Xitli Sacul
Citalee Representative
Log 14.16.10988
Xitli Sacul
Captain - Expedition Leader
The Chico continues her search for the anomaly. At 15:36 our long range sensors detected a power surge. Although it does match the patterns identified three years ago, I have decided to temporarily suspend our search in order to investigate.
Could be an opportunity to further our primary objective.
When the Chico left Hyperspace, her crew was caught off guard. Almost immediately the forward shields were raised projecting a hexagonal barrier around their hull and manoeuvring jets fired into space.
Soon however, they realised there was nothing to fear. The unidentified Star Destroyer was adrift, and seemingly without power.
Xitli watched as they initiated a basic search pattern. "Everything is intact, no sign of external damage." Reported the tactical officer.
"Life signs?" He asked, "Unknown. The energy signature appears to be interfering with our sensors."
"No response to our hails. It's dead in the water. However, I have identified a repeating signal, it could be a distress beacon?"
Xitli nodded, "Perhaps they could use our assistance. Have Telene and a engineering crew meet me at the dock. Ensign have you identified any access ports?"
"A couple, but with power offline you might need to manually open airlocks."
"That's fine. Keep the channel open, in case I need your support. If we're lucky, we might have a prize worthy of the Guild." Xitli nodded and headed down.
The bulkheads were hardened, but nothing Telene couldn't handle. She brought with her a Couatl droid and portable power supply, it wasn't much but enough to power any doors they encountered and the Couatl did the rest.
Soon enough Xitli, Telene, and two other Satorians were aboard. To their surprise no one had come to greet them, in fact it was quiet.
"Something isn't quite right about this, no one just ups and abandons a warship." Telene said steadying her blaster down the nearest hallway, as if she was expecting an ambush at any moment.
Xitli raised his wrist, "Chico please confirm you are receiving us."
"Some interference, but the Couatl is boosting our signal. Keep it close."
"Confirmed. Can you direct us to the beacon, or the energy signature?"
Catalina Io
Xitli Sacul
Captain - Expedition Leader
The Chico continues her search for the anomaly. At 15:36 our long range sensors detected a power surge. Although it does match the patterns identified three years ago, I have decided to temporarily suspend our search in order to investigate.
Could be an opportunity to further our primary objective.
When the Chico left Hyperspace, her crew was caught off guard. Almost immediately the forward shields were raised projecting a hexagonal barrier around their hull and manoeuvring jets fired into space.
Soon however, they realised there was nothing to fear. The unidentified Star Destroyer was adrift, and seemingly without power.
Xitli watched as they initiated a basic search pattern. "Everything is intact, no sign of external damage." Reported the tactical officer.
"Life signs?" He asked, "Unknown. The energy signature appears to be interfering with our sensors."
"No response to our hails. It's dead in the water. However, I have identified a repeating signal, it could be a distress beacon?"
Xitli nodded, "Perhaps they could use our assistance. Have Telene and a engineering crew meet me at the dock. Ensign have you identified any access ports?"
"A couple, but with power offline you might need to manually open airlocks."
"That's fine. Keep the channel open, in case I need your support. If we're lucky, we might have a prize worthy of the Guild." Xitli nodded and headed down.
The bulkheads were hardened, but nothing Telene couldn't handle. She brought with her a Couatl droid and portable power supply, it wasn't much but enough to power any doors they encountered and the Couatl did the rest.
Soon enough Xitli, Telene, and two other Satorians were aboard. To their surprise no one had come to greet them, in fact it was quiet.
"Something isn't quite right about this, no one just ups and abandons a warship." Telene said steadying her blaster down the nearest hallway, as if she was expecting an ambush at any moment.
Xitli raised his wrist, "Chico please confirm you are receiving us."
"Some interference, but the Couatl is boosting our signal. Keep it close."
"Confirmed. Can you direct us to the beacon, or the energy signature?"