Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Accents of the Galaxy?

Tegaea Alcori said:
See how many variations of accent and language we have on one imagine a million planets and all the possible combinations!

But yes, the Empire always had British accents. Sounded more villainous perhaps? :p
Not this again... The British always stereotyped as the old-school villains in films ;~; <3
I believe the imperials were British because the British accent is also seen as proper. While the Republic/Rebellion goes with freedom and independence(America). The Empire if seen from their point of view was all about order and rules, basically keeping themselves prim and proper (Britain).
Svarin Wolfbane said:
Cathars (Juhani ) had Russian accents
So that was her accent? No wonder I liked her so much.

Nemoidians are kinda Japanese. Toydarians are sorta Jewish. Hutts always felt like Mexican drug lords. I'm pretty sure the Utapauans are like...some kind of Swiss analogue. I think Ewoks are supposed to be an analogy or Eastern seaboard Native American tribes.

Aleidis Zrgaat

Young soul from an older generation.
Mentally, I write Aleidis' lines as having a slight Parisian lilt, because she's essentially been written as a sort of Joan of Arc figure. It's faint enough that I don't actually put cues for it in her dialog, though.

My Sith has a Cockney accent, because that's just funny to me.
Fabula used to have a little Italo-Sicilian lilt, but she didn't spend long enough on Dathomir to perpetuate it.

This is entirely Aleidis' fault, but Codi has a Southern drawl. I dunno if it's Texan or Georgian.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Mr. Ash has a voice that imagine as sounding like a gravelly, soft, west-coast sort of thing.

Vorhi probably has a slightly Scandinavian accent when explaining his techniques, due to spending ten years studying Teras Kasi-related customs, which are almost entirely Finnish in language origin.

Olom Grihk I imagine to have an high, nasal quality, but with so much apathy, it borders on insanity.

Olidiv has a booming, theatrical voice akin to BRIAN BLESSED!!!

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