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Private Academy of Sacrifice


Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

He was curious in her. He hated wasted potential and ridiculous indoctrination. Not that he was not making use of it himself, but only to servants that would not rise anywhere, that would be limited to doing his bidding. And Sith never were servants or slaves. Certainly she was no Sith and was utterly conditioned to believe she was not. A tragic mind blockade that could unleash a powerful member of the Order if removed. To test and trial her mind with simple questions, showed an attention and interest that might reinforce more than mere confidence and pride. Or not. It did not cost him anything to converse with the Undine.

And if it would not work, the Heir at least had knowledge of someone and potentially even their support in a dire situation. It was a game which he could not lose.

The focus was ahead, the Academy grounds were so far quite unimpressive, with the Massassi attack still being the most notable event that took place, the most interesting as well. A sad statement, he had hoped for more of a remnant of a feeling here. Everyone who walked this place had their mind touched and imprinted by Vitiate and followed him to death and beyond. But there was no residue, no leftovers in the rocks and roots of the place so far. A disappointment.

"There is no leftover of the touch of Darth Vitiate here so far. His Guard was entirely imprinted with his will and spirit, trained here for generations but nothing is left so far. Hundreds walked this path, excelled even in combat, leadership and discipline and the only legacy they left is a mixture of infamy and nothing. The best soldiers, skilled warriors, disciplined enforcers and they have no part, no ambition and no legacy in history. Forgotten, buried and lost. Pathetic."

It was an apparent change of subject towards their mission ahead. But Imperius, while claiming to be more than apathetic towards double-meanings, schemes and political talk, was pursuing more than that. It was an echo of herself what he described, at least, how he perceived her standing and mindset. If she would find herself in the words, the Eclipse warrior might see the futility of her pursuit, the hollowness of ambitions pursued in servitude.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Heavy Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

The rain pattered loudly against her helmet’s visor, the sky above darkening as thunder rumbled, then cracked in the distance. Nevertheless, Ellissanthia spared it only a brief glance before clambering over a fallen pillar in her path, her gaze set on the obelisk ahead.

However, when Imperius spoke, she shifted her attention back towards him. The double-meaning in his words did not escape her, the implication that she would be forgotten, buried, and lost just as the Imperial Guard were now a sobering, yet comforting thought. Such a fate would mean that she had forsaken herself utterly in furtherance of the dream. What use would there be in remembering an impure, sin-ridden failure such as her in the perfect galaxy that was to come?

Ellissanthia looked to the towering form of Darth Imperius then, and though cowed by his indomitable stature, believed that he too, would one day be forgotten.

“Our objective was to seek out a remnant of Darth Vitiate, then.” Ellissanthia spoke up after a pause. “Is this entire location not exactly that?” She inquired.


Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

He offered a nod. A silent gesture that was accompanied by his plates being hit by the heavy rain, drenching his cape now in a color that made it even darker of a red. Yet it also offered a certain cleaning, washing down blood and stains from the previous where he stood, small lines of water running down his figure and gathering in small pools at his feet, tainted by the red of the blood.

"It is one of the two reasons coming to Yavin. I am aware that other Sith dwelled here and had their influences, but they are of no interest to me right now. Darth Vitiate was here and left two interesting places - this Academy and the nearby Temple of Sacrifice. I had hoped that the Academy would yield more of a reminiscent touch, but I doubt it will even at its center."

Imperius moved on. Even as they approached the very center of the pyramid, the humid air was only filled with the vibrant presence of the moon's darkness itself, but nothing else. There was nothing personal to it, a faintest echo of brutality and marks of death, but nothing else. It was a shame but also not disastrous. His hopes were placed on the Temple, not the Academy.

"The Force offers insight to past and present, if you know what to look for. It may be difficult to find, but there places and locations rarely forget major impacts of the Force and it leaves a trace, a scent, sometimes even an imprint on it. Some Sith will pursue ancient knowledge without care for purpose, some Sith will pursue purpose without care for knowledge. Always at odds, everyone has to find their own path. The Dark side wields as much in the present as it does in the past, for anyone who is brave enough to wield it."

It was loud musings, maybe even just an inner monologue turned verbal. Certainly unusual that he offered an insight to his thoughts to someone random but he neither felt her as a threat, nor as a unworthy. He actually pitied her for the conditioning and mind-numbing indoctrination she had suffered, it was not occupying any worthwhile emotions or brain processes, but when his thought wandered to who he was with, it was primarily pity that came to his mind.

"How do you pursue existence in service if you have powers, ambitions and understanding that separate you from the masses and even many Sith?"

They moved on, taking another way out of the Academy grounds, a long column flanked path that seemed to have been the main entrance. Weathered statues stood between the columns, many broken, many eroded past recognition, some cowled and hooded, some broken sword laying next to them.

Location: Abandoned Imperial Guard Academy - Yavin 4
Time: Early Morning
Weather: Heavy Rain
Tag: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius

Ellissanthia batted her eyes in surprise at the mention of the Temple. She knew that the mere act of an impure Dark Jedi stepping foot in such a sacred location—an ancient Sith temple—might be viewed as sacrilege by some. Sith temples were the domain of the Sith, after all. Their secrets were not to be shared with outsiders or those who lacked purity of blood. However, in this context, the Undine could not refuse Imperius’ direction. Had she known in advance that a visit to the Temple was possible, she might have undertaken a ritual of purification or even subjected herself to flagellation.

Instead, she would have to make do with prayer and contrition.

"How do you pursue existence in service if you have powers, ambitions and understanding that separate you from the masses and even many Sith?"

“My existence in service is a privilege.” Ellissanthia answered. “No matter my power, ambition, or understanding, I, a sin-ridden creature of impure blood, have been elevated beyond my rightful place as it already is.” The Undine continued. “For me to ask for more when I have already been given so much would be to commit the mortal sins of ingratitude and gluttony.” She finished.

Sensing that the matter was resolved for the moment, Ellissanthia followed Imperius out of the Academy grounds, walking past ancient, weathered statues and fallen pillars as she did. All the while, the Undine fell quiet, an inaudible prayer flowing from her lips as the Temple of Sacrifice loomed larger in the distance.

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Yavin 4 | Temple of Sacrifice
Ellissanthia Ellissanthia

"Sin. Impurity." He audibly scoffed with disdain. "Words only fanatics could use to describe other for the sole purpose of elevating their own inflated egos. You are not unworthy because of where you come from but because of the narrow minded thinking you maintain and pursue, limited by moronic dogma and infused by idiotic indoctrination."

"A legacy of servants, slaves and mongrels inbred in the dungeons of a lost Empire. It is a disgrace for anyone claiming to be Sith."

He marched on, his step longer and faster to cover the distance, now truly not caring if she could or would keep up. There was a fuse, a timer on this Sith Order and it would blow up as it had done before, again and again due to the pathetic instances and machinations that were implemented by the ilk of the weak. Imperius would elevate the strong and eradicate the weak, but if some among the strong were too blind to see reality, that not petty bureaucracy, false legacy or wavering authority were the standards, but the Force alone. Only the Dark side and who could draw power from it could hope to wield it.

The empty babbling of mindless servants was what he expected from those that were bred for the purpose of being mindless servants, not from those that were pushed into servitude because of artificial reasons to cull those that could pose a threat. But the Sith were too stubborn and blind to see their mistakes, pride the driving factor of their policies. Clinging to the last grip to hold onto their power.

There were Jedi Purges. There needed to be a Sith Purge.


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