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Aargh Koth Teh

Aarge Koth Teh

NAME: Aarge Koth Teh
FACTION: None as he hasn't run across any yet.
RANK: None.
SPECIES: Dathomirian/Rattataki
AGE: 24
HEIGHT: 6 Foot 4 Inches
WEIGHT: 145 lbs.
EYES: Silver
HAIR: None. Has horns that surround his head.
SKIN: Silver with black tattoos that cover his body.
Home Planet: Rattatak
Lightsabers: Red(His former Master's), Silver(Koth's)

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

Lightsaber Combat:
Growing up on Rattatak has sharpened Koth into a fighting machine within the gladiatorial pits. It was within the pits that he was discovered by the one who would become his master and taught the intricacies of wielding a lightsaber. With such a weapon in his hands, Koth rose quickly in the ranks till he was able to free himself from the gladiator pits. The style that he was taught were Makashi, Ataru, and Shien. He does favor the reverse grip for his lightsaber. Though he is in possession of a second lightsaber, his skill with Jar'Kai is erratic and lacking as he hasn't learned to control two lightsabers for anything more than defense. His knowledge in Niman is very basic and something that he is training regularly.

Force User:
Though able to use the Force telekinetically, Koth lacks in the use of the force in other aspects as his training was cut short and he is left to wander looking for a master, an order, or ancient knowledge to complete his training.

Having seen both the effects of the Sith and Jedi on others, it has left Koth with an independence that has him seeing that neither side is in the right, nor wrong. He seeks to discover the origins of the Sith and Jedi. He is tied to no one and that also leaves him without any support or assistance.

Having been raised that your word bound you to what you said, Koth is one who values honor and truth even in his opponents. He rarely will agree to something if it is not something that he believes in, but if his word is given he WILL do everything in his power to see it through to the end. As such, deception is something that leave a bitter taste in his mouth and if he is betrayed, it dwells on his mind for a while as well as colors his opinion of people. It takes time for him to let it go, but he is able to do so. He considers that showing his face to someone is a great honor and as such keeps his face masked as well as his body fully clothed.

Being able to see both sides to the situation is something that Koth has the ability to do and it colors his stance on most things. As such, he finds that neither side of the force are correct and he is attempting to walk the middle ground.

Speed over Power:
Koth learned in the pits that it was easier for him to be agile and avoid the hits than to try to be strong. These lessons have stayed with him and influence his way of being. While he is extremely fast and dexterous, he lack the physical strength to be a contender in forcing his way. His way is to use several decisive strikes in place of one powerful swing.

Name: Datalus

Type: Surronian Conqueror-class Assault Ship
Engine: HyperdriveX1(Backup X10)
Weapon Systems: 2 Double Medium Laser Cannons and a light ion cannon
Description: This ship was built around speed and maneuverability. As such, the weapon systems are only the basic type that come with the ship and same with the shields. It is meant more for getting from Point A to Point B. It was used primarily by Koth's former master before his death.

Aarge Koth Teh was born on the planet Rattatak and is the son of a middle class family. As it usually happens on Rattatak, he was sold into slavery by his family and from there sent to work in the gladiatorial pits once he came of age to be an entertaining prospect. It wasn't until he was discovered by a visiting former Sith Knight that the skies opened up for Koth and he found his way out of the pits. Training with his master and being sent into a competition to earn his freedom were some of the memories that Koth treasured the most. He was taught how to access the powers within himself and how the force influenced people. As the years passed and his training progressed, Koth witnessed his master's death at the hands of the person who had once owned him as a slave. His master was gunned down by the bounty hunters that were sent after him. None of the bounty hunters nor the former slave owner escaped Koth's wrath as he imparted vengeance on those who were responsible for his master's death.

It has been several years since that fateful day and the universe is out there for Koth to explore and learn about.




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