded like a generic answer, but it wasn't. Darkness had plagued him ever since he'd last been home. That feeling of dread, of evil, of malice that he'd felt coming from the people that had entered his home with the intention of harming his family. They were beyond simple evil. Whatever they were, they knew of the dark side of the Force, and it was their intent to use it to do harm. That's why they wanted the crystals in the valley, for some nefarious plot, he was sure of it. It was why they'd killed his parents, because if his parents weren't around, nobody could stop them from getting what they wanted.

He could feel something different within him the longer they fought. It had to do with the fact that she'd challenged him to use the Force rather than just contain it, which is what he'd been doing his whole life. He'd never let it out before. He sensed an opportunity and aimed the palm of his hand towards her feet, unleashing a push aimed to knock them out from under her, and at the same time brought his sword up with intent to strike her falling form.

"I want to stop the darkness."


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