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Faction Across the Stars: The Wedding of Alicio Organa and Amani Serys (GA, NJO, Friends)

Tarish Galland



WEARING: Fancy Robes, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

He didn't think. Didn't move. Enjoyed the moment and just let himself be happy for once in a long while. An easy breath even as she squeezed tighter.

And shared happy tears like his own.

Her step back didn't hurt this time. They weren't parting ways. And he wasn't leaving. Wiping his eyes, he finally looked past her as she spoke.

A smirk appeared, expression caught between excitement and morbid curiosity.

"Time to meet the second luckiest guy in the galaxy."
Appearance: XXX
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Thelma?" Kai echoed. The name was unfamiliar to him, but he could guess who they were. "Is she a new Jedi?"

He hadn't set foot in the Temple since before his imprisonment. Even after he was released, his belongings were shipped to his new home, removing even the need to return to pick up his stuff.

"Why are you wearing that?"

"To blend in. I'm here as Senator Organa's personal bodyguard, but I didn't want to look too obvious." Kai rested a bronze hand against his bare chest, fingers adorned with gold rings. Among them were the aural dispersion charm and the Ring of Aspiration. The rest of his getup consisted of ordinary pieces of costume jewelry, made to look convincingly like the real thing. "Do I look very strange?"



- Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix - Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana - Amani Serys Amani Serys -

It was obvious Tiresh's words held a lot of weight with Alicio.

She had been a role model for him, back when he had just begun his journey into politics. An Alliance senator with the courage to speak their mind, the bravery to stand against threat for what was right. That was all Alicio strived to be, and she had been the perfect example.

"Thank you," he said in response to her compliment, absent-mindedly straightening the jacket as it was brought up. Of course, he snickered at Tiresh calling him a treasure. He looked sideways at Amani, resisting the obvious need to wiggle his eyebrows at her. Hear that? I'm a treasure, he restrained himself from saying.

"How have things been with you two?" He looked between the Admiral and the Senator, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Alicio tried his best to wrap his arms around the large form of Enkidu, swallowing down the lump in his throat as he did. Pulling away, as the tension began to mount, Alicio found a razor-thin grin at the Shi'ido's parting comments. "We wouldn't want that."

"Be well."
He said it reverently, like a prayer, or a promise.


The tension mounted against the mysterious stranger for a few moments more, which didn't abate as Amani stepped past her makeshift phalanx to the scarred man. Alicio responded to Kai's mental message with a thought of his own, looking the shapeshifter in the eyes. <Don't stray too far. But... Let's offer a bit of trust.>

Eventually, Amani looked back to Alicio, and he obliged her, offering a soft "Thank you" to both Acaadi and Phalsi for their decisive action. He found Amani's side, his stormcloud eyes inquisitive of the dark individual.

"Time to meet the second luckiest guy in the galaxy."

That earned a smile from the Count, who stuck out his hand to shake, after a moment. "I'm Alicio," he said deferentially. He found it difficult to interpret the interaction between Tarish and Amani. There was no amount of care lost between them, but it was strained. Melancholic. Regretful, perhaps. Whatever kind of moment it was, it was important for both of them.

So he stayed silent, letting himself be judged, a bit of tension creeping into his shoulders. But he drew strength from the woman at his side, and raised his eyes to meet the scarred man's.
"Thank you, Senator," Amani dipped her head in appreciation. The multitude of compliments regarding the dress had made her day even greater, as it was of traditional Mirialan make. It was part of their efforts to blend the two cultures for their wedding, and knowing that nothing was lost in translation only further cemented the decision as the right one.

The admiration Alicio had for Tiresh was palpable, and made Amani giggle. Not even Alicio's cheesy little grin at being called a treasure could deter her from agreeing, "Don't I know it," She smiled up at the Count, letting some sincerity shine through after an otherwise long string of teasings and jabs.

As Tarish waited, Amani reached out a hand to pull Alicio to her side. The Count introduced himself and she expounded on the obvious, "My husband," She then gestured to the man across from him, "Alicio, this is Tarish Galland. He's… well, he was something of a father figure to me during my time with the Silvers," She stewed over how best to describe the relationship, before settling on what was, simply, the most accurate. There was joy on her face, with some of those more complex emotions still lingering underneath. It wasn't exactly something she could just spill out in its entirety here and now, but whatever the story behind it was, she was clearly glad to have him back.

Tarish Galland



WEARING: Fancy Robes, Force Talisman
TAGS: Amani Serys Amani Serys Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

He didn't hesitate to shake Alicio's hand. Keeping his grip in check given this was their first meeting. There would be more time in the future to be a stiff legged father figure around the new guy.

Now he just wanted things to go well on Amani's day.

Even being her special day, though, that wasn't going to save her from a bit of teasing from him. Her words got a humorous side eye from him.

"Amani, you wound me. Was?" A hand covering his heart as he looked to Alicio. A playful grin covering his face.

"I do hope you have a strong resolve, you see how she treats the elderly in her life." He kept his words to a friendly tease, not sure exactly how she would feel about comments of leveling a building on someone.

His arms crossed and settled on his chest, head tilted as he looked between them.

"I can only imagine you have some highly redeeming qualities about you, Alicio. Organa? Which-no. Mr. Organa you are Al for the time being." He didn't let Alicio answer the prompt of a name.

His eyes narrowed, looking between the two and lobbing guesses at them.

"You have a Loth cat rescue and reserve? No that's so last decade. Or maybe organize charities for the downtrodden. Possible." He seemed to think intensely for a brief moment while staring at the man. "Or met healing people. Amani throws herself into her craft with a dangerous fervor from what I remember. That seems most likely. Wait a sec. You get your connection back?" An afterthought with how much he had been concealing his presence in the force as his attention now solely focused on her.


"I think she was a Jedi longer than you were. Just, very shy."

Iris shrugged. Time was weird like that. Then blinked. Looked back at Kai. And laughed. Couldn't help herself but to just laugh. Blend in? In that? Why in the world would he think that of all outfits was a good way to blend in at a wedding? She couldn't bring herself to even ask the question aloud, just too busy laughing.

"Yes! That is very strange!"

Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Appearance: XXX
Tags: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Iris Arani Iris Arani

<Don't stray too far. But... Let's offer a bit of trust.>

<Famous last words.> But Kai gave them some space to converse with Tarish, and was glad to have a chance to talk to Iris anyway.

Smirking at her laughter, Kai silently gestured to some of the more elite guests. Senators from various planets, many of them aliens, wearing the finery of dozens of different cultures. His own outfit looked tame in comparison. It did, however, seem strange on him. But that was to Kai's benefit. He looked unrecognizable.

"That's a rather casual dress for a royal wedding," he pointed out, and for a fleeting moment, it felt like old times. Joking around, poking fun at each other like a couple of kids.

Then his smile faded, remembering that all of that was gone now, and he was the one who had killed it. "I'm so sorry, Iris," he said softly.
The other Senator's assessment was an accurate one, earning a soft chuckle from Desric.

At the same time, he became aware of Cora briefly looking his way - and looking a bit smug about it. Her line of sight corresponded to - ah, his hat. Hers was slightly bigger, was it not? Something to consider.

"Ah, but every once in a while something unusual will find its way to the floor, though the road to being passed can be steep indeed." It was not in the nature of the Senate to make drastic (or trivial) decisions quickly. "As for your offer-" A message from Cadence would reach Vexx's inbox at that moment. "- you may consider me intrigued. My assistant has reached out to you, feel free to respond at your leisure. She knows my schedule better than I do."

Raising a hand to briefly excuse himself as he noticed Cora's gaze returning to his general area, he made a point of meeting her eyes - and smirking as his hat grew by slowly rippling outward until it was slightly larger than hers.

It looked effortless, but involved both Cadence's aid and needlessly expensive 'smart fabric'.

Money well spent for that moment alone, as far as Desric was concerned.

Last edited:

Alora Davani

Tags: Open!

Alora arrived to the reception a bit late.

After all, she'd been pondering a very important question: what do you wear to a royal wedding? Of course, she'd packed a number of choices to bring with her to Alderaan, it was just... a matter of choosing. The first had been a bit too business casual, the second had been far too serious... and standard Jedi robes? Well, that didn't feel fun. In the end, she'd chosen a grey-ish blue gown that she felt fit the occasion nicely.

She didn't know Senator Organa, but she'd met the bride -- Amani Serys Amani Serys .

In fact, Amani was her new boss! Alora had recently joined the Halls of Healing to, well, be a healer, of course. She was looking forward to getting to know the Mirialan woman better in the future. She had arrived with a gift for the couple, a silver-wrapped package that contained a baking unit that made the perfect toasted bread. She hoped they didn't have one... As she set the gift down with the others, she glanced at other similarly sized and shaped boxes. Hmm. Ah, well.

Moving on, she let out a content sigh as she took in the vast reception space. It was wonderfully peaceful and beautifully decorated. Alora moved along the perimeter of the dance floor, where her blue eyes simply drank it all in. She was still quite new to the Order, so perhaps this was a good opportunity to meet new people.

And of course, she'd have to go congratulate the happy couple at some point.
Appearance: XXX
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani

A confirmation, before Iris dropped the subject. Kai nodded in agreement. "So is Alicio. It's nice to see two people who make each other happy."

This wedding had been talked about quite a bit, and not just because it required a lot of planning. Everyone seemed to be rooting for the couple. Even the cynics wanted to see them succeed.

"Congratulations on your knighthood, by the way," he said. Though it had happened some time ago, he'd heard the news secondhand.
"I do know Zak. He gave me a hug after the show." The little Nautolan seemed to really like music. "Zoar isn't ringing any bells, but it's funny how both their names start with Z."

"You're really full of regret."

"Yeah." Kai sighed. "I am. But I'm coping." He could've been a lot worse off. Alicio granting him a job had given him a purpose, at least. And he always had Sophie to come home to. Speaking of... "Have you ever had any pets?"

Iris Arani Iris Arani


Outfit: Traditional Wedding Dress
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Vera Target: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el BB-610 BB-610 Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri

"I think most have had a chance to talk to them now," Valery said as she glanced up at her husband for a moment. Taris was still in conversation, but it wouldn't hurt to already make their way over. Before even more people started dragging them away. It was unlikely that they'd have a ton of time to chat, but she'd be a terrible friend if she didn't at least congratulate them in person.

"Come on, let's start heading there." She took his hand and gently backed up to pull him across the dancefloor. She was heading towards Alicio Organa Alicio Organa and Amani Serys Amani Serys but until they really were free, she'd continue dancing with Kahlil. "Did you uh, see what Vera made as a drawing for them? Maybe we should make sure they know it's just wild imagination."

It'd be quite terrible if they believed it to be a vision, after all.


Meanwhile, Vera was looking at the other kid causing chaos, and blinked. A competitor? Jalen and Bee seemed less thrilled about him though, so she just watched and said nothing until Bee addressed the boy and took the half-eaten cookie. "Ew..." Vera tossed it onto the ground and looked at the other kid.

"Why are you being mean?" she asked.

However, Bee was quick to step in to try and entertain the other child, and Vera loved it too. She watched with a big grin and looked at the boy again. "This is Bee. He's really funny."



Kahlil nodded once, offering Valery a smile before he spun her. Why not spin while dancing, yeah? One last spin anyway before he pulled her by his side to walk to the married couple hand in hand. And let out a nervous laugh. Vera's drawing?

".. It might be a good idea to let them know that, yeah. Vera is uh.. She's really gotten better at her art, to say the least."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
if they're watching anyways

After presenting her identification to the security, the cloaked woman strode briskly to the gift table and placed a wooden box to one side. She left as quickly as she arrived.

The box smelled faintly of spice and fire. The sides and bottom of the box had a repeating grain pattern, hued the rich brown of a Chinar tree. The top, though keeping the appearance of a natural grain pattern -- no seams, carving, or burns seemed to have affected the wood -- somehow depicted two slender hands, together holding a small ring at the centre. When Amani or Alicio put pressure on the ring, the image dissolved to nothing outward from the centre, revealing the box's contents.

Most immediately apparent was the bird sitting in the left side of the box. The creature perked up, beady eyes glinting with intelligence. Its plumage was a magnificent coat of blues, reds, and greens, a rainbow sheen that seemed to shift and shimmer as it turned. The Corosian phoenix stared silently up at the newlyweds, as though waiting for something.

Despite its outward beauty, to Amani and Alicio the true nature of this creature was clear. While not organic, it was hardly unnatural; it was like a dense bundle of living thread, the Force itself brought into material form.

Two white envelopes were tucked away in the box; the larger was under the phoenix's feet, and the smaller placed neatly at the centre, "Alicio and Amani" written in swirling cursive on the front.

The card inside was written in the same hand. On the front was simply, "Congratulations."

I'm sorry I wasn't able to come congratulate you myself today, but I'm sure you've no shortage, and we'll certainly be seeing each other soon. Chancellor stuff.

Both of you are in dangerous businesses; love can be difficult to find in lives like yours, and much more difficult to go about loving. It is a testament to your capacity to love and the strength of your spirits that you are able to do so, and not merely love, but love so successfully.

Alicio, I have great respect for your compassion and thoughtfulness; that is a powerful love in itself. But to recognize the necessity of personal love, and to be loved and nurtured by another, will be a source of strength in even the most dire times. Never forget yourself.

Amani, the last time we spoke was many years ago. Back then I was quite the worrywart (I've become much better at concealing it these days), and for a long time I kept you in my thoughts, and occasionally my prayers. Though I haven't seen you in a long time, I can tell things have worked out well. I'm happy for you, and I hope you'll visit me sometime.

My gifts are small; I admit, it would feel odd to me to do any more than this. Nonetheless I hope you enjoy them.

From one A to two others.

P.S. It wants a name.

P.P.S. You can defer or switch things up, this was the program that worked best for me. Super flexible -- I finished while I was running the NJO.

Right of the envelop was a long bottle of Alderaanian emerald wine -- a local vineyard, Alicio would recognize. Finally, there was a plastic wrapped box; when turned over it was revealed to be the premium box set of the Totally Real Adventures of Auteme™️©️®️ full run, along with a shirt "signed" by Auteme Denko-Durren herself.

Once they picked a name for the bird, it bowed its head, and scooted over so the envelope under it could be reached. This one was addressed solely to Amani. Tucked inside was an acceptance letter to the University of Coruscant's Accelerated Medicine program, as well as a letter of congratulations for receiving a full scholarship from the government of Epoch covering her academic costs.

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