Group 1: The Festival of Light - Introducing BANTHA CAT!
Sneaking up behind the loud-mouthed Otto was another feline, one adorned with the most GLORIOUS set of bantha horns that y'all ever did see. Somewhere somehow the tiniest of trumpets sounded his arrival as he kept rubbing up against his comrade, until he stood beside Otto and ready for whatever duty we was to be assigned. "Myes, what is it meow, General Otto?" he asked with the most snuggle-worthy of voices. His big round eyes closed themselves as he seemed to be in a constant state of snuggle. He made a quick salute towards the general before looking around him at the people gathered. Then, without another sound, he curled up on the floor and took a nap. That's what cats do, right? Take naps? 'Cause that's just about everything the tiny Bantha Cat seemed able to do. Lazy bugger...
But just a moment later, he was up again, purring happily as he chose to bounce around and chase various objects, including random mice, people's shoelaces, etc. His attention span was the size of a peanut, and thus he may very well be the most inept member of King Bergmerf's court. "Hey, Otto! Look what I can do-- oh, no, hold up. Turns out I can't." Somehow - SOME-FETHING-HOW - the little Bantha Cat had managed to roll a bunch of shoelaces into a ball of yarn, and then proceeded to knit them into a sweater which he then put on himself, only to have it fall apart at the seams - literally. This called for another nap; knitting was hard work, after all! Have you ever tried to knit something out of shoelaces, as a Bantha Cat? I think not! He purred happily as he rested, but a few seconds later he was up yet again, ready for new adventures. He now decided he was hungry. "Someone, fetch me some baby cactuseses! YES, I know I said 'cactuseses'! The additional '-es' is for emphasis, don't you know?" Everyone knows baby cactuses...-es were a Bantha Cat's primary food source. What are you, stupid?