Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Witch's Greetings

Location: Coruscant
Attire: Jedi Attire
Companion: Grisial
Equipment: Lightsaber, Nightsister Energy Bow, Ichor Sword
Tag: Caelan Valoren Caelan Valoren

Hearing the answer, it seemed simple at a surface level but the determination it brought to Caelan and the pain that was clear inside him, the answer was merely the tip of an iceberg. "I will teach you to combat the darkness, not just through violence. A Jedi is not merely a warrior, they seek peace, justice and try to be beacons of hope. A Jedi cannot be those things if all we do is fight. You must be able to demonstrate understanding of where combating darkness is done with a blade, and when it is done with words." Dreidi stated. She was currently using her words and actions in empathy to help someone calling themselves a Sith.

Acts of kindness were what she felt were the most important elements that a Jedi can do.

As Caelan blasted her feet to knock her prone, Dreidi turned into mist once again. Her voice echoing around the room, "good move. And strong follow through with your next strike." After a moment, her body reformed a few feet back from where she was. Breathing in deeply, she spread the Force within her body and charged her muscles. Working her body faster, harder as she utilised Force Speed. Charging back into the fray, her attacks were sharp, lightning fast and deliberately testing how fast he was able to muster a defence.


TAGS: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

"My... Arhiaa told me that she practices what's called Form Zero," he said as she disappeared again.

He spun about sharply, keeping his sword outward with blade in a cutting motion, just to make sure she didn't reappear directly behind him.

"It has to do with serving to find a diplomatic solution to problems first. I do believe that is the best practice, but it won't always work. Some people don't want to negotiate, they just want to cause harm to others."

She reappeared back from where she'd been moments before, offering a level of praise for his attack against her, even though it hadn't worked. But, he remembered, not everyone could do what she was doing. In fact, he would hazard a guess that most people couldn't do what she did, which meant on a lot of people that move would have worked. Not to toot his own horn, but it did make him feel good that he'd figured something out himself, rather than having to have someone tell him how to do it.

Then she was on him in a flurry unlike what he'd seen before. He parried as fast as he could, once more back peddling. No matter what he did, he couldn't keep up with her, she was just too fast. At least, not in his current state.

He pushed for something he did often and jumped backward away from her until his feet hit the wall, and then he propelled himself up and over her, his legs tucking inward to make a smaller target, and swinging his blade at her head. Probably wouldn't work, but it would get him out from within her strikes, at least for the moment.


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