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Approved Location Abha (Colony City on Sabarene)

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Live in Light, Surf Master
City Name:
dunecity.jpg Dune City Concept

Image Source:

Pre-Fabricated Housing

California Roll House,

Hydroponics Biodome:

University Physics Mars Colonization Concept

sietch-nevada.jpg Dune City
Aerial View of the Completed City:​
Gradinile International: Abdullah Arabia

Classification: Colony City (Ongoing Growth Toward Eventual Metropolis, to be accomplished through Dev Threads as time & In Character Development allows)


Abha is the first of many structures to be ongoing on Sabarene, nestled on the edge of Fringe space. Located on what has come to be known as the North Eastern Hemisphere, it was built into the craterous cliff-face scar of a former battle, and is atop a major subterranean water vein. The cliffs run any moisture down to the water table, make building life and terraforming the ecosystem is possible. Pre-fabricated units were engineered to attach to the bedrock, and a series of drill tunnels have brought enough water to the surface to ensure the survival of the early colonists.

The city itself is built in a crescent shape and levels out toward the Space Port, which is nestled at the beginning of a series of desert plateaus and rocky outcroppings.

Affiliation: Sv’Yato Fleet, Lords of the Fringe

  • Founding Settlers:
    131,159 Civilian
  • 45,393 Naval Fleet Command & Soldiers

  • 70% Echani
  • 15% Chandaari Human
  • 10% Nelvaani
  • 5% Other

Points of Interest:

  • Hydroponics Biodome: Home to all the non-native plants the colonists brought with them, the Biodome is a massive greenhouse and nesting ground for the livestock, fauna and flora the colonists will gradually release onto Sabarene. While formulating the right stock to plant in the desert soil, the colonists needed a location to grow food stuffs and acclimatize herd animals, pets and beneficial birds, lizards & insects in such a way as to maintain the positive nature of the Sabarene ecosystem, while improving upon the living conditions.

  • Wellsprings: A water feature created by the telekinetic gifts of @Manu Xextos, the Wellsprings acts as the central focal point of the city and a meeting place for the city’s governing bodies. The waters are said to be enchanted to match the mood of the people, but no engineer yet has been able to substantiate the trick. Surrounding the Wellsprings is the Dahlia Amphitheatre & stage.

  • Dahlia Amphitheatre: Little more than an open area with built in risers, the Dahlia Amphitheatre’s stage was the original droid-built landing pad for the settlers’ shuttles and drop ships. In honour of its importance to the refugees, they formed a crescent arc around the location and it slowly turned from an important embarkation & logistical staging point to a place of live theatre, music and dance. The Amphitheatre is the celebratorial centre of life on Abha, and has the Wellsprings at its’ centre.

  • House Najwa Sparring Centre: Predominantly Echani, the settlers from Sv’Yato Fleet created a vast sporting and sparring field out of a fallow flat-land on the west side of the city. It is here that the denizens plant shrubs and public garden plots surrounding the rectangular field. The field itself is lined with pitches for sparring, kick ball and an array of team sports. In lieu of grandstands, one side of the Sparring Centre sits against a natural hill and cliff outcropping.

  • Thyrsian Academy of Arts: The first major school for younglings, the Thyrsian Academy began from a collection of parents who cared about their kids’ futures and continues to grow as resources become available. For the immediate moment the Academy takes classes around the House Najwa Sparring Centre and Dahlia Amphitheatre, but plans are in progress to build a proper school building as supplies allow. Classes in Common, Xenolinguistics, Sciences, Engineering, Mechanical Repair, Botany & Fine Arts are available as well as basic course work for younglings starting as old as 5.

  • Confederation Space Port: On the east edge of the crescent shaped city is the space port and docking site for all the shuttles, ships and movement of people from the surface to the station or fleet above. As the Space Port grows, so do the people who live around it, and market stalls, cantinas and hostels have sprouted up along the main speeder-way toward the city proper. All air traffic to and from the planet’s surface goes through Confederation Space Port.


Abha city is a new venture combining the efforts of the Fringe Confederation and Sv’Yato Fleet to colonize the Outer Rim planet of Sabarene. The colonization effort was headed by Fleet Admiral Manu Xextos to give the civilians & refugees aboard his ships, their families, his crews and himself and his wife a new start on a fresh planet - they desperately wanted a home. When Sabarene came to their attention, Admiral Xextos sent down his apprentice @Syndacha Aerin, engineers, droids, pre-fabricated housing and drill teams to begin the process of forming a city out of bedrock, sand and natural rock formations.

Abha is hemmed in on one side by a crescent-shaped cliff system, which protects the west side of the city from aberrant desert wind storms and the possibility of nomadic invaders. On the east side of the city, separated by a vast system of speeder-way freeway is the Confederation Space Port, bottlenecked to be the only landing point set up to handle ships both small in size and on the larger size for planetary landing. So far the Empirical Mining Corporation headed by [member="Aditya Amadis"] has begun a contract to help mine the polar ice caps for a useable water supply and begin the process of locating raw materials for the building process.

Home to the Sv’Yato Fleet and their crews, and a defensive waypoint for the Lords of the Fringe, Abha is growing into a slow metropolis as the drill teams bring up enough water from the subterranean water table. In a few decades, Abha will become more than a fabrication project built into the side arc of a canyon, it will become naturally green and easier living. For the moment, the foodstuffs the colonists rely on all come from the Hydroponics Biodome in the centre of the city or are imported from the Fringe.

The land makes the citizens hearty and strong, it’s a hard working life to carve a home out of the three-sunned world, but the improvements are vast as they continue to build and work.

Main Characters:

@Manu Xextos | [member="Livia Maddox"] | [member="Erryn Xextos"] | [member="Siyndacha Aerin"] | [member="Aditya Amadis"] | Lords of the Fringe


Abha is a brand new colony project on the outskirts of Fringe Space. Settled initially by the families and civilians of @Manu Xextos’ Sv’Yato Fleet, the settlers were refugees pre-dating the collapse of the Sith Empire, and the Systems Authority post-Druckenwell. Upon the glassing of Druckenwell, Confederacy of Independent Systems Master Council Member Manu Xextos, also Fleet Admiral of the Sv’Yato Fleet & Viceroy of Tythe/Nelvaan, could not stand idly by while the now ASA militarized and expanded. He hatched a plan to take the settlers he had placed on the near-dead world of Tythe onto his fleet with their terraforming gear and pre-fabricated structures on a journey to the safest place he knew in the Galaxy: The Fringe Confederation.

Those that piled onto the Fleet included Echani, Nelvaani, Chandaari Humans, Humans, and a small contingent of any species who wanted to come along. They made the journey from ASA space with the quiet allowance of Salem Norongachi (OOC Note: The Movement of the Sv’Yato Fleet was done in OOC, with permission from ASA Faction Owner Nate.), but would get no protection as they crossed the Moross Crusade and Omega Protectorate.

The ships of the fleet used open space and jumps to stay as far away from patrols and other worlds as possible, while Admiral Xextos got in contact with an old friend: [member="Ashin Varanin"], Grand Admiral of the Fringe Confederation’s Navy and now Empress of the Hand. Ashin and Manu were two of three who knew the true secret of Manu’s allegiance: He had been a plant from the Fringe since the fall of Atrisia. Now heavy laden with refugees and needing a place to call home, he asked the Empress Varanin for a possible colonization point. She told him of Sabarene, a barren desert world.

The Sv’Yato Fleet made for Sabarene and began the process of colonizing a piece of its’ surface with terraforming equipment and pre-fabricated compounds deconstructed from his projects to revitalize Tythe.

Engineers came to the surface first with drilling equipment to engage the subterranean water table, and soon after the first droid construction teams came with pre-fabricated housing for the scientific, engineering and botany crews. A biodome was built, to house the hydroponics bays they had brought with them and the first shaky steps toward creating a long-standing home began to take place.

Abha is a city in flux, a growing colony meant to sprout to other places on the world as the crews’ families and the refugees begin the arduous journey to a hard, but noble life of freedom, ecological dependency and safety.


[*]Dev Thread: Landing initial Colonization gear & building on the planet’s surface
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