Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Acolyte Duel

Abyss stumbled backwards. The kick almost had cost him his balance and only by pure luck it was that he still standing. For some reason the other acolyte showed no reaction when hit by the electricity he directed at him but Abyss had no time to think about that now. The only thing that mattered now was finding a way to best him in combat.

He could be barley stand, he had to focus on keeping himself on his feet. In every battle that he fought he had to keep fighting with injuries some far worse than the wound on his leg. The crimson red blade once again rested in defensive stance, Abyss was breathing heavily but like every time before he would keep fighting.
A brief reprieve was earned by the hybrid as he took a handful of steps away from the other Sith Acolyte.

Shaking his head as he opened the distance to almost six or seven metres, A'sharad's golden orbs scanned Abyss. He looked as if he'd be close to collapsing any moment. A thought crossed his mind of allowing him to fail on his own -- to just let him fall to the ground and submit to his better, the Hybrid.

Why is he still standing?

A'sharad lowered himself into a crouch with the yelloww and white lightsabre protruding from a gap between his arm and leg from his right as he watched [member="Abyss"].

The last two times, A'sharad had played the aggressor, pushed this other Acolyte to the edge, and left him barely able to move, as was the reason he just... Stood there, likely unmovnig.

But this time, he wouldn't move.

A'sharad did what anyone who knew him wouldn't expect.

He'd wait.

Everyone had a weakness, and the longer the fight would go the higher the chances were that Abyss would find it. The other sith had shown to be a skilled swordsman, but there were more ways to defeat an enemy than striking him down with a blade. If he could not beat him physically he would beat him mentally. The psyche was such a brittle thing, and if someone would come close enough to hit it, it break into pieces. From his reaction Abyss figured that other man wouldn't make a move as long he wouldn't do one himself.

"You think you are superior, yet you can not stike me down? How does it feel to be to weak to kill the weak acolyte? I can see it in your eyes, your arrogance, your pride, your fear. You think your strong, yet I am still standing. You can injury me, yet I am still standing. You think your sith, yet I am still standing..."

This was a test, both of his mind and his intellect. Would he become angry when his ego was attacked, Abyss would strike him down, knowing that his weakness were pride and arrogance. Would he not know what sith meant other than being a title, he would strike him down, knowing that his weakness was ignorance. Would he remain silent, he would stike him down, knowing that his weaknesses was fear, not of his enemy but of truly embracing the darkness.

"You have learned how to wielded a weapon, but I am one with the dark side and no weapon can help you against that."
The words of his opponent washed over him.

The first words he spoke... A'sharad knew they weren't going to be his last ones, and his thoughts proved to be true when he continued to speak his blasphemous words.





I am one with the Dark Side and no weapon can help you against that.

Slowly the Sith hybrid rose up to his feet as he growled, baring those white teeth of his as flecks of crimson zipped through his orbs. Multiple thoughts raced through his mind, all of them revolving around how best to cut this other Acolyte down. The quickest way... No, the most painful way. No... The most efficient way, yes. He was trained to not only be Sith, he was trained to be a murderer.

To hone his body into a weapon.

Tave Zilas Sarrai.

He repeated in his mind.

The White Assassin.


He dropped the word as he launched out with his anger, tugging Abyss towards him with the force pull, and should he actually be pulled towards him, he'd be wrenched off of his feet and would be having a pre-arranged date with the yellow and white lightsabre aiming to cleave him in half, from a slash that would open him from left hip bone, to right shoulder if uninhibited.

I am born into the Dark Side.

Arrogance and pride, emotions so simple yet powerful.
Abyss could feel the pull moving him a few centimeters towards his opponent. The dark side aided him in stopping his movement, both physically and in the force. Like before the acolyte remained motionless, the crimson red blade hovering in front of his face. Without even knowing it the other sith gave away his weakness, giving Abyss the option to further toy with his mind.

"You think the few drops of pure blood inside your veins make you sith? Being sith is far more than genetics, it is a state of both body and mind ... one your unable to reach. I am more sith than you will ever be and I am just a human. The dark side is not with those who it was given to, it is with those who possess the power to take it."

He already attacked him once and he was sure he would again. Abyss would give him time to unleash his anger, watching him getting consumed by the darkness because of his pride. He would avoide any hit, waiting for him to lose his patience until he would make a mistake. And then he would strike.
He grew tired of the nonsense that was spilling forth from the human's mouth.

The Force pushed him to greater lengths as he ran towards [member="Abyss"], and then leapt in the air, the Force aided jump carrying him above the ground and the last metre towards the Human Acolyte, the yellow and white lightsabre coming around from behind his back. The leap was angled to send him past the other Acolyte's shoulder, so that A'sharad's head would have an extra foot or so above him in height and would likely land behind him if his momentum wasn't stopped dead in its tracks.

The Force flowed through him, empowering not only his speed but his strength as his lightsbare came from behind him.
This time Abyss was more than ready. He had observed his opponent from the second he started moving, and he wouldn't allow him to hit him this time. The man had given in to to his pride, allowing to be consumed by the anger that Abyss words had summoned. His movement was aggressive and rushed, lacking any kind or finesse. His jump was answered by a simple step to his left and a spin that made the other sith fly by Abyss that faced the point were he just landed. Still he made not attempt to use his sword, keeping his weapon in the position than before.

"Your an disgrace for your own blood. Our ancestors would be disgusted to see that weak being like you have the nerve to call themselfs sith."

Abyss had not drop of sith blood inside him, still he considered the ancient race as his spiritual ancestors. Also he knew that many of those with hints of pure blood often were very proud of their heritage, so his words should further fuel the mans anger.
A'sharad landed hard on the ground past, Abyss, but he didn't rest there. He didn't stop moving as this man continued trying to entice him.

The Force helped his balance as he landed solidly on the ground, he came around, and his right hand reached out to send the point blank telekinetic push to his leg, to buckle it, to force him to kneel before him.

It was unlikely he'd be able to dodge it physically since there was no thought to it, just his rage boiling over the edge. That meant there'd be little warning from the Force, other than telling him to defend himself, but how could he without further damaging himself.

While he released the force push, he simultaneously performed a little hop towards Abyss, slashing from hip to shoulder while in the air before angling the blade towards his kidneys; a sudden redirection to confuse his opponent.

Abyss could feel sweat drops rolling down his forehead, as he summoned the dark side inside him to resist the pull the man had created. He almost slipped, but with a last push in the force followed by a cry of anger he broke the power that had grabbed his leg. He would rather die than kneel before his opponent.

The attack had Abyss surprised for a moment, his weapon in position to block the initial strike, instead of the real movement that followed. Yet he had reacted in the last second possible, stepping to his left once again, dogging the blade that left a burned cut on his robe.

"You can not break me. I will keep standing whatever you throw at me."

Again Abyss remaind, once again moving his saber in a stance ready to block an incoming strike. Form two was as much an elegant way to swing a sword, as it was footwork to avoide an opponents hits. One thing Abyss possed that many sith, even lords, lacked was patience. He would keep defending himself, and he would not give him the respect to use his blade to do it.

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