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Private Academy of Sacrifice


The Vehemence descended between treetops of the dense jungle and cliffs of the rocky formations that drew like veins through the densely grown moon. Accompanied by the sounds of the soft ground being compressed and its fluids squeezed out, the decompression of the hydraulics of the landing put the assault shuttle to a halt. These were the coordinates given to the member of the Eclipse Sect.

Darth Imperius descended the ramp with measured, calm steps, his heavy black sabatons clanking until they were not, the soft jungle floor swallowing the sound but fortunately not the massive armored figure. Black plate, red tabard, he was neither subtle nor stealthy, the large greatsword on his back another testament of not exactly caring about either of them. Yet only the vizor of his helmet was visible, the rest covered by a hood extending from the tabard.

This time, he did not follow one of his visions alone. The Dark King lay at the edge of the system, its dark hull barely visible against the stars. It had not the purpose to protect or guard, but a unit of the Hand was descending onto the world to capture Massassi while he would follow his vision.

His gaze was set on the large, crumbling stone structures ahead, ancient and probably raided more times than anyone would care to admit or even count. Nevertheless Yavin 4 never lost its connection to the Dark side, neither the Jedi Praxeum nor any purging attempts would undo what had happened here and could happen here in the future. And Darth Imperius was one of those who certainly was interested to use the Echoes of Oblivion the place held for his own benefits.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

The young Adept had ordered the shuttle parked at the given coordinates two hours prior. It was an older craft, the hull marred with carbon scoring, scratches, and buffed-out remnants. And yet, the starship retained its aggressive, elongated profile, having been refurbished to meet the needs of the Eclipse Sect in their mission to serve the Sith. In that regard, the shuttle belonged not to Ellissanthia, but to the Sect. The Undine had been temporarily entrusted with the craft so that she might better fulfill her obligation to Darth Imperius, whatever it may be.

After meditating inside the shuttle for two hours (it was not the privilege of the Jen’jidai to be late), Ellissanthia disembarked and made her way outside as the Vehemence touched down. Dressed in the traditional white attire of the Eclipse Sect, her outfit was a white bodysuit emblazoned with the symbol of the Eclipse on her left breast. Her violet-hued hair was kept in a neat, low bun to ease the donning of a helmet. And most notably, on her belt was a lightsaber, the hilt a sleek, yet simple design lacking much in the way of aesthetic personalization.

As Imperius descended the ramp, he would find Ellissanthia kneeling before him, prostrated in submission as the rain drizzled down around her. For her part, the Undine’s webbed, pointed ears twitched with each measured step that the Dark Lord took. She had known that the Heir was a man of imposing, transhuman stature. However, feeling such a massive presence directly caused her skin to seep moisture as her hearts began to race. For all of her training, the Undine’s instincts screamed at her to run or ignite her lightsaber, for all the good that either course of action would do her. Nevertheless, Ellissanthia quickly stamped them down, her features drawn tight with focus as she channeled her dread into a focus for the dark side.

From there, Ellissanthia rose as soon as she was directed to do so, at which point her eyes caught sight of Darth Imperius’ towering, dark-armored form. The Adept took in his presence with a disciplined gaze. However, his greatsword was of some particular interest—a weapon that was easily longer than she was tall and likely heavier too.

“My Lord, I have arrived to serve at your pleasure. This one stands ready at your command.” Ellissanthia spoke. The Adept paused then, silently considering what she might say next. In that, she decided that it would not be an overstep to ask the purpose of his mission, if only to satisfy her curiosity.

“If I might be allowed to ask, I would like to inquire as to the nature of this mission, so that I might better act in accordance with your wishes.” She added.

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Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

The image of the two next to each was almost source material for a comedy. She was smaller and more fragile than the blade he carried on his back. He wore armor which seemed to swallow light and life itself while her dress was bright. It could have been polar opposites if they were not, superficially at least, fighting for the same cause and side.

His gauntlet ever so slightly indicated with his fingers as he walked past for her to rise and follow. He was not fond of Sith throwing themselves into the dirt, it was not a thing for Sith to do, they were not servants, none of them. But apparently this one was not Sith. She belonged to the Eclipse Sect, apparently a Dark side cult working under the Kainate. The Dyarchy had so many convoluted schemes and organisations, that it was no surprise they even repurposed failures from the Academy.

"What is your name?" His voice was deep with a resonant bass and spoke calmy in a measured pace. The gravelly tones distorted by the helmet he wore but leaving little to imagination. It was power, imperiousness and barely contained wrath in every word he uttered.

"The Eclipse Sect sent you. Tell me of their purpose and proficiency, and of yours."

His figure did not stop moving as he marched towards the ruins, his sabatons breaking grass and leaving a visible trail in the soft ground. The place resonated with the Dark side, it was almost a taste in the air, a vibrant nuisance that engulfed everything. Growing stronger with every step they took, for it was here that great deeds were done, the Dark side praised and domination had manifested in millennia prior.

"We are here to connect to the past. This was an academy of the Imperial Guard of Darth Vitiate and nearby was housed a potent artifact which traces and taste I wish to acquire. I am expecting no opposition other than wildlife here, the Massassi who live on the moon are populating different areas according to some scans, yet I advice preparedness."

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

When Darth Imperius spoke, it registered to Ellisanthia almost as if a mountain had been moved. His a deep, booming bass that seemed to harbor barely-restrained power. The Adept had no doubt that even without the Force, he could have just as easily utilized it as a makeshift sonic weapon capable of shattering glass and bursting eardrums. Deducing that the Dark Lord was capable of yet greater displays of power, the Undine felt equal parts fortunate and unfortunate to serve him. He was a titan who stopped for neither fear nor death.

A master just as demanding to his servants as he was omnipotent.

“This one is called Ellissanthia.” The short-statured Adept answered. “The Eclipse Sect are Jen’jidai—Dark Jedi. We are the successor organization of the Xendori Guard that existed under the Tenth Sith Empire. Our primary missions are to serve at the pleasure of the Sith and to regulate the practice of the dark side by non-Sith actors.” She continued. “By Imperial edict, we are forbidden from practicing Sith magic and speaking Sith ritual languages, with the exception of common parlances of which one I have just used. Our proficiency lies in the physical, objective study of the dark side.” The Undine explained.

All the while, Imperius did not stop moving towards the ruins, forcing Ellissanthia to keep up. Fortunately, her elongated, powerful legs made the feat not so difficult. Nevertheless, her eyes widened at seeing how quickly, easily, and gracefully the Dark Lord moved—an uncanny feat for one of such titanic stature.

“I specialize in wielding telekinetic abilities. My aim is to serve at your pleasure and command, my lord.” Ellissanthia added in a simple, if slightly vague statement of her purpose and proficiencies. The Undine paused then, the aura of the dark side growing stronger as she came closer to the ruins. Her pupils dilated with focus as she sought to connect with it, in the hopes that the ambient dark side energy could serve as a font of power.

At the advice of preparedness, Ellissanthia gave Imperius a slight nod before her helmet folded out to seamlessly and automatically cover her head. Now sealed from the environment, the Adept listened intently as the Dark Lord spoke of the location’s history as an academy of the ancient Sith Honour Guard. Such a location doubtlessly held secrets—ancient holomanuscripts, holocrons, and yet more.

Such were things that she too might find use for.

Nevertheless, Ellissanthia left her desires unspoken. She knew that Darth Imperius might sense them regardless, but whether or not she would be permitted to benefit from whatever they found within would ultimately be at his discretion.

“I am prepared.” She added simply.


Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

His HUD showed images and reports of the Xendori Guard and Elite until he blinked them away and just listened to the background feed of information that ran through his cortex. And listened to her. She was no Sith but trained and educated in the Force and the Dark side. A curious state that probably produced more capable Sith through denial than the current Academies did through active elevation.

She certainly went through hardship and loss to be where she is, which made her stronger. It was too apparent to him that the current Sith Order was plagued by favoritism, protectionism and nepotism. The unworthy protected by other unworthy who were hiding behind titles and bloodlines that were worth as much as paper they were written on. And equally easily torn apart.

"Your organisation is made to complement or counter the Inquisition then. A wise move to not call them Sith then, offering much more leeway and a far greater connection to your sponsor and overlord. One has to commend the Kainate for such intricate webs of leverage."

"How do you, personally, study the Dark side? What do you seek? Do you have ambitions?" He almost certainly knew that she would be concealing them behind phrases and excuses of servitude, though no Dark side practitioner was really free of visions and desires for more power at the very least. Be it in combat, knowledge, leverage or whatever else they deemed interesting.

Judging by her professional demeanor and stance, she was capable and proficient. He did not bother to infiltrate her thoughts or mind for answers, it was simply unnecessary towards someone sent to serve. He would observe her capabilities in action, not regarding her size as an obstacle or weakness at all as she certainly did not so either.

They approached the large stone pyramids, one further away and one right ahead, standing behind crumbling walls with various courtyards outside of it and natural entrances that had formed as breaches. His HUD offered a map that looked like it was puzzled together and showed the different quarters, wings and courts of the Academy. In a ping he would send it to his companion, so she could orient herself as well.

"We enter the training courts on the Eastern side, move through the armouries and proceed to the pyramid in the center, where its headquarters are."

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

The mention of ambition caused Ellissanthia’s features to tighten with discomfort. It was a concept that she was intimately familiar with, hours of hypno-conditioning having in large part trained the impulse out of her psyche. In that, the doctrine of Eternal Rule called for personal ambition to be forsaken and replaced with the pursuit of the Sith’ari’s ambitions—the Eclipsing Mission. And indeed, the Undine considered the Eclipsing Mission to be her own ambition just as much as it was the ambition of the Eternal Father. Beyond that, she had want for little, owning no property, ships, slaves, or even droids. All of her possessions were personal items. A vanity desk full of beauty and grooming supplies, a pair of personal shrines dedicated to the Eternal Father and the Mother Goddess, a lightsaber, a wardrobe, a collection of crystals and gems, and various other personal effects.

More often than not, they alone were enough to sate her desires and ambitions.

And yet, there were times when that was not the case.

"How do you, personally, study the Dark side? What do you seek? Do you have ambitions?" He almost certainly knew that she would be concealing them behind phrases and excuses of servitude, though no Dark side practitioner was really free of visions and desires for more power at the very least. Be it in combat, knowledge, leverage or whatever else they deemed interesting.

“How do I—” Ellissanthia faltered, before swallowing and shaking her head. “I do not deviate from mandated practice. However, I have sought out knowledge from sources outside of the libraries.” She explained, judging that there would be no point in lying. “For the abilities I already know, I focus on repetition to make the process of harnessing them more efficient. The body and the mind must be pushed to their limits, and then beyond that, until the point of failure. After that, I take time to recover, through prayer, meditation, and seething.”

“For what I seek...” Ellissanthia stopped then, considering her next words. “My primary ambition is the completion of the Eclipsing Mission. A pure universe, forever bathed in shadow.” She began. “Although...I must admit, there are times when I...crave more.” The Undine paused.

“When I trained at the Sith Academy on Dromund Kaas before my washout, there was a time where I ranked at the top of my class.” Ellissanthia resumed. “My classmates viewed me as a prodigy, and I was even considered for an apprenticeship under a Sith Lord.” She continued. “That ended when my peers learned to exploit a weakness of mine. I never lost my rank because of my high test scores, but losing the spars caused me to lose status and respect. I was no longer seen as untouchable and was thus humiliated. Those seeking a rise in status took advantage of that. Eventually, I sustained an injury in a spar, and that was the end of my hope to become Sith.”

“I recovered, of course. However, I still think about that period. And my classmates—many of them are Sith Knights now. I keep track of them, especially the ones who defeated me.”
She explained. “I will never be a Sith, but one day I hope to surpass all those who humiliated me. Whether that be in Force prowess, achievement, or even status.” The Undine took a deep breath then, before speaking once more.

“They will be Sith, but I will simply be better. That is my ambition.” Ellissanthia finished.

From there, the two approached the large stone pyramids amidst the ruins. Receiving the ping from Imperius, Ellissanthia drew up the map in her own HUD and briefly studied it before minimizing it to the upper corner of her display.

At that point, Ellissanthia nodded in response to Imperius’ direction, before following him into the training courts.

And there, to meet the echoes of the past.


Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

Chains to bind her in servitude, to narrow her mind, to limit her powers. She did not say it, but he heard it. She was a failure in some overseers eyes and instead of being discarded at that time, her remnant use was seen as worthy to fulfil a non-Sith role that would either degrade her to little more than a soldier until she died or potential saw her rise.

It was a conflict idea. Imperius believed whole-heartedly in the survival of only the strongest, only those that would walk through the fire could hope to be reforged where everyone else burned, their ambitions eradicated and weaknesses purged forever. But it was a mistake she did not make, a grace she received and now to waste it would be senseless. He commended the idea of utilising everything, but it was just a mere inconvenience before the Force claimed its due.

She was however, even if she believed herself committed, loyal and devoted to the sect she was shoved into, more Sith than she realised or admit to.

"The Dark side is conflict, to study it, you devote yourself to ambition, passion and power. To deny that is as unnatural as to give failures a second chance." He did not see it as an insult, rather a mere sharing of his view on her path. "To be Sith is not have graduated some Academy, passed the trials and be accepted by the current Order. Especially not when the roots of weakness - compassion, complacency, benevolence, are so deeply rooted in it."

"The only direction a Sith has to take is to embrace the Code and nothing else. Do not be bound and limited by structures and service if you could grow beyond them."

They arrived at the outside walls and a breach, broken stones, man-sized and pebble-sized lay around, many overgrown by local fauna, they were no obstacle. They had been moved, a long time ago, to make space for the last visitors of this place to let them pass and aside from greenery, there was nothing in their way to enter the training courts.

The Imperial Guard Academy's training was structured in various areas, all separated by walls and with different courses and purposes. The one they entered seemed to be rather open, with several pits and ancient tech spread all around, suggesting it was for combat drills, specifically melee combat and hand-to-hand fighting. Stains of rust on the stony floor suggested forgotten and dropped equipped reclaimed by the nature through years of rust and oxidation. Skeletons of droids lay here and there, just as humanoid ones, the bones greened by the eons.

"The Imperial Guard were servants, mindless soldiers that served a specific purpose for the one who created them. Excelling at it, but in the end only slaves of another ones will. Despite some of them Force sensitive, none of them was ever a Sith or could hope to become one. The Dark side only knows those that dominate and those that are dominated."

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Imperius’ words were pointed in a way that might have suggested contempt were it not for his straightforward tone. In that regard, the Dark Lord seemed to speak to her as an overseer might speak to an acolyte. He spoke to her of what it meant to be Sith, emphasizing the traits of passion, ambition, and power. However, Ellissanthia could not help but to register a sense of confusion. Swallowing something invisible in her throat, the Undine wondered why Imperius saw fit to bestow her with such knowledge. Knowledge that she was no longer entitled to.

And yet, in the midst of her contemplation, a thought passed through her mind. Did Imperius believe that she had what it took to be Sith? Ellissanthia frowned, before slightly shaking her head. The Dark Lord had already expressed his contempt for giving failures a second chance. She was certainly no exception to that opinion. Instead, the Undine realized that he was seemingly using her as a sounding board to criticize the modern Sith Order for its perceived weaknesses.

The realization compelled Ellissanthia to blink a few times in quick succession, before briefly glancing away from Imperius. What did he want her to say in response? The Undine cringed at the absurdity of one such as her agreeing with him. A Dark Jedi washout with the gall to openly state that the current rendition of the Sith were weak, stagnant, and lacking in strength! The thought caused her to purse her lips together before exhaling, if only to restrain herself from laughing!

“Yes, my lord.” Ellissanthia replied simply, with all the dignity and poise that she could muster, neither agreeing, nor disagreeing with Imperius’ assessment.

Upon arriving at the outer walls of the academy, Ellissanthia followed Imperius through the breach, taking extra care to watch her step as she did. Since it was clear that the ruins had been disturbed before by others, the Undine remained alert for hazards and traps.

From there, the two entered the training courts, which Ellissanthia regarded with a wide-eyed gaze as she cautiously placed a hand close to her lightsaber. Set before her were obstacle courses, dueling circles (long overgrown with vegetation), training dummies, and ancient droid frames that had since been reclaimed by nature in spite of their synthetic construction.

“In what fashion do you mean that the Imperial Guard were mindless? Were they little more than drones? Or were they by some means bound to the will of another?” Ellissanthia asked as she stepped over the ruined chassis of an ancient training droid.

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Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

Her hesitation and doubt was apparent, her all-encompassing low self-esteem and the value she put on herself, a steady companion. It was almost a tragedy to see someone indoctrinated to servitude, as in, who he did not indoctrinate himself, someone of potential. She had the abilities and guts to be Sith but her mind was occupied with contemplating that she could not and hesitating because she should not. A real shame.

"There was a student once, an acolyte who was consistently underperforming and angering her overseer with insolence and arrogance. Through an unwelcome incident, the student got to a different place and passed her trials. Still not grasping the essence of what it meant to be Sith, even advocating ideals that could be considered treasonous. She even ascended to become a Lord because of gaining favor withe delusional Dark Lord. Her legacy is forgotten now, her impact a stain of false qualities and abused procedure."

"Then there was another student. Never admitted to a Sith Academy, he was an outsider who had been touched by the Dark side. An old Sith introduced him into the Order and another Lord took him as his apprentice. No formal Sith education, no trials and not even a real identity, the new incipient rose to the highest echelons of the Sith Order by being what it meant to be Sith."

"Two different individuals, the same lesson. Sith are not permitted to exist, they claim their place."

"Those who are committed to servitude, will never be Sith. The Imperial Guard was a tool of Darth Vitiate. Elite in Combat, they were not free. Their minds were enslaved and bound to his, forever loyal without question or doubt, even if it meant death. An ultimate application of an absolutely dominating mind and will, amplified through ancient sorcery."

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Ellissanthia came to a halt—almost unconsciously—as Imperius spoke, regaling her with a story. It was a lesson in what it meant to be Sith. And according to the Dark Lord, all it took was to claim oneself as such and successfully defend the title against those who would question it.

Her eyes widened with bewilderment at the realization, azure-hued features manifesting all parts confusion, fear, and disbelief as she tried to wrap her mind around his words. Regardless, Ellissanthia now sensed that Imperius’ statements—teachings—were truly meant for her. She was no longer just a sounding board, but something else entirely.

What that something else was, Ellissanthia could neither say nor imagine.

“We all have our place, my lord.” Ellissanthia answered, her tone diplomatic. “I do not believe that the Sith Order could not have survived for so long, through so many purges, sunderings, and calamities, without those willing and able to serve.” She stated. “If all Sith manifest the relentless ambition that you claim, then how does the Order survive without tearing itself apart? And if becoming Sith is as easy as claiming the title and defending oneself as such, then what prevents those of illegitimate blood from claiming the title?” The Undine asked.

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Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

"The Sith Order survives on this premise for centuries. Sith claim to be Sith, some weaker, some stronger. The stronger dominate the weak and when the weak outnumber the strong, the Order experiences a downturn in its power and sphere of influence. It is how it was in all iterations of the Sith Empire including this one."

"There is no 'legitimate' blood. It is an idiotic ideology, long stripped of any validity and sense. Do you believe only a Zambrano may rule? Or a Talon? Do you think I am an actual descendant of Darth Vitiate? Blood proves nothing, it justifies nothing and it validates nothing for a Sith. The only strength Sith require, is their own, forged in fire and blood."

"I come to think that the education of your sect and your training at the Academy are responsible for your servant status. A waste of resources and potential that is occuring, no doubt, to breed generations of followers and not Sith."

His tone was full of disdain, not towards her, but towards what he saw as wrong. He talked in equal measures about her and the pathetic state he saw the Sith in, lacking purpose, cohesion and discipline to actually educate Sith instead of worshippers, servants and slaves. His hand gestured towards the courtyard, towards what was a training facility once.

"Do you believe the mindflayed, without own will and bound to eternal servitude Imperial Guard is what an Acolyte should be taught to aspire to?"

Her response though, would have to wait. His sentence ended and was highlighted by what could only be described as a cacophony of sound, stones breaking, walls crumbling and footsteps echoing as their presence had alerted a group of Massassi warriors who happened to live here. Now the massive beasts charged at them, swining crude weapons and a warcry on their lips.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Ellissanthia pursed her lips in deep concentration, her wide-eyed gaze meeting that of Imperius as he spoke. The Dark Lord answered each of her points in methodical fashion. However, the Undine could not find herself in agreement with him. Still, she knew better than to openly challenge a Sith Lord. Although she sensed that he desired a dialogue—an exchange of ideas—the prospect of engaging him in such an activity stood at odds with her conditioning. In that regard, it was obvious to both of them that she did not view herself as a colleague to the Dark Lord, but rather, a servant.

In essence, little more than a waste of resources and potential, if Imperius could be considered correct.

“I acknowledge the concept of legitimate blood as referring to those who possess the Blood of the Exiles. Not in the sense of family lines and nobility, such as House Zambrano, Marr, or Talon.” Ellissanthia clarified. “It is a metaphysical understanding of the concept, wherein only those who prove that they are spiritual blood-descendants of the original exiled Dark Jedi who founded the Sith Order can become Sith.” She explained.

"Do you believe the mindflayed, without own will and bound to eternal servitude Imperial Guard is what an Acolyte should be taught to aspire to?"

Ellissanthia widened her eyes by unconscious impulse. Her answer came to mind quickly. However, it was only then that a cacophony of noise broke the conversation. The roar of bestial creatures, the pounding of heavy footfalls, and the thud of falling stone. The Undine turned around then, her arms raised in the Potency battle stance as she leveled her gaze towards the charging Massassi warriors. In doing so, she channeled her passions into her movements, along with the ambient dark side energies perfusing the area.

However, Ellissanthia was careful not to draw too deeply. It would be crude, wasteful sacrilege to damage the Academy while engaging the Massassi. Thus, the Undine narrowed her eyes in concentration as she gathered and modulated her emotions. Then, touching her index and middle fingers together, she extended her left arm towards the largest group of Massassi, at which point a powerful Burst exploded out from her fingers. However, rather than being formed as an expansive sphere of energy, the discharge was instead manifested in the form of a slender line, akin to a beam!

Should it connect, Ellissanthia anticipated that her Burst might catch a number of Massassi within its deliberately limited explosive radius, to physically rip and tear their bodies asunder!

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Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

In the light rain of Yavin 4, the two uneven and unequal companions stood against a storm of muscles and violence that was about to break upon them. The Massassi that were brought here, were a long shot from the original race that was the warrior-caste of the ancient Sith Purebloods. These were mutated beasts, little better than a rancor in their sentience.

Maybe to the surprise or even shock of Ellissanthia, Imperius did not move other than to face into their direction. His gaze followed their every movements, their brutal assault rampaging across and through anything that came in their way. Wielding crude clubs, maces and swords forged from wood, stone, bones and bare metal. Totems and trophies decorated them, some more, some less, usually similar in materials as their weapons.

The mind of the Dark Lord was analysing each ones movement patterns in an instant, his eye for combat and warfare seeing the strengths and weaknesses laid bare like they were presented on a platter. He assessed, measured and concluded. That one that he was more interested in though, was his companion. Her philosophical prowess was lacking, despite her mental one being decent. Now it was time to see if she was capable to embrace a fight.

Her burst inflicted carnage among the approaching Massassi, ripping into the lead one and two behind and crushing bones, organs, brains to a pulp. They did not really stop though, their adrenaline brains carrying them forward several more steps before it realised that the body was dead. An observation that Imperius made and logged for later.

When the gap closed and they were almost upon them, Darth Imperius turned into a flicker of a shadow. He sprinted forward, his instant acceleration difficult to witness if you understood physics and had mortal eyes. Before one of the Massassi could stop or realise he had been stopped, he was dead. Imperius had pulverised his chest with a bloody mess exploding through his back with his bare gauntlet, already moving on to the next one before the first one's brain had realised the catastrophic damage.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Light Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Her burst inflicted carnage among the approaching Massassi, ripping into the lead one and two behind and crushing bones, organs, brains to a pulp. They did not really stop though, their adrenaline brains carrying them forward several more steps before it realised that the body was dead. An observation that Imperius made and logged for later.

Expressively arched eyebrows rose up Ellissanthia’s forehead as she watched the broken bodies of the Massassi she had struck with her Burst run for a few meters more, before collapsing unceremoniously to the ground in the manner of marionettes with their strings cut. Nevertheless, like Imperius, the Undine made note of the observation, keeping it close to the forefront of her mind.

So ingrained were the savage, warlike instincts of the Massassi that their martial reflexes were stored not just inside the brain, but within the body, as well.

In that regard, the remaining Massassi were undaunted by the sudden and explosive deaths of three of their peers, closing the distance with powerful, explosive speed as howling, enraged warcries tore out from their fanged maws. Calling her lightsaber into her grasp via a telekinetic pull, Ellissanthia ignited the weapon to reveal a violet-hued blade thrumming with searing plasma. At the same time, the Undine extended her right hand towards a group of Massassi who were charging directly towards her, before unleashing a controlled burst of pressurized air out from the palm just as her targets came within a few meters of her position.

However, rather than sending the Massassi flying or outright caving in their chests, the burst instead caused them to stagger and stumble. Ellissanthia immediately seized the initiative, her lightsaber striking in a crosswise slash to bisect one of the beasts from shoulder to hip in a diagonal sai tok, followed by a second strike that promptly bisected a warrior through its torso. With her targets severed in twain, their physical integrity was entirely compromised, leaving little that could be sustained solely on ingrained muscle memory. Thus, the severed halves simply fell to the ground, before landing in the sand in a series of wet thunks.

All the while, Imperius’ abrupt explosion of speed did not escape Ellissanthia’s notice, the sight briefly compelling her mouth into an O shape as the Dark Lord pulverized a hapless Massassi’s chest with a bare gauntlet! Momentarily distracted by the visceral display of seemingly impossible, transhuman prowess, one of the Massassi took advantage of the Undine’s stupor to close the distance, its crude greatblade rising over its head before being brought down in an attempt to vertically bisect its target.

Fortunately, Ellisanthia had more than enough speed of her own to draw upon.

She dived in low towards the charging Masssassi, her lightsaber moving in a violet flash to sweep through the beast's legs in a delimbing strike. Deprived of its legs, her would-be killer dropped unceremoniously to the ground, before being swiftly finished off with a violet-hued blade plunged into the base of its skull!


Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

The crude blade was rammed hilt deep into the chest of the Massassi, his face offering a mixture of disbelief, surprise and not understanding of what just had happened. How did his weapon end up in the squeakers hand and then his chest? It was impossible, was it not? He was the chief of the house, he was ... he was ... . He was dead. That is what he was, the realisation just required several seconds to creep into the tiny brain of his and spread the information.

Darth Imperius was not even valuing their enemies enough to use his own weapons, despite his lightsaber offering a passive aura of pain while his greatsword screamed in hunger, he dispatched them with his own hands and their weapons. It was not sport and no pleasure, it simply was slaughter to the Sith, necessary like climbing over an obstacle to reach the destination.

The rest of them fell to his ferocity and her skills. It was a rather short but intense affair that had occupied them for about two minutes. Seventeen Massassi had attacked them, all coming in at about two and a half to three and a half meters tall, three to four hundred kilograms of muscles and thick hide yet no brains or notable intelligence to work with. They were savages and just like savages, they slaughtered them.

His fists were still clenched, blood, bone splinters and worse covering the gauntlets and dripping from them. His armor had received no hit other than stains, same with the crimson cloth that got only darker where it was touched by the fluids explosively removed from their enemies. But he stood very still, unmoved and no panting or post-battle fatigue would be visible outside the armor.

It was a mixture of focusing and thinking in fact. He considered the Massassi value and their history and if it was actually worth recreating them.

Yet his helmeted gaze slightly turned towards her. "Are you injured?" The question was most likely not posed out of care for her well-being but to understand if his travel companion would remain such.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Heavy Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Three more of the Massassi charged Ellissanthia as she pulled her lightsaber out from the skull of the beast she had slain only seconds prior. The Undine deactivated the weapon and reattached it to her belt, before shifting her arms into the Potency battle stance. Then, with a sharp grunt, she tapped into the dark side and extended her hands towards the advancing warriors.

Seeing that the area surrounding the trio of charging beasts was relatively open and lacked anything of particular value beyond sand and stone, Ellissanthia gave a low snarl as she drew deeper from her reserves. This time, she would not have to hold back.

Bringing her hands together, Ellissanthia projected them towards the trio of howling Massassi. A powerful Burst launched out from her palms in a cascading sphere of white-hot Force energy, racing towards the beasts with such blistering speed that it caused the air to ripple and crack. On impact, the sphere went off in a medium-sized telekinetic explosion, ripping the warriors apart from the outside inward to send limbs, vitae, viscera, and gobbets of flesh flying in nearly all directions. In only a second, the three Massassi were reduced to little more than smears on the sand, interspersed only with chunks of flesh and scattered bits of metal from their weapons and armor.

Scanning across the scene, Ellissanthia turned around to find that Imperius had inflicted much the same degree of destruction. However, the Dark Lord had done so only with his gauntleted fists rather than with the aid of the Force.

An onlooker would have been shocked and terrified by the displays from both individuals. But to Ellissanthia, the realization that the Dark Lord had wrought such devastation without picking up a weapon, with seemingly minimal usage of the Force, and with no visible exhaustion, brought no small amount of dread, her brows rising up her forehead with equal parts awe and terror as her mind processed the implications of such a terrific feat.

Yet his helmeted gaze slightly turned towards her. "Are you injured?" The question was most likely not posed out of care for her well-being but to understand if his travel companion would remain such.

Ellissanthia quickly gathered herself, her expression returning to a more restrained set as she turned to face Imperius. “No, my lord. I am not.” The Undine answered, her breath heavy with exertion. “I will recover.” She added, as the rain pelted against her visor, slightly picking up in intensity.

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Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

She had performed quite well in his opinion. Massassi were not known for their peaceful ways and their physique usually offered them a good standing in combat before applying any skills, intelligence and technology. They had been bred for it, even though these were much more savage and unintelligent than the once glorious warrior-caste. Her training in the Eclipse Sect was proving reliable, a solid foundation.

"You are fighting more unchained than you are thinking. Swift, precise, explosive but I reckon a prolonged fight is not within your capabilities. Tell me about your approach to combat."

The apparent tension from his body was gone, if there was ever any or rather, if there was ever not tension. It was a switch so subtle that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. Of course he released his clenched fists and looked towards the destination once more, but there was more to it, a mental lock that was put on again that made the being of Imperius appear more reserved and measured.

His figure started to move on, drenched in blood and bodily remnants and not caring, he moved further through the training yard. The light rain provided some cleaning but other than leave a trail of thinned blood, it did not do much to actually make his dark plates become clean once more. It also did not shut up the voiceless scream of hunger from his blade that lingered at the edge of the senses, demanding to be satisfied.

"Who is training you now?"

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Heavy Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

As the rain came down with more intensity, Ellissanthia removed her helmet, the device collapsing into the back of her neck with distinct hiss as the pressure seal was released. She then allowed the downpour to wash over her, the water seeping into her hair and providing additional moisture to her skin. Even with the dermal hydration system which had been installed into her bodysuit to keep her skin hydrated as necessitated by the demands of her physiology, the additional moisture came as stark relief, especially given the exertion of the fight.

Imperius spoke then, at which point Ellissanthia, her hair slick and dripping with wetness, shifted her attention towards the Dark Lord in dutiful fashion.

“Your observation is...correct, my lord. My abilities can be quite demanding.” Ellissanthia acknowledged. “That said, I favor the use of Force forms.” The Undine continued. “Potency and Affinity are the ones I use the most frequently. I have trained with Mastery, but I have yet to engage in a live scenario where it would have been practical to use.” She explained.

As she spoke, Imperius began to move on, compelling Ellissanthia to follow. All the while, her senses tingled with the rich, heady scent of blood and viscera that was thick in the air. The Undine allowed herself to embrace the sensation for a moment longer, before gently squeezing the excess water out of her hair and redonning her helmet, which quickly expanded to encompass her head.

“I am an Adept, so my formal training under the Sect is considered to be complete.” Ellissanthia said. “Thus, my current training is self-guided.” She explained.


Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

He listened to her elaborations, naturally his helmet not offering any reactive expressions, neither did his tone. But it would be a lie if he said he wasn't interested in her. She was a challenge. Not as a fighter, but as a follower or more. Her conditioning and indoctrination made her absolutely chained to duty and service, while her potential could be vastly more than that.

There was the ego stroking chance to make her overcome that. To lead her out of her petty existence and make her Sith, even if she believed she was not worth it. It would be a triumph, menial, but nevertheless intriguing to achieve. Few deserved to be called Sith, fewer even understood the value of lacking pride.

That she was training herself was another pity. Training alone usually refined ones flaws, not removed them. Especially when you were not on the higher end of skill.

"Why do you fight?"

They proceeded through the training grounds and approached old structures that surrounded the central pyramid, small buildings that built a chain around the central construction. Meant to house armouries and barracks.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Heavy Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

The downpour continued unabated as the two pressed deeper into the ruins, before soon coming up on the network of buildings that surrounded the central obelisk. From what Ellissanthia could deduce, they were barracks, armories, and various other structures. Her gaze shifted from one building to another as she passed them by, her senses remaining on high alert as she kept them primed for potential traps and ambushes.

However, at an unexpected moment, Imperius spoke again, his voice deep and rumbling, yet slightly raised in question. Ellissanthia’s eyebrows rose up her forehead as she contemplated his question, but she did not need to mull over her response for long. Instead, the bulk of her attention was fixated upon something else. Even with the unreadable mask that was the Dark Lord’s expression and manner, his curiosity towards her was evident and obvious.

Unfortunately, not even for the sake of the Sith’ari could she fathom why he seemed so interested in her.

“For my ambitions.” Ellissanthia began, which she had stated previously. “That and...I was chosen for this life, by the Sith.” The Undine continued. ”Failure that I am, I can not imagine myself on another path.” She finished.

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