Darth Ferus
After talking with out lovely [member="Darth Azurea"] about her search for an acolyte via a small tournament, we've decided to make it a bigger one! Just like our last one @Darth Phyrrus hosted, it will be open to all acolytes. I am looking for people willing to assist in hosting this either IC or out as judges. I will be the primary host, as Azurea is too busy for thisnlarge of an event. Thisnof course wont begin until after the holidays, but I am looking for those interested!
This event has two purposes. The first, for acolytes to represent their masters and their teachings. To show how far they've come along and to prove themselves. The second, for new acolytes to prove themselves worth teaching, as well as simply prove themselves among their peers. For this second part I will also be looking for knights or higher looking for an apprentice to act as IC overseers. Watching fights to see who they would want as an apprentice, and acting on it. Azurea will be one searching, and I will be making a list of possible teachers as well as students.
If you're interested in showing your stuff, your students, finding a student, or simply help organize this, post below! Official sign ups for contestants will be made next week, but you can post now to get your name in early!
This event has two purposes. The first, for acolytes to represent their masters and their teachings. To show how far they've come along and to prove themselves. The second, for new acolytes to prove themselves worth teaching, as well as simply prove themselves among their peers. For this second part I will also be looking for knights or higher looking for an apprentice to act as IC overseers. Watching fights to see who they would want as an apprentice, and acting on it. Azurea will be one searching, and I will be making a list of possible teachers as well as students.
If you're interested in showing your stuff, your students, finding a student, or simply help organize this, post below! Official sign ups for contestants will be made next week, but you can post now to get your name in early!