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Unreviewed AAC-5 Speeder Tank

Manufacturer: Aether Systems
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Width: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Size: Large



An updated variant of the AAC-1 Speeder Tank for use by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force
Image Source[HERE]
Permission(s)Not Applicable
Canon Link(s)AAC-1 Speeder Tank
AAC-2 Hovertank
Primary Link(s)Not Applicable


ManufacturerAether Systems
AffiliationGalactic Alliance
ModularityLimited - Unit Colors and Emblems




Rating Specifications

Armaments and Defenses
(2) Heavy Laser CannonsDeflector Shield Generator
(2) Missile TurretsLightweight Ablative Armor
(16) Concussion Missiles(2) Missile Deactivation Transmitters
(1) Minelayer
(16) 3H3X Timer Mines


Crew Compliment(1) Pilot
(1) Gunner
(1) Bombardier
Minimum Crew(1) Pilot
Passenger CapacityNone
Cargo CapacityAverage
Consumables3 Galactic Standard Days



  • Agile - Like its predecessors, the AAC-5 is a highly agile vehicle that can reach high speeds of acceleration as well as possessing exceptional lateral maneuverability which allows the vehicle to slip sideways to dodge incoming fire.
  • Minelayer - The AAC-5 was designed and equipped with a minelayer located at the rear of the vehicle below the missile turret mount which allows the vehicle to deploy different kinds of mines, the most commonly utilized by the 3H3X Timer Mines.
  • KD57 3-Chamber Repulsorlift Engine - The standard engine often found on Hutt Sailbarges and installed aboard Repulsorlift vehicles produced by Aether Systems, this system permits the vehicle to easily traverse difficult terrain including sand, snow, ice, and even water.
  • Flanking - The rear of the AAC-5 is a notable weak spot as well as the location of its land mine magazine. A heavy strike to this area has the potential to cripple the vehicle if not outright destroy it from the resulting explosion if the land mines in the magazine struck and detonated.
  • System Coolers - Located on either side of the vehicle behind the cockpit are two large, black-colored, cooling systems that assist in keeping the internal systems of the vehicle from overheating. Damage to coolers can cause the internal systems to overheat, rendering the vehicle inoperable.
  • Turret Mount - The AAC-5 retains the mounted missile turret that its predecessors had, however, the mount is known to be fragile and can be easily damaged. This often causes the turret to become locked in place, preventing it from tracking enemy air units or from being oriented into a firing position without also maneuvering the entire vehicle in the same direction.
The ongoing standardization of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force has continued to prove a boon to Aether Systems, and no sooner had the first batches of its other vehicles come off the production lines was the AAC-5 Speeder Tank being designed and put into production. Carrying on the legacy of the AAC-1 and AAC-2 that had been instrumental in the ground arsenals of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the AAC-5 provides the Galactic Alliance with an agile Speeder Tank that can be utilized in lightning strikes against enemy formations as well as ensure that friendly ground units remain unharried by enemy aerial units. The AAC-5 carries many of the design features of its predecessors, however, it also has a surprise of its own not seen in previous iterations of the vehicle.

Whilst the older AAC-1 and AAC-2 came equipped with a pair of particle cannons, the AAC-5 was designed without this armament, instead, it was equipped with a minelayer and a magazine that could hold up to sixteen mines. However, this also required that an additional crew member be assigned to the vehicle, creating a slightly more cramped and uncomfortable cabin. Likewise, with the land mine magazine being located at the rear of the vehicle, a strike by heavy ordnance in this area has the potential to outright destroy the vehicle if the magazine were struck and the mines detonated internally. The AAC-5 was also designed to carry over the missile turret that was commonly seen installed on its predecessors; and though it proved effective against enemy aerial formations, the sensitive and fragile system has been known to be easily damaged. This can often cause the turret to become locked in place and rendered incapable of tracking aerial targets without requiring the entire vehicle to be reoriented.

The AAC-5 comes equipped with a specialized engine system, the KD57 which permits the vehicle to easily traverse difficult terrains such as sand, ice, snow, and even water. Much like its predecessors, the AAC-5 remains a highly agile and maneuverable vehicle, even capable of exceptional lateral maneuverability which allows the vehicle to slip sideways and avoid incoming fire. The AAC-5 provides the Galactic Alliance with an agile vehicle that can effectively execute lightning strikes and clear the air for friendly units and further enhances its expanding arsenal as it continues to standardize and modernize its forces.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: See Above
Permissions: See Above

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Modular: Yes
Material: See Above
Movement: Repulsorlift
Armaments: See Above
Vehicle Type: Speeder
Vehicle Role: Other
Defense Rating: High
Traction Rating: None
Top Speed Rating: Average
Braking Power Rating: Average
Corner Speed Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Acceleration Rating: Average
Balance Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 3
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Average

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