Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aces and Eights

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Adiara Drelas"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

Oh it was such a lovely day, Matsu was looking out at the lake from the temple where they had set up. One of the mountain temples that were designed and fitted to house defense force pilots with their fighters. In this case well they had restored one of the older ones and there was a chance several of the pilots who were sitting there ready to work on things with them would be getting a chance to try out this.... This suit as Matsu rose up and was looking at the designed flight suit with compacted and hardened duraplast plating to go over the synthmeshed suit itself as it all pulsed with the lightside of the force. They had designed it for jedi aces to get the best from it with the calming crystals that enhance ones connection to the force and allow them in the most stressful situation to be calm and collected. To the emergency unit and helmet that has been designed for them to specifically and all were made to fit the pilot themselves. Specialized, compacted with everything built into it so they would be able to have a few extra features like the special oxygen recycler that increased their own internal supply exponentially. For a jedi it could last even longer with sustenance and breath control. "Alright, lets go and see the pilots we have hopefully been able to get up and ready." matsu was looking at the Phenex Class Jedi Star Fighter they had set up on the runway and it was a nice sight.


Image Source: Google Search Compacted EVA Suit

Intent: To Continue the Sasori jedi class robe series
Development Thread: (The main way people work for their toys, though most submissions don't require a development thread. Restricted items require specific development threads. Substantial development threads can help judges approve more powerful submissions. If in doubt, put 'If necessary,' and a judge may or may not ask you for one. Threads cited here must be at least 10 quality posts.)
Manufacturer: Sasori Research
Model: Sasori Robe Series
Affiliation: Jedi ace
Modularity: N/A
Production: Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs)

Sasori SynthMesh
Sasori Synthweave
Hardened Duraplast
Tensai Components
Magno Clasp
Jedi Ace Helmet
Oxygen Regulator
Micro Thrusters
Jedi Ace Emergency Unit
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 7.5kg
Quality: 10
Special Features:

Restricted to Lightside users
Recoils Darksiders
Built in Oxygen Recycler
Micro Boosters
Built for EVA
Advanced Flight Suit
Superior Lightsaber protection
Superior melee protection
Superior Energy protection
Designed to Work with Jedi Starfighters
Vulnerable to SOnic Attacks
Vulnerable to Kinetic Attacks
Description: Designed as a compacted and skillful EVA Flightsuit that was being set to function for jedi aces specifically. The sasori synthmesh designed to be used with other materials has been developed with a duraplast weave into it and a series of plates on it. Adding more weight for the thrusters and oxygen that is built in for emergencies if their ships fail. The suit itself aside from being synthmesh with duraplast is standard with seals for vacuum, a helmet with polarized visor as well as focused mesh gloves. The work they have been doing for some of the advances to allow neural reaction and connection to fighters or ships keep a small ring within it so they can connect to ships in their helmets. The helmet, oxygen recycler and micro thrusters make the flightsuit an advanced model for the jedi aces allowing them to have some of the most advanced equipment to work with and one of the fastest starfighters in the galaxy.
Primary Source:
Sasori SynthMesh
Sasori Synthweave
Tensai Components
Magno Clasp

Sasori Amulet
Sigil of Hope
Sasori Circlet
Murr Earrings

Jedi Ace Helmet
Oxygen Regulator
Micro Thrusters
Phenex Class Jedi Star Fighter
Jedi Ace Emergency Unit
He had woken far earlier than he would have liked. The sun, in fact, had not even begun to rise, not that it made a difference to the man who lived most of his life in the void of space. Mia was stationed in one of the hangars, safely tucked away after he landed her the night before.

He had barely slept. Barely did when some place new. No change there. The Temple was rather accommodating, truth be told, and the higher altitude had fresh air coursing through and around him. Since waking he had been provided with a hearty breakfast, and then handed his uniform for the day.

How long had it been since he'd needed a flight suit?

The thought almost made him laugh. Long before most of these Jedi were born. A fact he liked to remind himself of every now and then. It made him feel old. It made them seem like swaddling babes. Didn't matter though, did it.

Adiara was not a Jedi. There was no mistake to be had there. He didn't even really use the Force, not in any conscious way at least, but his senses were unnaturally heightened as were his reflexes. Perfect for a spacer. And anyway, now that he worked for the Silvers he figured it was best he chipped in.

Force knew what the Master - Matsu - actually had planned for them this day. All he knew was that they were to test the flight suits via the provided Fighter. He was amazed at how well it fit him, the suit that was.

Truly they were lucky he leaned toward the light. Had he been some rogue Sith Lord who had somehow managed to worm his way into the Silvers then this would not have worked for him. But he wasn't, so it did.

He sat alongside several others, patiently awaiting the arrival of Matsu so that the day of testing could commence.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​

For the record, I make this flight suit look good.

The Nautolan teen was suited. The first test of any outfit being how well it held up to dancing.

Why would a pilot need to be able to dance in his or her flightsuit?

Slap yourself with a trout. What kind of question was that!? One dances for one simple reason: Because they can.

Loud pop music poured from out of the HoloBoy Advanced that the green-skinned teen had hitched to his belt. Were the others trying to sit quietly? Meditate perhaps?

The hell with that idea.

...this was precisely the reason he'd left the Jedi Order behind him. Life wasn't meant to be quiet. Life wasn't meant to be still. Life was a dance.

Now let's see what [member="Matsu Ike"] has for him to tango with.

Preferably before [member="Adiara Drelas"] becomes too much of a music critic.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Adiara Drelas"] [member="Zak Dymo"]

She was looking at the two of them while she sstood there with a look. They both seemed to have been adjusting to the flight suits. Form fitted and made to be lightweight compared to many of the things or suits she had seen. Large bulky and could endanger the pilots while the custom fitted helmets that they got to use when the fighters were out there on the landing pad. MAtsu was walking over towards the two of them though with a look at Zak who she knew and there was some of the jelly beans provided for him along wiht snack cakes. Some food before she began speaking to present from the hardlight the fighter, suit and them. "Welcome to the skyhold, one of the ancient fighter locations for defending the imperial city. it isn't much but it houses most of the atmospheric fighters for the planet." She waited and... "Thankfully the fighters you have to use are designed for all around from deep space to under the ocean. A sealed aquatic fighter like the Mon Calimari have but designed with a higher performance engine, stronger lightweight body and frame, modular weapon bay and to not waste time a high class military grade hyperdrive for getting around. Even the colors can be changed with the flip of a switch and turn of a small dial to whatever scheme you want or could need." The hardlight image was looking at many of the things. "It also is laced with a force enhancing weave that allows a force using pilot to expand their minds outwards and to connect with the ship. THe flightsuit is an extension of that allowing the user to be part of the ship and if anything should happen it is sturdy enough to eject out while providing the protection only wintrium can provide."
"Welcome to the blah blah blah..."

This is what people sounded like.

"...blah blah Force enhancing blah blah..."

Imagine listening to that all day.

"Force enhancing, got it," the teen echoed vapidly, mostly for the sake of wanting to appear as though he was paying attention. Every few seconds, he'd nod and utter an "uh huh" just to fire for effect. It was a survival mechanism well drilled into him from his Jedi Academy days.

Feth's sake. Were they here to attend a lecture or what?

"So... when we gonna go up?" the youth inquired wistfully.

Enough with the talk. It was time to shut up and drive.

[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Adiara Drelas"]​
Arisa didn't consider herself an ace, but she knew her way around a yoke. So when Master Ike called for some volunteers to test new equipment, she decided to lend a hand. It presented an opportunity to test some hardware of her own. Outside of live combat, there was no better venue to put her new fighter through its paces on behalf of the Kiribian government.

After parking her fighter at the
skyhold with the rest, she assembled with the other volunteers to obtain a flight suit for trials. At first glance, it didn't look all that special to her, but as she held it, she could feel the material emanating with Force energy. She was left with a sensation akin to basking in gentle sunlight.

That sensation continued as she slipped into the suit, a pleasant buzz washing over her. For a time, she just sat back, mostly free of the morbid thoughts that had plagued her mind for the past few weeks following Kashyyk. If nothing else, she immediately found the suit useful for clearing her head. She took her time exiting the locker room to meet with Ike, relishing the relief that the Force-imbued materials brought her.

When she joined the group, she found Ike already addressing a couple people present. Quietly, she took her position beside them while trying not to interrupt any discussion.

[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Adiara Drelas"]
Music blared from the young lad closest to him, and he closed his eyes with an exhale of breath. What was it with kids these days? Didn't they know what it was to sit in silence and enjoy ones own company without needing constant bombardment and entertainment?

To each their own, he supposed. Let the kid enjoy his... Moment.

It did not take long for their host to arrive, explaining more about the area they were in, the suits they wore, the ships they would be piloting. An interesting model to say the least, one Adiara wouldn't mind adding to his collection. If you can class on ship as a collection... After all, Mia was his baby and she needed no other vessel.

Still... A subatmospheric vessel... That would be helpful...

Adiara could tell the young nautolan was not at all paying attention. He wondered if the Jedi could too, or if she was too absorbed in the moment to realize. Didn't matter to him, if the kid didn't want to listen then any difficulties he got into were his own doing. Survival of the fittest, and all that... If he chooses not to listen, then that's his downfall.

Not a very Jedi like mentality. Then again, Adi wasn't a Jedi.

"I must say, Master Jedi, that the suit is a rather snug fit... Yet it does not feel as though I'm being weighed down by equipment and material. How you managed it, I have no idea."

[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Adiara Drelas"]

Oh a question and she would get to explain even more of it to them all here. There was a look on her face when she saw Arisa arrive with Zak well Zak was being Zak and he might not always pay attention but he had an amazing self preservation method. "The suits use more dispersed parts in them allowing it to be around the entire suit then just in a heavy pack you are wearing. The materials used are designed to be very lightweight but use aged wintrium that has been force enhanced so it is strong and allows some of the finest skills within the force. THe majority of the equipment as well is designed the same way lightweight and combining the technology to save space." She was looking over it and some of the others while showing the fighters on the area. "When you are ready, make sure you are all geared up and manuals on in the fighters. You have clearance for the mountains but the city in the north is not where we can fly. THe lakes if you want to practice are there as well, the flightsuits can handle the pressure."

It wasn't enough that Matsu wanted to talk them to death... she actually expected them to READ, too!?

Who the feth does that?

Matsu Ike. That's who.

"Mountains. Lake. Avoid the city," the boy uttered, summarizing what seemed the only parts of any of that worth listening to. Seriously, he wanted the last five or ten minutes of his life back.

And now he had a starfighter to pilot.

Making his way down to where the starfighters were waiting, the boy crawled up into the cockpit and started looking over the controls. Should he have researched what some of these controls did? Probably. Did he know what he was doing? Not exactly. Was he going to just wing it? Absolutely.

...but first, where the hell was the subspace radio on this bith?

[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Adiara Drelas"] | [member="Arisa Yune"]​
He rolled out of bed. He rolled onto the cold metal floor, the com link attached to his wall driving him crazy. He kept forgetting to disable it when he slept and constantly this happened. He crawled to his feet, the dull beeps from T3 mocking him. He loved the Ebon Hawk, and a little change of pace would always be beautiful. He'd been arguing and fighting family for weeks, he needed a break. He needed something to distract him.

It very much looked like Matsu had him covered.

He loved old friends, most of them were good contacts to have in the future, and the brief he'd been given made it look even better. He was getting paid to fly a ship, he was getting a free ship for flying. He was down for that, even if he had to rent a hanger somewhere to keep the free ship. He cackled slowly to himself, the Hawk dropping from Hyperspace. He needed to buy a cruiser or something, somewhere to store all these ships. A private hanger or a cruiser.

Alright, now he wanted a cruiser.

He half trusted T3 to guide them into the location given, but he was going to change from his space pig boxers or at least cover them before he moved up to the cockpit.

He changed quickly, a plain white tunic and some plain black trousers, sliding his jacket on after. He felt the ship bump to a stop, and he laughed. He'd expected T3 to need a hand, the droid was getting good. He wasn't Noriko good, but he was getting good. Kei stepped from the ship quickly, ducking into the talk from Matsu only about half way through. He was amazing at turning up late at least.

He listened quickly, smirking, heading down to the ships. He kinda liked them, they were good ships. He'd only flown a few starfighters in his time, so he was looking forward to this, and he smirked as he climbed into one of the ships. His mind was on auto pilot, his mind was very much on auto pilot as his fingers danced, instantly opening coms with the other fighters in the area. He wanted to make sure he wasn't about to die.

"Alright lads, lasses. Who here thinks we should try and fly formation? We can do this all proper like, it'll be fun."

He chuckled, closing coms just after. He'd get any reply, but he needed to focus and learn how to fire this thing up.

[member="Zak Dymo"]
[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Adiara Drelas"]
[member="Arisa Yune"]

Roth Tillian

Roth had swaggered up to the party, flight jacket unbottoned and hanging loose over his utility belt. He caught the entire speech, eyeing the various other pilots. One seemed old. At least, he felt old. The looks he was giving the younger Nautolan certainly seemed like an old person look, rather resigned and disappointed. The Nautolan was... an adolescent. That was something Roth really couldn't blame him for, given the fact he reminded Roth quite a bit of himself at that age. Reckless, restless, and not interested in listening. Traits that held true for many species in that age range.

The Susefvi pilot kept listening as [member="Matsu Ike"] gave her speech. He paid attention, clicking away details ranging from the flight-suit to flight authorization. The authorization was important, and he took one of the manuals for the fighter. He didn't think he needed them when he was younger, but he'd matured. The manual listed specifics, controls, and more importantly, the max parameters of the craft. If he knew what the accepted safety parameters for the ship were, that told him what he could push and how far he could push the ship.

He pulled on the flight-suit, moving around, running through his lightsaber velocity. Slowly, without the lightsaber, and primarily to test its movement. It was light, exceptionally so even, he could barely feel it. What were the plates though? Closer examination revealed them to be duraplast. Duraplast on a flight suit! One that he could barely feel the weight on, either. It was incredible. He dropped the helmet on his head, impressed by the fit. It was quite impressive, to say the least. Very comfortable and connected with the suit, well, it was the most impressive flight-suit he'd ever seen.

But there was still the fighter. He strode over and slung himself up in the cockpit, comparing the manual with the reality and double checking them all so he knew where they were. It would take a while to get to the point that it was instinctive, but this was a test. Mostly of the flight-suit, but testing the Jedi starfighter would be fun too.

Wearing the suit was strange, rather like swimming in the sea outside Yumfla on a sunny day. Warm and gentle, but cool and refreshing at the same time. A Force imbued flight suit. Who would have thought of such a thing? He powered up the engine, feeling the ship vibrate beneath him. Lots of power then, but how would it handle the power?

"Copy that," Roth added, in response to [member="Kei Garnik"] and his comm call. "Let's start nice and slow in formation before working on more advanced tests. See how well these suits interface with the fighters. Anyways, Captain Roth Tillian, GADF, joint service through the NJO. Pleasure to fly with you all."

[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Adiara Drelas"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

With one sharp nod in the direction of Matsu, Adiara rose from his seat and headed out toward the hangar which housed the fighters in question. Manual, got it. Mountains good, waters good, City bad... Maybe this Zak kid had the right idea about keeping his attentions short and sweet. Not that this particular Spacer would be admitting as much any time soon!

As he reached the ship he clambered on inside and spent a good ten or so minutes flicking through the manual. Basic stuff, if admittedly things he hadn't had to think about since his days in the Medi-Corps.

Long time ago now, isn't it? Let us see if it returns to you or not, Drelas... Such a fine vessel, I'd hate for it to end up squashed into the mountainside...

But he spent so much time in Mia, so much time trekking through the unpaved reaches of space, that he sincerely doubted he would mishandle this beauty.

His comms blared then, a voice making itself known. Formation? Pah! Adiara had never really had to fly in formation before, that was for the fancier pilots. Adiara just went with his gut most of the time. He shook his head, despite knowing that they couldn't see him, before settling his helmet in place.

"No can do, fellas. I have my heart set on the bottom of the lake... And I'm not much of a synchronized swimmer..."

As an after thought, after all it had been so long since he'd had to deal with others... This team nonsense, honestly, the Silvers would be the death of him... He added a short "Stay safe out there."

Then he cut his comms entirely.

He was a lone free ranger! He had to be in his element, and that meant no distractions from pesky kids and their music or chummy guys looking to prove themselves. Just Adiara, the ship, and whatever lay beneath the closest lake. That would do him just fine!

[member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Kei Garnik"] [member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
Who made a ship in this day and age without a stereo?


A starfighter this advanced should have six speakers, minimum. Not including tweeters for the highs and a subwoofer behind the seat. Instead, what did it have? What was he working with here?

Jack and chit. That's what.

Oh sure, it had a subspace radio with encrypted multiplex DAMA handing protocols, but what good was a radio if you didn't have the power or the speakers to use it? You know, as an actual radio and not just something you talk into once in a blue moon.

So, for all the time he'd spent in the cockpit, the teen hadn't actually accomplished much. Instead, he'd pulled out his HoloBoy Advanced, pulled some wiring from out of an emergency patch kit inside the cockpit, and then bypassed the comm unit to plug the media device into the comlink speakers of the flight helmet.

This just became the most epic clunky set of headphones of all time.

Matsu Ike, you're welcome.

With that done, the boy reached down and tapped the play button on the HoloBoy that was now taped down on the dashboard.​

Head bopping to the beat of the music, the boy swayed back and forth within the confines of the cockpit as he started orienting himself to the less important aspects of this endeavor.

For example... how the feth did you start this thing?

As the boy was pensively contemplating which little red button he should not push, as opposed to which little red button he should push, he overheard some chatter over the comm about formations, and synchronized swimming, and a man from GADF. Which, how the hell was that even pronounced? Gaff? Gad-ph?

"I'm Zak," the boy answered, with a half-hearted wave. Seriously, these guys were talking about synchronized swimming. What kind of squadron of boring old people had Matsu saddled him anyway?

"About that formation," the Nautolan began, drawing in a long breath as he thought about a tactful way of telling these people to hell with their formation.

"Yeah... no."

[member="Adiara Drelas"] | [member="Roth Tillian"] | [member="Kei Garnik"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Adiara Drelas"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Kei Garnik"]

Matsu was looking at them and they were certainly a colllection of rogues and misfits but well they weren't trying to make them into a whole squad to undergo a top secret mission. They were testing out a flightsuit with its upgrades and the ship it would be mainly used in. So bonus for her while she went to the main console there to watch and display it where the probe droids were scanning to show the larger operations area. She could watch the fighters and... Why did it seem there was some feedback and music in ak's ship? She was curious but the kid knew what he was doing usually... she would have to make sure they hadn't been raided for all of the snack cakes and jelly beans. The others seemed primed and ready though while she spoke. "When you are ready start up the ships and you can head out. No shadow bombs for the test but there are some drones you can track and test fire on."
"Alright, I get the hint"

He chuckled slowly, closing the coms again, listening to people introduce themselves. These people didn't know him, chances are he'd never see any of them again. He would never see any of them, and as such why would they need to know anything about him. He smirked again under the visor, fingers still dancing across the controls. He'd finally admitted he needed help, turning to the manual for that help. These ships were complex.

He wasn't complaining, they were pretty nice ships. Finally he come across the main engine panel, smiling. It wasn't really that different to The Ebon Hawk in the start up regard, probably a little quicker and less liable to have something explode when he started it but still. It was comfy, almost sponge like, but it wasn't the Hawk. The Hawk was his, something he'd made his, the curve of his backside was proper imprinted on the chair.

He still wanted a cruiser to store all these ships.

He chuckled to himself. The flight suit was comfy, that was the main thing to test here. It was one of the best flight suits he'd ever worn, alright it was the only flight suit he'd ever warn but hey, same difference, right? He missed his jacket, his tunic, but the flight suit was still comfy. He had one complaint, it was warm. It was warm in the suit, but that might have something to do with the ship.

Yeah, he'd blame the ship.

He laughed, slowly allowing his fingers and brain to work independently, muscle memory. The engines behind him kicked to life, taking him by surprise. They had some power, he wasn't going to lie. They very much had some power, it took him by surprise. It was calming though, the sound of the engines almost peaceful to him. It'd been so long since Kei had felt peace, he'd been running after his family, cleaning up their mess for weeks, he'd been trying to stop everyone around him imploding and killing each other, peace was amazing.

His own bed, oh he craved his own bed. He loved the Hawk to bits, but she wasn't comfy to sleep in. He'd thrown down a good mattress for Noriko, not for himself, and he thought lightly, regretting that choice instantly. What he really wanted was a home, a place he could call his with a bed, with a good, comfy bed.

And a cruiser, he wanted a cruiser.

He commed through directly to Roth Tillian, laughing. A private com, oh Kei loved private coms. No disruptions, just bliss.

"Seems as the others don't wanna play ball, guess we will. I'll take lead under Matsu One unless you have complaints with that, you can set up as Matsu Two?"

[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Zak Dymo"]
[member="Adiara Drelas"]
[member="Roth Tillian"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Zak Dymo"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Adiara Drelas"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Kei Garnik"]

Matsu was watching them as the flight suits information was coming up on her screen, there was really good feedback coming through. Everything they had been setting up and doing in the ships was going through the astromech droids which was then relayed through to her so she could get a better idea of where they would need to be able to improve upon the design. Or in some cases as it was going they could improve the other parts of it. "You are all doing good, once you are up we can start to get a lot more information and feedback, from the suits and the ships themselves." Her hardlight simulation of the suit was showing where it would be getting more form fitted and designed to work with them if they needed to bring equipment with themselves like blasters or sabers.

Roth Tillian

[member="Kei Garnik"] [member="Matsu Ike"]

Roth ran a few more diagnostics on the display, double checking the systems. All things were go. He activated his comm again.

"Matsu One and Matsu two, eh?" Roth powered up the weapons and shields. They had practice drones deployed, and that was something he cared about. Combat capabilities were what would keep them alive, especially by looking at the specifics on the ship. They were faster and lighter, not meant to absorb heavy fire. That would explain why the suits were Force sensitive. Once launch approval was given, he nudged the engines up,

"Been a while since I flew as something other than a squadron leader, but why not?" He pushed the throttle forward, nudging the ship in a slow circle around the field. "Too bad our other wingmen ditched us." The inertial pressure wasn't bad, but this was still slow. Time to put it through the maneuvers.

"Matsu One, take lead. I'll cover. What dog-fighting moves do you know? Run the ship through and I'll follow."

But first, something he had to try first. He yanked the controls over, spending the ship into a barrel roll. It worked fine. So far, so good.
Kei allowed the ship to climb slowly, his eyes dancing between the scanners and the altitude sensors in front of him. His scanners picked up the barrel roll from Roth, and Kei let out a little grin. The whole point of these tests was to break the ship in, break the suit in and have some fun. Roth was certainly ticking the second point, Kei laughing lightly. His fingers continued to dance across the controls as he levelled out.

"I haven't flown leader for a while, so I guess we're in the same boat"

Kei grinned, staring out towards the view in front of him. It was beautiful, in many ways it was one of the best thing's he'd ever really seen. The lake looked almost pristine, almost godlike. He pitched the starfighter down slowly, thumbing through a few commands to Roth. Kei was expecting Roth to form up on him, they needed to push the ships to the limit and Kei really wanted to skim the lake. If he messed it up they could test how waterproof the ships were.

"Matsu Two, form up behind me, I want to try flying in a line across that lake. Keep speed at about half, once we're done we'll pull up and aim for that cave there, have a look around"

He kept the live diagnostics on the screen to his left. His eyes kept jumping to it, and it hated that. He wanted T3, T3 could keep him updated so that he didn't have to keep checking the screen. He smiled slowly, coughing. The cave looked narrow, it also looked like it had an end. Matsu wanted them to push the ships, that's exactly what Kei would do.

[member="Roth Tillian"]
[member="Matsu Ike"]
A few more drawls through the comms, and Adiara had to resist the urge to tear them out entirely. Still it gave him a good indication of what to be testing for.

Two of them, the guys wanting to fly in conjunction with one another, seemed to be testing out the aggressive and defensive capabilities. Check that off the list. Who knew what the kid was going to do...

That meant Adiara was free to carry on with his own plans of submarining it!

Securing himself into the cockpit, and readjusting his helmet, Adiara did a few preliminary checks before booting up the engines.

"This is Adiara, readying for takeoff."

He listened for a moment. No issues there, nothing in the way... Good. He cut the comms, and then without warning he was off.

Boy can this thing move... It was a beast, pure and simple, he hadn't flown something with this much power in a long time. He felt a slight amount of drag though, as was usual with in-atmosphere flight.

The ship practically jumped away from the temple and the edge of the mountains, diving down toward the nearest lake. He wondered for just a moment if he ought to brace for impact, after all he'd done a great many things but this was a first...
All right, he finally had the engine started.

Repulsors on-line. Navigation system diagnostics nominal. Flight control systems check out.

All he had to do now was ease back on the throttle and go shooting out across the runway. Laying a hand on the throttle, the young Nautolan braced himself for the feel of G-Forces pushing him back into the seat, as he laid one hand on the stick. The other he placed on the throttle, tensing his fingers around it as he rocked it backward...

Instead of shooting forward, the starfighter actually went backward. Repulsors in reverse, the starfighter backed down into a stack of crates, a deafening boom sounding as the cases went tumbling onto the floor, spilling parts and equipment out in the hangar.

Standing up in his seat, the teen bumped his head against the transparisteel canopy. Wincing, the boy craned his head around to peer out at the damage. "Oh... so that must be reverse, huh?" the youth deadpanned dryly.

Satisfied that he hadn't actually killed anyone, the teen settled back into the seat. Well, if that had been reverse, then it stood to reason that the opposite would be forward. So now it was time for the whole up, up, and away stuff.

But first, they needed launch music.

Reaching across, the boy tapped the HoloBoy Advanced that was taped up on the dash.​

Grabbing the throttle, the boy rocked it forward.

As he did, he could feel the starfighter start to shudder as the kinetic potential was transferred across the aerospace frame as the thrust began to build. He felt his body press into the seat, as the fighter went shooting out across the runway in front of him. Pulling back on the flight stick, the starfighter angled upward as it started to climb up into the sky.

Easing the throttle forward some more, a white cloud suddenly condensed around the aerospace frame, just moments before a loud CRACK heralded the arrival at the sound barrier.

The Silver Jedi Creed:

[member="Adiara Drelas"] | [member="Roth Tillian"] | [member="Kei Garnik"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]​

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