Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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About time I said this...

I waited all my life, lived it by the book
Now I know that's not my story
You take me as I am, love me as I look
Standing here in all my glory
I am sweetness, I am bratty
I'm a princess, I'm a fatty
I'm a mess of contradictions in a dress
I am sassy, I am sappy
When I'm with you I am happy
This is my story

This is the biggest thank you I can possibly manage. As I sit here procrastinating writing long overdue posts, I realized the biggest issue…I am spending so much time with you all OOCly that it’s hard to break away to live in the IC world for a bit. And right now seemed like the best time to do this. Say thank you. To each and every one of you.

First, [member="Ryn'Dhal"] wherever you are lurking nowadays. Just…thank you for even getting me involved in Chaos. *grumbles* Although it took you a year to do so. <_<

Second, [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] my bestie in so many ways. Because you took a chance at a character with like 5 posts who was just looking for a few threads to join. Kaal has pushed Ara in so many amazing directions, I never imagined her story blossoming like this and so much of it is your influence. Thank you. And thank you for becoming so much a part of my life OOCly. Because having someone to chat with all day is one of the highlights of my day (and keeps me sane at work). #WorkingOnIt #AraliaForever

To [member="Torian Pierce"] , [member="Natasi Fortan"] , [member="Rolf Amsel"] , [member="Mishel Ren"] , [member="Samka Derith"] , [member="Irajah Ven"] , @so many other FO peeps (Carly, Aran, Malok, Rick....) you all know who you are. Because I can't imagine a more dysfunctional, loyal, loving, and accepting family. Mom, Dad, Big Bro, Lil' Sis....all of have no clue what kind of smiles, laughter, and evil plans you bring to my life just by being there. Besides, you accept this Instigator amongst you with the best of humors. I can't ask for anything more. ((Moar factory sub help pwease))

To [member="Kriel Firin"] for being one of the greatest RP role models and IC masters a budding KoR could hope for. Thank you for the chance to learn and grow both as a writer and ICly. Thank you for your constant encouragement and support. And thank you for teaching me that Chaos likes gifs, because I sure as heck do.

To [member="Dax Fyre"] , [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] , [member="Jaron Lesan"] ..... Because you boys put up with so much crap talk from me and give it right back. ((I swear I'm posting right now!))

Lastly, to [member="Connor Harrison"] . Because, like Kaal, you have become one of my closest OOC friends. ICly you have pushed every button Ara has and I swear, she might kill you one day. But it's been a beautiful journey. Here's to many more adventures. *raises glass* I'm not sure where she'd be without your influence, but I love where she's going because of it.

All of this is just one big thank you to the people who have become a family to me in such a short amount of time. Whether you know it or not, you've healed old wounds let from horrible past RP experiences. And for that I cannot thank you enough.

Okay, enough sappy. *raises bottle of Correlian Brandy* Drinks on me?


Well-Known Member
[member="Ara Ren"]

You're awesome! The community is great here, easily one of the best I've had the pleasure of writing with (even if there are tensions at times)! You all are wonderful people and we're lucky to have you.

P.S. I'm not even going to ask how you were able to afford Corellian Brandy - but I'm not one to pass up a free drink. To you, and to Chaos!

Connor Harrison

[member="Ara Ren"] Just keep doing what you're doing, because you're doing it so well.

And for the seal of approval...


Mishel Kryze

[member="Ara Ren"]


<3 So much right now, you are so precious. An amazing writer that I've had the privilege of writing with I'm very, very glad that you made the choice to join the First Order. I honestly don't know what we would do or where we would be with you.
[member="Rolf Amsel"]

A girl doesn't share her secrets. ;)

[member="Connor Harrison"]


And this is why I don't compliment you. You get a big(ger) ego. <_<

[member="Mishel Ren"]


Go away before I'm crying! *sniffle* Soooo sooooo much :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
[member="Ara Ren"]

It's not like I had a whole lot of posts either, heh... It's been amazing and I'm honored that Kaalia's a part of Ara's story. Without her influence our good redhead wouldn't have gotten nearly this far and for that I need to thank you right back. Having someone to talk to on a daily basis OOCly has also been a very positive thing and I'm sure it'll get even better both ICly and OOCly. Sorry for ruining your sleeping schedule due to my European-ness though (Is that a word?).


And, of course, #AraliaForever.
Wandering Naval Officer
[member="Ara Ren"] :) I'm at a loss of word to how I feel, I really am. I almost found myself in tears of joy reading it, and have to say we love having you around you make this thing a family just as much as you think everyone does as well.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."

[member="Ara Ren"]

I'd drink to that!

It has always been a great pleasure of mine to be wake up and read your, and others shenanigans in discord. You're the best Ara, someone whom I always enjoy talking to and shooting the shit with. Keep up the good work.

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