Ardgal Raxis
More than a Man

- Intent: To make a kickin' attack speeder bike to fill out RMIA's stuff they offer
- Image Source: Here
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: My twisted mind
- Manufacturer: RMIA
- Model: AB-22C Razor
- Affiliation: Closed Markets (ask first)
- Production: Mass Produced
- Material: Durasteel
- Classification: Speeder Bike
- Role: Recon/Fast Attack
- Size: Average for a speeder bike
4.5m long - Weight: Average for a speederbike (51 kg)
- Minimum Crew: 1
- Optimal Crew: 1
- Propulsion: Repulsorlift
- Speed: 400 km/h
- Maneuverability: High
- Armament:
1 Flechette Repeater (top mounted)
1 Side mounted Ion repeater - Defenses: Low
- Squadron Count: 36
- Passenger Capacity: 1
- Cargo Capacity: N/A
- Forward mounted Magnetic harpoon
- Forward Mounted stun net launcher
- Jammer
- Long range encrypted Comms
- IFF Transponder
- Tractor Beam
- Medical kit
- deployable Probe (1)
- Faraday cage
- Safety Harness
- Speed and Agility: The Razor comes with a crap ton of speed and crazy agility. This speeder bike is able to move from point A to point B pretty fast. From quick get aways to manhunts through crowded streets, the Razor is ideal for it.
- Gadgets and Gizmos: The Razor comes with a lot of toys attached to her chassis and the ability to gain more--if the right gearhead comes along with a pechant to add it. While she won't take on something like a turbo laser or something ridiculous like that, the Razor can have some pretty neat things added to it. However, if users want to make too many alterations, its recommended that they sub their own Razor, just for clarification.
- Durable: The Razor is designed to take a lot of abuse, and not just physical. Water, ice, wind, and sand are not a huge factor for the Razor. Its designed to go through a variety of pretty nasty environments and keep on working like a charm.
- Open Cockpit: From anything as minor as a flying rock or an overbearing sun to something as extreme as a direct turbolaser hit, the pilot of any Razor is exposed. There is no protection for the pilot of a Razor for anything except their own piloting ability. There are no shields, no environmental controls, no armor for the pilot or anything of that nature. So, if your planning on like flying into danger, please, wear armor. Or, ya know, don't, but don't blame us for any loss of limb....
- Sensitive Yoke: The Razor is highly agile, and as a result, you could say the yoke is pretty sensitive to the touch. If they are not careful, the pilot could accidentally slam themselves into a wall, over a curb or into a ditch. Of course, when you add speed in, over correcting the yoke of a Razor is less comical and more deadly.
- Armor: The Razor itself is lightly armored. While the plates can and could withstand small arms fire, they are pretty worthless against anything that is designed to be anti-vehicle, even on the lighter scale of anti-vehicle stuff.
The Speeder bike. Tanks are great, APV's are fantastic, and Drop pods are just about divine, but sometimes you just need a great bike that can be hopped onto and used for a quick get away. That is what the AB-25c Razor is all about.
In contrast to all of RMIA's previous tools and weapons, the Razor is not designed to be slow, heavily armored and heavy hitting. Instead the Razor's focus is speed and agility. The Razor packs lightly in armament that is focused on anti-personnel and small-arms usage. Its armor is similarly intended to deter small arms fire, but when it comes to anti-vehicle fire, the Razor's best defense is its speed and agility. Either way, the pilot is very exposed, their only defense will be their own personal armor.
The Razor's innate design makes it popular with Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries. The net, magnetic harpoon, and tractor beam makes it incredibly great at bringing in targets or objects of interest. Its able to quickly be stored, deployed, and pretty rugged, making it the ideal tool of choice for those who want something quick to catch targets fleeing on foot--or on speeders. That doesn't mean that the Razor is useless in a land battle. The Flechete repeater lends itself incredibly handy when facing down infantry units, while its speed and agility means this speeder will have no problem navigating urban settings where other vehicles would be slowly weaving their way through city streets. The ion repeater makes it a choice idea for guerilla strikes against APVs, defense turrets, and pretty much anything else a freedom fighter with more guts than brains and nothing to lose could find interesting to shoot at.
All in all, its just a speeder bike.