Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diplomacy Acid Rain (Nar Shaddaa - HSC | SJC)



It’s 874 ABY.

The streets of the Smuggler’s Moon are crowded. Even with the acid rain. It pours down in sheets, acrid and stinging. They’re staring up at the screens as they pass, the ones who even bother to look up. Watching the holos. There’s going to be another vote. Deadlocked last time. A vote to leave the Concord.

For thirty years, they’ve protected the streets of Nar Shaddaa. But it’s a big moon. The Jedi can’t be everywhere.

Thirty years, but have they even made a difference? Murders and robberies are up. Spice dealers on every corner. And now this vote.

Each of the sectors have an elected representative. Elected, if you can call it that. Everyone knows the planet the moon floats around. The planet it is tidally locked to. Look out into the sky and it is right there. Watching. Like a giant, green eye. These sector lords have an assembly, where they vote. Twice they’ve tried to pass a vote to leave the Concord. Twice they’ve failed.

Tonight they’re trying again.

But tonight’s different.

There’s something festering in the air. Something worse than the rain.


Welcome to Nar Shaddaa, the moon that never sleeps.
Below are some objectives to streamline your participation in this diplomacy thread.

Concord Objective - Chase Down Leads: The Jedi Shadows have received a report that the Corellian sector’s representative is the swing vote in tonight’s decision. Intelligence also indicates that this representative is corrupt, with ties to a shadowy organization of syndicates known as the Consortium. If the Shadows can find proof of his corruption, they can stop the vote. If they cannot… then the Smuggler’s Moon might slip back into a bed of evil and lawlessness.

Consortium Objective - Avoid Law Enforcement: Yes, we do have ties to the Corellian Sector Rep and yes, we have influenced his vote. But only one of you actually has this information. So all of you, go about your business on Little Coruscant. Sell your drugs. Hire your dancers. Rob your banks. But when you hear that snap-hiss behind you. When you feel the fear crawling down your back. The Jedi Shadows will have come.

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Nar Shaddaa was nothing more than a tiny version of Coruscant although crime filled the air with each breath one took. The Contract from the Marzoni Cartel had drawn them to the smuggler's moon to eliminate one of their rivals which held a factory nearby. The Blue Serpents were an up and coming gang which took over sector after sector in a bid to outplace the hutt cartel who had declined in power until recently. The Marzoni's had hired them to eliminate their main spice production plant deep within their city stronghold. Getting past the guardsman and the silver jedi patrolling the streets would be tricky.

However the gand didn't refuse a job when enough credits were involved. His partner and ally was up ahead scouting for possible jedi intervention. The last thing that they needed was some force user interrupting their hunt trying to bring them to justice. R'koosslon would click the trigger to his concussion rifle just once, since the weapon itself had 400 shots within before it needed to recharge. Moving slightly ahead through the dense crowds of the district, the gand would climb ontop of small balcony. Overlooking the compound in front of themselves.

He spotted 12 guards at the front, some of them wielding heavy repeating cannons which would make things difficult in terms of long range. However he could count on them overheating to give them some wiggle room. Once he was sure about the location of the front guardsman, he jumped down from the balcony with a thud. Moving slightly around corners to hide in the shadows. Stealth was not his best skill but any bounty hunter worth his title would make sure that they weren't at any disadvange when it came to the hunt.

He aimed his rifle around the corner and shot it forward into the left guardsman, who promptly was blasted back by the concussion blast. That guard slammed into another which was protecting the south side entrance. Once those were dealt with, the gand moved into a small warehouse next to the main plant. Raising his rifle when he heard a noise above him and a large crash.

"R'koosslon wasn't expecting you to jump."

He replied to his large and scaly friend.


Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Inside a small spaceport on Nar Shaddaa, some shady looking dockhands worked to load shipping containers onto a light freighter.

Two stood in front of a particularly large cage.

"She's a beaut' ain't she?" the Arkanian known as Jeth'Ro patted the cage bars.

Inside, a full-grown acklay brood mother shrieked with rage, slamming her claws into the cage and causing a nearby Vodran to flinch away in fear.

"Careful now, she's full grown. One slip o' them claws and she could cut you clean in half," Jeth said, chuckling darkly.

The Vodran glared at him. "Seriously? We are loading this thing onto the ship?"

"Yeah," Jeth shrugged, "gotta get offworld and back to the Menagerie."

Acklays didn't come cheap these days. Everyone wanted one for their arena. That's why the Menagerie existed - an illegal cloning operation that specialized in selling the clones of exotic animals to the highest bidder.

There was always the risk of getting grabbed by the law, but it paid well. And Jeth'Ro wasn't sure what else he was supposed to do after multiple sectors had revoked his game hunting license for "poaching."

"Hey, are you an Arkanian?" asked the Vodran.




"Well... you just don't sound like any Arkanian I've met."

"Spend sixty years at the edges of wild space. You'll pick up a new accent too."

"Sixty years? So you seen one of these acklays before?"

"Oh yeah." Jeth's lips twitched as he remembered hunting in the jungles of Felucia. "Anyway... better get her on board."




The Large Saurton stalked through the streets of Nar Shaddaa, the contract with the Marzoni Cartel was important as the reward would be enough for them to get buy for the next week without having to take side jobs which weren't worth the overall pay. Although the main spice production plant for the Blue Serpents was heavily defended with auto turrets and droid forces within. Taking care of any organic guardsman would be left up to his partner who moved much quicker than he did. His overall job was to watch for any jedi intervention in their operation although given his size he might as well stick out like a sore thumb. Climbing on top of a small roof, he would overlook the crowded streets for any silver jedi coming in this direction.

His eyes gazed down as he saw his partner, moving through the streets and engaging some guardsman at the front entrance. Clutching his rifle within his hands, he saw a pair of guardsman attempt to flank around his partner whom they had spotted. Jumping down from the ledge with a leap, the saurton landed on top of them with a giant crash which sent them smashing into the ground with enough brute force to kill them. Not spotting his partner anywhere within his direct line of sight, the saurton leaped once again into the warehouse with a giant crash. Touching the ground with his feet and smelling the air to get his partner's scent.

He gazed over when his partner questioned his tactic in third person.

"Only way in."

He simply replied back, beginning to scan the warehouse for anything useful. He smelled something behind the back exit to the warehouse. Moving behind a box and waiting for whatever was beyond the door to emerge. The Crocodilian had hoped that they weren't spotted by any jedi breaking into a mostly legal plant. But he was confident in their victory over any force user if they decided to challenge them.



Madison Starr

Sec 78 Street Market - Near the Spaceport

Macro Economics.

To be frank. You don't save a moon like Nar Shaddaa. After all. It doesn't want to be saved. You don't 'save', Hutt Space. Lifet doesn't work that way. The Jedi Shadows knew this. The Silver Jedi knew this. And despite Concord politics putting on a good show every now and then. The Jedi of the whole galaxy knew this too. Nar Shaddaa would always be like this. It was just fate.

This, was it's destiny.

"So I'll say it again. Macro Economics."

"Yes. You've said that twice now Mads. What's your point."

They stood in the shadow of a empty business park. Avoiding the rain. Dressed like Kijimi Gunrunners. Golden helmets and all. The tall one was Silver Spymaster Mads Nadine. The shorter one was Jedi Apprentice Madison Starr. They were both wildly unrecognizable.

"We control what comes in and out of Hutt Space at points of interest we can actually control. Government money, government aid, government work projects, navy protection, patrols, etc. It's all controlled light years from here. And it works. And it works very well."

"But everything inside Hutt Space? It's a free for all?" Madison nodded along.

"Mostly. Yeah. We let the locals fight it out. Like squabbling tribes. It keeps them separate. Small. Weak. Unable to mine for resources outside Hutt Space. Starving off the scraps they steal from each other. Looking inward instead of looking towards the Core. Now. It's not a lawless territory per se. But we don't go putting down roots here. Nothing that grows upright anyway."

"And?" She shrugged. Unimpressed.

"Then we wait. Nothing more. Information is what gives us power inside Hutt Space. Infochants. Stock brokers. Real estate agents. That sort of thing. That's the Jedi Shadows of Hutt Space. Money people. Not mechs. Not drugs. Not house arrests or raids. Not lightsabers in dark alleyways or flashy media presentations. Nah. We let the gangs fight it out. Bust their drug runners light years from here. ...Then we. We control the border. And we. Tighten the noose."

"Uh huh." She rolled her eyes. Again.

"Well." He shrugged. "...At least that was the plan anyway. Worked great for decades. Great foreign policy, if you asked me. Until. Well."

"Until what? Hmm?"
She smiled underneath her mask.

"Well." He lowered his voice. "Until somebody united the tribes."

She snorted. Almost couldn't hear him over the splattering of the rain outside. Over the din of the city. Over the neon lights that blinded you.

"Gods. Shut up Mads." She mused happily. "I'm the one who can see the future. Remember? I think I know a siege of economic sanctions when I see one."

"Ah!" He brushed her shoulder with a gentle shove. "And just what does the future hold then for Nar Shaddaa, ma'am Seer? Hm?"

She turned and looked back at the market. Back at the city beyond.

"I see a firm hand. Black as night. And it wants more. More, more, more. ...That's what I see. When I look at all of Hutt Space these days."

Mads nodded behind his golden mask. Almost proud really. His little angel was all grown up.

"Yeah. Yes. I think I could see that too."

They both smiled underneath their disguises. But it didn't take a Jedi Seer to see what was happening in Hutt Space these days. The disorganized rabble and petty gangs had finally stopped being the major players in this never-ending game of losing money. Somebody strong had arrived. Somebody who could unite the tribes. Unite the sector. Unite the whole thing. Kinda cool really. Bout time somebody stepped up. Controlled this slum pit. Bleh.

Luckily. That didn't change the border any. Silver Space was still Silver Space. White picket fences, fancy Navy ships, and some Bryndal corpses too. Just another happy day near the Core.

You don't save a moon like Nar Shaddaa. The Jedi knew that. It doesn't want to be saved anyway. So let's just call a spade a spade, and say it how it is?

This kark hole.

It was destiny.


intergalactic bird of mystery

Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt

"Rrrrawk! Dank farrik that's good spice!"

Kingsley zoomed over the Corellian Sector in a boosted skyhopper. With such reckless maneuvers it was a miracle he avoided any collisions although the smuggler certainly caused several. He snorted more fine powder through his beak. First night back on Nar Shaddaa after years in prison. Even sporting a new teardrop tattoo under one eye.

"I'm the kriffing tiger king!" there was a roar behind him almost like a reply and Kingsley cackled.

Shoved precariously in the backseat sat a massive caged bha'lir. Exotic animals were not so unusual on a moon like this. He won the creature in a game of high stakes sabacc and now Kingsley was on his way to celebrate at the Slag Pit. It was an infamous hive of scum and consequently a popular bounty hunter hangout as well.

"Gorba! It's Kingsley," he squawked into his new comlink, "Rrrraaawk! Listen, you're not still mad about that thing? Back in town and looking to party so I thought I'd hit up my old college roommate. Call me back, sleemo!"
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Allies: TBA
Enemies: Sal Katarn Sal Katarn

"Life isn't always easy, you know?"

The brunette woman turned her head to look at the duros. His bulbous eyes glinted with reflections from the nearby neon lights while other parts of his eyes somehow managed to stay shrouded in darkness from his tattered hood. He stretched out a gaunt, discolored hand - one that might have been met with pity by a more sheltered person, or if they were anywhere by the depths of Nar Shaddaa. She started to reach out to him with her own hand, but abruptly halted, and pulled her hand back as her other hand seemed to rummage through her pockets.

"You know what, I was going to give you a few cred chips - I had a really good lucky streak a few hours ago at the club...first time here on Nar Shaddaa too...figured I should pay it forward before something happens to me...but...but I can't seem to find my wallet anywhere...I need to go back there. I'm really sorry about this...truly. I should be going..."

She abruptly started to walk away deeper into the alley, leaving the duros behind briefly dumbfounded. She allowed herself a smirk as she suddenly heard rapid footsteps behind her. Now I've got him...She slowed down her pace ever so slowly, letting him overtake her. The duros slapped a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back. She let him, using it to add momentum to a rear elbow strike into the humanoids mid-section, followed in turn by a stomping kick to his shin. He let out a little yelp of surprise and pain, allowing her to spin around and grab ahold of his arm. A quick pivot sent the emaciated humanoid against the graffiti-covered stoneplast wall. She drew her pistol and pressed it against the duros's heart.

"Now that we're in a little bit more of a private space, let me ask a favor of you now. Word has it that you know a lot about what goes on here. Ever hear of an arkanian with an odd accent and interest in animals?"

"What?" blurted out the duros.


The duros blinked.

"...I know exactly who you are...and if I know who you are, that means that I have an inkling of who you are, and what you do...or at the very least, I work for people who do. So, we've got two options here - I shoot you, flag down the nearest law enforcement agent and tell them how you just attempted to assault, maybe even rob me. Painful, and if you don't die, you go to jail. Or...and this is what I'd recommend...tell me where I can find this smuggler fast, and we both pretend it never happened and never see each other again."

The duros slowly pointed a finger.

"There's a small space port over there. Ask around there, honest."

"If I find out you're lying, I'll come back, okay?"

"No lie, only the truth."

"All right..." said the woman, pulling away from the duros, "get going, and don't look back."

The duros quickly complied and hurried back up the alley. After she was sure he wasn't looking back or about to call for help, she slipped behind a container and started rushing herself. Krallet didn't worry her, at least not much. Finding this potential contact though, that was important to her client. That made it important to her. She trotted down the alley, careful to stay hidden in its shadows before she entered the space port several blocks away. The air changed immediately, and she found the putrid smells of the street swept away mostly by industrialized cleaning solutions with hints of starship fuel and the slight scent of livestock. She followed that faintest of odor and stopped to chat with some of the more approachable looking denizens of the place.

"Have you seen an arkanian about to leave this place? He dropped something that I need to give back to him..."

Most gave her blank looks, which she counted on. She guessed that few people would want to get involved in outside business in a place like this. But she also guessed that someone around here was a lookout for him or a business partner. If she didn't stumble onto them first, one of them might come find her first if she was lucky....

Mission Equipment:
Clan Bral Verde | HSC Howlrunner | Mercenary
Allies: Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt , Hutt Space Consortium
Enemies: Silver Jedi Concord

"No! No! Listen! Hey, come on - I'll tell you whatever!" The male Rodian sputtered out as his head was forced back into the duracrete by the barrel of a pistol to his head.

The rain beaded up and dripped off of the rim above Doroko's visor and slid down the slick surface with ease. "Nithra Go. Mid-level spice dealer with aspirations to rival Gorba's sponsored dealers."

"N-no! Listen, I'll give you everything - all of it! No, no more than all of it - I'll work for you! What's Gorba paying you, huh? Mandalorians love credits, you're smart!" The Rodian pleaded with his voice picking up some level of forced calmness as he tried to bargain with his assaliant.

"There is no bounty, no pay out. Gorba doesn't even know about you yet, but he will."

The Rodian's expression shifted back into full panic. A flash of blue light and the Rodian slid down the soaked wall with a splash in a puddle at Doroko's feet. He wasn't dead, just stunned, but the Rodian didn't know that beforehand. Not that it'll be a better fate in the end. Doroko holstered his stun pistol and knelt down behind the Rodian. Taking out his Stuncuffs that bore a scratched out Galatic Alliance logo on the conjoining bar he cuffed the Rodian and hoisted the limp body up by his arms.

"Edee. Get ready for pickup near my location." Doroko grumbled into his integrated commlink.

"Affirmative." The robotic voice responded back.

Now all there was to do was to wait for his ride out of here and preferably before anyone came to investigate the desperate pleadings of a cornered spice dealer cut short by blaster fire.

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Argos of the East

Argos of the East.

Argos, Information Broker.

Argos the UnderBoss.

Argos the Daimyo.

He'd gone by a thousand names - but he had to acknowledge that Argos was his favorite so far. The cigarette burned a cherry red in the darkness of the abandoned apartment - and the light of his holophone died as he set it on his lap. A bit more darkness would help his associate see through his digital scope afterall.

"See 'em?", he'd ask.

"Yeah. Three people walked in. He the bearded one in red or the blonde?"

"Doesn't matter. Shoot 'em both."

The man grunted, adjusted, and then two shots rang out in the night. It wasn't uncommon in Nar Shaddaa - but these killings were more pointed. Consolidating opposition, destroying the anarchy the planets underworld had been in since the heads of the organizations controlling it had been cut off. Now new men rose to the top - and to grow those roots deep, blood had to be spilled.

As the man folded his bipod, Argos stood and dropped the cigarette. His boot smashed it, rubbing it into the carpet as the man began to speak -

"So payment. Drop off in the usual spot?"

"The usual.", Argos offered him.

His gun was upholstered without hesitation, and a round shot off into the back of his head - tying the last loose end for the situation. Now he had to let Gorba know the situation. He pulled his phone back out as he holstered the weapon and walked from the dilapidated mega apartment.

"Jobs done, Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt - nobody left. I expect a good vintage for this wet work."



Nar Shaddaa was as much of a dump as she has always remembered, but she wasn't here for the sights she was here for the people. The people of Nar Shaddaa were mostly awful, she was here for the credits, yeah credits was the real lure.

Some anti-concordist groups were paying a pretty large amount of money to get hold of restricted munitions, nothing exciting, just concussion bombs, proton torpedoes and some heavy disruptor cannons, and she had not long had a successful raid on a mandalorian supply ship, it was like the force was rewarding her. She had used her contacts within Consortium Space to set up this deal and she was now jusy finalising the credit transfer. All smooth sailing really, nothing to worry about today.

It was a shame the man she was selling them too wasn't either attractive, or at least interesting enough to flirt with, but he spoke slowly, plainly and without an ounce of sexual magnetism. No matter, she could always take herself off to one of the local parlours and get a massage of some muscular stud or voluptuous studette.

"Thank you Mr Abarati, it has been a pleasure doing business with you. And as always, try not to kill anyone I care about yeah?" She smiled and finished her rum before leaving. Her back ached and the medication she took to keep her passenger safe from the alcohol made her sick, damn she needed that massage.


(Night Time in New Orleans, Jesper Kyd)


The hum of pouring rain steadily drummed upon the windshield of the sleek, fancy speeder as it waited patiently at the lip of the alleyway. The driver, one of The Family's soldiers, kept his head on a swivel - checking the mirrors & his watch every few moments. Their business wasn't supposed to take this long, and he was getting nervous...

Or maybe it was the hit of Spice he'd taken, in the sly, that had him paranoid. He wanted the edge... but if The Donna found him using, especially on such a sensitive objective, she might throw him out of the moving speeder and take over driving herself. What he may not have known was that The Donna monitored everything her people stuck their fingers into; even side hustles and personal business. The dealers her soldiers sometimes bought from were either owned by, or monitored by, The Family - in truth, you never knew when a Being's vices could be used against them.

This was how The Family did business.

The sudden opening of the passenger door of the speeder made the Goon jump - swiveling his head, eyes wide in surprise at how easily someone had gotten the drop on him - but he relaxed by a hand's breadth when he saw it was The Donna herself. She slid into the passenger seat beside him, looking somewhat different than normal... having foregone the typical elegance of fine lace and feminine clothing, she looked more like a Mercenary than the Boss of a powerful Crime Syndicate.

Violet eyes, cold & unfeeling, looked at her driver as she handed him a still-warm blaster wrapped in a handkerchief.

"So... that's it, then?" He asked, licking his lips to restore some moisture to his suddenly-dry mouth.

The Donna nodded.

"Maybe the next one won't be so unreasonable."

Without another word, the speeder pulled slowly away from the curb and sped up, merging into the darkness of Nar Shaddaa's murky under-city.
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Location: Neon Corona Nightclub, Upper Nar Shaddaa
Friends: Open
Foes: Open
1/1 Besalisk [with A'ti]
2/2 Weequay [outside of the club]

As the rain poured down on the upper levels Nar Shaddaa a sleek boxy airspeeder landed on an empty pad just a few yards from the entry to a lively nightclub known as the Neon Corona. Puddles of the irritant pooled on the walk way and around the pad that reflected the pinks, yellows, and blues of the nightclubs signage. The door split open from the middle and what unfurled was a short roof and then a step-ramp. From the green lit interior a Besalisk wearing loose black shirt and armored pants squeezed through the exit. The muscular alien crossed his two upper arms while the others rested idly on two heavy blaster pistols holstered along his belt. Two Weequay followed close behind him, one holding an umbrella where the vehicle's ramp roof ended. The duo were similarly dressed to the Besalisk muscle though they had only a single blaster on their belts and a vibroknife sheathed visibly near it.

From inside the luxury airspeeder emerged a blue Twi'lek woman dressed in a fine purple dress, wreathed in the thick green light of vehicle's interior, her stride was relaxed though she held an aire of authority. She looked focused and confident. A'ti did not break her pace whenever the ramp roof ended and she transitioned under the umbrella. Her and her entourage walked in lock step with one another while the Besalisk took lead to the entry way of the nightclub. The establishment's Human bouncers took several steps towards the Besalisk while putting their hands out "<Hold on big guy, no blasters.>" the one on the left spoke. Without so much as a moment's hesitation the Besalisk's top to arms extended and pushed the Humans into the nearby wall of the doorway, on either side "<Get lost.>" was his growled warning. A'ti followed behind the Besalisk and the two Weequay stayed behind with the umbrella and the Human bouncers. As the doors slide closed behind A'ti and the Besalisk bouncer there were the muffled, barely audible, sounds of two blaster shots. On the exterior the Weequay finished dragging the deceased bouncers off the platform then assumed the former's places.

The nightclub's interior was awash in streaks of harmless lasers and strobed lights, flashing at just enough intervals to visually detect people, tables, and chairs. A'ti looked around with a serious expression then looked up to the second floor that made up the ceiling of the edges of the dance floor. The Majordomo motioned towards it and the Besalisk nodded in understanding. His muscular upper arms made short work of parting the revelers. The bouncer that was at the bottom of the minimalist metal staircase that lead to the upper area took a few steps backwards onto the stairs "<Hey! You're not allow up here!>" the Besalisk's left upper arm nimbly grabbed the man by the face and slammed him into the railing then over it. The fall was short but the bouncer was unconscious from the previous blow. As A'ti and her bodyguard proceeded up the stairs she laid her hand lightly on the railing to prevent any form of embarrassing tripping. Her eyes scanned over the festivities then fixed forward when her companion stopped before her. The Besalisk moved to the side and put his hand on her shoulder and gently ushered her past him. This was the moment.

"<And who the fuck are you? Coming into my club, killing my men? Ooohh yes I saw that.>" the one who spoke was an agitated Toydarian with aurium chains decorating his neck "<I am Majordomo A'ti of the Bareesh Kajidic.>" she responded haughtily while looking over the skeezy Toydarian with disdain "<His eminence Gorba wished for me to inspect his club. Understand?>" her tone was forceful, threatening, though it raised no louder than what was needed to hear over the music "<His club? My club, lady.>" the Besalisk turned his head to the Toydarian with a withering gaze "<Wanna bet scum?>" the Toydarian met his gaze with a ferocious and searing glare "<Enough stalling.>" A'ti interjected and brushed pat the others on the narrow catwalk towards what was clearly the Toydarian's office and walked through the door of it as if she owned the place. Much to the consternation of the Toydarian who boiled with fury and fluttered after her. The Besalisk put his upper arms on the shoulders of the two other bouncers and quirked an eyebrow "<You wouldn't want to go in there. Say... do you play Huttball?>"
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The Gand Mercenary would see the movements of his partner, hiding behind a box within the warehouse. The gand followed his movements setting up behind a crate filled with food rations for the garrison inside. His white eyes scanned the door for any danger, before it opened up to reveal more guardsman entering inside. No doubt attracted by the noise of the saurton entrance into the warehouse.

He fired his concussion blaster once into the crowded group, blasting them away with the shockwave affect that the weapon had. Once they were dealt with he gand moved into the warehouse exit, peering into the hallway that connected the main production plant with the seven warehouses littered around. Moving inside quickly and siently. The gand would walk further into the facility without running into any traps luckily. They came across some signs which pointed in two directions one of them was too the cafeteria and the other was too the main guardsman facility. Knowing that his partner would be hungry for blood, he signaled that he was taking the cafeteria.

Splitting from his partner now, the gand stalked the hallway until coming across the cafeteria. He scanned inside with a quick open of the double entrance ways. Taking an ammonia bomb from his bandolier. He chucked it inside the cafeteria without much effort. Watching it roll around before coming to a stop. Blocking the exit was paramount to making sure that none of them escaped. Propping his rifle against the door handle to prevent anyone from leaving without effort. Since the guardsman inside were mostly organic breathers of Type I atmosphere. The ammonia filled atmosphere would begin to choke them even through the filter.

Causing them to collapse on their knees in pain and a slow death. The gand twirled his rifle into his hands, before kicking down the entry door with a large thud. Blasting the straglers with his concussion rifle which sent them flying into walls and tables. Scanning around, the gand was shot within the shoulder. Stumbling for a bit to regain his footing. His cloak was burned within the area of impact but his heavy exoskeleton and external exoskeleton protected him. It still hurt a lot but the gand would be able to carry on his mission.

Leaving the cafeteria now, he walked down another set of stairs into another hallway.






The Saurton Bounty Hunter was correct that something was behind the door, he was about ready to fire his heavy blaster rifle into the crowd of guardsman when a shockwave blasted into them first. Knocking them out due to the impact of the blast. Once this threat was dealt with the lizard followed the gand through the hallways of the building connecting into the main production plant. His eyes scanned around each corner for possible danger although nothing popped out of place.

He watched as the gand stopped, wondering why until he spotted the large signs pointing ahead. R'koosslon had decided to head to the cafeteria to deal with anyone inside there. The Saurton was more than happy to smash some heads in by heading to the main guardsman facility of the compound. Watching his partner disappear into the hallway. Karkosuchus would make his approach through two more hallways, blasting into the stomachs of a few guardsman which tried to stop him. He gained plenty of wounds from these encounters although his biology helped him alot to survive.

He peared around the corner of the hallway, coming across the entrance into the main guard facility. Although it was protected by several droid sentry units. He grabbed a sonic grenade from his bandolier. Chucking it from behind the wall into the droids which exploded into a large sonic boom sound. The droids were dazed due to their processors being overloaded with sound. He moved fully from the corner now, rushing up and kicking one of the droid sentries into the entrance door which promptly crashed down due to the force. Alerting those inside the compound of his arrival.

The other droid sentires regained their focus quicker than expect, blasting into the tough hide of the saurton. He turned around and smacked them with the butt of his rifle in quick spin. Snapping the head of another clean off, stumbling a bit before regaining his footing. He kicked another pair of droids with his massive foot. Moving inside the entry way now the facility was stangly empty. Which kept the saurton on guard for a moment until the sound of a lightsaber igniting was heard within his ears.

He snarled, looking around the facility for the jedi who promptly jumped down from the balcony. His silver blade shining in the darkness, the saurton raised his heavy rifle and blasted away into the jedi's blade who promptly blocked them all or redirected them into the walls. Throwing a powerful force push which sent him back a few feet, slamming into a wall.

The Jedi rushed him with his blade using force speed, kicking the rifle out of his hands with a force imbued kick. He managed to dodge the blade of the jedi with a slight turn of his massive body, allowing his weight to pull him away. Headbutting the jedi now with his extended snout which hit them in the side.

He gazed ahead as the jedi recomposed themselves.



Madison Starr

Sec 78 Corporate Hotel Bar

Madison took off her helmet and rubbed her tired eyes. Jet lagged from the time change. Space travel was quick, sure. But adjusting to local schedule was killer.

Mads returned from the men's room and sat down at the booth across from her. It was a corpo hotel so? It wasn't slummy. They had droids, janitors, and mopped floors. Not like the mountains of plastic garbage bags piled in the streets out front. It was a nice change of smell too.

"So." Madison put her disguise on the seat next to her. Then reached for a menu. "...What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Business. Of course." He smiled playfully. Then grabbed himself the drink menu. "Mmm. I'm thinking a coffee. You want a coffee?"

"Nah. I need something to calm me down. Not keep me awake for another twelve hours. Bleh." She frowned.

"Fair enough." He press the intercomm. "...Yo? Anybody working today?"

~ "zzz ...Please. Place your. Order... zzz" ~

Droids. Great.

"Yeah, well have one coffee. Black. And..?"

"One lemon tea."

"...And one lemon tea. With ice."

~ "zzz ...Thank. You. ...Your order has been placed... zzz" ~

Mads smiled. Maybe they'd actually get served too? Who knows?

"Okay. So. Business?" Madison leaned back in her booth.

"Right. Business." Mads stroked his chin. Looking around the long parlor. Just to see if they were alone. And, yeah. They were. Just a bartender robot. Nothing else.

"And?" She shuffled impatiently.

"I want you out of Hutt Space. It's that simple." He smiled. Leaning forward on the table and braiding his fingers together.

"What? You serious? Come on... We're on assignment here. Don't be messing around. Ha." She laughed and waved him away.

"No, I'm serious." He smiled. Then leaned back. "Nar Shaddaa. It's a dead end. For everybody."

"Pfft." She grabbed her helm. Tossed it up into her lap. Started pretending to polish it. "...Why so drab all of a sudden Mads? I thought you loved this spy shit. All this... Sneaking around. Mixing it up. Messing with peoples head and stuff."

"Well yes. I do." He nodded playfully. "But this isn't like that anymore. Nar Shaddaa isn't Devaron. We don't run this town anymore. There's nothing here for us. Any of us. Remember your vision of the future. You don't have to be a Voss Mystic to see the writing on the wall here. It's over. See what I'm saying?"

"Nope." She shrugged playfully.

"Look. You're a bright kid. So why do you want to go wasting your life working a dead end place like this anyway? You ain't, the Shadowy type. I would know."

"Oh please Mads. What is this really about huh? You going soft on me now. Come on. What's up? What's really on your mind eh?" She frowned and leaned forward. Ignoring her helm now. Setting it aside.

"I'm retiring."

He smiled lighter this time. He knew it was a surprise.

"Oh! Gosh... Well..." It was a surpise. She didn't know what to say, "...Um. Well. Then. ...Congrats! Then. Wow."

"I know." He shrugged. "I feel the same way. It's weird."

"No. It's not weird. It's..." She struggled to find the words, "It's great. Real great. Congrats man. For real. Good for you."


They both sat back and smiled faintly for a bit. Letting a moment pass. Then another. Finally the droid came by and delivered their drinks to the table. Coffee, black. Tea, lemon. With ice. The droid had even gotten the order right. Which, ya know? Was A miracle in this town. Man.

"Anyway. I wanted you to be the first to know." He reached for his drink. Happy for the distraction.

"No. Yeah. I'm happy for you. ...I think I'll miss these playdates, Heh. The good old days. But yeah. Good for you. Nice."

"And. I bought a house. Bought a car. Starting dating again. ...It's nice. Ya know. Really living this time."
He smiled. It brought back good memories just talking about it. Even if was somehow so difficult to say.

"Wow." Madison drank her tea quickly. Still thinking it through. "Okay."

"Look. I..." He started. But. Then he paused. Because, for the time is his life? He didn't know how to finish. "...Um."

She nodded. Quietly.

He nodded. Tragically.

The silence prevailed again. Alas. This wasn't going quite the way either of them had hoped it would. Meeting again.

So... They decided quietly to just not talk about it. Just. Enjoy their drinks. Yeah. No biggie. They didn't have to talk. Talk was cheap. They could just,.. Um. Sit and relax. Sure.

So it was. Awkward and victorious. The two unmasked Kijimi Gunrunners from off-world just... Sat there. Quietly. Drinking and not talking.

Not really quite sure what to say next. . .

. . .
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Location: Small Spaceport
Activity: Exotic Animal Trafficking
Nearby Law Enforcement: Hayde Torve Hayde Torve | Madison Starr
Nearby Crooks: Argos of the East | Kingsley Kingsley

They managed to get the cargo crate carrying the screaming acklay into the back of the freighter with the help of some anti-grav lifts. After that, Jeth'Ro took a break. He stood under the shelter of an awning, out of the acid rain, and lit a cigarra. He took a long drag then blew it out, looking around at the sorry crew that sat on crates or leaned against the wall.

"When did that bird say he would get here?" the Arkanian rasped.

The Vodran near him shrugged, "I don't think he gave specific time."

Jeth grunted. Could use a drink right now. He wondered if that Argos guy was going to show up too. They'd offered him a lift off planet. But if he was a no show, well, he would get left behind. Jeth checked his chrono and sighed.
"Gooddé beet. Bee bu spaceport, uta-sha moneee widd shulu waiting uba." <Good work. Get to the spaceport, your money will be waiting for you.>

Gorba hung up the commlink and leaned back in his sofa, taking a sip of his Corellian rum. Operations on Nar Shaddaa with Argos of the East seemed to be running smoothly he-

The commlink buzzed and he looked at it. The caller ID showed Kingsley Kingsley . He glared at it and let the thing go to voicemail, then looked through the window at the neon lights below.

In this high-rise tower in the Corellian sector, his security filled nearly every one of the top floors. Still, he felt a sense of unease. Tonight was a big night with that vote, which meant something or someone would try to ruin it for him. The only question was who.


A low whistle was all Xyoz had as he wandered Gorba the Hutt Gorba the Hutt 's room. The Shistavanen stared around, nodding in approval at all the wealth on display. So this was the digs of a real crime lord? Something to aspire to, then! Well, maybe. He didn't much care for wealth. He hummed as he carried in quite the large durasteel crate, offering the Hutt Lord a simple nod of the head.

"Gorba, right? I've come to bargain."

Argos of the East

"Gooddé beet. Bee bu spaceport, uta-sha moneee widd shulu waiting uba."​
Argos hung up the phone. There was something about the bassy deep tones of the Hutt Slugs he couldn't stand - so the less conversation the better. He phoned his driver and gave him the coordinates he was at - and soon enough a speeder pulled up to the building before bringing him to the locale. By the time he had gotten there, he had already poured himself a drink - and stepped out of the air speeder with it in hand.​
A deep sip, and he raised his robotic hand in an attention calling sign that'd draw over a dock handler. A quick conversation, and he was on his way to the pick up.​
"You Sal Katarn Sal Katarn ?", Argos asked before downing the rest of the drink and tossing it over the side of the hanger's edge. The glass fell into the void of Nar Shaddaa - and it'd either hit a passing speeder, or a scum bottom dweller where the sun didn't shine. Either way, probably did more good there than in his hands.​
"Name is Argos. Here for the money and the ride."​

It took some…education to figure out and understand the operations of a crime syndicate; still, he didn’t comprehend most of it. The only one who understood the theory of the art was his exotic partner, Sable Mur Sable Mur . They were two polar opposites, managing to cooperate and work well together. Some rough bumps at the start, but they managed to smooth things out for the better. Now all they had to do was put it in practice from what they’ve learned. Lok, fortunately, had experience in the underworld. Didn’t know how to manage a syndicate, but he knew how to work with them. Didn’t take much of a brain to figure out that money bought everything and anyone. People would go where the money is.

“Alright, so,” he began after taking a hit from the spice he was consuming, a stimulant one. The two were within a high end cantina, having a private booth to themselves. With the acid rain pouring out in the streets, it was somewhat difficult to breathe and he didn’t want to go back home a disgruntled Sable. “I’ll take care of the manual, dirty labor shit and you’ll be laid back with managing finances. Smart people things, whatever,” it was easy to have a vision, but difficult to realize it.

“We can recruit your friends over in Denon, maybe we can go big in smuggling illegal tech. Now assuming they got money stored up, we need some goons. Or we can do it the hard way and knock someone off their block, and take over,” already annoyed by overthinking the whole process of getting to riches.

“Thoughts? Any ideas?”


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