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Acolyte Tournament

[member="Feral Sapith (K'sara)"]
@Vi'kas Mirtis
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Actually, that would work. Venefica, you mind if those to clash in the first round? Ferus was gonna have them fight, and killing two birds with one stone would be fantastic.

That's what I was thinking myself. Give them a chance to catch the eye of a prospective Master. I'm disappointed none of DV's apprentices signed up...need to have a word with them :)

[member="Darth Ferus"]

I've paired them together :)

[member="Feral Sapith (K'sara)"]

'Woot' is a Jedi term :)
@Vi'kas - that's the Sith way, to an extent. Provided the rules are observed and there are no kills, beyond what the Lords choose to bestow for particularly poor performance (keep an eye out Acolytes!), the bloodshed should remain limited to minor wounds. Sufficient to teach lessons as to wariness and capability, but not likely to cause us to lose the worthy from among our ranks. Removing capable warriors, victorious or not, only serves to diminish the One Sith. And there shall be punishment for those foolish enough to put their own victory ahead of that of our Faction, I promise you that!

[member="Darth Venefica"] - Perhaps you and I should talk about a system?
[member="Darth Venefica"] Sounds like a plan to me. Given the low uptake of Acolytes by Masters, we could definitely use a system to train them until they can be noticed and taken up - just the other day, we had at least half a dozen added to the books with none apprenticed. We have to make provision to make sure they are able to contribute and advance.


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Tirdarius"]

Ooh, I'd be interested in helping with this as well, if you'd have me. :)

It's a great idea to engage Acolytes that have trouble finding Masters, as well as give prospective Masters a way to judge which Acolytes would be a good fit.
[member="Darth Venefica"] - Yes, and that is a particular issue, but I would also argue that holding high position within the Faction should be conditional on participation. No point calling yourself a Master or Lord among the Sith ranks if you're not willing to pass your expertise down to those who would seek to obtain the same. If we keep people at Acolyte ranks, we deny ourselves potentially good writers moving into a position where they can also take on students themselves and swell our ranks.

[member="Vrag"] - Absolutely - I'd be inclined to create a system where we have group lessons taught by Knights and Masters as substitutes for a single Master. Venefica already had a lovely trip on Korriban for many of our Acolytes, and we need similar things there to benefit those who have no Master under whom to train. As you say, it's an excellent way of assessing those who have yet to impress a Knight/Master, and also opportunity for them to develop their characters.

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